
مذكره مراجعه انجليزي تانية ثانوي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية

مذكره مراجعه الصف الثاني الثانوي ( الترم الثاني 2024)
صدقه جاريه
 لابي وامي واولادي وجدتي وجدي لابي وامي وخالي وخالاتي واعمامي وكل اولادهم الاحياء والاموات وكل المسلمين الاموات والاحياء من يوم خلق الله الخلق الي قيام الساعه ولكل من يحبني في الله واحبه في الله ولكل من يكرهني بسبب او بدون سبب   ولكل من لا احبه في الله ولكل من له عندي مظلمه مها كانت  اللهم اغفر لهم جميعا واغفر لي ذنبي واغفر للمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الاحياء منهم والاموات
صدقه جاريه
لكل شهداء  و مصابي مصر من العسكريين ( جيشنا العظيم ) والمدنيين
لكل شهداء ومصابي المسجد الاقصي
لولد ووالده المهندس احمد ضاحي
الصف الثاني الثانوي    ترم ثان 2024
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الحمد لله رب العالمين  
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مستر السباعي عطية

عدل سابقا من قبل الاستاذ في الأحد 10 سبتمبر 2023, 10:48 am عدل 1 مرات
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مذكره مراجعه انجليزي الصف الثاني الثانوي الترم الثاني 2023 مستر السباعي عطية

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Choose the correct answer:
1-  We  ( will visit – visit – are visiting – can visit ) my uncle. Everything is arranged
2- Don't raise your voice , the baby ( slept – has slept – is sleeping – had slept .
3- Some people  ( love – are loving – were loving -  have been loving ) keeping pets at home
4- I've booked the tickets .I ( travel – will travel – am travelling – have travelled ) next week
5- I ( believed – was believing – am believing – believe ) that she is a liar .
6- He ( is seeming – seeming – seems – has been seeming ) ill.
7-She doesn't hear us. She ( is thinking – thinks – thought – was thinking ) deeply.
8- Look ! She ( writes – was writing – is writing – wrote ) an essay.
9- I can't meet you tomorrow as I ( am visiting – visit – visiting – will visit ) my uncle.
10- Say it again .I ( am not hearing – heard – didn't hear – wasn't hearing ) what you said.
11-My friend ( is having – had – was having – has ) a lovely villa which has a nice pool .
12-Currently , we ( do – were doing – are doing – did ) a big project near Cairo.
13- It is ( knowing – known  - knew – know ) that Alexandria is a nice city.
14- I ( am having – have – will have – have had ) dinner at this moment.
15- This pizza ( is tasting – tasty – tastes – tasteful ) delicious.
16- What are you doing? I ( taste – am tasting – tasted – have tasted ) the food.
17- How ( do – is – are – were ) you feeling today ?
18-Please , answer the phone because I ( take – taking – am taking – took ) a shower.
19- The match ( is playing – plays – has been played – is being played ) now
20-Look! He ( weighs – weighed – is weighing – weight ) the bananas again.
21. Ahmed.............squash at the moment. He is practising for a competition.
a)plays                b) is playing                  c) will play                    d) has played
22. I..........my uncle next week. I've arranged it.
a) visiting           b) will visit                    c) am visiting                d) visit
23. We............dinner at seven o'clock today.
a) are having           b) have                    c) have had                    d) had had
24. Look! those boys...........flowers from our garden.
a) pick                     b) are picking                      c) were picking            d) picked
25. Most people……………………..in the existence of magic.
a) aren't believing                  b) don't believe             c) are believing             d) believes
26. People all over the world………………….Mohammed Salah well.
a) knew                          b) were knowing             c) are knowing               d) know
27. Does this computer………………….to Ahmed?
a) belong                         b) belongs                c) belonging                    d) belonged
28. A: Where's Nada? B: She........a tennis match.
a) played                   b) is playing                       c) has played                  d) plays
29. My father.........as an engineer. It is his permanent job.
a) works                       b) work                           c) is working              d) had worked
30. Mariam is busy at the moment. She.........her hair.
a) wash                          b) washes                         c) is washing              d) has washed
31. I like reading science fiction stories, but my brothers……..sport.
a) like                              b) are liking                    c) likes                          d) has liked
32. Look! How fast that lorry....................
a) go                               b) went                                c) goes                         d) is going
33. The girls.........tennis at the moment.
a) are play                   b) playing                            c) are played              d) are playing
34. Stress ............high blood pressure.
a) cause                        b) causes                              c) is causing                 d) has caused
35. Everything is arranged for my travel next Saturday. It means I…..next Saturday.
a) travel                      b) will travel                          c) am travelling           d) was travelling
36. Yasser........very naughty these days. I need to ask a doctor about this behaviour.
a) is being                   b) is                                         c) will be                        d) was
37. I never buy expensive mobile phones because I'm always........them.
a) lose                             b) used to lose                   c) losing                         d) lost
38. The sky.........grey and the wind is blowing. I think it is going to rain.
a) is looking                    b) looks                             c) has looked              d) will look
40. You haven't said a word all morning. What.......about?
a) you think                   b) do you think                  c) are you thinking            d) you do think
41. You.........computer games. You should do something more active.
a) always played               b) are always play        c) 're always playing        d) always playing
42. If you........at that comic book, I'd like to see it.
a) don't look                b) aren't looking              c) looks                    d) doesn't look
43 Turn left at the lights and......to signal.
a) aren't forgetting                 b) don't forget            c) you don't forget              d) can't forget
44 Most scientists........that the world is getting hotter.
a) believe                       b) are believed            c) are believing                d) will believe
45 I enjoy Greek music, and most of the food.......really good!
a) tasting                               b) is tasting              c) taste               d) tastes
46 What's that terrible noise? "The neighbours........a party."
a) have                             b) are having                   c) having                    d) had
47 Hany always wears jeans, but today he........a suit.
a) is wearing                b) wears                               c) had worn                d) wear
48 We are discussing the new project and.........a good time as well.
a) having                      b) had                               c) have                     d) being having
49. I am having a great time in Japan these days, but I….my friends, especially you.
a) missing                        b) misses                        c) am missing                       d) miss
50. I'm angry because you......the door open.
a) always left                   b) are always leaving        c) leaving            d) are left
A)  Choose the best translation:

