
مراجعة علوم لغات انجلش الرابع الإبتدائى ترم أول 2012

1- Write the scientific term:
Everything that occupies a space and has a mass. (…………………………)
The amount of matter that the object contains. (…………………………)
It is the space that is occupied by an object. (…………………………)
A tool used to measure the length of your pen (…………………………)
A unit used to measure the dimensions of your class(…………………………)
A tool used to measure the mass of gold and silver (…………………………)
A unit used to measure mass of large masses as fruits and vegetables
A unit used to measure small masses as chemical substances
A device used to measure the volume of liquid and irregular solid objects (…………………………)
The units that are used to measure volume of solids
A state of matter that has definite shape and volume
A state of matter has definite volume but take the shape of its container (…………………………)
A state of matter has indefinite shape and volume(…………………………)

A change of matter from liquid state to solid state by cooling
A change of matter from solid state to liquid state by heating
A change of matter from gas state to liquid state by cooling
The change of water into water vapour (…………………………)
It is simplest form of matter which can't be decomposed into two substances or more (…………………………)
The elements that have metallic luster and have high melting point
Elements don't have luster and are bad conductor of heat
A group of element which are good conductor of heat and electricity
The only non-metal which is good conductor of electricity and used to make positive poles of dry cells (…………………………)
A liquid non metal (…………………………)
The only liquid metal at room temperature (…………………………)
A metal that is used to make car frames, bridges and street lights
A metal that is used to make cooking pans and foil papers
An element that is used to make jewellery (…………………………)
A metal used in making electric wires and coins (…………………………)
A change in the structure of substance producing a new substance with new properties (…………………………)
A change in appearance of substance without any change in its structure (…………………………)
A change occurs when sugar is burned (…………………………)
Ending with the same substance that we started (…………………………)
No formation of new substance (…………………………)
The largest body in solar system (…………………………)
Shiny objects radiates heat and light and appears at sky at night
The smallest planet in the solar system (…………………………)
Dark bodies revolve around the sun in fixed orbits(…………………………)
The nearest planet to the sun (…………………………)
The biggest planet in the solar system (…………………………)
The planet that has colored rings around it (…………………………)

Dark bodies revolve around some planets and reflect sunlight falling on its surface (…………………………)
A dark body revolve around the sun and we live on it
The most beautiful planet (…………………………)
A phenomenon occurs when the earth revolve around its axis
A phenomenon occurs when the earth revolve around the sun
A season in which day is longer than night (…………………………)
A season in which day is shorter than night (…………………………)
Seasons where the hours of day are nearly equal to those of night
A dark body that seems bright as it reflects sunlight
A phenomenon occurs due to attraction force between the earth, moon and the sun (…………………………)
The rise of water level in water surfaces to cover seashores
It is the returning of water back to its normal level(…………………………)

A phenomenon that is used in generating electricity and cleaning the coasts (…………………………)
A gas that is used with acetylene in cutting and welding metals
The most abundant gas in atmospheric air (…………………………)
A gas used in respiration of all living organisms (…………………………)
A substance used to test the presence of carbon dioxide in air
It is the excepted conditions of the atmosphere at a certain area during a short period of time not exceeding one week
It is the temperature expected during the day time
It is the temperature expected at night (…………………………)
The tool that is used to measure temperature (…………………………)
It is the movement of air from regions of high atmospheric pressure to regions of low atmospheric pressure
The instrument that is used to measure atmospheric pressure

An instrument used to measure wind speed (…………………………)
An instrument used to measure wind direction (…………………………)
2- Complete the following:
A matter has ……………..,………………..,………………….
Kilogram is the unit of measuring………………………
Meter is the unit of measuring………………………………..
Measuring tape is used for measuring……………………
Common balance is used for measuring………………………….
Measuring ruler is used for measuring………………………………..
Amr has calculated the mass of 4 equal pieces in volume but from different materials and compared between the mass of each one, so that Amr wants to prove that the mass of equal volume of different materials are…………
States of matter are………………,…………………….,…………………..
There are definite shape and definite volume in the…………………….state
Matter can be pressed in case of its…………………….. state
Matter that takes the shape of its container and its volume can't be changed is……………………
On transferring water from one pot to another. It …………………………………
We use ……………….. in manufacturing jewels

We use ……………………….. in manufacturing bridges
Poles of electric are made up of…………………….
All the materials you see in your environment are made up of ………………
The group of elements that have luster is known as…………………..
The group of elements that doesn't have luster is known as…………………………
Burning of wood is considered as a…………………………. change
Melting of ice is considered as a………………………. change
Boiling of water and its vapour release is considered as a…………………….. change
Chemical change is change in…………………………………………………………………
Rotten fruits and their fermentation is considered as………………………………
Changing of ice into water is considered as a……………………. process
Increasing the temperature of water to the boiling point produces……………………..
The continuing of decreasing water temperature changes it from the………………… state to the……………….. state

