
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة

الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 44413
الموسوعة .2500سؤال تالتة ثانوي خلاصة العديد من هدايا أصاحب  الملخصات شاملة جزئي علي الوحدات وامتحانات شاملة وتراكمي قواعد وملاحظات لغوية وحروف جر
نشكر كل الملخصات التي تم الاستعانة بهداياها
المعاصر.العمالقة .جيم. ماي فريند.وملخص المستر
وهي اهداء مني لكل من ينتفع بها
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حل مشكلة الازمنة للثالث الثانوى
دول أهم 75 جملة على الأزمنة فى الإنجليزى بالإجابات
مستر جلال
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 1454
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 2255
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 3200

الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 4253
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 5165
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 6104

الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة 798
1. Having a large income is one of the advantages of rank. The synonym of the word
“rank” here is............ .
a) investment                       b) decline                      c) award                  d) high position
2. It's too early to………the long-term consequences of the new educational system.
a) assess                     b) access                       c) vary                                         d) produce
3. It is estimated that China has an 82 % software…………rate.
a) settings                       b) piracy                    c) cheating                          d) prejudice
4. Tonight's performance has been cancelled due to circumstances…………our control.
a) beyond                             b) under                       c) beneath                          d) behind
5. He is…………when he has had a few drinks.
a) nicest                                  b) the nicest                         c) more nice                          d) the nicer
6. ............you............tried to write your name and address with your left hand?
a) Had / ever                       b) Did / never                    c) Do / ever                             d) Have / ever
7. I‟ve made some copies. Would you like me to………..?
a) hand out them                    b) hand it out                   c) hand them out                    d) hand out it
8. We are going to have...........down.
a) knocked that wall                                              b) that wall knocking
c) knocking that wall                                              d) that wall knocked
9. He was proud of his achievements. The synonym of the word “proud” is...........
a) satisfied                   b) ashamed                            c) embarrassed                         d) shameful
10. Love is something………..; the aspect may change, but not the essence.
a) eternal                        b) temporary                      c) ceasing                                d) limited
11. We are always eager to………..the latest technology.
a) reject                          b) disbelieve                      c) embrace                              d) embark
12. The exhibit is a …………for anyone interested in Egyptian art.
a) must-read                   b) must-have                      c) must-seen                       d) must-see
13. I…………to learn this for hours and I still don't know it!
a) have tried                                               b) have been trying
c) tried                                                            d) had tried
14. He was going to drink some lemonade but there was…………left. He was upset.
a) a few                       b) much                                c) no one                       d) none
15. Jane told me the news and then…………that she felt very happy about it.
a) recommended                        b) added                      c) answered                 d) claimed
16. The teacher spoke for………..long time that no one was listening in the end.
a) too                  b) so                   c) such                                      d) such a
17. Which one of the following sentences uses an appositive correctly?
a) Samy came with us on our ski trip. Samy is my best friend.
b) Samy, who my best friend, came with us on our ski trip.
c) Samy, my best friend, came with us on our ski trip.
d) Samy, he is my best friend, came with us on our ski trip.
18. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) They would probably title the article man: dog‘s worst friend.
b) They would probably title the article: Man, dog‘s worst friend.
c) They would probably title the article, Man: dog‘s worst friend.
d) They would probably title the article Man: Dog‘s Worst Friend.
19. Decent Life initiative: A project for the 21st century. This kind of sentence can be seen
in a/an…………
a) letter                   b) advertisement                     c) newspaper headline                 d) book review
20. Which of the following sentences is structurally correct?
a) We use encyclopedias because it contains good information.
b) We use encyclopedias because they contain good informations.
c) We use an encyclopedia because it contain good information.
d) We use encyclopedias because they contain good information.
Read the following passages, then choose the correct option from a, b, c or d:
Polo is an unusual sport. It uses a ball and a mallet, which is used to hit the ball. It also
requires helmets to protect the player‘s heads, gloves for their hands and boots to guard their
legs. The players hit the ball into a goal to score. Nothing special, right? The game of polo
suddenly becomes very exciting when you discover the final piece of ―equipment‖ the players
