
مراجعة macmillan الثانى الإبتدائى لغات ليلة الإمتحان ترم أول 2012

مراجعة macmillan الثانى الإبتدائى لغات ليلة الإمتحان ترم أول 2012
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- Macmillan:
1)Choose the correct answer:
The children are playing. Everything is in a (tidy – mess – clean).
Ahmed is blowing up a ( tree – bag – balloon)
My mum's cake is ready. It smells (bad – delicious – nasty).
Ahmed has got scissors. He is (drawing – cutting – eating) out a ball.
The car is going (up – into – round) the tunnel.
My house is not dirty. It is (bad – delicious – clean)
Go and wash your (good – smelly – clean) feet.
Mum is making a cake. She is at the (living room – bedroom – kitchen).
We play tennis in the (football pitch – games room – tennis court).
(Football – Tennis – Karate) is a team game.
There are (wave machine – locker – slide) in the changing room.
In our swimming pool, we have a (locker – wave machine – chess).
There are (races – videos – books) in the running track.
We play basketball in the (climbing wall – swimming pool – sports hall).
In our sports club, we climb the (tree – climbing rope – road).
I need to wear a (rope – helmet – shirt) to go climbing.
We have (four – five – six) senses.
I can touch and (taste – feel – see) with my hands.
I can't sleep because of the (loud – ugly – nasty) sounds.
I can smell (snow – smoke – socks). There is fire next to us.
It is raining. I feel (hot – cold – warm).
2) Complete using the following:

It is dangerous to play football ………………. the house.
People run in the ……………………………..
We must wear………………………….. to go climbing.
……………… is the movement of cars in the street.
It is not cold outside. It is …………………………..
I can ………………….. the moon in the sky.
We can play at night in the ………………………….
My friend give me …………………….. in the party.
The new car is ………………………………….
3) Give one word:-
Father and mother. ( ……………………………)
A cover to protect the head. ( ………………………………)
A small cup board. ( ………………………………)
Cars move around it. ( ………………………………)
A small cupboard. ( ……………………………………)
A large room. ( ………………………………………)
It tastes good. ( ………………………………………)
Very unpleasant. ( ………………………………………)
The ability to see. ( ………………………………………)
10-Unable to hear. ( ………………………………………)
4)Give the opposite:
nice X ……………………………..
sweet X ………………………………
Beautiful X ………………………………………
Soft X ………………………………………….
Throw X …………………………………..
Safe X ………………………………….
Fast X ……………………..
Old X …………………………….
Quiet X ……………………………..
Outside X ……………………………..
5)Fill in the blanks using these words:

[sight – see – dangerous – helmet – parents – presents – hear]
The man who is riding a motorbike wears a …………… on his head in order to protect hi head if he falls.
The ability to see is called ………………
On my birthday I have a lot of ………………
It is very ……………… to cross the road alone.
My father and mother are my ………………
I can ……………… with my ears.
I can't ……………… in the dark.
6)Give the opposite of the underlined words:-
1- The city is too noisy. I don't like loud places. ………..
I like …………. Places.
2- The lemon is not sweet, it is ………………
3- The rabbit is fast, but the turtle is ………………
7)Complete the following by using these words:
" hall – helmet – parents – famous – locker – soccer "
He is a _ _ _ _ man , every one knows him .
Put on your _ _ _ _ while you are climbing the wall .
My _ _ _ _ _ gave me a new bag .
He is playing football . He is a _ _ _ _ player .
Put these racquets in the _ _ _ _ which is in the changing room.
We play basketball in the _ _ _ _ _.

