
مراجعة جرامر الصف الثالث الثانوى 2023

We ……… a very good time on the beach two days ago *
نقطة واحدة
a) were having
b) had
c) have had
d) having
At weekends, we …………… fishing in a lake near my house *
نقطة واحدة
a) would go
b) used to go
c) went
d) all are possible
Mona ………………. a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang *
نقطة واحدة
a) is having
b) having
c) was having
d) had
We ……………. dinner when you phoned, so we couldn’t answer the phone *
نقطة واحدة
a) were having
b) had had
c) was having
d) have
While …………. the tree, I fell down *
نقطة واحدة
a) climb
b) climbed
c) climbing
d) was climbing
What did you do after ………….. school yesterday? o *
نقطة واحدة
a) had left
b) left
c) leave
d) leaving
No sooner had my brother joined the army ………………. he had his hair cut *
نقطة واحدة
a) than
b) when
c) that
d) then
Ali always …………. to work when he was young *
نقطة واحدة
a) walks
b) walked
c) is walking
d) was walking
When I reached home, father wasn’t there. He ………….. out *
نقطة واحدة
a) had gone
b) went
c) goes
d) has gone
Look! What you …………! How can we clean the floor now? o *
نقطة واحدة
a) will do
b) has done
c) have done
d) had done
I ………… a break since this morning *
نقطة واحدة
a) haven’t
b) had
c) am not having
d) haven’t had
When I was a child, we ……….. in a small house by the river *
نقطة واحدة
a) would live
b) used to live
c) were lived
d) live
When he was carrying a suitcase, he …………… it on his foot *
نقطة واحدة
a) was dropping
b) drops
c) has dropped
d) dropped
I ………….. my lesson at 6 p.m. yesterday *
نقطة واحدة
a) reading
b) was reading
c) have read
d) reads
While we …………. in Alexandria, we enjoyed ourselves a lot *
نقطة واحدة
a) are
b) were being
c) be
d) were
We ordered our food after we ………. at the restaurant *
نقطة واحدة
a) sitting
b) sit
c) had sat
d) were sitting
When I …………….. the station, the train left. I caught it *
نقطة واحدة
a) have reached
b) had reached
c) reach
d) was reaching
I ……………… to be a doctor since I was ten *
نقطة واحدة
a) have wanted
b) wanted
c) wanting
d) was wanting
Having ………… his ankle, he gave up playing football *
نقطة واحدة
a) had broken
b) break
c) broke
d) broken
Many people have studied it since it ………….. in the 1980s *
نقطة واحدة
a) has written
b) was written
c) wrote
d) writing
This is the best book I ……………. o *
نقطة واحدة
a) have never read
b) was reading
c) have ever read
d) am reading
When I arrived at the party, Ali ignored me and ………… secretly *
نقطة واحدة
a) left
b) had left
c) was leaving
d) would leave
My dog attacked the postman when he ………….. the letters into the letter box *
نقطة واحدة
a) is putting
b) put
c) was putting
d) put
After ………….. his work, he went for a walk *
نقطة واحدة
a) had finished
b) finished
c) finish
d) finishing
While …………….. the shopping, I ran into an old friend *
نقطة واحدة
a) doing
b) have done
c) was doing
d) did
I rang the bell six times but no one ……………… o *
نقطة واحدة
a) was answering
b) answered
c) had answered
d) answers
No sooner …………… the news on the radio, than I telephoned Noha *
نقطة واحدة
a) I had heard
b) was I hearing
c) have I heard
d) had I heard
We couldn’t get enough sleep last night because the people next door …………… a noisy party *
نقطة واحدة
a) had had
b) had
c) were having
d) have
After the money ………………, I was able to buy the new car *
نقطة واحدة
a) had been saved
b) saved
c) had saved
d) was saving
When my father looked at me angrily, I realised that I ……………….. something wrong *
نقطة واحدة
a) have done
b) would do
c) am doing
d) had done
I thought Hany …………… a car, but he said it was his brother’s *
نقطة واحدة
a) had been bought
b) had bought
c) was buying
d) has bought
At first I was very nervous, but after a while I …………….. to feel more confident *
