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اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي

Story: Great Expectations: Ch 1
Chapter 1
Answer the following questions
1- Why was Pip crying when he was setting alone near the marshes?
Because it was Christmas Eve, and he was an orphan,
2- Why Pip didn't remember his father and mother?
- Because they died when he was very young.
3- How many brothers and sisters did Pip have?
- six
4- With whom did Pip live for most of his life? / Who did Pip live with for most of his life?
- with his sister and her husband, Joe Gargery
5- What is Joe's job?
-Joe Gargery was the village blacksmith
6- Do you think Pip's sister (Mrs Joe) was kind to him? Why? Why not?
No, because
- she was cruel and liked to complain about Pip
- she was often angry and disagreeable
- She didn't want to look after Pip.
7- Was Joe treating Pip cruelly?
No, they were friends and Joe was good natured.
8- Why do you think Pip went to his parents' graves on Christmas Eve?
-Because he was sad and lonely, and missed them
9- Why did Pip jump out of his skin when he was setting alone near the marshes?
- because the marshes nearby became dark and frightening then a scary man appeared behind a grave and
shouted "Quiet".
10- Describe the man that appear from behind the grave?
-There were leg-irons around his leg, he was wearing old grey clothes, his face was thin and dirty, and he was
shaking and wet.
11- Why was the convict " Magwitch" surprised when he learned that Joe was a blacksmith?
-Because he needed a blacksmith's file to remove (take off) his leg-irons to get away from the marshes quickly.
12- 'I hope we don't find the convicts, Joe'. Why did Pip say that to Joe?
-Because Pip was afraid that the soldiers would discover that he had helped the convict and that he could be
implicated for helping them
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  1. قصة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي 2022 Great Expectations
  2. ملخص قصة الامال الكبري Great Expectations المقررة علي الصف الثالث الثانوي
  3. قصة اللغة الانجليزية Great Expectations للثانوية العامة 2022 pdf
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Mr Gamal
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أسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة (Great Expectations) للصف الثالث الثانوي - 2023
- اطبع واشتغل
أسئلة "منطقية" تتناول:
 تحليل الأحداث
 تحليل طبائع الشخصيات
 نقد التصرفات
 تقييم الأحداث والأفعال وردود الأفعال
 التنبؤ بمسارات قصصية محددة
 افتراضات ذهنية تساءل الأحداث
أسئلة "بنت الموقف القصصي" تتناوله بالتأويل والتحليل والتعليل.
 الأسئلة العامة حول ثيمات الرواية ودرسها الأخلاقي وموضوعاتها الرئيسية ... إلخ.
أسئلة كتاب الطالب وكتاب التدريبات ... Students' book and workbook
أسئلة مرتبة تتناول الأحداث تباعا ..

أسئلة تحاكي المتوقع حسب المحتوى القصصي ولا تخرج عنه ولا تتجاوز المطلوب من الطالب.

رابط الملف PDF
Mr Gamal
How did Pip feel when he stole the food and the file? Did he do anything to
relieve himself? Why/Why not؟

كيف كان شعور بيب عندما سرق الطعام والمطرقة ؟ هل فعل شيئًا ليريح نفسه (ضميره)؟ لماذا / لماذا لا؟
شعر بالذنب فأراد أن يخبر جو بما فعله.
He felt guilty. He wanted to tell Joe what he had done.
He didn't tell Joe because he thought he might not want to be his friend if he did.
لم يخبر جو لأنه اعتقد إنه ربما يتخلى عن صداقته إن فعل (أخبره).