8)Choose the correct answer :
I call Ali he is not in his house , he is ( indoor – outdoor – inside ) .
These shoes are not old , they are ( happy – new – old ) .
The boys are playing _ _ _ _ the house . ( outside – on – under )
The turtle is _ _ _ _ ( slow – fast – happy ) but the rabbit is fast .
He is not tall . He is ( tall – short – happy )
This t-shirt is not small , it's ( old – happy – big )
We ( swim – play football – play chess ) in the swimming pool .
We play ( basketball – tennis – chess ) with racquets .
10) Choose the correct answer :
It is snowing . I feel ( hot – cold – warm )
I can smell the ( cake – rainbow – snow )
I can't sleep because of the ( happy – loud – cold ) sound .
A flower smells ( bad – good – light ) .
Your socks smell ( good – bad – happy ) , change them !
11)Re arrange :
Colors – a has – flower – beautiful
Birds – beautiful – sound –make-a
12)Fill in the blanks using the following words :
( Smell - ears – bad – eyes – flowers )
Change your socks ,they had a _ _ _ _ smell
I can see with my _ _ _ _
I can _ _ _ _ with my nose .
I can hear with my _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ have a good smell
B) Grammar
1)Correct the verb :
Ahmed ( is play ) football now .
Ali ( not like ) basketball .
We ) is playing ) at the moment .
She ( eat ) apples every day .
Are you eating now ? No I ( is ) not .
2)Choose the correct answer :
( Do – Are – Is ) you like football ? yes, I do .
I always ( am reading – read – reads ) stories .
Mai and Mona ( is not reading – are not reading – reads ) at the moment
3)Complete using ( don't / doesn't ) :
Ahmed _ _ _ _ like football
We _ _ _ _ play football
Mai _ _ _ _ like swimming
4)Complete using ( Do / Does ) :
_ _ _ _ you eat bananas ?
Does Ali like mango ? Yes , he _ _ _ _ .
_ _ _ _ Ali and Omar like tennis ? No , they don't
5)Read each sentence , choose the word that belong to each sentence
Ali _ _ _ _ football
a. Likes b. like c. liks
Ahmed and Ali _ _ _ _ a new ball
a. buys b. buy c. buyes
The girls _ _ _ _ their bags .
a. hold b. holds c. holdes
Amal _ _ _ _ like tennis .
a. does not b. is not c. are not
are you eating ? Yes , _ _ _ _ .
a. I am b. I do c. I does
6)Answer the following Questions :
Do they play tennis everyday ? ( Short answer )
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Are they eating apples now ? ( Full answer )
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Does she play tennis ? ( Full answer )
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Does Mai eat mango everyday ? (Short answer )
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Do you read a story ? ( Full answer )
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7) Choose the correct :
Please tell ( me – I ) about your H.W .
She gave ( us – we ) flowers .
They play with Ahmed . They play with ( him – her )
The cat is playing with the ball . the cat is playing with ( it – she ) .
I can see Ahmed and Ali ., can you see ( him – them )
Here is Mum , ask ( him – her )
I don't know . Don't ask ( me – I )
8)Correct the verbs:
Nina (get) up early every morning.
The children (play) tennis now.
Ben( watch) TV in the evening.
Mona (brush) her hair every morning.

9)Answer the following :
Does Ben play basketball? ( Full answer)
2. Do Ahmad and Ali like bananas? (short answer)