نقطة واحدة
a) had begun
b) have begun
c) begin
d) began
I didn’t go with you to the cinema because I ……….. this film *
نقطة واحدة
a) already see
b) have already seen
c) didn’t see
d) had already seen
The student decided not to make that mistake again after ……………. by the teacher *
نقطة واحدة
a) being punished
b) punishing
c) had punished
d) punished
On …………… the bad news, he fainted *
نقطة واحدة
a) heard
b) had heard
c) hearing
d) he had heard
He ……….. the Nobel Prize until he had written 100 novels *
نقطة واحدة
a) awarded
b) hadn’t awarded
c) didn’t award
d) wasn’t awarded
After the parcel ………….., I received it *
نقطة واحدة
a) had arrived
b) arrives
c) had been arrived
d) has arrived
Hardly …………. the match when I felt that pain *
نقطة واحدة
a) I played
b) I had played
c) had I played
d) will I play
After the car he had ………. repaired, it was polished *
نقطة واحدة
a) been
b) had been
c) hadn’t
d) had
After she ………… back home, she found out that she had forgotten her mobile phone at work *
نقطة واحدة
a) was going
b) had gone
c) has gone
d) went
As soon as the girl ………….., we told the police *
نقطة واحدة
a) had been disappeared
b) disappeared
c) was disappeared
d) has disappeared
Which one of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?o *
نقطة واحدة
a) The children swam in the pool after they had finished their homework.
b) The children swam in the pool after they finished their homework.
c) The children had swum in the pool after they finished their homework.
d) The children didn’t swim in the pool after they had finished their homework.
The pharaohs believed in life after ……………….. o *
نقطة واحدة
a) they had died
b) had died
c) death
d) they die
He was in Japan last month. He ………. Japan before *
نقطة واحدة
a) wasn’t visiting
b) has never visited
c) never visited
d) had never visited
When we said goodnight, we had had a good conversation. This means “ ……………..” o *
نقطة واحدة
a) Our conversation wasn’t finished
b) We finished talking and went to bed
c) After saying goodnight, our good conversation started
d) We would have a good conversation on going to bed
Which one of the following is grammatically incorrect? o *
نقطة واحدة
a) Hardly had Osama applied for the job when he took it.
b) No sooner had Osama applied for the job when he took it.
c) No sooner had Osama applied for the job than he took it.
d) No sooner did Osama apply for the job than he took it.
Which one of the following sentences is grammatically correct? *
نقطة واحدة
a) hardly Ahmed had arrived when he began to shout.
b) hardly had Ahmed arrived when he began to shout.
c) hardly had Ahmed arrived then he began to shout.
d) hardly had Ahmed arrived when he had begun to shout.
One of the following sentences is grammatically correct *
نقطة واحدة
a) The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphs to write on the walls.
b) The ancient Egyptians had used hieroglyphs to write on the walls.
c) The ancient Egyptians had built the Pyramids.
d) The ancient Egyptians believed in life after they had died.
Ali looked both ways, and then he crossed the street. One of the following sentences doesn’t give a similar meaning to the one above *
نقطة واحدة
a) Ali crossed the street after looking both ways.
b) When Ali had crossed the street, he looked both ways.
c) Before crossing the street, Ali had looked both ways.
d) No sooner did Ali look both ways than he crossed the street.
Hardly had he made the mistake when he was dismissed. This means ………… o *
نقطة واحدة
a) He made the mistake at first, then he was dismissed.
b) He was dismissed at first, then he made the mistake.
c) He didn’t make the mistake, but he was dismissed.
d) He was dismissed before making the mistake.

