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امتحان لغة إنجليزية أفكار جديدة ثالثة ثانوي 2024 . pdf

امتحان لغة انجليزية على الوحدات 1-6 الصف الثالث الثانوى يشمل  أفكار جديدة للاسئلة كالتالي|
7- My friend has a half-brother who works in Italy. A half-brother is ......
a) a brother who is a son of your mother only.
b) a brother who is a son of your father only.
c) a brother who is a son of only one of your parents.
d) one of your far relatives
8- The shelf is too high for the little child to reach. This means:
a) The shelf is so high that no one can reach it.
b) The shelf is so high, but the little child can reach it.
c) The shelf is so high that the little child can't reach it.
d) It is such a high shelf that no one can reach it

تحميل امتحان لغة إنجليزية أفكار جديدة ثالثة ثانوي 2024 . pdf
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