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1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات

مراجعة قوية على كلمات وجرامر منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي ,  1000 سؤال اختيارى للغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوى بالاجابات مراجعة كاملة pdf
1. Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with...........
a- fantasy
b- piracy
c- dignity
2. Troops fired on demonstrators near the Royal Palace causing
a- opponents
b- opportunities
c- casualties.
3. The two officers were being........................ by the director of
public prosecutions.
a- invested
4. To ........
الصف الثالث الثانوى
a- rebuild
5. He... the wheel
a- spoke
6. Nothing could....
from her children
8. A
b- invented
c- investigated
something means to severely harm, damage, or spoil it.
b- reveal
c- ruin
and made a U turn in the middle of the road.
b- spun
c- stole
...... ever for the pain of being separated
a- compensate
b- comare
c- complete
a- chasing
7. In an election in 1988, he was accused of......... by his opponent.
b- chatting
c- cheating
.......... is something which someone says which they
cannot prove and which may be false.
b- crew
a- claim
c- crack
9. The................ of a piece of writing is the person who wrote it.
b- broker
c- author
10. She writes features for women's magazines as well as contributing
a- broadcast
b- broadsheet
c- broadband
11.If someone has…...…………………………………………….., they have a quality which makes
other people take notice of what they say.
b- authority
a- majority
c- minority
..... of a container such as a bottle, box, or room
are the things inside it.
a- continents
b- contents

تحميل 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2023 بالاجابات pdf

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Mr Gamal
أهم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية لثالثة ثانوى 2023

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العلم والايمان
Millions of people are attacked by a secret enemy which causes more harm and greater suffering than any other disease. Its name is worry. According to doctors, worry can actually cause many organic diseases. And even when it doesn’t, it can, by eating our energy in many ways, ruin our health and make our life hard and miserable.
Worry is a very dangerous enemy. The stresses and strains of life may make us worry about silly trivial things. Worry eats into our hearts and causes us to spend long sleepless nights. as a result, some of us get tired easily, some get depressed and others become irritable. And life seems to be an endless chain of worries.
Worry affects nearly everybody in society from teenagers to elderly people. Students worry about their exams. Parents worry about their children. Young men and women worry about their future life. Needless to say, worry is the result of thinking in a wrong way. It is a fact that thinking
over worries brings about more worries. We must face as it is quietly, boldly and bravely. The problems a worrier faces are the same that others face. To overcome worry, we should cultivate different interests, develop contact with a larger number of persons and spend our leisure on a useful hobby. When feeling worried, retire to a quiet corner and relax.

1.The best sentence to summarise the passage is “....................”.
a) Since life is miserable, we should ignore our problems
b) Worry is an organic disease and unsolvable problem
c) Worry eats up money and makes us poor
d) Since life is hard, we should face it bravely with no worry
2.To feel happy is to .................... .
a) indulge in worry
b) avoid organic disease
c) make life miserable
d) avoid much worry
3.What can we do to overcome worry?
a) Practising useful and interesting hobbies.
b) Sitting idle at home.
c) Thinking deeply about our problems.
d) Eating a lot of sweets.
4.The best title for the passage is “....................”.
a) Stress and elderly people b) Stress and teenagers
c) Stress is a serious disease d) Stress is a secret issue
5.Worry prevents us from .................... .
a) eating  b) learning
c) sleep  d) being treated
6.Thinking in a wrong way results in .................... .
a) eating bad food  b) fear and worry
c) bad bringing up  d) bad education
7.The synonym of the word “trivial” is .................... .
a) significant  b) unimportant
c) necessary  d) useful
8.If we defeated worry, our life would be .................... .
a) cheerful  b) miserable
c) unhappy  d) gloomy
العلم والايمان
جميع كلمات منهج انجليزي الصف الثالث الثانوي 2023 جرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 1f44cجرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 1f4afجرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 2764
في ٥ ورقات بالتوفيق للجميع يارب جرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 1f932

جرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 196
جرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 278
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جرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 546
جرامر - 1000 سؤال على الكلمات والجرامر انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2024 بالاجابات 636
1- Choose the right answers :
1- Sharm el Shaikh has some …………… views that tourists like seeing.
  a) picturesque b) fascinated c) picturing d) unpleasant
2- The Statue of Liberty is perhaps the most famous ….. in U.S.A and is known round the world.
  a) landscape b) landslide c) landform d) landmark
3- My father’s watch …………… have cost a lot of money. It’s made of gold.
  a) must b) might c) could d) can’t
4- Every weekend, I …………… take a long bike ride during summer vacation.
  a) use to b) was used to c) got used to d) would
5- Are there jobs for …………… citizens in this company ?
  a) Arabic-speaking b) Arabic spoken
  c) Arabic speaking d) Arabic-spoken
6- We should never forget our cultural …………… and where we come from.
  a) boots b) roots c) boats d) loads
7- The …………… society includes people with many different customs and beliefs.
  a) national b) bilingual c) monolingual d) multicultural
8- …………… means that something is steadfast or firm in someone.
  a) Deep-seated b) Clear-cut c) Well-known d) Balanced
9- …………… hard work, he could get a promotion in a bank.
  a) Because b) Since c) Through d) Though
10- He told me that he …………… as a teacher for 10 years now.
  a) had been working b) works c) was working d) is working
11- Their child is at the stage …………… she can say individual words but not full sentences.
  a) where b) when c) which d) that
12- All great nations ……… their culture in a lot of different shapes like literature, cinemas etc.
  a) retell b) restore c) reflect d) regain
13- My English teacher is very …………… although he is very fluent in English.
  a) proud b) humble c) arrogant d) vain
14- He …………… what annoyed him was that his son had not passed the test.
  a) said b) told c) asked d) inquired
15- Physics is a difficult subject and students …………… to understand it.
  a) struggle b) conflict c) disagree d) argue
16- Yesterday, I played a long fame of tennis with my brother, ……… made me very tired.
  a) which b) what c) where d) whom
17- Which of the following sentences has the correct punctuation ?
  a) I read Treasure Island, my friend read King Lear.
  b) I read Treasure Island; my friend read King Lear.
  c) I read treasure Island; my friend read King Lear.
  d) I read Treasure Island ;my friend read King lear.
18- Which sentence is structurally correct ?
  a) The tourists who stay in a hotel, enjoys his visit.
  b) The tourists who is staying in a hotel, enjoy their visit.
  c) The tourist whose stay has ended , must extend it.
  d) The tourist who stay in a hotel, enjoys his visit.
19- Choose the supporting sentence(s) for this topic sentence :
Parents should not allow young children to cross this busy road on their own.
  a) Cars are always speeding down that avenue.
  b) Last year, two children were injured while crossing that street
  c) There are many good restaurants on that street.
  d) a & b
20- …………… writing explains things.
  a) descriptive b) expository c) narrative d) persuasive
Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
Today, some 815 million people suffer chronically from hunger. And although this is significantly fewer people than the numbers we saw a decade ago, hunger still kills more people than AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria combined.  On May 28th, we observe World Hunger Day. It is an effort to focus attention on the fact that despite a sufficient availability of food nearly everywhere, globally, some 21,000 people die every day from hunger or malnutrition. People do not go hungry because the world does not produce enough food for everyone. According to the world Hunger Education Service, over the past three decades, significant growth in food production, along with improved access to food, helped reduce the percentage of chronically undernourished people in developing countries from 34 percent to 15 percent. The principal problem is that many people in the world still do not have resources to purchase or grow enough food.  Conflict, governance systems that do not encourage investment in agriculture, poor management of land and natural resources, lack of educational opportunity, displacement of small farmers by natural disasters, and financial and economic crises that eliminate jobs at the lowest levels, all contribute toward creating conditions that push the poorest into hunger. Over the past decade, a global push to reduce hunger and extreme poverty has marked some significant successes, thanks in part to the efforts of numerous international and transnational institutions, foundations, NGOs and governments.
Choose the correct answers from a, b, d or d :
21- The best title to this passage is :
  a) world crisis b) natural resources c) world hunger d) malnutrition
22- Despite significant growth in food production, many people in the world are still ………
  a) rich b) healthy c) hungry d) ill
23- The underlined word “some” has almost the same meaning as ……………
  a) about b) more than c) less than d) over
24- AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria kill …………… people than hunger does.
  a) more b) the same number c) fewer d) smarter
25- International and transnational institutions, foundations, NGOs and governments need to exert more effort to …………… the problem of hunger.
  a) complicate b) continue c) overcome d) keep
26- One of the causes leading to the problem of hunger is ……………
  a) lack of natural resources b) global warming
  c) growth in food production d) lack of educational opportunity
27- How many people die of hunger every year ?
  a) millions b) hundreds c) billions d) tens
28- Which governance systems contribute to the problem of hunger ?
  a) complicate b) continue c) overcome d) keep
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Is Earth the only planet in our solar system with life? Are we really alone in the
universe? At one time people thought there was life on the moon and little green men on  Mars. For many years some people thought  Venus was a natural garden because it’s green.  Some scientists thought there was life in the clouds of Jupiter. Today we know these things  are not true. Earth seems to be the only planet in our solar system with life as it has both  oxygen and water: the two elements necessary for life. Also Venus is too hot for life and  Mars is too cold. Recently scientists have found out more about life on planet Earth and now  they know better where to look for life in outer space. For a long time scientists believed  that life depended on sunlight for energy. Then, in 1978, a submarine dived to the bottom  of the Pacific Ocean and although there was no sunlight, they found tube worms, clams and  other life forms. These were living on the energy which is inside the Earth. This energy is  called ‘geothermal heat.’ Since then, scientists have looked at life on Earth in other difficult  environments: dry, cold and hot, and have found that water is the key. Wherever there is  water, life can exist. So scientists began to search for water in the solar system.
Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:    
29.The underlined word ‘universe’ can mean ……………….
a) world b) globe
c) university d) a & b
30.There’s no life on Venus because ……..  
a) it’s too cold b) it’s too hot
c) it’s frozen d) it is green
31.What is the key to life?
a) sunlight b) water
c) oxygen d) a & b
32.Jupiter and Venus are ……………..
a) stars b) planets
c) elements d) plants
33.The word ………. is related to the sun.
a) solar b) geothermal
c) submarine d) energy
34.The expression “geothermal heat’ means ………………………..
a) the energy from the sun.
b) the heat coming from Venus.
c) the energy inside the Earth.
d) geographical sites in the world.
35.Why did some people think Venus was a natural garden?
a) Because it’s green.
b) It has lots of rainforests.
c) Its sand is green.
d) It’s clean.
36.How do you think life forms could survive at the bottom of the oceans?
a) There was lots of sunlight down there.
b) Tube worms and clams existed.  
c) There was oxygen at the bottom.
d) Due to the ‘geothermal heat’