لقد أصبح استخدام الطاقة النووية فى الغراض السلمية فى الصناعة والطب والزراعة ضرورة لا غني عنها-1
1.The use of clear energy for peaceful purposes in industry, medicine and agriculture has become indispensable.
2. The use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in industry, medicine and agriculture has become indispensable.
3.The use of nuclear energy for peace purposes in industry, medicine and agriculture has become indispensable.
4.The use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in industry, medicine and culture has become indispensable.
.تهدف مؤتمرات السلام الى وضع نهاية للحروب وتحقيق السلم العالمى- 2
1.Peace conferences aims to put an end to wars and achieve the world peace.
2.Peace conferences aim for put an end to wars and achieve the world peace.
3.Peace conferences aim to put an end to wars and achieve the world peaceful.
4.Peace conferences aim to put an end to wars and achieve the world peace.
3-يساعدنا الاستقرار على تنفيذ المشروعات النافعة وحل مشكلات السكان والمواصلات وتحسين العنايه الصحبه
1.Stability helps us to achieve useful projects, to solve the problems of housing and transportation and to improve health care.
2.Stability help us to achieve useful projects, to solve the problems of housing and transportation and to improve health care.
3.Stability helps you to achieve useful projects, to solve the problems of housing and transportation and to improve health care.
4.Stability helps us to achieve use projects, to solve the problems of housing and transportation and to improve health care.
.إن علاقات مصر القوية مع جميع دول العالم تعزز دورها فى حل المشاكل ونشر السلم-4
1.Egypt’s strong tie with all countries of the world enhance its role in solving problems and promoting peace.
2.Egypt’s strong ties with all countries of the world enhance its role in solving problems and promoting peace.
3. Egypt’s strong ties with all countries of the world enhance its rule in solving problems and promoting peace.
4.Egypt’s strong ties with all countries of the world enhance its role in solving problems and disporting peace.
Choose the best answers:
1-- Physical training helps to maintain fitness and enhances the capacity of thinking and working.
1-يساعد التمرين الجسماني علي الحفاظ علي الصحه وتقويه القدره علي التفكير والعمل
2-يساعد التدريب البدني علي الحفاظ علي اللياقه ويعزز القدره علي التفكير والعمل
3-يساعد التمرين الجسماني علي استمرار اللياقه وتقويه القدره علي التفكير والعمل
4-يساعد التمرين الجسماني علي الابقاء علي اللياقه ويعزز القوه علي التفكير والعمل
2-Youth are the backbone of the society and the hope to achieve a better future.
1- الشباب هم العمود الفقري للمجتمع وهم الامل لتحقيق مستقبا افضل
2- الشباب هم العمود الفقري للجماعه وهم الامنيه لانجاز مستقبل مزدهر
3- الشباب هم اصل  المجتمع وهم الامل لتحقيق مستقبا جيد
4- الشباب هم اساس المجتمع وهم الامل لتحقيق مستقبا مشرق
3- We have to spread awareness among citizens to make great efforts
1- يجب ان نشر الوعي بين المواطنين وذلك لبذل جهود كبيره لتقليل التلوث  
2-يجب عليا ان وسع الدرايه بين المواطنين وذلك لبذل محاولات كبيره لتقليل التلوث  
3-يجب ان ننشر المعرفه بين المواطنين وذلك لبذل جهود كبيره لوقف التلوث  
4-يجب ان ننشر المعلومات بين المواطنين وذلك لبذل جهود كبيره لوقف  التلوث  
4-Although inventions and discoveries have made life easier for us, they have made damage to the environment as well as living beings.
1-علي الرغم من الاختراعات والاكتشافات جعلت الحياه اسهل بالنسبه لنا فاها احدثت ضرر للبيثه وايضا الكاثات الحيه
2- علي الرغم من الاختراعات والاكتشافات تجعل الحياه سهله لنا فاها تحدث اذي للبيثه وايضا الكاثات الحيه
3- علي الرغم من المخترعون و المكتشفون جعلوا الحياه اسهل بالنسبه لنا فاها احدثوا ضرر للبيثه وايضا الكاثات الحيه
4- علي الرغم من الاختراعات والاكتشافات كات تجعل الحياه سهله بالنسبه لنا فاها احدثت ضرر للبيثه وايضا الكاثات الحي
طريقة كتابه كتابة الفقرة والمقال فى اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثانى
مذكره مراجعه انجليزي تانية ثانوي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية 1_img269
مذكره مراجعه انجليزي تانية ثانوي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية 2_img226
مذكره مراجعه انجليزي تانية ثانوي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية 3_img197

مذكره مراجعه انجليزي تانية ثانوي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية 4_img157
مذكره مراجعه انجليزي تانية ثانوي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية 5_img126
مذكره مراجعه انجليزي تانية ثانوي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية 6_img108
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