
مراجعة science_3rd_primللثالث الإبتدائى لغات

مراجعة science_3rd_primللثالث الإبتدائى لغات
جزء للمشاهـــــــــــــــــــــدة
Questions (2)
I- Put (ü) or (x):-
1- We measure big masses in grams . ( )
2- When we freeze water, it becomes a water vapour. ( )
3- Air has a mass and volume. ( )
4- Liquids have fixed shapes and volumes. ( )
5- Iron and copper are solids. ( )
6- Matter is everything that has amass only. ( )
7- Liquids take the shape of its container. ( )
8- Oil is a liquid but ice is a solid. ( )
9- Matter has four states. ( )
10- A kilogram is bigger than a gram. ( )
11- The cubic centimeter is a unit of measuring the mass. ( )
12- We use the graduated cylinder to know the mass. ( )
13- Solid can be changed to liquid by heating. ( )
14- Water vapour is a gas. ( )
15- A matter can be changed from liquid to gas by cooling. ( )
16- Water is a matter but air is not. ( )
17- Carbon dioxide is a gas. ( )
18- Water takes up space it has a mass. ( )
19- When we melt ice , it becomes a gas. ( )
20- A matter can be changed from a state to another. ( )
21- Solid and liquid are the states of matter. ( )
22- When we heat water, it becomes a gas. ( )
23- Volume is measured by a balance. ( )
24- Ice and coins are liquids. ( )
25- Water, milk and honey are liquids. ( )
26- Volume is measured by a graduated Jar. ( )
27- All gases have fixed volume. ( )
II- Write the state of matter:-

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عدل سابقا من قبل RSS في الأربعاء 11 يوليو 2012, 9:31 am عدل 1 مرات
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