10)Choose the correct answer:-
1- Nada [washing – wash – washes] her hands before eating.
2- Don't shout I can hear [them – you – her].
3- [When – Who – Where] is your friend? Ahmad.
11)Correct the mistake:-
1- Penguins isn't flying. [ …….…………. ]
2- Are he football players. [ …….…………. ]
3- My friends never drinking milk. [ …….…………. ]
4- Does he plays the guitar in the afternoon? [ …….…………. ]
5- He don't walk on grass. [ …….…………. ]
6- Lina usually walk to school. [ …….…………. ]
7- Do they plays tennis on Sunday ? [ …….…………. ]
8- She always swim on Friday. [ …….…………. ]
9- George & John never are sitting on the sand. [ …….…………. ]
10- He isn't like noise. [ …….…………. ]
11- They doesn't sleep before. 11:30 at night. [ …….…………. ]
12- Does she drinking coffee in the afternoon? [ …….…………. ]
13- Do a giraffe eat leaves? [ …….…………. ]
14- Does Sam plays chess every weekend? [ …….…………. ]
15- Do he ski every winter? [ …….…………. ]
16- Do John & Mary plays tennis? [ …….…………. ]
17- Jerry don't clean his room. [ …….…………. ]
18-Does they joy on Monday? [ …….…………. ]
19- Does Sandy clean the home? Yes, she do. [ …….…………. ]
20- Bob usually feeding the day. [ …….…………. ]
21- My mother often cook our dinner. [ …….…………. ]
22- I doesn't like the housework. [ …….…………. ]
23- He doesn't words in a restaurant [ …….…………. ]
24- Tom plays with his ear now. [ …….…………. ]
25- Ann is wear a new dress. [ …….…………. ]
26- He usually play football at 7 o'clock. But he read a book now,.
[ …….…………. ] [ …….…………. ]
27- It rain now. [ …….…………. ]
28- Look! They talk to these awful people. [ …….…………. ]
29- They am draw flower now. [ …….…………. ]
30- Rana helps her mother at the moment. [ …….…………. ]
12)Correct the verbs between brackets:
Ahmed (not like) ……………….. riding bikes every summer.
My mum (cook) ………………… delicious cake every Friday.
They (not watch) ………. T.V in the morning.
The child (climb) …………….. the climbing wall now
Sarah (do) ………………..her homework every day.
He (go) ……………………….. to school by bus.
Tom always (help) ………………… his mum in the kitchen.
Now, The children (play) …………………… in the park.
I can see Hend. Can you see (she) ………………………….?
We (are eat) …………………. at the moment.

C) Story:-
Revise the story from the story sheets
D) Composition:-
1)Write a paragraph about your day.
Helping words:
(get up – go to school – o’clock- go home - have lunch - breakfast- do homework – go to bed)

2)Write in a paragraph form about your picnic :-
Where do you go? [on a beach – in a desert]
When do you go for a picnic?
With whom do you go?
What do you do?
Is it a nice day? Why

3) Write about your favourite sports:-
What sports do you like?
When do you play them?
Where do you play them?
How many times a week do you go to the club?
Why do you like these sports?
Who plays them with you?
Answer these questions in a paragraph form.

عدل سابقا من قبل RSS في السبت 07 يناير 2012, 9:40 pm عدل 1 مرات
E) Comprehension:-
I am Laila and this is my sister Sohaila. We go to the same school. I am older than Sohaila. I am seven years old and Sohaila is only four. We come back home at four o'clock We do our homework together till eight o'clock . The, we watch TV. Finally, we go to bed at nine o'clock.
Answer the following questions:-
1- How old is Laila?
2-How old is Sohaila?
3- When do Laila and Sohaila go to bed?
4- What do Laila and Sohaila do together?
Laila is [older – younger – smaller] than Sohaila.
In the evening, they might [play games – watch TV – have a shower].
They come back home at [three – four – five] o'clock

Read the passage and then answer the question:
My uncle has a big farm. We go to his farm every Saturday. There are many cows. There are black and white. There are three horses, nine hens and two dogs on the farm. My uncle gets milk from the cow. He rides a horse to go every where on his farm. The hens give him eggs. I like my uncle’s farm.
1- Put (√) or (X):
My uncle has a small farm. ( )
The cows are black and white. ( )
My uncle gets milk from the cow. ( )
The hens give him eggs. ( )
My uncle has five dogs. ( )
2- Choose the correct answer:
1- We go to my uncle’s farm on (Monday – Saturday).
2- There are (two – three) horses.
3-My uncle gets milk from (hens – cows).
4- He rides the (horse – dog) to go everywhere on his farm.
5- The hens give him (eggs – milk).

