
1000 قطعة فهم + 1000 سؤال اختيارى لغة انجليزية تالتة ثانوي 2024 فى ملف وورد

1000 قطعة فهم + 1000 سؤال اختيارى لغة انجليزية تالتة ثانوي 2024  فى ملف وورد 1114

مراجعات انجليزى الثانوية العامة |  اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي | قطع الفهم لغة انجليزية
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1000 سؤال اختيارى لغة انجليزية تالتة ثانوي 2024

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عدل سابقا من قبل الاستاذ في الإثنين 04 سبتمبر 2023, 6:24 pm عدل 1 مرات
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Mr Gamal
اللغة الانجليزية ثالثة ثانوي 2023 , تمارين لونجمان وجريدة الجمهورية و الورك بوك وحصص مصر ومنصة نجوي علي كلمات وقواعد المنهج واسئلة الريتنج واسئلة

العلم والايمان
Clocks are used to measure and show the time. Clocks are used so that people can agree on 1the time. People use clocks to measure units of time that are shorter than natural units. Natural units are the day, the month, and the year.
The clock is a very old invention. Sundials were used in ancient times. Sundials work by measuring shadows that are cast by the sun. Candle clocks were used a very long time ago. Candle clocks work by measuring the time it takes for the wax to melt Hourglasses are similar to candle clocks because they also measure the time it takes for something to happen. Hourglasses work by measuring the time it takes for sand to pour through a small opening into a glass. Mechanical clocks appeared in the 13th century in Europe. They work with a system of moving
gears. The gears always move at the same speed. Pendulum clocks work with a swinging weight.
The swinging weight is called a pendulum. The pendulum makes the clock parts move. Now people typically use mechanical clocks or digital clocks. Digital clocks show numbers on a screen. The numbers represent the time. Some people use auditory clocks. Auditory clocks use language to tell the time aloud. Computers also use internal clocks in order to work properly. Clocks are everywhere – in homes, schools, offices, and public places. People go to work and return home according to the clock. School days start and end according to the clock. Airplanes take off and land according to the clock. It is fun to imagine a world without clocks!
1.The clocks are used to measure the .................. .
a) smaller units of time              b) day                          c) month            d) year
2.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a) Why clocks are used.            b) How sundials work.
c) How hourglasses are similar to candle clocks.
d) What types of clocks have been invented.
3.The synonym of “melt” is .................. .
a) dissolve                                b) harden                           c) solidify       d) freeze
4.The word “auditory” most closely means .................. .
a) related to machines              b) related to numbers
c) related to hearing                   d) related to the sun
5.The writer believes that it would be a mess if .................. .
a) there are a lot of clocks  b) there are many kinds of clocks
c) there weren’t clocks   d) clocks were bigger in size
6.Airplanes depend on the clock because ..................
a) they take off according to the clock.           b) they land according to the clock.
c) they use clocks to book tickets                  d) both a and b
7.Sundials are different from Candle clocks because they ..................
a) work with a system of moving gears.
b) use the daylight.
c) use sand to pour through a small opening into a glass.
d) measure units of time that are shorter than natural
8.What is the main idea of the passage?
a) How different industries and jobs use clocks
b) The description of different kinds of clocks and their importance
c) The history of different kinds of clocks
d) The importance of specific kinds of clocks

