
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر

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الإنجلیزیة مع نماذج امتحانات كتاب المعاصر.
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5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر Aa-ayo11

- تقدر تتفرج على فيديوهات حلول أسئلة الـ5 نماذج بشكل تفصيلى على الروابط الآتية:
Model 1:
Model 2:
Model 3:
Model 4:
Model 5:

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  1. تجميع مراجعه ليله الامتحان انجلش للثانوية العامة نظام جديد
  2. مذكرة شرح جرامر اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة pdf مستر محمد صلاح
  3. مفاهيم اللغه الانجليزيه مترجمة لتالتة ثانوي
  4. 135 جملة اختيارى لغة انجليزية تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات

Which of the following can be used to conclude an essay on climate change?
a) To sum up, man's bad behaviour is to blame for the level of climate change we are
suffering from nowadays.

b) To start with, we need to shed light on the measures taken by the government to cut
down pollution.
c) Moreover, more and more losses are to be kept in mind as a result of the climate change
the whole world is experiencing nowadays.
d) To conclude, following traffic rules is a civilized behaviour that could lead to minimising
road accidents.

عدل سابقا من قبل الاستاذ في الإثنين 04 سبتمبر 2023, 5:07 pm عدل 1 مرات
remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
تالتة ثانوي
دي مراجعة مركزة جداً جداً تكاد تكون كافيه للي ما زاكرش خالص و عاوز يلم المنهج بالمختصر المفيد.
و هي تحتوي على:
جميع كلمات المنهج في صفحتين ونص فقط لا غير
 جميع المرادفات و المضادات synonyms and antonyms في صفحه واحدة فقط
 جميع قواعد المنهج في نقاط في 6 صفحات فقط.
 جميع حروف الجر في صفحة ونصف فقط
 مصطلحات اقل من نص صفحة
 جميع كلمات القصة في صفحة ونصف فقط
 مجموعة من التمارين المنتقاة من امتحانات الثانوية العامة السابقة بعدد كبير( حوالي 300 جملة)
 نموذج إجابة لجميع الأسئلة
م/ جرجس سيفين
تحميل نسخة للطباعة 
Mr Gamal
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Most countries in the world have an agreement with foreign countries that allows their
ambassadors to live and work there. The job of an ambassador is to look after the citizens
and business interests of the country which he or she represents.
This is just one of many international agreements and treaties between countries.
Some of these treaties have been designed to help trade between countries. For example,
countries in the European Union have an agreement that means citizens of any member
country needn't have a permit to work in any other country in the Union. Businesses can
employ people and sell products to any other member of the treaty.
Some treaties help countries in other ways. For example, the Arab League helps various
Arabic-speaking countries towards economic, political, cultural and scientific cooperation.
Treaties are not new, however. The world's first ever treaty is believed to be the Kadesh
Peace Treaty, signed by the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittite king of an area
which is now part of modern Turkey. The treaty of 1258 BCE agreed to end a war that had
lasted for many years. A copy of the treaty can be seen in today's United Nations building.
This is appropriate for an organisation which has 193 countries. To be part of the United
Nations, each of these countries had to sign a treaty that agrees to promote peace and
development around the world.
محمد الجمل
تالتة ثانوي
نموذج امتحان انجلش بالاجااااااابااات
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر 110
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر 210
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر 310

5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر 410
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر 510
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر 610

5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر 710
امتحان اللغة الانجليزية الشامل للثانوية العامة من سلسلة امتحانات بروفيشنال ٢٠٢٣

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
زملائى الأعزاء
أعزائى طلاب الثانوية العامة
أقدم لكم الامتحان الثانى الشامل من سلسلة امتحانات بروفيشنال ٢٠٢٣
تعديل: رقم ١٦ كلمة necessary تكتب unnecessary
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر Aaoya_12
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر Aaoya_14
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر Aaoya_13

5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر Aaoya_15
5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر Aaoya_16
وهذه روابط الامتحان