The substance that can't be decomposed into to two substances or more in known as………………….
Elements are classified into…………………..and…………………..
Graphite is a form of…………………. and it is good conductor of………………………..
Ductility of copper into wires is considered a……………….. change, while iron rust is considered a……………. change
Melting of wax is considered a………………. change, while burning of wax is considered a……………………… change
Burning of wood is considered a………………… change
Solid state liquid state gas state
The…………….. is located in the center of the solar system and there are…………………….. revolve around it in fixed orbits
The earth is located between………………..and………………..
The……………… is the smallest planet, while……………… is the farthest planet from the sun
Mars is known as……………… planet, while Neptune is the……………………
Day is longer than night in……………………..
Day is shorter than night in…………………..

The hours of day are equal to those of night in…………………. and……………………
Solar year equals………………… day but lunar year equals……………… day
The moon phases begin with………………
The moon rotates around…………….. in………………. days
………….. is rise of water level to cover seashores
…………… is the returning back of water to its normal level
Ships and boats benefit from………………………………… phenomenon to move through………………..
Green plants depend on………………. gas in the process of photosynthesis
Nitrogen gas is used in making……………………. and……………………………. industries
………… is used to determine the direction of the wind
The space is occupied by a cube with one meter side equals …………………
The moon completes its revolution around the earth in about………… days, while the earth revolution around the sun in about………………..days
The phenomenon of…………………………….. sequence results from rotation of the earth around its axis, while the phenomenon

of………………………..sequence result from rotation of the earth around the sun
Silver is shiny element, it belongs to the ……………….. group, while sulphur is an element having no luster so it belong to………………………. Group
The atmospheric pressure is measured by………………… but the speed of the wind is measured by……………………………
3- Put right or wrong, then correct the wrong one:
Volume is amount of matter that the object contains ( )
Mass is the space occupied by the object ( )
Graduated ruler is used to measure small length ( )
Three meters equal 100 centimeters ( )
Sensitive balance is used to measure small masses ( )
To determine the volume of liquids in the graduated cylinder, your eyes must be in horizontal direction at the lower point of the surface ( )
Length x width x height=the volume of a box ( )
When you put an irregular body in a cylinder completely filled with water, the volume of this body equal the volume of spilled water ( )

Equal volume of different materials have the same masses ( )
Matter exists in four states ( )
The solid substances have indefinite shape and volume ( )
Gaseous substances take the shape and volume of their container
( )
Liquids have definite volume, but they don’t take the shape of their container ( )
A change of matter from liquid state to gas state is called evaporation ( )
Ice is transferred into water by cooling ( )
Appearance of some water droplets on the leaves of plants and cars in the early morning is due to the condensation process ( )
Element is the simplest form of matter that can’t be decomposed into two substances or more ( )
Elements are classified into metals only ( )
Iron and sulphur can be bent or hammered to form sheets ( )
Nitrogen and oxygen are gas non-metals ( )
All non metals are bad conductor of electricity ( )
Mercury is a liquid non-metal, while bromine is a liquid metal( )
Copper is used in making electric wires and statues ( )

Melting of ice is a chemical change ( )
Burning of wood is a physical change ( )
The change in appearance of matter without any change in its structure is called physical change ( )
In physical change, matter can’t return back to its original form
( )
A combustion of paper is considered a chemical change ( )
During chemical change, matter loses its properties ( )
The change of matter from solid state to liquid state is considered physical change ( )
The sun is nearest star to us ( )
The biggest body in solar system is Jupiter ( )
Planets are dark bodies that don't emit light ( )
The closest two planets to the earth are mars and Saturn ( )
The number of planets that revolve around the sun is nine planets
( )
Neptune is the blue planet and mars is the coldest planet ( )
Saturn has colored rings around it ( )
The moon is dark body but seems bright as it reflect sun light( )
The sun rises from east and sets to west ( )

The earth revolve around its axis once every 42hours ( )
The rotation of earth around the sun lead to sequence of day and night ( )
The earth revolve around the sun once every 365 ¼ day ( )
The hours of day are equal to those of night in summer and autumn
( )
In winter season the day is shorter than night ( )
In spring season the night is shorter than day ( )
The moon rotate around the earth every 28 days ( )
Rotation of moon around the earth causes moon phases ( )
Tide is high in crescent phase of the moon ( )
The ebb is rising of water level to cover sea shores ( )
Cleaning the coasts and water canals are from benefits of tide and ebb ( )
The ratio of oxygen gas in air is more than ratio of carbon dioxide gas ( )
Atmospheric air contains 2/5 of its volume oxygen gas ( )
Drivers carry nitrogen cylinder on their backs to help them in breathing under water ( )
Carbon dioxide gas is necessary for combustion processes ( )

