
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل

٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 750
 عدد ٢٥ امتحان من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي انجليزى الثانوية العامة 2023 بالحل
امتحانات منصة نجوى وحصص مصر بالحل فى الانجليزي لسنة تالتة ثانوي 2023 ...
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*جميع أسئلة كتاب المدرسة Workbook للصف الثالث الثانوي*٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1f4a1٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1f90d
*Practice Exercises + Revisions٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 2705
رابط الملف غير مجاب
رابط الملف مجاب
مفااااجاه للصف الثالث الثانوي

25 امتحان لغه انجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوي من منصة حصص مصر ونجوي
بالإجابات والشرح التفصيلي لكل سؤال .
حمل الملف كامل من هنا 

والاجابات من هنا
Mr Gamal
توقعات الاضواء امتحان انجليزي 3 ثانوي 2022 بالاجابات 

الاجابات :

ثالث ثانوى ٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 2764،المنهج جديد و الكلمات كتير و مسببة لك ازعاج ، ده ملف يشمل اهم ٦٠٠ كلمة و تعبير و حرف جر في المنهج كله ٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1f525 ، ملف ٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1f4aa٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1f44dلا غنى عنه ، راجع بسرررررعة ، وفر جهدك و وقتك ٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1f556 !!

 اهم كلمات و تعبيرات و حروف الجر المنهج ٣ ثانوى.pdf
Mr Gamal
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1368
توقعات جريدة الجمهوريه التعليمي اخر اصدار ١٠٠٠ سؤال مجاب للثالث الثانوي
٤٠٠ سؤال علي الكلمات بالاجابات
٢٥٠ سؤال علي القواعد بالاجابات
١٤٠ سؤال كلمات وعبارات القصه بالاجابات
٦٠ ترجمه أحداث جاريه بالاجابات
١٤ قطعه أحداث جاريه بمعدل ١٤٠ سؤال بالاجاباااااااااااااااات

رابط فاير لتحميل الملف بالإجــابات
Mr Gamal
امتحان انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي 2023 يونت 1 لـ 6
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل Aoya_110
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل Aoya_112
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل Aoya_111

٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل Aoya_115
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل Aoya_114
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل Aoya_113
Mr Gamal
يتميز شهر رمضان بالعديد من العادات والتقاليد التي تغير روتين الحياة اليومي

Ramadan is characterized by many costumes and traditions that change the daily
routine of life.
Ramadan is characterized by many customs and traditions that change the daily
routine of people.
Ramadan is characterized by many customs and traditions that change the daily
routine of life.
Ramadan was characterized by many customs and traditions that change the
daily routine of life.
العلم والايمان
أهم البراجرافات المتوقعة فى اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوى 2023
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 2017
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 2117
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 2216

٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 2318
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 2414
العلم والايمان
مراجعة synonyms and antonyms مهارات الكتابة + 6 امتحانات قصيرة وأسئلة جرامر الصف الثالث الثانوي

  • مراجعة synonyms and antonyms
  • مهارات الكتابة
  • ست امتحانات قصيرة
  • وأسئلة جرامر

