
مراجعةmacmillan الرابع الإبتدائى ترم أول 2012

1-Give one word:
1.A land between two hills or mountains. (-------------------------)
2.To discuss angrily. (-------------------------)
3.The opposite of heavy. (-------------------------)
4.The one who wins in a match or competition. (-------------------------)
5.The adverb of (good) . (-------------------------)
6.That's what happens when you stand in the rain. (-------------------------)
7.The fan can do that with your papers. (-------------------------)
8.Your mouth gets like that in a very hot day. (-------------------------)
9.A person who acts in a play. (-------------------------)
10- Destruction left after a volcano erupts (-------------------------)
11- When a volcano sends smoke, fire and lava (-------------------------)
12- The synonym of sleeping and not active (-------------------------)
13- The powder left after something is burned (-------------------------)

14-To move quietly and secretly when you do something wrong and feel shy from that. (-------------------------)
15-Part of a cooker we cook on. (-------------------------)
16-Having a very good taste or smell (-------------------------)
17-Someone who wants more than he needs. (-------------------------)
18-The opposite of huge. (-------------------------)
19-Another word for great. (-------------------------)
20-Steps followed to cook something. (-------------------------)
21-Place where you can have any of the three meals. (-------------------------)
22-To spread cheese, salt.……etc. over your food. (-------------------------)
23-To leave things till water dries up. (-------------------------)
24-Name of the device used to cook over direct heat. (-------------------------)
25-I don't like doing that to onions it makes me cry. (-------------------------)
26-When the waiter in a restaurant gives you food. (-------------------------)
27-The first thing you ask for before ordering food. (-------------------------)
28-You do that to food in a pan or a pot. (-------------------------)
29-That's what we do to the skin of potatoes. (-------------------------)

2)Choose the correct answer:
He is a very (sensibly, sensible) person. He acts (sensible, sensibly).
Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) in the exam.
Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all.
Andrea knows the material very (good, well).
You must send payments (regular, regularly). We have (strictly, strict) rules.
The mechanic's tools were (well, good). Dad said that his work is
(good, well)done.
She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child. She was a very
(careful, carefully) worker.
He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would.
There are lots of (thieves-thief) in big cities.
(Oxen and geese - Oxes and gooses ) are farm animals.
Did you buy two silk ( scarfes -scarves) for your sister?
The baby sitter is (babysitting- baby room) the neighbour’s children.
She was beating (dust- dusty) out of the (dust- dusty) carpet.
She ate the cake (greedily- greedy) because she was too (hungry- hungrily).
Jane read the book (quick- quickly).
Mary plays the piano (beautiful- beautifully).
Adel drove his car so(careless- carelessly).

3)Change the following into plural:
1-kangaroo: 2-hippo:
3-potato: 4-piano:
5-tomato: 6-video:
7-mango: 8-volcano:
9-photo: 10-bamboo:
11-cello: 12-piccolo:
13-studio: 14-hero:

4)Fill in the spaces using the words in the box:

1.When magma ------------------------------it is called lava.
2.The house has been burnt to-------------------------.
3.The boiling water made ----------------------------sounds.
4.I can't see anything written on the board , the girl standing in front of me –-----------------------------------the view.
5.Hot , molten rock called ---------------------moves up from a very deep crack in the earth.

6.The flowers keep ------------------------------until spring , then they start opening.
7.Earthquakes ---------------------------------lots of buildings and houses.
8. The volcano could----------------------------at any time
9.We climbed the top of the--------------------------------.

5)Insert the proper punctuation marks and correct the capitalization.
1.are you coming to the party tonight
2.heba said i want a sandwich.
3.dr.mostafa lives in cairo
4.salma and rana always travel to alex in july
5.soha went to america last Friday
6.dr.ziad went to italy by plane said dick
7.tom had lamb surprise and potato nests for his main course
8.where did noha go yesterday
9.john said i am the best student in my class

10.the best way to learn english is to read a lot the teacher said
11. i'm friendly and honest, said Sam i always help people when they are in need
12.i like oranges bananas and apples
13.i like green park restaurant
14.where are you going asked salma

1)Give one word:

grill (n.)
2)Choose the correct the answer:
sensible- sensibly
regularly- strict
good- well
carefully- careful
oxen- and geese
baby sitting
dust- dusty
greedily- hungry
3)Change the following into plural:
volcanoes- volcanos

4)Fill in the spaces using the words in the box:
pours out

6)Insert the proper punctuation marks:
Are you coming to the party tonight?
Heba said, “I want a sandwich.”
Dr. Mostafa lives in Cairo.
Salma and Rana always travel to Alex in summer.
Soha went to America last Friday.
“Dr. Ziad went to Italy by plane.” ,said Dick
Tom had Lamb Surprise and Potato Nests for his main course.
Where did Noha go yesterday?
Johan said, “I am the best student in my class.”
“The best way to learn English is to read a lot.” said the teacher.
“I’m friendly and honest.” said Sam “I always help people when they are in need.”
I like oranges, bananas and apples.
I like Green Apple Restaurant.
“Where are you going?:” asked Salma

A) Do as shown between brackets:
She played tennis last week. ( form a question)
While I ……………..............…. (read) a book , my mother ……...........………. (wash) the dishes. (correct)
I saw a mouse on the shelf. ( change into plural )
My father (read – reads) the newspaper every morning. ( choose )
Yes, I go to school every day. ( form a question )
While she …….........……………...... (cook) , she …………..........….... (burn) her shelf .
(correct the verbs )
She bought a new dress. ( form a question)
The woman bought a dress. ( change into plural )
Peter was driving home, while he got a flat tyre. (correct the mistakes )

