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مراجعة المتردافات والمتضادات لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى واسئلة عليهم

مراجعة انجلش 1 ثانوي .. مراجعة المتردافات والمتضادات لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى واسئلة عليهم

المتردافات والمتضادات اولى ثانوى واسئلة عليهم


انجليزية - مراجعة المتردافات والمتضادات لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى واسئلة عليهم 24607410
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Test (3) لغة انجليزية أولى ثانوي ترم اول
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Lions are extremely .................. in West Africa because of illegal hunting.
a) danger                            b) dangers                        c) dagger                d) endangered
2 Patriotism الوطنىة is traditionally part of the Egyptian .................. .
a) border                            b) tomb                              c) art                       d) character
3 We all .................. Mr Ahmed because he is calm and efficient.
a) hate                                 b) respect                         c) discourage        d) avoid
4 Good teachers always .................. children to read and write for pleasure and culture.
a) inject                                b) insert                           c) inspect             d) inspire
5 I have got .................. of things to do this week.
a) load                                 b) aloud                             c) loads                 d) loud
6 Ali is .................. because his money was stolen at the time of his wife’s death.
a) happy                              b) healthy                        c) miserable         d) glad
7 .................. is for people who want a holiday which respects the environment.
a) Ecotourism                  b) Economy                     c) Ecology             d) Echo
8 The nurse will take your blood .................. in seconds.
a) pleasure                          b) transfusion               c) transplant       d) pressure
9 I .................. the train and had to wait for the next one.
a) chased                              b) lost                               c) caught               d) missed
10 My father is acting as a .................. of our big family.
a) guardian                           b) guarder                     c) spy                       d) gardener
11 Would you like to help us? We .................. research on pollution.
a) do                                        b) are doing                  c) were doing        d) have done
12 While I was doing my homework, my father .................. to my mother.
a) talked                               b) is talking                     c) was talking       d) has talked
13 My clever students .................. nice presents for their amazing results every month.
a) gave                                   b) were given                 c) have given         d) are giving
14 A lot of people .................. vegetables in their own gardens to save some money.
a) are grown                       b) grow                            c) growing              d) has grown
15 My daughter Sarah .................. to the club every day when she was on holiday.
a) goes                                  b) go                                  c) was gone            d) went
16 It is time we .................. our new friends at school.
a) meet                                 b) met                               c) have met            d) were meeting
17 Fill in the space:
Amal has worked in nursing for many years. She ..............(a).............. in charge of four other nurses and she is respected ..............(b).............. each member of the staff at the hospital. It is difficult and sometimes very stressful work. She is responsible for the health of a  .........(c)........ of people. However she always feels happy when people recover and finally go home again. I remember while she ..............(d).............. staying up late, she fell to the ground and was in bed for two days because of hard work.
25 Translate into English:
- إن التبرع بكل أنواعه سواءً بالمال أو الدم أو الوقت ىجعل الإنسان سعىدًا بسبب مساعدته للآخرىن. وكما أن التبرع بالدم مفيد لمن فى حاجة إليه فقد ذكر بعض الأطباء أن التبرع بالدم يفيد أيضًا المتبرع.
26 Translate into Arabic:
Without water, life on Earth would be impossible. Luckily, Egypt is blessed with the River Nile which provides with the water we need.

تحميل كتاب جيم انجليزي أولى ثانوي الترم الأول 2024. pdf
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