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تحميل قطع فهم Comprehension الصف الثالث الثانوى 2023 من هنــا
العلم والايمان
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Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:
1) The accused waited the judge's decree ……………………bated breath.
a)by                  b)for                    c)with                               d) at
2) It's difficult to persuade a ……………….daughter to wear feminine clothes.
a) girlfriend                 b) bar boy                   c)ball boy                  d)tomboy
3) The doctor advised me to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my arm in cold water to relieve the swelling.
a) appear                  b) float                   c) inverse                 d) immerse
4) When the teacher refused to give him a permit to leave school early, he ………….
a)laughed                  b)pulled                     c)pouted                   d)paled
5) ……stops students from being productive or carrying out high school achievement
a)Hard work               b)Procrastination             c)Determination            d)Insistence
6) It is really important that children grow…the values of honesty and loyalty to their country.
a)with                   b)in                c)up                                d) up with
7) Since being a child, he has showed a …………..in singing and playing music.
a)placement                  b)bias                     c)omission                d)genre
Cool All multinational companies have a ….department to provide training course for their staff.
a)human being                   b)humanity              c) human sciences       d)human resources
9) He never looks at the dark side of life; he is really ……………….
a)pessimistic                b)pessimist               c)optimal                 d)optimistic
10)Most of the novels ......... by Taha Hussein were translated to different languages.
a) which written               b) were written              c) written             d) writing
11)Last year he sold the car that he ……………………since 2010.
a)has had               b) was having                  c)had                             d)had had
12)She feels hungry ……….she has eaten nothing for 8 hours
a) for                    b) before                   c) so                    d) since
13)I have got two mobiles. One is Oppo and the ................. is Samsung .
a) late                     b) later                   c) latest                    d) latter
14)By 2030, many factories and corporations …………………………………
a) will have erected     b)will have to be erected    
c) will have been erected                                             d)would be erected
15)Smoking has a serious effect on our health. However, the numbers of smokers are increasing. This shows …………………
a) addition                     b) contrast                 c) possibility                      d) reason
16)She ………………………………………. on her way to school yesterday.
a) had her money stolen                         b)got her money stolen
c) made her money steal                          c)let her money be stealing
17)The writer leaves out certain facts or information. This is bias by …………….
a) placement                  b) spin                    c) force                       d) omission
18)He suggested that we ………………………. our holiday in Alex.
a) spent                 b) spending                  c) should spend                 d)had spent
19)The policeman asked me ………………………….at that time.
a) what I was doing                                          b)what was I doing
c) what I am doing                                            d) what I had done
20)Manal speaks French so ................ that we all believed she was brought in France .
a) fluency                  b) much fluent                      c) fluently                  d) fluent
17- In the reflective essay , the author ……………
a) looks at the similarities and differences.
b) forms a position and defends it.
c) thinks back on his or her experiences and how they created personal change.
d) describes a key idea.
18-The target of the persuasive writing is to ……………
a) inform the reader to do                   b) convince the reader of something
c) tell a story                                          d) tell ―how-to‖
19) To …….is to express the meaning of using different word to make them clearer.
a) summarise                b) paraphrase               c) conclude                  d) punctuate
20) Reports should be written using ............. language.
a)Informal                b)persuasive                   d)formal              d)descriptive