- Macmillan:
1)Choose the correct answer:
The children are playing. Everything is in a (tidy – mess – clean).
Ahmed is blowing up a ( tree – bag – balloon)
My mum's cake is ready. It smells (bad – delicious – nasty).
Ahmed has got scissors. He is (drawing – cutting – eating) out a ball.
The car is going (up – into – round) the tunnel.
My house is not dirty. It is (bad – delicious – clean)
Go and wash your (good – smelly – clean) feet.
Mum is making a cake. She is at the (living room – bedroom – kitchen).
We play tennis in the (football pitch – games room – tennis court).
(Football – Tennis – Karate) is a team game.
There are (wave machine – locker – slide) in the changing room.
In our swimming pool, we have a (locker – wave machine – chess).
There are (races – videos – books) in the running track.
We play basketball in the (climbing wall – swimming pool – sports hall).
In our sports club, we climb the(tree – climbing rope – road).
I need to wear a (rope – helmet – shirt) to go climbing.
We have (four – five – six) senses.
I can touch and (taste – feel – see) with my hands.
I can't sleep because of the (loud – ugly – nasty) sounds.
I can smell (snow – smoke – socks). There is fire next to us.
It is raining. I feel (hot – cold – warm).
2) Complete using the following:

It is dangerous to play football inside . the house.
People run in the running track.
We must wear helmet to go climbing.
Traffic is the movement of cars in the street.
It is not cold outside. It is hot.
I can see the moon in the sky.
We can play at night in the tennis court.
My friend give me present in the party.
The new car is fast .
3) Give one word:-
Father and mother. (parents)
A cover to protect the head. (helmet )
A small cup board. ( locker)
Cars move around it. ( round about)
A small cupboard. ( locker)
A large room. (hall)
It tastes good. ( delicious/tasty)
Very unpleasant. (sad/ angry)
The ability to see. ( sight)
10-Unable to hear. ( deaf)
4)Give the opposite:
nice X bad
sweet X sour
Beautiful X ugly
Soft X hard
Throw X catch
Safe X hard
Fast X slow
Old X new
Quiet X loud.
Outside X inside
5)Fill in the blanks using these words:

[sight – see – dangerous – helmet – parents – presents – hear]
The man who is riding a motorbike wears a helmet on his head in order to protect hi head if he falls.
The ability to see is called sight.
On my birthday I have a lot of presents.
It is very dangerous to cross the road alone.
My father and mother are my parents.
I can hear with my ears.
I can't see in the dark.
6)Give the opposite of the underlined words:-
1- The city is too noisy. I don't like loud places. I like quiet Places.
2- The lemon is not sweet, it is sour.
3- The rabbit is fast, but the turtle is slow.
7)Complete the following by using these words:
" hall – helmet – parents – famous – locker – soccer "
He is a famous man , every one knows him .
Put on your helmet while you are climbing the wall .
My parents gave me a new bag .
He is playing football . He is a soccer player .
Put these racquets in the locker which is in the changing room.
We play basketball in the hall.

