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أهم أسئلة متوقعة على قصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي

أهم أسئلة متوقعة على قصة Great Expectations للصف الثالث الثانوي Scree940
أهم أسئلة متوقعة على قصة Great Expectations
للصف الثالث الثانوي
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1-Do you think Pip should have been penalized for helping the convict?
Yes, I do. It is a big mistake to help a criminal escape from the police.
2-Do you think it was a great expectation for Pip to have wealth from a convict?
Of course not. It is wrong to let a convict be your benefactor as he got his money from crime.
3- Why do you think Magwich hide his identity as a benefactor?
Maybe, he knew that Pip would refuse to take the money if he knew it was from a convict.
4- If you were Pip, would sympathise with the convict at the marshes?
No, I wouldn't as he was a convict. I wouldn't help him escape from police.
5- What might have happened if Pip told the police about the convict he had seen in the
The convict would have been angry and planned to get his revenge from Pip. He wouldn't
have sent a lot of money to Pip to help him become a gentleman.
6- Why do you think Miss Havisham kept asking pip about his opinion of Estella?
She wanted Pip to like Estella so that she could break his heart.
7-Was Herbert lucky not to be adopted by Miss Havisham?
Yes, he was. Although he would be rich and marry Estella, he would suffer because Estellahad a bad character.
8- Miss Havisham was a victim. Discuss
She was deceived by her evil half-brother and her evil fiancé who planned together to takeher money.
9-Do you think Estella was a victim?
Yes, I do. She adopted by Miss Havisham who taught her how to be cruel and cold. MissHavisham used her as a tool to take her revenge from men.
10-If you had Miss Havisham's circumstances, would you be cruel like her?
No, I wouldn't. I would try to overcome my sadness. I wouldn't think about revenge, but would try to be more careful and enjoy my life.
11- If you were Pip, what goal would you like to reach in your life?
If I were Pip, I would try to improve my education to have a better life without leaving my
family. I would keep away from cruel Estella and love Biddy.
12- Do you agree that Pip had a weak personality?
Yes, I do. He loved Estella although he knew she was cruel and proud. He obeyed her when she told him to forget about his poor friends and make new friends
13-Why do you think some of Miss Havisham's relatives were jealous of Pip?
They were jealous because Miss Havisham was helping Pip although he was not her relative.
14-Was Pip right to make Mr. Jaggers dismiss Orlick?
Yes, he was. Orlick was a bad and violent man and he could hurt Miss Havisham.
15-Do you think Pip was right when he said he didn't feel sad for his sister's death?
No, as she was his sister. Although she treated him badly, she was the only member of his family and she looked after him.
16- Pip's new life style affected his character. Discuss
Pip lived an extravagant life and forgot the people who helped and cared for him like Biddy and Joe.
17-Why does Pip care for Provis's safety?
Maybe, Pip is grateful to Provis who helped him become a gentleman. Maybe, he felt sorry for him as he was a victim of society.
18-What is the moral of the story?
Being a good person is more important than being rich. Family is the most important thing in life. Losing true friends means losing everything.
19-Do you feel sorry for Miss Havisham?
No, I don't. Although she suffered a lot after her brother and fiancé deceived her, she wasn't right to misuse Estella and Pip and destroy their life.
20-Do you think Miss Havisham was right to stop her life after being deceived?
No, I don't. she should have overcome that bad experience and continued her life.
21-Who is the best character in the novel?// Do you think Joe is a role model?
Joe is the best character. He was a kind and honest man who loved Pip and cared for him although Pip sometimes treated him badly. He loved his wife although she was bad tempered. He cared for her till she died.
22- Money doesn't always bring happiness. Discuss
Pip thought that money would make him a gentleman and help marry Estella, but it changed his character badly and made him lose his best Friends.
23-Do you think Pip succeeded in achieving his expectations?
No. I don't. Pip wanted to be a rich gentleman man to marry Estella, but he couldn't as he spent all his money and Estella married another man.
