
macmillan E 3rd Primary Language Section2012

1)Circle the odd word:
1-handle- button- dial- square
2-smoke- backwards- forwards- upwards
3-press- turn- tortoise- pull
4-quickly- slowly- noisily- happy
1-paw- claw- bag- horns
2-bus- bull- lion- tiger
3-friendly- fierce- tails- helpful
1-pyramid- feather- palace- house
2-sandal- skirt- headdress- stick
3-school- strong-powerful- important
1-Valley- desert- school- hill
2-snowleopard- yak- herdsman- gazelle
3-hunt- fur- attack- leap
4-bushy- thick- spiky- quickly

2)Give one word:
The sound of a machine. [---------------------]
To take in air quickly and noisily. [---------------------]
A small house made of wood used for storing things. [---------------------]
The part of anything which we hold with the hand. [---------------------]
The sound of bees. [---------------------]
Unusual, not known before. [---------------------]
The round part of a clock or a machine with numbers on it.
angry and dangerous [-----------------------]
The hair that grows around some animals’ mouths [-----------------------]
a special chair for kings and queens [-----------------------]
one of the sharp hard points on the foot of an animal [-----------------------]
small round pieces covering the body of a fish [-----------------------]
The hard part on the head of some animals [-----------------------]
something built over a river so that people or cars can cross it.
not special [---------------------]
the covering of birds [---------------------]
nice to look at [---------------------]
a large area of water with land all around it. [---------------------]
expensive things women wear like rings and earrings [---------------------]
a very large house where kings live [---------------------]
a piece of land with water all around it. [---------------------]
a beautiful stone like diamond [---------------------]

a dry, hot land covered with sand [---------------------]
to keep someone safe [---------------------]
someone who looks after some animals [---------------------]
the raised part on the back of a camel [---------------------]
a grown up [---------------------]
a low land between two hills [---------------------]
to harm [---------------------]
to fall [---------------------]

3)Write the adverbs of the following adjectives:
happy:---------------------- sad:---------------------
loud:----------------------- noisy:-------------------
quick:---------------------- slow:--------------------
heavy:---------------------- quiet:-------------------
good------------------------ hard:-------------------
fast:------------------------ late:--------------------
4)Correct the underlined mistakes:
1-A buzz is the sound of a machine. ----------------------------
2-I like drawing best, ----------------------------
3-Lions run fastly. -----------------------------
4-My baby brother exclaimed when he saw a very big spider. -------------------
5-Choose a picture then click with right mouse switch. -------------------------
6-Look how the clock hands move on the handle. -------------------------
7-A telescope is a wonderful journey or action. -------------------------
8-The basket maker makes jewels. -------------------------
9-Rings, earrings and diamonds are jewels. -------------------------
10-We wear heavy boots on our feet in summer. -------------------------
11-Cindrella was an ugly girl. -------------------------
12-All kings are poor and live in tents. -------------------------
13-Lazy is the opposite of strong. -------------------------
14-The narrow nostrils protect the camel’s ears. ------------------------
15-A puppy is an adult dog. -------------------------
16-A crocodile has a short tail. -------------------------
17-Camels and yaks are domestic animals. -------------------------
18-A leap means to harm. -------------------------
19-A snow leopard’s grey fur helps it to jump. -------------------------

5)Unscramble the words below:
1. Hdnlae 2- alicEmx 3-Hgue 4-aGsp

5. uvAdeetrn 6-Fiuvoaret 7. nSeerc 8. iaDl

9.e- p- a- L 10.p- u- m- H 11.H-d- r-e 12.r-e-e-D-s-t

13. d- A- d- u- t- l 14-S- i- p- k- y 15-T-h- r- n- o 16-V-l-l-a-e-y

6)Choose the correct answer:
Elephants are huge but lizards are (big- medium- tiny)
I can run very (slow- quick- quickly).
Lilly can’t press the (switch- shed- handle) because she’s too short.
Downwards is the opposite of (forwards- backwards- upwards)
The tortoise moves (slow- slowly- slowlly).
Rabbits run (fast- fastly- hardly).
My father forgot his (keys- keies) at home.
My baby sister hides her (toies- toys) underneath her bed.
Many (familys- families) like travelling to Alex.
A pilot travels to many (countries- countrys).
A thief stole the (ladyes’- ladies’) handbags.
There are many (trolleys- trolleies) in the market.
(Monkeies- Monkeys) like eating bananas.
Reading books gives us good (colours- food- information).
Clean your shoes, they are covered in (paper-rubber- mud).
The king and his queen live in a (tent- palace-bridge).
Look at those boots sailing under the (lake- bridge- palace)
Children like to play in (desert- gardens- hospitals).
My uncle travelled to many (countries- countryes- countrys) last year.
My baby brother learns how to (sleep- clean- count) in K.Gs.
(Tennis- Turquoise- Tortoise) is my favourite colour.
(Domestic- wild) animals find their own food.
Be careful! That plant is (smooth- spiky), you may get hurt.
A herdsman looks after (camels- dogs).
Life is not easy in the (country- desert).
Cats have soft (fur- claws)
A flower has sharp (thorns- thrones) on its stem..
Camels (drop in- drop off) their coats in summer.
A (attack- adult) gazelle can leap across the desert.
Wolves (hide- hunt) for deer.
Dogs can (leap- hunt) high in the air.

