
مراجعة مستوى رفيع لغات الثالث الإبتدائى ليلة الإمتحان ترم أول 2012

مراجعة مستوى رفيع لغات الثالث الإبتدائى ليلة الإمتحان ترم أول 2012


A) Vocabulary :
festival – cart - proud – race – crowd – pirates – seashell – explore – treasure – valuable.
A) Choose the correct answer:-
I got the full mark in the exam. So, my dad is [happy – sad – proud] of me.
There is a running [rice –race – horse] tomorrow.
Last year, I found the [car – seashell – pen] on the beach.
There is a [festival - seashell – cart] today.
I found lots of gold. It's a [ring – treasure – ruler].
B) Complete using the following words:-
[cart – crowd – pirate – explore – valuable]
Wow! This ring is ……………………
We can use it to carry tomatoes. It is a ……………………
The …………………… was very noisy.
The …………………… stole the gold tell on the ship.
He is going out to …………………… the far land.
Revision Units 5 & 8
A) Re – arrange:-
1- won – I – race – the .
2- found – my brother – a – treasure.
3- You – see – did - ? – seachell – the .
B) Match:-
1- Where is class 3L? A- in the streets.
2- There is a crowd B- Let's explore.
3- A valuable C- Piece of information.
Bravo Lesson 12 – 13
cowboy – acrobat – magician – hold – rope – juggle – hand kerchief – scarf – stick – restaurant – circus – airport – post - office – radio station – tower.
A- Chose the correct answer:-
This man looks after his cows. So he is a [doctor – teacher – cow boy].
The [acrobat – bus driver – nurse] is walking on a rope now.
This [student – child – magician] shows us a very funny magic tricks.
A baby can't [hold – bold – cold] his toys.
I can't walk on the [rope – robot – rabbit].
I can play with balls. So I am [skating – juggling – flying].
Ola is wearing a blue [scarf – rope – nose].
We can eat at a [restaurant – cow boy – radio station].
B- Complete by using the following words:-
[hand kerchief – stick – circus – airport – post office – tower]
The old man use a ……………… to help him to walk.
I like to go to the ……………… to watch the acrobat.
I can dry my nose by a ………………
The ……………… is the place where we can send letters.
There is a restaurant at the top of the ………………
I am going to the ……………… to see the aeroplanes.
Lesson 14 – 15 – 16
Vocabulary :
board game – walkman – ring – same – message – empty – computer game.
A) Choose the correct answer:-
Chess is a [white board – blackboard – board game].
I can hear Islamic songs on the [walkman – book – desk].
I like my gold [ring – circle – pencil case].
My friend has the [same – some – sugar] bag.
B) Complete by using the following words:
[computer games – empty – message]
1- My friend sent me a …………………
2- The box is …………………
3- I like to play …………………
A) Match :
1- The teacher is holding a- a ring.
2- My mum is wearing b- a stick.
3- Ladder and snake is c- a board game.
B) Re-arrange:-
1-Omar – going to – the - ? – is – circus.
2- empty – the – class - . – is
Lesson 17 – 21
Kick – join – pond – torch – trainers – jumper – triangle Δ – circle Ο – square □ – rectangle - shape.
A) Choose the correct answer:-
I can wear the [kick – jumper – pencil].
Please, [join – kick – hit] your friends.
The ducks are in the [pond – sea].
I wear my [trainers – square – circle] whenever I go to the club.
We use the [torch – pencil – stick] to see the way.
B- Complete by using the following words:-
[triangle – circle – square – rectangle]
Δ It’s a …………………
It's a …………………
□ It's a …………………
Ο It's a …………………

Unit 5 & 8 :
A) Choose the correct answers :
B) Complete using the following words:-
Unites 5 & 8
A) Re- arrange:
I won the race.
My brother found a treasure.
Did you see the seashell?
B- Match:-
1 → B 2 → A 3 → C
Lesson 12 – 13
A) Choose the correct answer:-
1- cowboy 4- hold
2- acrobat 5- rope
3- magician 6- juggling
7- scarf 8- restaurant

B) Complete by using the following words:-
1- stick 4- post office
2-circus 5- tower
3- handkerchief 6- airport

Lessons 14 – 15 – 16
A) Choose :
board game.
B) Complete by using the following words:-
1- message
2- empty
3- computer games.

Lessons 12/14/15/16
A) Match:
1- b 2- a 3- c

B) Re-arrange:-
1- Is Omar going to the circus?
2- The class is empty.

Lessons 17 – 21
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- jumper 4- trainers
2- join 5- torch.
3- pond
B) Complete by using the following words:-
1- triangle.
2- square
3- rectangle
4- circle.

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