24-Chance saved Pip from being punished for stealing the food. Discuss.
The arrival of soldiers made Pip's sister and her guests forget about the missing food when they told them about the escaped convicts.
25- The convict returned Pip's favour twice. Elaborate.
The first time when he told Joe that he stole the food from his house to save Pip. The second time, when he sent a lot of money to help Pip become a gentleman.
26- Do you sympathise Magwich as result of his help to Pip?/ Does Magwich's character have bright sides?
Although he was a convict, he was grateful to Pip and tried hard to help Pip get fine education. He claimed he had stolen the food to save Pip from any troubles.
27-Do you think Magwich was a victim of his circumstances/hard life?
Magwich was poor and homeless. He used to beg for food. His hard life made him a criminal, but in Australia, he worked hard and made a lot of money. He was kind to Pip and helped Pip become a gentleman.
28- Do you think Pip was a man of principles?
Yes, he refused to take any more money from Magwich when he knew his benefactor was a criminal.
29-If you were Pip, would you forgive Miss Havisham?
No, she was cruel to me. She made Estella break my heart. She used me as a game to teach Estella how to break men's hearts to take her revenge. She misled me and made me think she was my benefactor.
30-Pip and Magwich proved to have human feelings. Discuss
Pip was a good friend of Herbert and helped him get a good job and pas back his debts. He was grateful to Magwich and planned to help him leave England safely.
Magwich was a criminal, but he had a good nature. He was grateful to Pip and tried hard to -help Pip get fine education. He claimed he had stolen the food to save Pip from any troubles.
31-In your opinion, what is the best lesson you learnt from the novel?
- I learnt that money isn't everything. Family and true friends are more important than -wealth. Thinking too much about revenge will destroy our life.
32- "It's enough being a blacksmith's wife".what does this show ?
Mrs. Joe was not satisfied with her life and used to complain about that.
33- "I'd rather she hit me than you"What does this show about Joe's character?
Joe loved Pip. He treated Pip like a son or a friend. He always protected Pip from his sister.
34- "It was me who stole the food"Why did the convict say that?
The convict was grateful to Pip and claimed that had stolen the food to save Pip from any troubles.
35- What do you think of Estella?
Although she was pretty, she was too proud and rude. She treated Pip badly. When she grew -up, she also treated Miss Havisham badly.
36- Pip's visit to Miss Havisham's house was a turning point in his life. Discuss
After that visit, Pip felt ashamed of his poor life. He didn't want to be a blacksmith like Joe: he wanted to be an educated gentleman to make Estella love and marry him.
37- Was Estella right to break Pip's heart?
-No, she wasn't as Pip did nothing wrong to her.
38- Was Miss Havisham right to lock herself up?
-No, she wasn't. she should have overcome her sadness and lived a normal life.
-39-Orlick hated Pip. Discuss
Orlick was always jealous of Pip as Pip used to take a day off from work. He thought Pip -made Biddy keep away from him. He was angry as Pip made Mr. Jaggers to fire Orlick from his work at Miss H's house. He planned to kill pip to take his revenge.
40- Why did Orlick mentioned that more convicts escaped?
He wanted people to think that it was a convict who attacked Mrs. Joe.
41- Joe was better than Pip. Discuss
Joe was always kind to Pip and his wife. He was satisfied with his life as a blacksmith. He never complained about his wife's bad treatment. He looked after Pip when pip was sick despite Pip's bad treatment to him.
42- Estella was a tool in Miss Havishsm's hands. Discuss
Miss H adopted Estella and raised her. She used Estella's beauty to break men's hearts to take her revenge.
43- Which character do you pity most?
I pity Miss Havisham who couldn't overcome her shock and locked herself in her house. She was rich, but she couldn't enjoy her life.
44- Was Pip right not like Drummle?
Yes, he was as Drummle was too proud and boastful.