7)Do as shown between brackets:
1-A grown up person or animal. (give one word) [-------------------]
2-The opposite of wild is strong. (correct the mistake) [-------------------]
3-There is a leaf on the shelf. (make plural)

4-spiky (put in a sentence)

5-A large area of water with land all round it. (give one word)
6-i like reading books magazines and comics [punctuate]
7-This is a boy. [make plural]
8)Punctuate the following:
1-come here danny said
2-do you want some sugar
3-hanya is going to alexandria
4-adam travelled to japan spain and england
5-my aunt likes apples kiwi and peaches
6-stand up
7-what are you doing
8-listen the baby is crying
9-mark and anna live in England
10-i want some fries a can of coke a pan cake and an ice cream
9-Fill in the blanks using the following words:
fur- nostrils- herdsmen- yaks- wild- fat-sheep- heavy- gazelle-
bushy- coats- humps
1-Camels store water and fat in their………………………………….
2-Look at that dog, it has a……………………………..tail.
3-A snow leopard has soft………………………………..
4-Tigers and lions are………………………..animals.
5-Camels can live off the………………………..in their humps.
6-………………………………..look after herds of animals.
7-The smell of the perfume filled his……………………………….
8-Danny can't carry those…………………………….bags.
9-Camels' winter……………………………..drop off in summer.
10-A new baby…………………………..can't walk at all.
11-……………………………….give us wool and meat.
12-Snow leopards hunt for……………………………….and goats.
10-Fill in the blanks using the following words:
adventure- shed- coloured- fierce- pyramids- whir- powerful-
fires- horns- tents- ordinary
1-The……………………………..of the motor bike is terrible.
2-The farmer has a cattle………………………………..
3- I had a great…………………………………..in the jungle.
4-Yaks have long…………………………
5-Red Indians used to live in………………………………….
6-That …………………………….parrot looks wonderful.
7-Dad bought three…………………………….guard dogs.
8-That book is about………………………..people.
9-Firemen put out………………………………
10-The Aztecs were…………………………..people.
11-The ancient Egyptians built many…………………………………….

1)Circle the odd word:
1-square 2-smoke 3-tortoise 4-happy
5-bag 6-bus 7-tails 8-feather
9-stick 10-school 11-school 12-herdsman
13-fur 14-quickly

2)Give one word:
1-whir 2-gasp 3-shed 4-handle
5-buzz 6-strange 7-dial 8-fierce
9-whiskers 10-throne 11-clwas 12-scales
13-horn 14-bridge 15-ordinary 16-feather
17-beautiful 18-lake 19-jewllery 20-palace
21-island 22-jewel 23-desert 24-protect
25-herdsman 26-hump 27-adult 28-valley
3)Write the adverbs of the following adjectives:
1-happily 2-sadly 3-loudly 4-noisily
5-quickly 6-slowly 7-heavier 8-quietly
9-well 10-hard 11-fast 12-late
4)Correct the underlined mistakes:
1-whir 2- . 3-fast 4-gasped
5-button 6-dial 7-adventure 8-baskets
9-jewellery 10-light sandals 11-beautiful 12-rich – palaces
13-active 14-nose 15-baby 16-long
17-wild 18-to jump 19-hide
5)Unscramble the words below:
1-handle 2-exclaim 3-huge 4-gasp
5-adventure 6-favourite 7-screen 8-dial
14-leap 15-hump 16-herd 17-adult 18-spiky 19-thorn 20-valley 21-desert
6)Choose the correct answer:
1-tiny 2-quickly 3-switch 4-upwards
5-slowly 6-fast 7-keys 8-toys
9-families 10-countries 11-ladies 12-trolleys
13-monkeys 14-innformation 15-mud 16-palace
17-bridge 18-gardens 19-countries 20-count
21-turquoise 22-wild 23-spiky 24-camels
25-desert 26-fur 27-thorns 28-drop off
29-adult 30-hunt 31-leap
7)Do as shown between brackets:
1-adult 2-domestic 3-There are leaves on the shelves.
4-Camels can eat the spiky leaves. 5-lake
6-I like reading books, magazines and comics.
7-These are boys.
8)Punctuate the following:
1-“Come here,” Hany said.
2-Do you want some sugar?
3-Hanya is going to Alexandria.
4-Adam travelled to Japan, Spain and England.
5-My aunt likes apples, kiwi and peaches.
6-Stand up!
7-What are you doing?
8-Listen! The baby is sleeping.
9-Mark and Anna live in England.
10-I want some fries, a can of coke, a pan cake and ice cream.