Egypt is famous for its cotton. ( pick a proper noun and an adjective)
proper noun: ……………… adjective: ………………
Last year, he …………….............…. (study) in the science college. ( correct the verb )
I go to the club to (play – played) football. ( choose )
The trees are shaking ……………......… (violent) in the wind . ( correct the adverb )
My mother went to the market to (bought – buy) some vegetables. ( choose )
She was sitting in the garden. It rained. ( use : when)
Mr. Jones shouted (angry – angrily) at us. ( choose )
I ………….......……. (buy) some new clothes yesterday. ( correct the verb )
This is Eman’s book. ( form a question) ............................................................................................................................................... 19- I paid 100 LE. for my new dress. ( form a question) ............................................................................................................................................... 20-Mr. Ahmad went to the party yesterday. ( form a question )
21-Mona and I usually goes to the club. ( correct the mistake )
.............................................................................................................................................. 22-There are five apples in the basket. ( form a question )
............................................................................................................................................. 23-He is a fast driver, he drives …………………. ( complete with an adverb )
24-I always feel (happily – happy) when the sun is shining. ( choose )

25-I write a book last month. ( correct the mistake )
.............................................................................................................................................. 26-No, she doesn’t walk to work every day. ( form a question )
27-I always travels to Paris in Summer. ( correct the mistake )
28-She always eats an apple in the morning. ( change into negative )
.............................................................................................................................................. 29-Horses eat apples and sugar. ( form a question )
30-When I …………......…......( phone )Ahmad , he …………...........……(work) in the garden . (correct the verbs )
31-At 5: 30 yesterday afternoon Mandy ……………………............... (did) her homework. (correct the verb )
32-I bought some new magazines yesterday. ( change into negative )
33-Mona (was telling – told) me a story when the teacher (was arriving – arrived)
34-Noha listened carefully to (understand – understands – understood) the lesson.
35-Yesterday Tamer ………….....…… (fell off ) his bike and …...…………. (lose) his money. (correct the verbs)
36-The man (sew – saw) the accident (everyday – yesterday). ( choose )
37-The (farmer – farmers) grows some flowers in the field. (choose )

B ) Change into plural :
It is a deer.
The policeman caught a thief.
I saw a parrot, a deer, a hippo and a calf in the zoo yesterday.
He is a teacher.
The ox pulled the branch of the tree.
The leaf fell off the tree.
A lion is a dangerous animal.

A-Do as shown between brackets:
When did she play tennis?
was reading , was washing
We saw some mice on the shelves.
Do you go to school every day?
was cooking , burnt
What did she buy?
The women bought some dresses.
While Peter was driving home, he got a flat tyre.
Proper noun: Egypt adjective: famous
She was sitting in the garden when it rained.
Whose book is this?
How much did you pay for your new dress?
Who went to the party yesterday?
goes go
How many apples are there in the basket?
write wrote
Does she walk to work every day?

travels travel
She never eats an apple in the morning.
What do horses eat?
phoned - was working
was doing
I didn’t buy any new magazines yesterday.
was telling- arrived
fell off- lost
saw- yesterday

B ) Change into plural :
They are deer.
The policemen caught some thieves.
We saw some parrots, some deer, some hippos and some calves in the zoos.
They are teachers
The oxen pulled the branches of the trees.
The leaves fell off the trees.
Lions are dangerous animals.

Chapter Three (An Important Discovery)
1-Answer the following questions:
1-She went to the town on her bike.
2-She went to find the black limousine.
3-It was parking in front of the Majestic Hotel.
4-The driver brought a tool box.
5-She couldn't go alone to Mr. Sanderson's house because she was scared.
6-They were surprised because Stephen and Sally never went out together.
7-He was tied to a chair and had got a handkerchief in his mouth. He was so frightened
1-baseball cap- sunglasses.
2-The Majestic Hotel.
3-a hardware shop-a supermarket- Mr. Sanderson's house.
4-home- dark.
7-the police- the fire brigade.
1-Sally said this to herself in her bedroom when she wanted to go out back to Mr. Sanderson's house.
2-Stephen said this to Sally outside Mr. Sanderson's house when they saw him tied to a chair.
3-The man on the phone said this to Stephen in the street when he called the fire brigade.
Chapter 4 (The Rescue)
1-Answer the following questions:
1-They took him to the hospital.
2-There was a big photo of Stephen and they wrote that he saved the teacher.
3-The police found a papyrus from the National Museum in Cairo.
4-They were at the Majestic Hotel.
5-She was angry because she discovered the mystery about Mr. Sanderson not Stephen.

1-Sally- Stephen-behind.
2-fire chief.
4-the window.
7-stephen’s photo
9-a papyrus

1-Dad said this to Stephen in the house when he saw the newspaper.
2-Sally said this to herself in her house when she saw Stephen’s photo in the newspaper.
3-Sally said this to herself in the school during the break when she saw the papyrus in the news paper article.
4-The students said this to sally in the school when they saw Stephen’s photo.

Chapter 5 (The Key)
1-Answer the following questions:
They went to the Majestic Hotel.
Ms. Paterson was the owner of the hotel.
She went to the bathroom to wash them.
The water stayed in the sink for a long time and went down slowly.
The beetle was in the pipe.
Mum used the tools from the hardware shop to open the pipe.
The beetle was the key to the mystery.
Because it is the key to the room in the ancient pyramid of Hatmen.
They got a letter from Cairo.
1-Sally said this to her mother in the hotel when she went to the kitchen to wash her hands.
2-Sally said this to her family at home when they got a letter from Cairo.

criminals ‘room
precious-room in Hatmen pyramid

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