
مفاهيم اللغه الانجليزيه مترجمة لتالتة ثانوي

مفاهيم اللغه الانجليزيه مترجمة لتالتة ثانوي  1394

مفاهيم اللغه الانجليزيه مترجمة لتالتة ثانوي

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Mr Gamal
1- Choose the right answers :
1- …………… is a strength sport that consists of three attempts to raise weights.
  a) Boxing b) Powerlifting c) Wrestling d) Parachuting
2- I've commuted to London every week for over ten years, and I actually enjoy it. This means………..
 a) He no longer commutes to London.
 b) He used to commute to London.
 c) Now, it's not his habit to go to London.
 d) He still commutes to London.
3- Perhaps I looked happy today, but she looked ……………
  a) happier b) the happiest c) more happy d) happily
4- A …………… job is a job that someone does for the whole of the working week.
  a) part time b) complete c) a part time d) full time
5- This …………… provides opportunities to acquire new skills. It will last for a month.
  a) internship b) friendship c) partnership d) cleverness
6- Every day I spend 30 minutes watering the flowers. This sentence means :
  a) Every day it takes me 30 minutes water the flowers.
  b) Every day it takes me 30 minutes to water the flowers.
  c) Every day it took me 30 minutes water the flowers.
  d) Every day it took me 30 minutes to water the flowers
7- In English, words  can have the same sound, but …………… differently.
  a)    be spelt b) have spelt c) were spelt d) spelling
8- The police accused the tourist he didn't follow the right …………… to get the visa.
  a) procedures b) stops c) measurements d) course
9- Egypt has some wonderful  heritage …………… We should keep them
  a) location b) positions c) sites d) situations
10- The cup of tea is empty. My father …………… the tea.
  a) must drink b) can't have drunk
  c) should have drunk d) must have drunk
11- Before being employed, she …………… have a lot of spare time.
  a) got used to b) used to c) would d) b & c
12- Our world is changing every day so we should keep our …………… not to lose our values.
  a) character b) personality c) identity d) feature
13- The company is …………… for its wonderful products and excellent services.
  a) well-known b) a well-known c) well known d) none of the
14- The bookstore did not have the book ……………
  a) wanting b) that wanted c) which wanted d) I wanted
15- …………… are stories that can't be believed but people like them.
  a) Occasions b) Myths c) Fiction d) Accounts
16- Our national team will be able to …………… to the finals of the next world cup in Qatar.
  a) qualify b) quality c) qualification d) qualicative
17- The paragraphs where the main ideas are developed is called ……………
  a) introductions b) body paragraphs c) key paragraphs d) conclusions
18- Which of the following is structurally correct ?
  a) He is exhausted because he hadn't been working all day.
  b) He was exhausted because he has been working all day.
  c) He is exhausted because he has been working all day.
  d) He is exhausted because he had worked all day.
19- Which of the following is punctuated correctly ?
  a) Did you know that our neighbour s son had returned from London on Wednesday,
  b) Did you know that our neighbour s son had returned from London on wednesday,
      Dalia ?
  c) Did you know that our neighbour’s son had returned from London on Wednesday,
      Dalia ?
  d) Did you know that our neighbour’s son had returned from London on wednesday
      Dalia ?
20- Which of the following is used for an informal invitation ?
  a) Let me know if you're coming to the party by tomorrow morning.
  b) Please use the following RSVP form to indicate whether you are going to attend
      the party or not.
  c) It is our pleasure to invite you to our annual donation party.
  d) We trust you will enjoy it.