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  1. شكل وعدد أسئلة وتوزيع درجات امتحان اللغة الأجنبية الثانية للصف الثالث الثانوي 2023
  2. شكل وعدد أسئلة وتوزيع درجات امتحان اللغة الأجنبية الأولى للصف الثالث الثانوي 2023
remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
My uncle, ………… I love most, helps me with maths *
نقطة واحدة
a) which
b) that
c) whose
d) whom
Heba, …………. works as a nurse, comes from Alexandria *
نقطة واحدة
a) whose
b) who
c) whom
d) that
Mother’s Day is the time …………. people buy their mothers presents *
نقطة واحدة
a) why
b) when
c) which
d) what
This is the factory ……………….. my father used to work *
نقطة واحدة
a) when
b) why
c) which
d) where
The person …………. the police were questioning has been released *
نقطة واحدة
a) which
b) where
c) that
d) whose
My mother ………… is the best person in the world *
نقطة واحدة
who I love
, who I love,
that I love
, which I love,
My friend with ……….. I went out was generous *
نقطة واحدة
a) whom
b) that
c) whose
d) who
My sister’s brother made a big mistake, ……….. she should apologise for *
نقطة واحدة
a) why
b) whom
c) who
d) which
18 is the age ……….. we can get licences and identity cards *
نقطة واحدة
a) at when
b) at which
c) in which
d) on which
Alexandria, …………. is the second capital city, has many comfortable resorts *
نقطة واحدة
a) where
b) when
c) which
d) whose
He told me about all ……… happened to him in his childhood *
نقطة واحدة
a) that
b) what
c) which
d) where
I went to buy a new bag, but I couldn’t find ………… I wanted *
نقطة واحدة
a) which
b) whose
c) that
d) what
My cousin, ……….. thirty this weekend, has bought a house in Port Said *
نقطة واحدة
a) that
b) who’s
c) whom
d) whose
There’s a girl …………. for you outside the gate to help her *
نقطة واحدة
a) waiting
b) waits
c) waited
d) is waiting
The flat ………….. is overlooking the Nile *
نقطة واحدة
a) which he bought it
b) he bought it
c) he bought
d) he buying
A stamp is something …………… on a letter if you want to send it *
نقطة واحدة
a) putting
b) you put it
c) which you put it
d) you put
The Thames is a river …………… through London *
نقطة واحدة
a) ran
b) which runs
c) running
d) b and c
During the war, missiles were being thrown on the city from ………….. direction *
نقطة واحدة
a) either
b) every
c) all
d) both
I tried to solve the puzzle twice but failed ………… times *
نقطة واحدة
a) both
b) every
c) each
d) all
We had a great weekend as the weather was perfect ……….. days *
نقطة واحدة
a) all
b) either
c) both
d) each
He gets his hair cut …………. three weeks *
نقطة واحدة
a) such
b) either
c) each
d) every
I kiss ………………. of my children before they go to bed at night *
نقطة واحدة
a) each
b) every
c) either
d) one
Almost ………… car pollutes the atmosphere *
نقطة واحدة
a) each
b) all
c) every
d) either
o ………….. children need love and attention, and yours is no exception *
نقطة واحدة
a) Each
b) Either
c) Every
d) All
o …………. of my students has a different assignment to complete *
نقطة واحدة
a) Every
b) All
c) Each
d) Both
o ………….. of my parents work in the same building *
نقطة واحدة
a) Both
b) Either
c) Neither
d) Each
That football game was very close. ……… team wanted to lose *
نقطة واحدة
a) Either
b) Neither
c) All
d) Each
Either you leave the building now ……….. I call the security guards *
نقطة واحدة
a) nor
b) than
c) and
d) or
A: Do you want it ready for Thursday or Friday? B: …….. day is fine for me *
نقطة واحدة
a) Either
b) None
c) Both
d) All
If I were a millionaire, I would travel the ……… world *
نقطة واحدة
a) all
b) whole
c) every
d) each
His arm was so ……….. injured that he couldn’t play anymore *
نقطة واحدة
a) bad
b) deeply
c) hardly
d) badly
It is …………. useful book that you can gain a lot of information by reading it *
نقطة واحدة
a) such an
b) such a
c) so