Read the following passage, then answer the questions
What is an ideal holiday for one person may be a very unpleasant one for another. The sportsman likes a kind of holiday which his lazy friend would find worse than his daily work; while the lazy man‘s ideal holiday would leave the sportsman quite unsatisfied. If I were allowed to choose my own holiday, I would go on a voyage in a modern passenger ship with a swimming pool.  Even if sportsman friend and my lazy friend came with me, they would both be happy; one would have plenty of games and swimming; the other could sit in a comfortable chair all day, looking at the sea and drinking lemonade. On a ship, one can do as one likes, when one likes. If one day I find an interesting book in the ship‘s library, I can spend the whole day reading it, and nobody will stop me.  Perhaps the next day I shall want some exercise. Well, then I can play games with passengers until I am hot and sweating and ready for a bath. I can go and sleep in my cabin at any time of the day or night, I can get cheap drinks during most of the day, and I can eat as I like, choosing among a variety of foods.  But perhaps the greatest pleasure of a sea holiday is coming to new ports in strange lands, and going ashore for a few hours to see strange places, eat strange foods and hear a strange language talked around us. Whenever I think of my ideal holiday, it is the picture of a mysterious foreign city that comes to my mind.
21- A sportsman won‘t be happy with a lazy man as ……………………
a) they have the same interests                b) both like outdoors activities
c) both are on the opposite sides             d) both don‘t like each other
22- A modern passenger ship is suitable for the sports man and the lazy one as it …………..
a) is very giant                                           b) has all the suitable facilities
c) has a swimming pool                            d) has a library
23- The synonym of the word' voyage' is ………………………….
a) a long journey by sea         b) a short journey by car         c) a flight           d) a picnic
24- A sports man is fond of …………
a) playing games                   b) reading books     c) eating much food      d) sleeping early
25- The utmost pleasure of a sea holiday is ……….
a) coming to new states                        b) coming to new harbours
c) meeting people                                  d) going shopping
26- The underlined word (one) refers to ……….
a) the lazy man                        b) the passenger           c) the sportsman d) anyone
27- The best title to this text is ……..
a) Sportsmen        b) Lazy people          c) A passenger ship       d) An ideal holiday
28 – The ideal holiday, as the author thinks, is ………………………
a) going to a mysterious place                      b) taking a passenger ship
c) a sea holiday                                 d) reading a book in the library on a passenger ship
Read the following passage, then answer the questions
People differ physically from the moment of conception, but it is only after birth that an individual can be observed. Family traits and characteristics are noted by adoring parents who think the baby looks like another family member or definitely takes after the mother's side or, without a doubt, has his father's nose.  Eye colour, skin colour and the texture of our hair are all different and depend on our inherited genes. A baby born with ginger hair may in a few months‘ time have fair hair as the birth hair falls out and is replaced. Hair can be fine, thick, straight or curly, and as we grow older it gets thinner. Some hair loss is experienced at quite an early age whilst others have a full head of hair throughout their lives. People with dark hair may find that it turns to grey or white even before they reach their 40's.  European people in general have paler skin than if your ancestors come from Africa or Asia. Skin
can change colour if exposed to sunlight, but the tan does not last unless it is regularly topped up.  The rate at which we develop and grow is variable. Boys and girls of the same age show big differences in growth spurts especially when puberty is reached. At the age of 12, girls are much  taller than boys of the same age, but at 16 years of age, boys shoot up and overtake the girls in height and body strength.  The way the body develops is not just a result of physical changes, as our mental processes have a large part to play in what we want to achieve. A desire to become a skilful footballer, a long distance runner or a strong swimmer require stamina and years of practise to try and attain the top level. Even with hours of body building activities and work-outs in the gym, a person will not be able
to compete in a Strong Man competition if they have a small frame and fragile bones.
The food we eat will, to a certain extent, determine how we grow and gives us strong bones. A lack of activity and eating too much sweet sugary food can result in people gaining excessive amounts of weight. It seems unfair that one person can eat all sorts of fattening food and not put on weight whilst others just 'looking at a cream cake' can put on pounds or kilos.
29) What changes take place a few weeks after birth?
a)The noise the baby makes. b)The skin colour.
c)The baby's hair. d)The shape of the nose.
30) What causes pale skin to become brown or tanned?
a)Exposure to the sun. b)Staying indoors.
c)Covering the body with sun cream lotion. d)Spending time on a sun bed.
31) Roughly, at what stage in their development do girls start to grow in height?
a)When they start learning to swim. b)When they start primary school.
c)When they eat raw vegetables. d)When they reach puberty at the age of 12 or 13.
32) What do we need to succeed in sport at the top level?
a)A strong body and a determination to keep persisting. b)Extra tuition.
c)Lots of work in the gym. d)Good food.
33) What happens to our bodies if we eat too much and do not take enough exercise?
a)We feel happy. b)We get fat and overweight.
c)Our muscles get flabby. d)We do not have any energy.
34) What does the underlined word "takes after" mean?
a)cares for b)runs after c)counts d)resembles
35) The word "pounds" in the last line is a unit of …………………..
a) money b) weight c) measurement d)length
36)The main idea of the 5th paragraph is ……………………..
a)The food we eat affects how the body develops.
b)The mental processes influence how the body develops.
c)Heredity affects our body .
d)The rate of the body development is not stable.
Choose the correct Arabic translation :
37.Sustainable development has become the first path towards a society that preserves its environment and natural resources.
1- التنمية المستدامة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع محافظ على بيئته وموارده الطبيعية.
 2- التنمية المؤقتة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع محافظ على بيئته وموارده الطبيعية.
3- التنمية المستدامة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع محافظ على حكومته وموارده الطبيعية.
4- التنمية المستدامة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع مدمر لبيئته وموارده الطبيعية.
38-Our society is no longer a male society in which women occupy a low status but have an active role that cannot be ignored.
-1مازال مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل فيه المرأة مكانة متدنية ولكن تلعب دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله.
-2لم يعد مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل المرأة فيه مكانة متدنية بل أصبح لها دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله
4- لم يعد مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل المرأة فيه مكانة راقية بل أصبح لها دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله.
4- مازال مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل فيه المرأة مكانة رفيعة ولكن تلعب دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله
. Choose the correct English translation:
.39 - عماله الاطفال مشكله اجتماعيه خطره.تؤثرعلي المجتمعات خصوصا الناميه منها
a) Child labour is a dangerous sociable problem that affects the societies especially the developing ones.
b) Child labour is a dangerous social problem that effects the societies especially the developing ones.
c) Child labour is a dangerous social problem that affects the societies especially the developed ones.
d) Child labour is a dangerous social problem that affects the societies especially the developing ones.
.40.تحثنا الاديان السماويه  علي القيام بالعمل الخيري لانه مفيد للفرد والمحتمع
a) The heavenly religions urge us to do charitable work as it is useless for the individual and the society.
b) The heavenly religions urge us to do charitable work as it is useful for the individual and the society.
c) The heavenly religions urge us do charitable work as it is useful for the individual and the
d) The heavenly religions urge us to do charitable work as it is useful for the individual and the sociable .
محمد الجمل
العلم والايمان
سؤال ف بوكليت امتحانات El-Leader تالته ثانوي 
Sugar ........... naturally in all foods that contain carbohydrates.
a. happens
b. occurs
c. takes place
d. All are OK
بمجرد ما هتشوف الاختيارات هتقول ان كلها غلط .. لإن ببساطة كل الاختيارات معناها (يحدث) لكن ... 
الفعل occur هنا ف الجملة معناه exist يوجد 
occur = to exist or be present in, among, etc..
وكدا الاجابة للسؤال هي occurs
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