الصف الثالث الثانوي
1 He has an assignment to do today. He has to finish this …….. on time.
a recipe                  b draft                    c mission                            d purpose
2 No sooner ………… the medicine than he felt better.
a has he taken               b he took                c had he taken                 d he had taken
3 Not only ………… the reports, but he also leaked them to the press.
a does he steal              b did he steal             c he has stolen                 d he had stolen
4 The government aims at setting up ……. European university in the new capital.
a a                    b an                     c the                                     d no article
5 The money …………. in the robbery was never found.
a are stolen            b stolen                   c stealing                       d which stole
6 It ………. that Sara will break the record.
a is believed                 b believed                    c believes                   d has believed
7 The dogs barked on seeing ……….. on the water.
a themselves                b herself                 c himself                         d itself
8 Mr Hassan asked his students to ….. creative suggestions to prevent pollution.
a put                       b make                        c give                        d do
9 She estimated the ………… of building a new villa.
a coast                    b boast                      c cost                           d toast
10 …………. his own company, he took on many workers.
a Finding                   b Founded                  c Found                     d Founding
11 You should ......... your foot in ice-cold water to reduce the swelling.
a) appear b) float c) inverse d) immerse
12 We really need to increase our ...... if we want to meet our objectives.
a) identity b) facility c) equality d) productivity
13 Let’s look ....... new ways of working.
a) on b) into c) to d) back
14 Sara is the best ......... for the job. She has more experience than anyone else.
a) intern b) candidate c) interview d) direction
15 All our valuable things are locked in a safe in our bedroom . The antonym of
valuable is …………. .
a unavailable               b precious                c worthwhile                   d worthless
16 I got a plumber ……… the pipe.
a fixes                   b fix                            c fixed                               d to fix
17 The following line can be put in the ....... of a CV.
"I enjoy meeting people from other countries. I have travel to Europe and Australia."
a education                 b hard skills                 c interests               d work experience
18 Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a Be quiet ,please. b Be quiet please c Be quiet please. d be quiet ,please
19 Which sentence is structured correctly?
a Amir, who’s the half defender, score the winning goal.
b Amir, whose the half defender, scored the winning goal.
c Amir, who is the half defender, score the winning goal.
d Amir, who’s the half defender, scored the winning goal.
20 Last but not least we should do our best to spread awareness concerning the
importance of this topic to achieve progress and welfare to our dear country:
Egypt. This sentence can be considered a – an ……………………
a start                  b introduction                  c conclusion                      d body
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
What sort of food are we likely to be eating in the year 2030? Most people, when you ask them a question like that, either say: "There won't be any left." or "Whatever it is, there won't be much taste in it." Of course there are good reasons for being pessimistic about the world's food supplies in the future. Nevertheless, not all experts share the general despondency. For one thing, although the world's population is rising fast, food production is keeping pace with it, even in developing countries. It is therefore argued that the main reason why people are hungry is not that there is a food shortage, but that methods of cultivation are not sufficiently advanced in some areas and the food is not fairly distributed to all those that need it. Moreover in most industrialized countries, one important cause of trouble is our conservative preference for meat. After all, we are already in a situation where we feed animals with grain to produce high-quality beef, even though the grain would feed the human population By the time our grandchildren have grown up, it seems likely that many of these problems will have resolved. Scientists are already capable of constructing steaks from vegetable ingredients like Soya beans. However, skeptical we may be about their claim that they can produce the substance, taste and colour of meat by these means, the fact is that the most common complaint about such "steaks" is that we will no doubt have discovered a way of including artificial bones, skin and fat!
21 There won't be food shortage in the future if the food is ……….. .
a fairly distributed        b unfairly distributed        c of high quality        d of low quality
22 The main idea of the passage is………… .
a the advantages of eating soya beans
b the causes of food shortage and its solutions
c the distribution of food
d population increasing all over the world
23 The problem of food can be solved if we ………… .
a use the internet and mass media                 b use advanced methods of cultivation
c use more water from the sea                             d purify the river water
24 We feed animals on grain to produce ………….. .
a high quantity beef                             b fat and food supplies
c skin and vegetables                         d high quality beef
25 Which sentence of the following can best summarise the last paragraph?
a Soya beans can change the taste of meat
b Soya beans, steak and food ingredients
c Beans, fats and skin
d Soya beans as a replacement of meat
