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التحضير الالكتروني لغة انجليزية المرحلة الابتدائية 2024. pdf

التحضير الالكتروني للمرحلة الابتدائية
من الصف الأول وحتي الصف السادس الابتدائي
اعداد المتميز مستر اكرمي رمضان

التحضير الالكتروني لغة انجليزية المرحلة الابتدائية 2024. pdf Scree103
General Inspectorate Of English
Some of Teaching Strategies
يقوم المعلم باختيار أكثر من استراتيجيه للدرس الواحد
1) Brain storming: A large or small group activity which encourages children to focus
on topic and contribute to the free flow of ideas.
2) Co-operative learning: Is a key strategy that teachers use to support students
learning to value an respect one another. It gives students the change to work
collaboratively, learn faster and more efficiently. We can divide the class into groups
or pairs to do specific task.
3) Role playing: Students act out characters in a predefined situation.
4) Open discussion: A discussion is an oral exploration of atopic, opportunities to
generate and share their questions and ideas in small and whole class settings.
Teachers who encourage and accept students' questions and comments without
judgment and clarify understandings by paraphrasing difficult term stimulate the
exchange of ideas.
5) Mind map: It is used when the teacher needs to draw shapes to help students/
pupils remember rules of grammar or structure such as rectangles, circles, bubbles,
squares,............ etc.
6) Pair work: Ss will share ask and answer questions.
7) Recurrent, random vocabulary assessment: Recycling voc. Words that have
been discussed in class and randomly choosing sane.
Cool Relate reading: Having students talk about connections in the reading to their
own experiences.
9) Response cards: Having students write brief answers to teach questions on cards.
10) Re telling: Ss verbally rehearse important story information by telling a story to
a partner, using an outline to back them up with important ideas and information.
11) Native language support: Providing auditory or written center input to students
in their native language.
12) Paraphrasing: Working on specific skills to orally retell or summarize what
happened in a story.
13) Partner reading: Having students work together in pairs to read a text to each
other and discover the main ideas of the text.
14) Prediction: Having students predict what is going to happen in a story based on
a title, headline, illustration,..........etc.
15) Pre-teach voe: Teaching, voc. Prior to working with the lesson.
16) Hands-on: Designing activities. So that students are actively involves in the
project or experiment. "Active participation".
17) Journal of Senses: Having students write down I an informal. What they imagine
the characters in a story would see, taste and feel at a certain point in the story.
18) Mnemonics: Association techniques used to help students ver. ember some aspect
of reading. Ex: Associating a list of irregular ver. With each of the letters in
a familiar name.
19) Using visuals: Bringing two or three visuals into the classroom to enhance teacher
instruction in the content area.
20) Ecological approach: Involves all aspects of a child's life in teach "including
classroom, family, neighborhood and community".

تحميل التحضير الالكتروني لغة انجليزية المرحلة الابتدائية 2024. pdf
تحضير الصف الأول 
تحضير الصف الثانى
تحضير الصف الثالث 
تحضير الصف الرابع
تحضير الصف الخامس 
تحضير الصف السادس الابتدائي 
او رابط تحميل مجمع 

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