Choose the best translation :
37- إن مصر هى مهد الحضارة والأديان ولن تكون أبدًا منبعًا للعنف والإرهاب والتطرف .
  a) Egypt is the place of civilization and religions, and it will never be a source of
      violence, terrorism and extremism.
  b) Egypt is the cradle of civilized and religions, and it will never be a source of
      violence, terrorism and extremism.
  c) Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions, and it will never be a source of
      violence, terrorism and extremism.
  d) Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions, and it will never be a source of
      violence, terrorism and extremism.
Choose the best English Translation
. 38أشهر لاعب في التاريخ هو بيليه. إنه لاعب برازيلي ، عندما كان صبيا ، كان يلعب لساعات في الشارع مع أصدقائه. عندما كان في السابعة عشرة من عمره ، لعب لمنتخب بلاده في كأس العالم.
A- The most famous player in history is Pele . He is a Egyptian player .When he was a boy , he used to play for hours in the street with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his country in the world cup.
B- The most famous player in history is Pele . He is a Brazilian player .When he was a boy , he used to play for hours in the street with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his country in the world cup.
C- The least famous player in history is Pele . He is a Brazilian player .When he was a boy , he used to play for hours in the street with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his country in the world cup.
D- The most famous player in history is Pele . He is a Brazilian player .When he was a man , he used to play for hours in the club with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his country in the world cup.
39. Football is the most popular game in the world . Football was played in England for many years , but there were no rules . In 1863, the first rules for football were written to make the game safer.
-A كرة القدم هي اللعبة الأكثر شعبية في العالم. لعبت كرة القدم في إنجلترا لسنوات عديدة ، لكن لم تكن هناك قواعد. في عام 1863 ، تمت كتابة القواعد الأولى لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أمانًا.
-B كرة اليد هي اللعبة الاقل شعبية في العالم. لعبت كرة القدم في إنجلترا لسنوات عديدة ، لكن لم تكن هناك قواعد. في عام 1863 ، تمت كتابة القواعد الأولى لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أمانًا
-C كرة القدم هي اللعبة الأكثر شعبية في العالم. لعبت كرة القدم في فرنسا لسنوات عديدة ، لكن لم تكن هناك قواعد. في عام 1863 ، تمت كتابة القواعد الأولى لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أمانًا
-D كرة القدم هي اللعبة الأكثر شعبية في العالم. لعبت كرة القدم في إنجلترا لسنوات عديدة ، لكن لم تكن هناك قواعد. في عام 1863 ، تمت كتابة القواعد الاخيرة لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أمانًا

40- An effective writer is able to distill complex thoughts and ideas into simple, clear language that’s quickly and easily understood by others.
  أ) الكتاب الفعال قادر على استخلاص الأفكار والأفكار المعقدة إلى لغة بسيطة وواضحة يفهمها الآخرون بسرعة وسهولة.
  ب) الكاتب الفعال قادر على استخلاص الأفكار والمعتقدات المعقدة إلى لغة بسيطة وواضحة يفهمها الآخرون بسرعة
  ج) الكاتب الفاعل قادر على استخلاص الأفكار والمعتقدات المعقدة إلى لغة بسيطة وواضحة يفهمها الآخرون بسرعة
  د) الكاتب الفعال قادر على تبسيط الأفكار والمعتقدات المعقدة إلى لغة بسيطة وواضحة يفهمها الآخرون بسرعة وسهولة.
ملخص جرامر اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي مستر عبد الحميد حامد
تحميل ملخص جرامر اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي pdf

1000 سؤال انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2023 بالاجابات


1000 سؤال انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2023 بالاجابات pdf 1000 سؤال انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2023 بالاجابات

We hope that the Egyptian economy recovers and becomes more
potent than before to fulfil the nation's demands.
  • - نتمنى ان يغطى الاقتصاد المصرى ويصبح حديثا أكثر من الأول حتى نسد احتياجات الأمه.
  • - نتمنى ان يتعافى الاقتصاد المصرى ويصبح قويا أكثر من الأول حتى نسد احتياجات الأمه.
  • - نأمل ان يتعافى الاقتصاد المصرى ويصبح قويا أكثر من الأول حتى نسد الاحتياجات القومية.
  • - نتمنى ان يتعافي الاقتصاد المصرى ويصبح عصرى أكثر مما كان حتى نسد احتياجات الأمه.
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