26 According to the passage, using vegetable ingredients is one of the methods to overcome the shortage of………… .
a protein                b fats                  c vitamins                   d calcium
27 According to the passage, food production is growing………… the population.
a as slow as               b as fast as                c faster than                d slower than
28 According to the passage, our diet may be………… in the future.
a the same               b difficult                  c different                 d traditional
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Basel Rashid, who was a famous detective, working for businessmen to protect them and solve mysteries related to their work, had finished working on a crime in Aswan and was out to go home on the Spanish Train. When Basel got on the Train, he noticed that it was unusually full for the time of year. Soon after the train had left Aswan, a wealthy businessman. Mr. Mourad asked Basel to protect him because he believed his life was in danger. Although Mourad offered Basel a lot of money to do this, the detective did not believe the man’s story and refused to help him. During the night the train had to stop because of heavy rain. The next Morning, Mourad found dead: he had been murdered. Had someone got on the train and killed him?  Now Basel believed Mourad's story and, together With a doctor, who was also on the train, he started work to solve the Crime. The two men soon discovered that Mourad had a secret identity. He was not a businessman, but a criminal who was hated by many People. After examining the train and Mourad's body, Basel realised that the man had almost certainly been murdered by one of the 13 people from the same part of the train as Mourad. This meant that there were 13 suspects. One by one, Basel discovered that these 13 people all had a good reason to hate Mourad. Together, they had carefully planned what they were going to do and had all taken part in the murder. This was why the Spanish Train had been so full on that journey.
29 Basel found out there were 13 suspects because………… .
a Mourad told him while dying                   b he checked their identities
c he knew they hated Mourad                   d the doctor told him so
30 The central idea of the story is "…………".
a Crimianals would help to protect each other
b Crime would be committed by the help of the police
c Criminals always face their fears of death
d The Spanish Train mysterious crime
31 Mourad thought he was certainly in danger so ………… .
a he was suffering from heart problems               b he asked Basel for help
c the detective warned him not to take that train
d the doctor had examined him the day before
32 The sentence that can summarise the fourth paragraph is ……….. .
a identifying who Mr Mourad really was and his real job
b protecting the other passengers from the murders
c discovering Mourad's secret passport and his work as a spy
d finding out Mourad was wrong when he asked the detective's help
33 Basel did not want to help Mr Mourad ………….. .
a to take part in his murder                    b as he was the murderer
c to kill the other criminals                    d as he thought he was a liar
34 Basel was in Aswan.
a because he worked as a policeman             b because he was on a secret mission
c to investigate Mourad's murder                    d to arrest people who killed Mourad
35 Although Basel refused to help Mr Mourad, he………… .
a was right not to help Mr Mourad                 b helped the doctor to reach the truth
c suspected few of the passengers                     d regretted helping Mr Mourad
36 According to the passage, one must ……….the others when they ask.
a help                 b ignore               c encourage                    d defeat
Choose the best answer
37. A civilized Society should treat its elderly members well even if it is multicultural.
معامله جيده حتي لو كان مجتمع متعدد الثقافات المجتمع المتحضر ينبغي عليه ان يعامل كبار السن. a
حتي لو كان مجتمع متعدد الثقافات المجتمع المتحضر يحب ان يراعي في تعامله الاعضاء القدماء ينبغي عليه. b
الثقافات يحب علي المجتمع المتحضر ان يعاج كبار السن جيدا بالرغم من تعدد. c
معامله جيده حتي لو كان مجتمع متعدد الثقافات المجتمع المتحضر ينبغي عليه ان يعامل صغار السن. d
38 One of the current reform programmes is to stimulate investment in the industrial sector.
aاحد برامح الاصلاح الحاليه تحفيز الاستثمار في القطاع الصناعي
b  احد برامح التغير الحاليه تحفيز الاستثمار في مدال الصناعي
c  احد برامح التغير الحاليه زياده الاستثمار في مدال الصناعي
d  احد برامح التغير الحاليه زياده الاستثمار في الانتاج الصناعي

يرتكب البعض خطا كبيرا ببحثهم عن الشهره لاعتقادهم انها سبب السعاده. 39
a Some people make a big mistake by looking for fame because they think that it
is the cause of happiness.
b Some people commit a big mistake by looking up fame, thinking that it is the
cause of happiness.
c Some people made a big mistake by looking for fame because they think that it
is the cause of happiness.
d Some people commit big mistake by looking for fame thinking that it is the
cause of happiness.
انها مسيوليه الوالين ان يقوموا بتنوير الشباب بالاثار المدمره لتناول المخدرات القاتله. 40
a Parents are responsible for making the youth unaware of the destructive
effects of eating killing drugs.
b It’s the parents’ responsibility to make the youth aware of the destructive
effects of taking killing drugs.
c It’s the parents’ irresponsibility to lighten the youth of the destructive effects of
taking killing drugs.
d Parents are responsible for making their children unaware of the destructive
effects of eating killing drugs.
بالاجابات افكار 135 سؤال في اللغة الانجليزية من منصة الوزارة لتالتة ثانوي
مستر جلال

٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل 1_186510
محمد الجمل
another / other / others / the other / each other / one another
٢٥ امتحان انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي من حصص مصر ومنصة نجوي بالحل Scree947
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