8)Choose the correct answer :
I call Ali he is not in his house , he is ( indoor – outdoor – inside ) .
These shoes are not old , they are ( happy – new – old ) .
The boys are playing _ _ _ the house . ( outside – on – under )
The turtle is _ _ _ _ ( slow – fast – happy ) but the rabbit is fast .
He is not tall . He is ( tall – short – happy )
This t-shirt is not small , it's ( old – happy – big )
We ( swim – play football – play chess ) in the swimming pool .
We play ( basketball – tennis – chess ) with racquets .
10) Choose the correct answer :
It is snowing . I feel ( hot – cold – warm )
I can smell the ( cake – rainbow – snow )
I can't sleep because of the ( happy – loud – cold ) sound .
A flower smells ( bad – good – light ) .
Your socks smell ( good – bad – happy ) , change them !
11)Re arrange :
Colors – a has – flower – beautiful
Flower has a beautiful colors.
Birds – beautiful – sound- make-a
Birds make a beautiful sound.
12)Fill in the blanks using the following words :
( Smell - ears – bad – eyes – flowers )
Change your socks ,they had a bad smell
I can see with my eyes.
I can smell with my nose .
I can hear with my ears
Flowers have a good smell
B) Grammar
1)Correct the verb :
Ahmed ( is play ) football now . is playing
Ali ( not like ) basketball . doesn’t like
We ( is playing ) at the moment . are playing
She ( eat ) apples every day .eats
Are you eating now ? No I ( is ) not .am
2)Choose the correct answer :
( Do – Are – Is ) you like football ? yes, I do .
I always ( am reading – read – reads ) stories .
Mai and Mona ( is not reading – are not reading – reads ) at the moment
3)Complete using ( don't / doesn't ) :
Ahmed doesn’t like football
We don’t play football
Mai doesn’t like swimming
4)Complete using ( Do / Does ) :
Do you eat bananas ?
Does Ali like mango ? Yes , he does .
Do Ali and Omar like tennis ? No , they don't
5)Read each sentence , choose the word that belong to each sentence
Ali _ _ _ _ football
a. Likes b. like c. liks
Ahmed and Ali _ _ _ _ a new ball
a. buys b. buy c. buyes
The girls _ _ _ _ their bags .
a. hold b. holds c. holdes
Amal _ _ _ _ like tennis .
a. does not b. is not c. are not
are you eating ? Yes , _ _ _ _ .
a. I am b. I do c. I does

6)Answer the following Questions :
Do they play tennis everyday ( Short answer )
Yes, they do.
No, they don’t.
Are they eating apples now ? ( Full answer )
Yes, they are eating apple now.
No, they aren’t eating apple now.
Does she play tennis ? ( Full answer )
Yes, she plays tennis.
No, she doesn’t play tennis.
Does Mai eat mango everyday ? (Short answer )
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn’t.
Do you read a story ? ( Full answer )
Yes, I read a story.
7) Choose the correct :
Please tell ( me – I ) about your H.W .
She gave ( us – we ) flowers .
They play with Ahmed . They play with ( him – her )
The cat is playing with the ball . the cat is playing with ( it – she ) .
I can see Ahmed and Ali ., can you see ( him – them )
Here is Mum , ask ( him – her )
I don't know . Don't ask ( me – I )
8)Correct the verbs:
Nina (get) up early every morning.
Nina gets up early every morning.
The children (play) tennis now.
The children are playing tennis now.
7)Ben( watch) TV in the evening.
Ben watches T.V. in the evening.
8)Mona (brush) her hair every morning.
Mona brushes her hair every morning.

9)Answer the following :
Does Ben play basketball? ( Full answer)
Yes,he plays basketball.
No,he doesn’t play basketball.
2. Do Ahmad and Ali like bananas? (short answer)
…No, they don’t.

10)Choose the correct answer:-
1- Nada [washing – wash – washes] her hands before eating.
2- Don't shout I can hear [them – you – her].
3- [When – Who – Where] is your friend? Ahmad.
11)Correct the mistake:-
1- Penguins isn't flying. [ aren't ]
2- Are he football players. [ they]
3- My friends never drinking milk. [ drink]
4- Does he plays the guitar in the afternoon? [ play]
5- He don't walk on gnass. [ doesn't]
6- Lina usually walk to school. [ walks]
7- Do they plays tennis on Sunday ? [ play]
8- She always swim on Friday. [ swims]
9- George & John never are silting in the sun. [ sit]
10- He isn't like noise. [ doesn't]
11- They doesn't sleep before. 11:30 at night. [ don't]
12- Does she drinking ceffee in the afternoon? [ drink]
13- Do a giraffe eat leaves? [ Does]
14- Does Sam plays chess every weekend? [ play]
15- Do he ski every winter? [ you]
16- Do John & Mary plays tennis? [ play ]
17- Jerry don't clean his room. [ doesn't]
18-Does they joy on Monday? [ Do]
19- Does Sandy clean the home? Yes, she do. [ does]
20- Bob usually feeding the day. [ feeds]
21- My mother often cook our dinner. [ cooks]
22- I doesn't like the housework. [ don't]
23- He doesn't works in a restaurant [ work]
24- Tom plays with his ear now. [ is playing]
25- Ann is wear a new dress. [ wearing]
26- He usually play football at 7 o'clock. But he read a book now,.
[ plays] [ is reading]
27- It rain now. [ is raining]
28- Look! They talk to these awful people. [ are talking]
29- They am draw flower now. [ are drawing]
30- Rana helps her mother at the moment. [ is helping]

