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110 سؤال تفكير نقدي على قصة الآمال الكبري للصف الثالث الثانوى مستر جلال

تالته ثانوی
Mr Galal
الأمال الكبرى
Great expectations
110 سؤال الملف الشامل
تفكير النقدى ... على القصة كلها ... تشمل
SB+WB+ Longman
على بركة الله ... نبدأ يا شباب
1. The marshes and the graveyard were important to both Pip and the escaped
convict. Illustrate.
- Pip went there to escape from his suffering and loneliness. The escaped
convict went there to hide from the police.
2. Fear and guilt are two terrible feelings that took hold of Rip right from the
beginning of "Great Expectations". Explain.
That's right because Pip was afraid of the escaped convict who
threatened that he would kill him.
- Pip felt guilty when he stole the food and the file.(
3. How does Dickens use the natural environment to reflect the characters
feelings? Use examples to explain.
-The weather was cold and grey like Pip's life that was sad. While Pip was
running after meeting the convict, the sky was angry.
4. Do you think education or money was more important?
- Education because it makes people more respectable.
5. Would you leave your friends and family behind to move to a big city to get a
better education? Why?
- Yes. To achieve my ambitions and goals.
6. Is it natural to boast about your own skills in front of others? Why?
- No, one should be modest and consider people's feelings.
7. "Love is blind". Discuss.
- that's right, Pip loved Estella although she didn't love him.
8. Taking revenge is a common topic among the characters of the story. How do
we know this?
-That's right, when Havisham wanted to take revenge on men.
9. Criminal behaviours had no relation with poverty. Prove it.
- Compeyson deceived Miss Havisham to take her money although he was
10. Appearances are deceitful. Explain. 
معلومات الملف:
  • - المادة: اللغة الإنجليزية
  • - الصف: الثالث الثانوي
  • - الحجم عند التحميل: 1 ميجا تفريبا
  • - صيغة المذكرة: PDF
  • - عدد الأوراق: 10 ورقة
  • - اعداد: مستر جلال
  • - الناشر: مدرس اون لاين
  • - تحميل 110 سؤال تفكير نقدي على قصة الآمال الكبري للصف الثالث الثانوى PDF من هنا

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