2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
The stars are beautiful in the night sky. They are far away, farther away than most people can imagine. Even though they are light years away, they can still light up the sky. For thousands of years, people have been interested in stars. They have been used as fortunetellers, calendars and maps. Travellers often used the stars to help them find their way.
Before there was electricity, the stars and moon were the brightest things in the night sky. People spent hours staring up and wondering what the little, twinkling lights were. Back then, the stars were easier to see because there weren’t any other lights at night. Not many ancient people realised that the sun was a star. The sun and moon were thought of as father and mother of earth in some ancient cultures. The stars were thought of as lesser gods or the souls of people who had died.
Greek philosophers, 2300 years ago, started to try and unravel the mystery. A man named Anaxagoras thought that the sun was a giant ball of metal burning in the centre of our universe. He was thrown in jail and sentenced to death because this idea conflicted with people’s religious beliefs. Even though, people did not stop trying to understand the sun. Scientists still study it today. Large telescopes take pictures of the sun almost every day as we try and learn more about it.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
21- What would be the best title for the passage ?
  a) The sun. b) Stars in the sky.
  c) The exploration of space. d) A history of Greek thought
22- Why were stars useful to people ?
  a) They kept people safe. b) They were beautiful.
  c) They burned up dangerous gases. d) They showed people the way.
23- The underlined word “realised” is closest in meaning to ……………
  a) found b) destroyed c) unearthed d) understood
24- The word “unravel” is closest in meaning to ……………
  a) dream b) solve c) imagine d) look for
25- Why was Anaxagoras thrown in jail ?
  a) He did not believe in God.
  b) He was not a good philosopher.
  c) His ideas were not the same as other people’s.
  d) He found out that the sun was the same as all the other stars.
26- …………… ancient people realised that the sun was a star.
  a) Little b) Less c) Few d) More
27- The underlined pronoun “They” refers to ……………
  a) fortunetellers b) years c) stars d) people
28- The stars were thought of as ……………
  a) spirits of people b) mothers of people
  c) fathers of people d) close to people
3- Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer :
          Should we work all the time without having rest or entertainment? The answer is that we can’t go on working stopping. From time to time, we should stop to have some rest and some recreation to have fun. If we didn’t, we could make mistakes and our work might get worse.
An overworked person may end up by losing their ability to think clearly and by having no energy to go on working. Sleep is one way by which we can renew our energy. Sports and games are also important for brainworkers, who stay in closed offices and don’t have a good chance to exercise their muscles. Swimming, walking and other outdoor activities are excellent and may very good for all people, so we shouldn’t waste our weekends. People make full use of them by being in the open spaces. Having forgotten all about our work and the worries of life, we can then enjoy ourselves to the full and return the next day to work with our energy fully renewed. Change has a magic effect on man’s health and his work.
Only clever people are those who can make a balance between their work and their personal lives. They are hardworking when they do their jobs and they live the happiest moments when they aren’t working.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
29- The best title for the passage is ……………
  a) Happy Moments b) Magical Energy
  c) Importance of Rest d) Importance of Games
30- The underlined word “recreation” in the first paragraph means ……………  
  a) effort b) health c) stress d) relaxation    
31- The writer’s purpose in the last paragraph is to ……………
  a) suggest doing our jobs in the open air
  b) tell us the story of hardworking people
  c) warn us of living happily without work
  d) advise us to make a life-work balance
32- According to the second paragraph, we understand that man’s health improves by ………  
  a) changing our sleeping habits b) thinking of the worries of life
  c) having a break every now and then d) working all the time without rest
33- All the following are examples of brainworkers except ……………  
  a) mathematicians b) cleaners c) surgeons d) engineers
34- According to the passage, change has ……………  
  a) a vital effect on health and work b) no effect on health or work
  c) an essential effect on health only d) an important effect on work only
35- We can avoid making mistakes if we ……………  
  a) don’t have rest b) relax  
  c) go on hard work d) do our jobs lazily and carelessly
36- An overworked person has a …………… meaning.
  a) positive b) violent c) aggressive d) negative
Choose the best translation :
37- يجب أن يكون للحكومة دور كبير فى محاربة زياده الأسعار .
  a) The government should has a great role in combating increase prices.
  b) The government should have a great role in combating the rise in prices.
  c) The government could have a great role in combating the price increase.
  d) The government should have a great role in combating high prizes.

38- سوف تتمتع المدارس بكافة الوسائل التعليمية والتكنولوجية الحديثة .
  a) Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technological means.
  b) Schools will enjoy all modern education and technological means.
  c) Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technology means.
  d) Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technological mean.

39- It can be useful to do more than one job in your career because you can have new experiences and learn new things.
  أ) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك العلمية لأنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء
  ب) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك العملية لأنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء
       جديدة .  
  ج) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك المهنية لأنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء
      جديدة .
  د) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك المهنية لأنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرة جديدة وتعلم أشياء جديدة .

40- As a teacher, you must have some qualities that may help you do well. You must be kind, fatherly, wise, helpful and strict.
  أ) كمدرس يجب أن يكون لديه بعض الصفات التى قد تساعده على القيام بعمل جيد . يجب أن يكون لطيفًا وأبويًا وحكيمًا
    ومساعدًا وصارمًا .
  ب) كمدرس يجب أن يكون لديك بعض الصفات التى قد تساعدك على القيام بعمل جيد . يجب أن تكون لطيفًا وأبويًا
      وحكيمًا ومساعدًا وصارمًا .
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