9)Fill in the blanks using the following words:
1-humps 2-bushy 3-fur 4-wild
5-fat 6-herdsmen 7-nostrils 8-heavy
9-coats 10-gazelle 11-yaks 12-sheep
10)Fill in the blanks using the following words:
1-whir 2-shed 3-adventure 4-horns
5-tents 6-coloured 7-fierce 8-ordinary
9-fires 10-powerful 11-pyramids

1- Choose the correct answer:-
1- Last week we ………………to Luxor.
travel b) travelled
2- Yesterday I ……………… a new toy.
buy b) bought
3- Mum ……………… the food one hour ago.
cook b) cooked

4- Al Ahly ……………… the match last month.
win b) won
5- Dad didn’t ……………… his car yesterday.
drived b) drive
6- Did the teacher ……………… the lesson?
a) red b) read
7- My sister ……………… a lot last night.
cryed b) cried
2- Do as shown between brackets:-
Marwa and soha help their mum. [use yesterday]
He walked to the club. [change into negative]
The children didn’t ate their lunch. [correct the mistakes]
The film [was , is] nice yesterday. [choose]
Did you [watch – watched] the match? [choose]
3- Choose the correct answer:-
Camles are …………… as yaks
a- as strong b- as stronger
Gazells are …………… than Yaks.
a- faster b- weaker
The Mouse is the …………… animal of them all.
a- smallest b- small
4- Correct the underlined mistake:-
Did you sleep early? Yes, I do.
Children didn’t played well yesterday.
The lady are in the house.

My aunt is happy yesterday.
Did your dad drank the tea?
5- Give the full answer:-
Did you watch the film?
Yes, ………………………………………
No, ………………………………………
Did she go home early?
Yes, ………………………………………
No, ………………………………………
Did the bird fly high?
Yes, ………………………………………
No, ………………………………………

6- Change into question:-
The dishes were clean.
The cartoon film was nice.
My friend gave me a present.
Dina read the story yesterday.
7- Use as ………… as or not as ………… as :
Tony is four years old. Sam is 6 years old. (old)
You are polite. Hany is polite (polite)
I am 120 cm . Mona is 135 cm. (tall)
The plane is fast. The train isn’t fast {fast}
8- Correct the words between brackets:-
August is (hot) …………… than April.
I am (fat) …………… than my sister.
Samy is …………… than Marawan.
The zebra is ………… than the bear.
Today the weather is ………………..(bad) than yesterday.
9- Change these adjectives into adverbs:-

1- Choose the correct answer :-
2- Do as shown between brackets:
Yesterday Marwa and Soha helped their mum.
He didn’t walk to the club.
The children didn’t eat their lunch.
The film was nice yesterday.
Did you watch the match?
3- Choose the correct answer:-
a or b
4- Correct the underlined mistake:-
5- Give the full answer:-
Yes. I watched the film.
No, I didn’t watch the film.
Yes, she went home early.
No, she didn’t go home early.
Yes, the birds flew high.
No, the birds didn’t fly high.

6- Change into question:-
Were the dishes clean?
Was the cartoon film nice ?
Did your friend give you a present?
Did Dina read the story yesterday?
7- Use as ……as or not as ……as :-
Tony is’t as old as sam.
You are as polite as Hany.
I am not as tall as Mona.
The train isn’t as fast as the train.
8- Correct the words between brackets :-
August is hotter than April.
Fatter than
Better –
Worse -

9- Change these adjectives into adverbs:-

1-MP3 2-barked 3-crying

Put ( √ ) or ( x ):
1-( x ) 2-( √ ) 3-( √ )

Answer the following;
1-Uncle Jack recorded the meerkats crying.
1-Because Grumpy barked loudly.

Put (Ö) or ( x ):
1-( x ) 2-( x ) 3-( √ ) 4-(x )

Fill in the blanks:
1-a lot 2-families 3-excited 4-loud speakers

Answer the following:
1-Jim helped Uncle Jack to put his idea into action.
2-Yes, it was, because the baby meerkats found their family.
3-They kept the baby meerkats in the twins school bags.

1-lorry 2-the pet shop 3-wild animals

1-nets and cages
3-Kalahari Desert
4-wild animals

Answer the following:
1-The men in the lorry wanted to catch the meerkats to take them to the pet shop.

Put (√ ) or ( x ):
1-( x ) 2-( x ) 3-( √ ) 4-( x )

1-balloon 2-supper
3-cages – holes

Answer the following:
1-Uncle Jack and Jim open the cages.
2-They ran to their holes.

Put ( √ ) or ( x ):
1-( √ ) 2-( x ) 3-( √ )

Fill in the blanks:
1-jumped 2-meerkats
3-supper 4-waved

Answer the following:
1-The men promised Uncle Jack not to catch meerkats again.
2-The lions are angry because they didn’t have men or meerkats for supper.

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