need: a horse. That‘s right; it is played entirely on horseback. How did this unique sport that
combines the talents of humans with animals become popular?
The game of polo was developed in Persia around 2,000 years ago, but the British made
modern polo world-famous. A mere 150 years ago, the British came in contact with the sport,
in the Indian city of Silchar. There, the oldest existing polo club, the Calcutta Club, was
founded by the British in 1862. A polo club opened in England just ten years later, and
British soon began to travel and show others this great ―new‖ sport. Polo quickly grew
worldwide. Twenty years later, clubs as far away as Argentina and Australia were founded.
Today, 77 countries around the world have polo teams, including the UAE. Dubai, Abu
Dhabi and Sharjah all have their own polo teams, made up of foreign and Emirati players.
Matches are played all year round and included players at every level. So, if you enjoy
playing sports and are a good horse rider, why not consider joining the polo team?
21. What is the topic of this text?
a) Polo in the past and today                     c) Countries where polo is played
b) Games the British love                           d) How polo developed in Persia
22. When was the first polo club founded in England?
a) 2,000 years ago                   b) in 1872                  c) in 1862                     d) 150 years ago
23. What is the topic of paragraph (1)?
a) The popularity of polo                           c) Horses and the polo match
b) What players need for polo                   d) Strange and exciting sports
24. In the first paragraph, the underlined pronoun "it" refers to...........
b) ball                        b) polo                        c) goal                               d) mallet
25. “Helmets” means something for the...........
a) hand                        b) leg                            c) boot                              d) head
26. To join a UAE polo team, you must...........
a) know how to ride a horse                                     c) own many horses
b) come from the UAE                                                   d) be a very good player
27. How was polo first spread all around the world?
a) on horseback      b) by polo teams        c) by the Calcutta Club                   d) by British travellers
28. The underlined collocation "came in contact with" means…………
a) invented                b) recognized                       c) reinvented                          d) neglected
Read the following passages, then choose the correct option from a, b, c or d:
Julius Caesar is one of the most famous tragedies in the world. William Shakespeare
wrote it around 1599. There have been 5 thousands of performances in the 400 years since.
The story is about power. It is about people who use power well and people who use it badly.
Julius Caesar was a general in the Roman army. He won a big battle and returned to Rome.
Most of the people loved him but some people envied him because he was powerful. They
decided to kill him.
Brutus was Caesar's friend. A man called Cassius asked Brutus to join the plot against
Caesar. 'It is for the good of Rome,' he said. The plotters decided not to kill Mark Antony,
another important Roman. It was a very bad decision.
The plotters decided to kill Caesar on 15th March. The night before, Caesar's wife,
Calpurnia, had a dreadful dream about her husband. In her dream, Caesar died at work in
the government building. She tried to stop him going to work. But he didn't listen to his wife,
and went. The plotters killed him. Caesar's friend hit him last of all. After Caesar‘s death,
Mark Antony spoke at Caesar's funeral. He told the crowd about Caesar's good qualities and
actions. The crowd got angry, and Cassius and Brutus had to leave the city.
A war started between the supporters of Brutus and Cassius and the supporters of Mark
Antony. At first, Brutus and Cassius won some battles. However, Mark Antony finally won
the war, and the other two men died. When Mark Antony saw the body of Brutus, he was
very sad. 'He was the noblest Roman of them all,' he said. 'The other plotters killed Caesar
because they hated him. Brutus killed him for the good of Rome.'
29. The main idea in Paragraph 2 is…………
a) the king‘s wife dreadful dream
b) the plot against Mark Antony.
c) the conflict between the supporters of the king and the supporters of Mark Antony
d) the plot against the king.
30. The king‟s death was on the…………
a) 15th of March                     b) 15th of April              c) 5th of March                 d) 25th of March
31. The main idea in this text is …………
a) respect among family members            c) the conflict between good and bad desires
b) how to make fun of others                       d) the life of kings and queens
32. The underlined word “supporters” means…………
a) writers                      b) plotters                      c) planners                        d) followers
33. Brutus killed the king because…………
a) he loved him.                                     c) he wanted to marry the king‘s wife..
b) he hated him                                      d) he loved Rome more than his friend.
34. The underlined word “dreadful” means…………
a) noblest                         b) happy                     c) famous                                   d) terrible
35. The pronoun “them” means…………
a) the supporters                  b) the crowd                   c) the plotters            d) Shakespeare‘s plays
36. The plotters decided to kill Julius Caesar because…………
a) they envied him.                                            c) he lost the war
b) he was a bad king                                           d) all people loved him