و الله الموفق
5 امتحانات لغة انجليزية للثانوية العامة من ذا بيست بنظام البابل شيت
تحميل 5 امتحانات لغة انجليزية للثانوية العامة من ذا بيست بنظام البابل شيت pdf  من هنا
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Carry on that good work! The antonym of  carry on is …………
a) go on               b) continue                 c) remain                   d) stop
2. Our armed forces are our…………that defends the borders against any foreign attack.
a) tumour                b) humour                c) rumour                     d) armour
3. Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce ………… costs.
a) innovative           b) creative              c) administrative              d) agricultural
4. You must…………the good points against the bad points and make your decision.
a) balance              b) add              c) multiply                    d) subtract
5. She claimed that she could beat anyone, but it was an empty ………...
a) roast                   b) toast                    c) boast               d) boost
6. She's made one or two slips - only spelling errors - but it's ………… well written.
a) imperfectly               b) basically            c) wrongly            d) falsely
7. You can only humbug those who are not …………of your tricks.
a) aware                 b) weary                 c) drowsy                        d) dreamy
8. It would be inappropriate for me to comment on what your ………… said.
a) reactor                b) couch                 c) tutor                 d) lecture
9.Did you see Nireen yesterday? – No, but I …………her this evening.
a) 'd see              b) 'll probably see            c) will have seen            d) going to see
10.This is a personal envelope. Noone ………… open it.
a) mustn't               b) can't               c) allowed                        d) can
11.Can't you shout any louder than that? Is that …………you can shout?
a) so loud                b) loud                    c) the loudest                        d) loudest
12.''Don't move!'' said the police officer. The police officer ordered them …………
a) not move              b) not to move              c) not moving            d) mustn't move
13. She spoke to her guests rudely …………was wrong of her.
a) that                    b) which                   c) what                         d) these
14. The whole of Cairo ………… from the Cairo Tower.
a) can be seen                  b) can see                 c) is being seen                d) is to see
15. I don’t like these trousers, mum. Could you iron me the black …………?
a) one                   b) ones                c) one's                           d) ones'
16. Have you had the flat painted already? This question means the speaker is …………
a) suspicious                       b) annoyed           c) surprised       d) doubtful
17. Choose the correctly structured sentence.
a) I go to school on the foot every day.
b) I go to school on the feet every day.
c) I go to school on foot every day.
d) I go to school on feet every day.
18. Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
a) I'm human. I'm not made of stones!
b) I'm human. I'm not made of stones
c) I m human; I'm not made of stones!
d) I'm human. I'm not made of stones,
19. Choose what can be used to explain cause and effect: …………
a) accordingly, then                        b) consequently, as a result
c) hence, thus, therefore                 d) all mentioned
20. When we want to give an example, we may use: …………
a) to sum up             b) meanwhile               c) for instance                 d) on the whole
Read the following passage, then choose the right answers:
Basic to any understanding of Canada in 20 years after the Second World War is the
country's impressive population growth. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over
five in 1996. In September 1966 Canada's population passed the 20 million mark. Most of
this surging growth came from natural increase. The depression of the 1930's and the war
had held back marriages and the catching – up process began after 1945. The baby boom
continued through the decade of the 1950's, producing a population increase of nearly
fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. This rate of increase had been exceeded
only once before in Canada's history, in the decade before 1911, when the prairies were
being settled.
Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950's supported a growth in the
population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an
increase in the average size of families. In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per
thousand, one of the highest in the world. After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in
Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25
years. Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war,
but it was also caused by changes in Canadian society. Young people were staying at school
longer more women were working, young married couples were buying automobiles or
houses before starting families, rising living standards were cutting down the size of
families.  It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller
families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial
Revolution. Although the growth in Canada's population has slowed down by 1966(the
increase in the first half of the 1960's was only nine percent). Another large population
wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the children of the children
who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957.
21. What does the passage mainly discuss? ............
a) Educational changes in Canada
b) Canada during the Second World War
c) Population trends in postwar Canada
d) Standards of living in Canada
22. According to the passage, when did Canada's baby boom begin? ............
a) in the decade after 1911                              b) After 1945
c) During the depression of the 1930s             d) in 1966
23. The underlined word "five" refers to…………
a) Canadians                  b) Years                c) Decades               d) Marriages
24. The word "surging" is closest in meaning to…………
a) new               b) extra                   c) surprising                   d) accelerating
25.The writer suggests that in Canada during the 1950s …………
a) the urban population decreased rapidly
b) fewer people married
c) economic conditions were poor
d) the birth rate was very high
26. The word "trend" gives equal meaning to…………
a) tendency                 b) aim                  c) growth                         d) direct
27. When was the birth rate in Canada at its lowest postwar level? ............
a) 1966                 b) 1957                     c) 1956                        d) 1951