قصة الصف الثالث الثانوى - شرح
اسئلة التفكير النقدى
 Great expectations
 chapter (1)
أسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة امال عظيمة (Great Expectations) ثالثة ثانوي
محمد الجمل
تالته ثانوى .. علشان السؤالين التفكير النقدى المقالى للقصة (امال عظيمة) ... تجميعه (الجزء التانى) من 88 سؤال و بالاجابات البسيطه و اللى فى مستوى تفكير الطالب ... بدون تهوين و لا تهويل و لا فزلكات فقط 7 صفحات خط بنط 14و مسافة بين كل سؤال و سؤال ... بس يا ريت يا طالب تكون فاهم القصة حتى و لو هتقراها بالعربى الاول ... علشان تفهم و تستوعب أسئلة التفكير النقدى ... مع تحيات فريق عمل المستر جلال (نتمنى الخير للجميع)
أسئلة التفكير النقدى المقالى للقصة Great Expectations (امال عظيمة)
Great Expectations -  اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي 128
Great Expectations -  اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي 228
Great Expectations -  اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي 327Great Expectations -  اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي 427
Great Expectations -  اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي 525
Great Expectations -  اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي 625Great Expectations -  اسئلة التفكير النقدي لقصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي 722
محمد الجمل
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
زملائى الأعزاء
أبنائى طلاب الثانوية العامة
أقدم لكم أول هدايا" بروفيشنال " بمناسبة العيد , وهو ملف الأسئلة العامة النقدية للقصة المقررة Great Expectations (امال عظيمة) بإجاباته النموذجية وذلك حسب آخر مواصفات أقرتها الوزارة للعام الدراسى 22/23
وهذا هو الرابط مع عمل شير لتعم الفائدة للجميع:
الشكر موصول لمستر Ahmed Abdeltwab بارك الله فى مجهوده
كل عام وانتم بخير
و الله الموفق

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العلم والايمان
الاسئلة المقالية لقصة الامال العظيمة

1- The first time I ……………… her was at my brother‘s wedding.
a) met                 b) have met                   c) had met                        d) was meeting
2- The company took ……………… several new employees to cope with the extra demand.
a) in                   b) up                        c) on                                   d) off
3- It is important to find out ……………… she is actually allergic to.
a) how                        b) where                          c) what                        d) which
4- ……………… of medical equipment makes the hospital unable to deal with the pandemic.
a) Lock                     b) Leak                      c) Lake                                d) Lack
5- The event was organised by two people ……………… of them is a professional.
a) Every                      b) All                     c) Neither                          d) Half
6- The government now has to take on the ……………… of reconstruction of the country.
a) position                       b) task                        c) profession                     d) work
7- If it is freezing outside, we say that it is ………………
a) cold enough for going out                    b) too cold for going out
c) not cold enough to go out                    d) too cold to go out
8- People were ……………… to see how quickly the opportunity infection took hold.
a) qualified                        b) relaxed                    c) horrified              d) astonishing
9- Drug addiction is the ……………… of most societies.
a) operation                  b) process                    c) signal                         d) cancer
11- Can you phone the hairdresser and arrange a/an ……………… ?
a) application               b) appointment                 c) interview                           d) meeting
12- At the ceremony, the honoured scientist said ……………… the best day of his life.
a) that day had                  b) that day was               c) yesterday had                d) today was
13- Drivers ……………… carry a valid driving licence when operating a motorbike.
a) need to                b) must              c) don‘t need to            d) have to
14- The statue was ……………… in the park where many people could see it.
a) taken                     b) transported                               c) positioned            d) stayed
15- Why did you tell your friends about the secret ? You ……………… nothing about it.
a) should have said     b) shouldn‘t have said       c) must have said       d) can‘t have said
16- The evidence was not …………… enough for the judge to condemn the accused man.
a) affecting              b) impressive                 c) persuasive                      d) moving
17- Nora has just asked me how long ……………… to finish my work.
a) will I take                b) I had taken                   c) did I take                 d) I will take
18- Which of the following has the correct punctuation ?
a) He is a tall sporty player.                                     b) He is a tall, sporty, player.
c) He is a tall sporty, man.                                         d) He is a tall, sporty player.
19- The princess has many proposal for marriage. She is …… beautiful …… rich.
a) both / and                b) either / nor                   c) either / or                    d) not / but
20- We can sign off an informal email with ―………………‖.
a) Yours sincerely,                   b) Yours faithfully.                c) Best wishes             d) Bye
-Read the following passage ,then answer the questions:
When you imagine the desert, you probably think of a very hot place covered with sand.
Although this is a good description for many deserts, Earth’s largest desert is actually a very
cold place covered with ice: Antarctica.  In order for an area to be considered a desert, it must receive very little rainfall. More specifically, it must receive an average of less than ten inches of precipitation—which can be rain, sleet, hail, or snow—on the ground every year. Antarctica, the coldest place on earth, has an average temperature that usually falls below the freezing point. And because cold air holds less moisture than warm air, the air in Antarctica does not hold much moisture at all. This is evident in the low precipitation statistics recorded for Antarctica. For example, the central part of Antarctica receives an average of less than 2 inches of snow every year. The coastline of Antarctica receives a little bit more—between seven and eight inches a year. Because Antarctica gets so little precipitation every year, it is considered a desert.  When precipitation falls in hot deserts, it quickly evaporates back into the atmosphere.  The air over Antarctica is too cold to hold water vapour, so there is very little evaporation. Due to this low rate of evaporation, most of the snow that falls to the ground remains there permanently, eventually building up into thick ice sheets. Any snow that does not freeze into ice sheets becomes caught up in the strong winds that constantly blow over Antarctica. These snow-filled winds can make it look as if it is snowing. Even though snowfall is very rare there,  blizzards are actually very common on Antarctica.
21) The main purpose of paragraph 1 is to…………………………
a. accept a conclusion b. introduce an argument
c. provide a brief history d. deny a common belief
22) The best title for this passage would be ……………………..
a. Earth‘s Many Deserts b. Antarctica: The Coldest Place on Earth
c. A Desert of Ice d. Unusual Blizzards
23) Africa‘s Sahara Desert is the second-largest desert on earth. Based on the information
in the passage, what characteristic must the Sahara share with Antarctica?
a. low temperatures b. high temperatures
c. frequent blizzards d. low precipitation
24) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best definition for precipitation?
a. moisture in the air that falls to the ground                  b. any type of weather event
c. weather events that only happen in very cold areas
d. a blizzard that occurs in areas with limited snowfall
25) In paragraph 2 the author writes, "And because cold air holds less moisture than warm
air, the air in Antarctica does not hold much moisture at all." Using this information, it can
be understood that
a. air in Africa holds more moisture than the air in Antarctica
b. air surrounding a tropical island holds less moisture than the air in Antarctica
c. air in the second floor of a house is typically warmer than air on the first floor
d. air at the mountains is typically colder than the air at the beach
26) According to the final paragraph, any snow that falls over Antarctica ………………………
a. becomes part of the Antarctic ice sheet               b. is blown around by strong winds
c. evaporates back into the atmosphere                    d – a & b
27) Based on the information in the final paragraph, it can be understood that blizzards in
Antarctica are mainly the result of …………………………………
a. freezing cold temperatures                        b. large amounts of snowfall
c. low amounts of precipitation                     d. strong winds
28) Antarctica is regarded as a desert………………………
a- as it is too cold                                       b- as it has too little water
c- as it too much snow                               d- as it has so little precipitation

Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: -
    When people retire, they will probably have been working for 40 years or more. But how productive will they  have been in that time? We have been studying productivity, and the results are very interesting.
Working hours around the world vary, but people in Egypt work an average of 40 hours a week and no more  than 48 hours a week, which is similar to most other countries. In the USA, however, many people working in  technology and banking often work over 60 hours a week. This could be because phones and laptops mean  that people can work even when they are not in the office.
However, a study by Professor Pencavel, from Stanford University in the USA, concluded that these extra hours do not mean a person gets more things done. Professor Pencavel reported that a person’s productivity  declined very quickly after they had worked 50 hours a week. In fact, a person doing 70 hours a week did the  same amount of work as a person doing 55 hours.
There have been several studies into the effects of work on health. The economist, Nolan Pope, studied how  the time of day affects productivity, and he found that people are naturally more productive at certain times of the day: in particular, before around 1pm. There have been many other studies into workplace stress, and  these indicate that long work hours are linked to exhaustion, burnout and poor health.
In conclusion, to aid our health, it is important that we work around the hours of the day when we are most  productive and this should help make us happier.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
29.29 The best title for the passage is ............................. .
A Mental health B The effects of work on health
C Work and productivity D Creativity and productivity
30.According to the passage, we should  ............................. .
A increase productivity according to the money  we get
B do extra work however tired we are
C work even when we are exhausted to earn more and feel happier
D work when we aren’t exhausted to be productive and feel happier
31.The economist, Nolan Pope,  ............................. .
A considered the relation between working hours and pay
B stated that a person doing 70 hours a week  could do the same amount of work as a
person doing 55 hours
C studied the relation between the time of day and productivity
D concluded that extra working hours do not increase productivity
32.People in Egypt work an average of nearly .............. hours a day, six days a week.
A five   B seven
C nine D eleven
33.Extra working hours do not ............................. .
A necessarily mean increasing productivity  
B mean getting extra pay
C cause burnout
D happen all over the world
34.According to the passage, working hours in Egypt are ……… most other countries.
A nearly the same as
B  a lot fewer than
C different from
D aren’t like
35.A. People’s productivity could decline after they work 50 hours a week.  Decline is an antonym of ………....
A remove
B decrease
C increase
D agree
36.B. The underlined word these in the fourth paragraph refers to ………….
A effects of work B other studies
C certain times   D working hours
Choose the best Arabic Translation
37.Modern inventions are a double-edged weapon, so civil society organizations and educational institutions, in addition to the family, must spread awareness among young people and how to use these inventions in a beneficial way.  
-A تعتبر الاختراعات الحديثة سلاح  حاد ويجب على منظمات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات التعليمية بالاضافة الى الاسرة ان تنشر الوعي بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه الاختراعات بطريقة مفيدة..
-B تعتبر الاختراعات الحديثة سلاح ذو حدين ويجب على منظمات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات التعليمية بالاضافة الى الاسرة ان تنشر الوعي بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه الاختراعات بطريقة مفيدة.  
-C تعتبر الاختراعات الحديثة سلاح ذو حدين ويجب على منظمات المجتمع الريفي والمؤسسات التعليمية بالاضافة الى الاسرة ان تنشر الوعي بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه الاختراعات بطريقة مفيدة.
-D تعتبر الاختراعات الحديثة سلاح ذو حدين ويجب على منظمات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات التعليمية بالاضافة الى الاسرة ان تنشر الوعي بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه الاختراعات بطريقة ضارة.
38-Many of my students don’t understand the value of education because they have never seen the benefits education can offer them.
1. لا يفهم الكثير من الطلاب قيمة التعليم لأنهم لم يروا أبدًا الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم.
2. لا يفهم الكثير من طلابي قيمة التعليم لأنهم لم يروا أبدًا الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم.
3. لا يفهم الكثير من طلابي قيمة التدريس لأنهم لم يروا أبدًا الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم.
لا يفهم الكثير من طلابي قيمة التعليم لأنهم لم يروا أبدًا النتائج التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم.4