12)Correct the verbs between brackets:
Ahmed (not like) doesn’t like riding bikes every summer.
My mum (cook) cooks delicious cake every Friday.
They (not watch) don’t watch T.V in the morning.
The child (climb) is climbing the climbing wall now
Sarah (do) does her homework every day.
He (go) goes to school by bus.
Tom always (help) helps his mum in the kitchen.
Now, The children (play) are playing in the park.
I can see Hend. Can you see (she) her?
We (are eat) are eating at the moment.

C) Story:-
Revise the story from the story sheets
D) Composition:-
1)Write a paragraph about your day.
Helping words:
(get up – go to school – o’clock- go home - have lunch - breakfast- do homework – go to bed)
I get up at six o’clock .I have my breakfast at half past six then I go to school by bus.I take a new lesson the I go home at three o’clock. I have my lunch at four o’clock the I do my homework . I watch T.V then play games on computer then I go to bed at nine o’clock.
2)Write in a paragraph form about your picnic :-
Where do you go? [on a beach – in a desert]
When do you go for a picnic?
With whom do you go?
What do you do?
Is it a nice day? Why
I always go for a picnic with my family . We go to the beach. We have a very big umbrella. We eat sandwiches and ice-cream. I swim with my father. I play football with my brother. My sister doesn't like football. She rides her bike The weather is sunny. We have fun on the beach

3) Write about your favourite sports:-
What sports do you like?
When do you play them?
Where do you play them?
How many times a week do you go to the club?
Why do you like these sports?
Who plays them with you?
Answer these questions in a paragraph form.
My favourite sports are tennis and swimming. I go swimming every Friday I like the wave machine and the water slide. I like tennis I play tennis in the tennis court with my friends tennis is a very popular game. I like it.

E) Comprehension:-
I am Laila and this is my sister Sohaila. We go to the same school. I am older than Sohaila. I am seven years old and Sohaila is only four. We come back home at four o'clock We do our homework together till eight o'clock . The, we watch TV. Finally, we go to bed at nine o'clock.
Answer the following questions:-
1- How old is Laila?
Laila is seven years old.
2-How old is Sohaila?
Sohaila is four years old.
3- When do Laila and Sohaila go to bed?
They go bed at nine o’clock.
4- What do Laila and Sohaila do together?
They do their homework together
Laila is [older – younger – smaller] than Sohaila.
In the evening, they might [play games – watch TV – have a shower].
They come back home at [three – four – five] o'clock
Read the passage and then answer the question:
My uncle has a big farm. We go to his farm every Saturday. There are many cows. There are black and white. There are three horses, nine hens and two dogs on the farm. My uncle gets milk from the cow. He rides a horse to go every where on his farm. The hens give him eggs. I like my uncle’s farm.
1- Put (√) or (X):
My uncle has a small farm. ( X )
The cows are black and white. ( √ )
My uncle gets milk from the cow. ( √ )
The hens give him eggs. ( √ )
10.My uncle has five dogs. ( X )
2- Choose the correct answer:
1- We go to my uncle’s farm on (Monday – Saturday).
2- There are (two – three) horses.
3-My uncle gets milk from (hens – cows).
4- He rides the (horse – dog) to go everywhere on his farm.
5- The hens give him (eggs – milk).
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