28. It can be inferred from the passage that before the industrial Revolution………....
a) families were larger                       b) population statistic were unreliable
c) the population grew steadily            d) economic conditions were bad
Read the following passage, then choose the right answers:
Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of the American Academy and Institute
of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and sustain an interest" in literature, music, and art.
This it does by enthusiastically handing out money. Annual cash awards are given to
deserving artists in various categories of creativity: architecture, musical composition,
theater, novels, serious poetry, light verse, painting, sculpture. One award subsidizes a
promising American writer's visit to Rome. There is even an award for a very good work of
fiction that failed commercially—once won by the young John Updike for The Poorhouse
Fair and, more recently, by Alice Walker for In Love and Trouble. The awards and prizes
total about $750,000 a year, but most of them range in size from $5,000 to $12,500, a
welcome sum to many young practitioners whose work may not bring in that much money
in a year.
One of the advantages of the awards is that many go to the struggling artists, rather than
to those who are already successful. Members of the Academy and Institute are not eligible
for any cash prizes. Another advantage is that, unlike the National Endowment for the Arts
or similar institutions throughout the world, there is no government money involved.
Awards are made by committee. Each of the three departments—Literature (120 members),
Art (83), Music (47)—has a committee dealing with its own field. Committee membership
rotates every year, so that new voices and opinions are constantly heard.
The most financially rewarding of all the Academy-Institute awards are the Mildred and
Harold Strauss Livings. Harold Strauss, a devoted editor at Alfred A. Knopf, the New York
publishing house, and Mildred Strauss, his wife, were wealthy and childless. They left the
Academy-Institute a unique bequest: for five consecutive years, two distinguished (and
financially needy) writers would receive enough money so they could devote themselves
entirely to "prose literature" (no plays, no poetry, and no paying job that might distract). In
1983, the first Strauss Livings of $35,000 a year went to short-story writer Raymond Carver
and novelist-essayist Cynthia Ozick. By 1988, the fund had grown enough so that two
winners, novelists Diane Johnson and Robert Stone, each got $50,000 a year for five years.
29. What does the passage mainly discuss?
a) award-winning works of literature          b) an organization that supports the arts
c) the life of an artist                                  d) individual patrons of the arts
30. The word "sole" is closest in meaning to…………
a) only                    b) honorable             c) common                 d) official
31. Which can be inferred about Alice Walker's book in Love and Trouble?
a) It sold more copies than The Poorhouse Fair.
b) It described the author's visit to Rome.
c) It was commercial success.
d) It was published after The Poorhouse Fair.
32. The underlined word "many" refers to…………
a) practitioners               b) advantages             c) awards              d) strugglers
33. What is one of the advantages of the Academy-Institute awards mentioned in the
a) They are subsidized by the government.
b) They are often given to unknown artists.
c) They are also given to Academy-Institute members.
d) They influence how the National Endowment for the Arts makes its award decisions.
34. The word "rotates" means…………
a) alternates                        b) participates           c) decides             d) meets
35. Each year the awards and prizes offered by the Academy-Institute total approximately …
a) 12.500$                 b) 35,000 $                 c) 50,000 $                  d) 750,000 $
36. The underlined word "they" refers to…………
a) Mildred and Harold Strauss           b) years             c) writers           d) plays
 Choose the correct translation:
.37هل تصذق أن أكثز من ثلث اثار العالم في الأقصر بمفردها؟
a) Are you believe that more than a third of the world's monuments is in Luxor alone?
b) Do you believe that more than a third of the world's moments is in Luxor alone?
c) Do you believe that more than a third of the world's monuments is in Luxor alone?
d) Do you believe that more than a third of the world's monuments is in Luxor lonely?
.لابد من تقديم العون لكل اللاجئين والمشزدين نتيجه الحروب المدمره.
a) All destructive wars refugees and the homeless must be given a hand.
b) All destructive wars refugees and the homeless must give a hand.
c) All destroyed wars refugees and the homeless must be given a hand.
d) All destructive wars refugees and the homeless must be giving a hand.
39. Olympic games support world peace as they are a good opportunity to communicate with
people with different cultures.
39. Olympic games support world peace as they are a good opportunity to communicate with
people with different cultures.
(aان الانعاب الاولمبيه تدعم السلام العالمي لأَنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي ثقافات مختلفه.
(b ان الانعاب الاولمبيه تدعم السلام العالمي لأَنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي ثقافات محدوده.
(c ان الانعاب الاولمبيه تدعم السلام العالمي لأَنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي جنسيات مختلفه.
(dان الانعاب البارالمبيه تدعم السلام العالمي لأَنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي ثقافات مختلفه.
40. Corona is not mere an epidemic in Egypt, but a world pandemic that made us reconsider
a lot of ourd daily activities.
(aاٌ ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر  فقط ولكُنها جائحه محليه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من الانشطه المحليه.
(bااٌ ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر  فقط ولكُنها جائحه عالميه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من الانشطه المحليه.
(cاٌ ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر  فقط ولكُنها جائحه محليه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من الانشطه السنويه.
(d  اٌ ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر  فقط ولكُنها جائحه اقليميه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من الانشطه المحليه
Mr Gamal

أقوى ليلة إمتحان فى اللغة الإنجليزية للثالث الثانوى
هنجيب الانجليزى ف شوال هيجيلك أكثر من ٥٠ ٪ من الامتحان فى المراجعة دى بإذن الله
شوف الحلقة كاملة من هنا
Mr Wardany

5 امتحانات انجليزي ثانوية عامة 2024 بالاجابات من المعاصر Scree236
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