45-Do you think the convict had a great effect on Pip's life?
He was Pip's benefactor who helped Pip become a gentleman. He cared for Pip so much.
46-Pip was ungrateful to Joe. Discuss
Pip was ashamed of Joe because Joe was not educated and poor. He was not happy when Joe visited him in London.
47- Was Miss Havisham right to keep thinking about revenge?
No, she should have forgotten about the past and started a new life.
48- "I am what you made me".
Estella wanted Miss H to know that she taught Estella to be cruel with a cold heart to everyone including her.
49-Do you think Magwich was a bad character?
No, I don't. Although he was a criminal, he was grateful to Pip and cared for him. He claimed he had stolen the food to save Pip. He also sent a lot of money to help Pip become an educated gentleman.
50-"I'm your second father, Pip. You mean more to me than my son".
Magwich was grateful to Pip and decided to do his best to make Pip a gentleman.
51- Pip was a good friend to Herbert. Discuss
Pip cared for Herbert and helped him pay back his debts. He also helped Herbert get a good job.
52- What were the similarities between Pip and Magwich's childhood?
Both Pip and Magwich were poor and unhappy, but Pip was lucky to have a home and a family. Magwich was homeless and begged for food and became a criminal.
53- Mrs. Joe was a bad sister and a bad wife. Discuss
She was a bad sister as she used to treat her little orphan brother badly. She also treated her husband badly and always complained about being a blacksmith's wife.
54-Miss H's house reflected her broken heart. Discuss
The garden was untidy. The house was dark and dusty. Everything was old and gloomy.
55- "I saw a bride dressed in white".
Pip was surprised to see Miss H in her wedding dress which became yellow with age.
56- Both Pip and Estella were victims of Miss Havisham discuss
Miss H adopted Estella and taught her how to be rude, cold and proud to be her tool in breaking men's hearts to take her revenge. She brought poor Pip to make Estella break his heart.
57- How did Pip feel when he stole the food and the file? Did he do anything to relieve himself? Why/Why not?
He felt guilty. He wanted to tell Joe what he had done. He didn't tell Joc because he though he might not want to be his friend.
58- Biddy was helpful. Discuss
Biddy was kindhearted. She cared for Pip and helped him learn. She looked after Mrs. Joe when she couldn't move after being attacked.
59-What is your impression of the man that Pip meets in the graveyard? Clarify your answer.
At first I didn't love him, but after he helped Pip I loved him. He seemed have a good nature.
60-Pip had contradictory feeling towards the convict. Discuss.
Pip was frightened of the convict but he was also sorry for him.
61-There is a gap generation between Pip and his sister. Illustrate.
She was 20 years older than him. She treated him badly and complained about him.
62-Why do you think Estella described Pip as common?
He had ugly boots and dirty hands.
63-Why was Miss Havisham always asking Pip about his opinion of Estella?
She wanted Pip to fall in love with Estella so that Estella would break his heart
64-Do you think education or money was more important?
Yes, I do. It makes people more respectable and gives them higher position in society.
65-Why do you think the clock had stopped?
Time stopped for Miss Havisham on the day she didn't get married.
66- Joe was satisfied and happy with his life. Illustrate
He advised Pip to be happy with his position in life and not to care for Estella's insult to him. He also refused to take money for losing Pip as an apprentice.
67-Why do you think Miss Havisham wanted Estella to break Pip's heart?
Miss Havisham hated all men and wanted to take revenge on them.
68- Why do you think Mrs. Joe wanted Pip to be grateful to her?
She looked after him after his parents' death. She would send him to Miss Havisham where he would make a fortune.
69- Why did Mrs. Joe and Uncle Pumblechook want Pip's visits to Miss Havisham's house to continue?
They thought Miss Havisham would give Pip all her money.
70-Why do you think the dining room had not changed for many years?
Miss Havisham wanted to keep the memory of the day that had broken her heart.
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