Choose the best English Translation

1. . 39لا ينكر احد ان عادة التدخين عادة سيئة ويجب التوقف فورا عن التدخين لما ثبت عن طريق العلم من اضرار فادحة تصل الى درجة التسبب في الوفاة..
(a) None denies that smoking is a bad habit, and smoking must be stopped immediately, as it has been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing death.
(b) Every one denies that smoking is a bad habit, and smoking must be stopped immediately, as it has been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing life.
(c) No one denies that smoking is a bad habit, and smoking must be stopped immediately, as it has been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing death.
(d) No one denies that smoking is a bad habit. Smoking must be stopped immediately, as it has been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing death.
40-التفكير الإبداعي هو العملية التي عن طريقها يأتى الأفراد بأفكار جديدة .وذلك من الضروري للنجاح في الحياة .
a. Creative thinks is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is necessary for success in life.
b. Creativity thinking is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is necessary for success in life.
c. Creative thinking is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is necessary for success in life.
d. Creative thinking is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is necessity for success in life.
Mr Gamal
اسئلة قصة الامال العظيمة لغة انجليزية ثالثة ثانوي

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مراجعة قصه ٣ ثانوى Great Expectations (امال عظيمة) كلها فى ساعتين شرح كامل
Pip knew that the man in the graveyard was a convict though he promised to help him.
Mention to reasons.
- Pip felt terrified of him and didn't want the convict hurt him.
-Pip felt sorry for him as he was in leg irons, old grey clothes with thin dirty face. He was shaking.
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