.37كلما تقدمت تكنولوجيا إلفضاء ، تضاعفت تطلعات الانسان الي المزيد. فهل ستظل الرحلات بين إلنجوم حلما  بعيدإلمنإل ، أم واقعا سهل إلمنإل؟

a) As space technology advances, Man's aspirations for more multiply. Will interstellar
journeys remain a distant dream, or easy-to-find reality?
b) As space technology progressed, Man aspirations for more double. Will interstellar
journeys remains a far dream, or a reality soon?
c) As space technology advances, human aspirations for more multiply. Will interstellar
journey remain a distant dream, or a reality soon?
d) As space technology advances, human's aspirations for more multiplied. Will interstellar
journeys remain distant dream, or easy-to-find reality?
 . 38و جه إلعلمإء إهتمإمهم الى إلشمس وإلقمر وإلريإح كمصدر للطإقة ؛ لأن البترول سينضب في المستقبل إلقريب.
a) Scientists directed their intention to the sun, moon and wind as a source of energy; because oil will run out soon.
b) Scientists turned their attention to the sun, moon and wind as a source of strength; because petrol will be gone in the near future.
c) Scientists directed their attention to the sun, moon and wind as a source of energy; becauseoil will run out in the near future.
d) Scientists directed their interests to the sun, moon and wind as a source of power; because oil will run out in the far future.
39. History witnesses that Egypt is the land of civilization and our ancestors were the first
teachers for humanity. The ancient Egyptian civilization is full of wonders.

(aيشهد إلتاريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضارة وأن أحفادنا كانوا أول من علم البشريه؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة زاخرة بإلمعجزإت.
(bيشهد إلتإريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضإرة وأن أسلافنا كإنوإ المعلمين الاواثل للانسانيه ؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة مليئة بالخيرت
(c يشهد إلتإريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضإرة وأن أجدإدنإ كإنوإ أول من علم إلبشريه ؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة زإخرة بإلعجإئب.
(dيلاحظ إلتإريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضإرة وأن أجدإدنإ كإنوإ أول من علم إلبشريه ؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة مليثه بإلمنجزات.

40. It‘s high time men seized to regard women as second-class citizens. Women are men's
partners in all aspects of life. It‘s something undeniable.

(aآن إلآوإن أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة هي شريكة إلرجل في كل مناحي إلحيإة- هذإ أمر يمكن انكإره.
)bآن إلآوإن أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة هي شريكة إلرجل في كل مناحي إلحيإة- هذإ أمر لإ يمكن انكإره.
)cحإن إلوقت أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة منإفسة للرجل في كل مجإلإت إلحيإة- هذإ أمر لإ يمكن انكإره.
(dآن إلآوإن أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة هى شريكة إلرجل في كل مناحي إلحيإة- هذإ امرلا يمكن انكاره
محمد الجمل
ملاحظات مهمة لامتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة 2024
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة Scree922
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة Scree924
الموسوعة 2500 سؤال انجليزي لثالثة ثانوي خلاصة الخلاصة Scree923
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