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Write a biography اكتب سیرة ذاتیة لطلاب كل المراحل

Write a biography
1-"a biography about a person you admire" سیرة ذاتیة عن شخص تعجب بھ
A biography about Samar Abdelfattah سیرة ذاتیة عن سمر عبد الفتاح
A biography about my role model سیرة ذاتیة عن قدوتك / مثلك الاعلى
A biography about astronaut سیرة ذاتیة عن رائد فضاء
Samar Abd elfattah is a great Egyptian girl. She has been interested in space. As a young
child, she wanted to be an astronaut. After finishing school, she went to Cairo University to
study space engineering. While she was at university, she entered a competition to design a
hyper loop. She and her team won the competition. She travelled to the USA to receive the
award. Now she has her own company. She also gives speeches to help young engineers achieve
their goals. I think, she will be a great astronaut one day. I think she is a good model that we
should follow and learn from her achievements.
2-A biography about a famous scientistسیرة ذاتیة عن عالم مشھور
سیرة ذاتیة عن فاطمة على البنا
fatma Ali El-Banna was born in Alexandria in 2003. As a child, sheloved learning about
science and wanted to be a great scientist. Aftershe finished Preparatory School, she started
at the Science,Technology, Engineering and Maths School (STEM)in Alexandria. When she was
atschool, she came first in Egypt in the NASA International Space AppsChallenge, a problem
solving competition for scientists around the world. Later, she worked on a school project. She
found a natural way forvillages to clean dirty water and to recycle used water. The recycled
wateris used to help plants to grow, and the project can also help to stop waterpollution. She
sent her project to the Society for Science in the USA. In2021, her project won fourth place
in another international competition for science and engineering.
3- A biography about a campaigner
سیرة ذاتیة عن مناضل-سیرة–سیرةذاتیة عن مجدىعبد السید
Magdy Abdel Sayed is a campaigner for people who are disabled. He’s . been disabled all his
life. He’s done lots of amazing things, but he has had lots of challenges. As a child, he couldn’t
move without help until he was five years old. It wasn’t easy to go to school as some schools
didn’t have the right equipment for disabled people. Magdy really wanted to go to school and
his parents wanted him to have a good education. They found a school for him and he was an
excellent student. Before he left school, he won an award from Cambridge University for his
achievements. After Magdy won the award, a lot of companies wanted to give him a job,but he
decided to go to university.
4-"a biography about a person in your family" سیرة ذاتیة عن شخصفى عائلتك
5-A biography of My father سیرة ذاتیة عن والدك
I want to write about my father because he is a great man. He was born in Tanta in 1947.
When he was young, he wanted to be a doctor. Although he was born into a poor family, he
decided to study hard. He was clever and intelligent. After finishing school, he joined the
faculty of medicine. After that he graduated and became a great surgeon. He did a lot of
operations and helped many patients. All people liked and admired him because he was kind and
helpful. He decided to leave a lot of money to build a hospital for the poor. I am very proud of
my father
6-A biography of a person (Ibrahim Hamadtou ) سیرة ذاتیة عن ابراھیم حمدتو
Ibrahim Hamadtou was born in Damietta on 1st July 1973. He is an Egyptian Para table tennis
Champion, winning several honors over theyears, including the silver medals in the African Para
table tennis Championships in 2011 and 2013. Hamadtou lost both his arms as the result of a
train accident when he was 10. In an interview heaid that in his village, they could only play, at
that time, table tennis and football. I played table tennis as a challenge. Hamadtou has also
won an award after earning second place and winning the silver medal during the African Para
table tennis Championships in December 2013
7-"A biography about a sports player سیرة ذاتیة عن لاعب ریاضي
Mohamed Salah is the person who ; admire most. He was born in a village - Gharbia. He is
polite and hardworking, he has played for many teams. He also play; for the Egyptian National
Team. He scored many goals for our team. He played for Roma Team. Now, he plays for
Liverpool England and scored many goals. Liverpool is a very good team. I like the way by which
they play. Players are so active and present great shows and good results. happened after
Salah's joining them. Salah added much speed to the team. Salah has got a lot of important
awards - Africa and Europe.
8-A biography of someone who has a problem سیرة ذاتیة لشخص لدیة مشكلة
I was born in Cairo and I have lived there all my life. When I was little, I always loved to draw
and paint but I found reading and writing very difficult. At school, I didn't always understand
the lessons and it was really hard I thought I wasn't very clever. Then my parents and the
school decided to take me for some tests. They discovered that I had dyslexia. This means it
is difficult for my brain to read and spell. After that, I got more help at school and I started
to understand more. When I took my exams, I got really good results! I was surprised and
happy. Later, I got a prize for my art and then I decided I would like to be an artist one day.
Now, I volunteer at a charity for other children with dyslexia and teach them about art.
9-"A biography about Magdy Yacoub" سیرة ذاتیة عن مجدي یعقوب
Doctor Magdy Yacoub was born in Bilbeis in 1935, but his family used to travel to many
places because his father was an important doctor. Magdy Yacoub went to Cairo University
and became an important heart surgeon. He helped people with heart problems for many
years. He used to work in a special hospital in London. At this hospital, Magdy used to help to
give people new hearts for the first time. Before the 1980s, people with heart problems
often died. He stopped most of his work a long time ago, but in 2006, he started a charity to
help children with heart problems in Aswan. Very ill children didn't use to live long lives, but
many ill children can now live healthy lives.
10-A biography about a person who made a difference in my community"
سیرة ذاتیة عن شخص صنع اختلاف فى مجتمعك
As I was young, I had little experience in life. I had a lot of problems and I could not find
solutions for most of them. I wasted too much time of my life and regretted that. One day, I
met a friend who was older than me. His name is Hussein. Really, he is a great person. He
listened to all my problems carefully and told me about some of his own problems which were
a lot greater than mine. The strange thing that he faced all his problems with great
satisfaction and told me he always said Thanks God. He told me that the strong man is the
person who can face and overcome, not to give up. At last, he could solve all his problems by
working hard. I learned from him that the hard work is the only key to solve any problem.
11-“A biography of Nada Zaher” سیرة ذاتیة عن ندي زاھر
Nada Zaher was born in Alexandria, Egypt. As a child, she played a lot of tennis. When she
was a teenager, she found out that she had a sports scholarship to go to Columbia University
in the USA. Then she went to the USA to study and play tennis. After university, she
returned to Egypt and decided to help more international athletes to study in other countries.
Now she helps students from Egypt and other countries to follow their dreams. So, she
started a company to connect athletes with universities in the USA and helped them to find
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