d) too
The question was ……….. difficult for the students that set for the exam to answer *
نقطة واحدة
a) so
b) such
c) enough
d) too
The King was ……… to meet Mr Rassendyll in the forest before the coronation *
نقطة واحدة
a) enough lucky
b) lucky enough
c) too lucky
d) so lucky
He’s got ……… little patience with children that he can’t be a teacher *
نقطة واحدة
a) too
b) such
c) so
d) enough
I’m ………………. to go to the cinema *
نقطة واحدة
a) too busy
b) busy enough
c) so busy
d) such a busy
My brother is careful ………… to avoid making silly mistakes *
نقطة واحدة
a) too
b) enough
c) so
d) such
They are ………. thrilling short stories that I read them twice *
نقطة واحدة
a) too
b) so
c) such a
d) such
Are you ………… to do this job? o *
نقطة واحدة
a) experienced enough
b) too experienced
c) enough experienced
d) no experienced
I can’t carry the box. It is too heavy to ………… o *
نقطة واحدة
a) be carrying it
b) be carrying
c) carry it
d) carry
That coin is ……….. to be kept in the museum *
نقطة واحدة
a) so old
b) old enough
c) such an old
d) as old
Mr. Amin is ……… honest man that all people respect him *
نقطة واحدة
a) so
b) too
c) such an
d) such a
The party was interesting. It’s ………. pity that you didn’t join us *
نقطة واحدة
a) too
b) so
c) such
d) such a
I’m sorry. I don’t have …………… money to help you *
نقطة واحدة
a) too
b) enough
c) such
d) so
The lesson is too difficult for me to understand. This means that it is …………. o *
نقطة واحدة
a) so difficult, but I can understand it
b) so difficult, so I can’t understand it
c) such a difficult one, but I can understand it
d) not such a difficult one that I can understand it
A: Why didn’t you attend the party? B: Because I was ……. o *
نقطة واحدة
a) so busy
b) as busy
c) not busy
d) such a busy
Which one of the following isn’t grammatically correct?o *
نقطة واحدة
a) It was so hot that I feel like having an ice-cream.
b) It was such a hot day that I feel like having an ice-cream.
c) It was too hot that I feel like having an ice-cream.
d) It was so hot a day that I feel like having an ice-cream.
"I have one sister " . One of the following sentences gives a similar meaning to the one above *
نقطة واحدة
a) My sister who spent her holiday in France is 25 years old.
b) My sister whose age is 25 spent her holiday in France.
c) My sister that is 25 years old spent her holiday in France.
d) My sister, who is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France.
Tarek has four cats. Two of them are black.One of the following sentences gives a similar meaning to the one above *
نقطة واحدة
a) Tarek’s two cats, which are black, can play outside.
b) Tarek’s two cats which are black can play outside.
c) Tarek’s two cats, that are black, can play outside.
d) Tarek’s two cats, whose are black, can play outside.
Look! That’s the boy ………. o *
نقطة واحدة
a) the teacher punished
b) who the teacher punished
c) that the teacher punished
d) a, b and c are all possible
Mr Gamal
الأسئلة المقالية امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي 2023
وتشمل عدد ۲ سؤال مقالي لكل سؤال درجتين، تقيس هذه الأسئلة دراسة الطالب للقصة المقررة بأسئلة تقيس المستويات العليا للتفكير والتعبير عن
رأى الطالب. بالإضافة إلى سؤال للتعبير (٤) درجات) حيث يكتب الطالب مقال أو رسالة بريد إلكتروني (إيميل) يتراوح بين ١٥۰ إلى ٢٥٠ كلمة، وذلك
وفقاً لطبيعة المادة ومحتوى كل لغة، ويكون اختيار الموضوع من الأحداث الجارية أو الاهتمامات التي يستطيع جميع الطلاب التعبير عنها، وتمتاز بعدم
التحيز لأي فئة أو نوع أو ديانة.
أما بالنسبة لأسئلة الترجمة سوف تكون ضمن الأسئلة الموضوعية.

مراجعة جرامر الصف الثالث الثانوى 2023 Scree115
تحميل اقوى تلخيص قواعد اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي 20 ورقة. pdf مستر. سيد سنجار

Grammar 20 pages 3rd year
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