Nitrogen gas occupies 78% of the atmospheric air volume ( )
Nitrogen gas and carbon dioxide gas are the most abundant two gases in the air ( )
Oxygen gas is used in ammonia industry ( )
Lime water becomes turbid if it's exposed to air due to the presence of oxygen gas ( )
Carbon dioxide gas doesn't burn and doesn't help in burning ( )
The humidity of atmosphere depends on the amount of carbon dioxide gas found in air ( )
Maximum temperature is the temperature expected at night ( )
Wind speed is measured by anemometer ( )
In foggy days, drivers should slow down to avoid accidents ( )

4- Choose the correct answer:
1. A stone is put in a jar containing 30 cm3 of water level raises in the Jar up to 50 cm3, that the volume of the stone equals:
a) 20 cm3­ b) 30 cm3
c) 50 cm3 d) 80 cm3
2. Your classmate placed a piece of iron into a 50 cm3 filled completely by water, so that a quantity of water of volume 20 cm3 is poured out the beaker , the volume of this piece equals:
a) 20 cm3 b) 30 cm3
c) 50 cm3 d) 70 cm3
3. The volume of a solid material is measured by :
a) cm b) cm2
c) cm3 d) meter
4. We can determine the volume of irregular shaped small stone that does not dissolve in water by using:
a) a glass beaker b) a measuring cylinder
c) a common balance d) a graduated ruler

5. A pupil placed four marbles of equal volume in a 100 cm3 graduated cylinder containing water. The water level raised up to 120 cm3 , What is the volume of each marble:
a) 30 cm3 b) 25 cm3
c) 20 cm3 d) 5 cm3
6. The change of water from the liquid state into ice is accompanied with:
a) an increase in mass b) an evaporation
c) an increase in temperature d) a decrease in temperature
7. The change of matter from the liquids state into the gaseous state is called:
a) condensation b) evaporation
c) melting d) freezing
8. Cooling is accompanied with …………… process.
a) melting b) condensation
c) evaporation d) (a) and (b) together
9. Gold industries need ……………. process.
a) melting b) condensation
c) evaporation c) cooling

10. Electric wire are made up of …………….
a) sulphur b) carbon c) copper
11. Cooking pots are made of …………………
a) aluminum b) iron c) sulphur
12. Gold and silver are used in manufacturing.
a) Bridges b) planes c) jewels
13. Statues are made up of …………..
a) copper b) sulphur c) carbon
14. Adding table salt to water with stirring produces:
a) new substance b) physical change c) chemical change
15. ……………… is an example of the physical change.
a) burning of candle b) iron rust
c) dissolving of sugar in water
16. Putting a bottle of water in the freezer of refrigerator for a period of 24 hours causes …………… to water.
a) physical change b) change in structure
c) chemical change
17. Adding yeast in baking is considered a …………………
a) physical change b) chemical change
c) change in appearance

18. All the following are chemical changes except ……………
a) exploding of fire works b) burning of cool
c) formation of a salty solution
19. The nearest planet to the sun is …………….
a) the earth b) Mercury c) Neptune
20. The biggest planet is …………….
a) the earth b) Mercury c) Jupiter
21. The sun is a star because it ………………
a) absorbs light b) reflect light
c) radiate light d) let light pass through
22. We see the moon shining because it …………………
a) absorbs light b) reflect light
c) radiate light d) let light pass through it light pass
23. The sequence of day and night is occurred due to ………….
a) revolution of the earth around the sun.
b) rotation of the earth around its axis.
c) rotation of the sun around its axis.

24. The number of the day hours are equal to the number of the night hours in ……………..
a) summer b) winter
c) spring d) all of seasons
25. The sequence of seasons of the year is occurred due to …………..
a) revolution of the earth around the sun
b) rotation of the earth around its axis.
c) rotation of the earth around its axis.
26. The attraction of the earth and the moon results in ……………..
a) day and night b) seasons of the year
c) tides and ebb c) phases of the moon
27. In the middle of the lunar month, the moon's phase is ………………
a) crescent b) full
c) first quadrature d) second quadrature
28. We can depend on tides phenomena to generate ………………
a) electricity b) petroleum
c) cool d) natural gas
29. The phases of the moon is resulted from ……………….
a) rotation of the earth around sun
b) rotation of the moon around its axis
c) rotation of the moon around its axis
d) rotation of the earth around earth

30. The maximum tides when the moon is in the ……………….
a) first quadrature b) second quadrature
c) crescent d) full moon
31. The speed of the wind is measured by:
a) thermometer b) Anemometer
c) Barometer d) Vane
32. The barometer is used for measuring:-
a) temperature b) wind speed
c) wind direction d) Atmospheric pressure
33. A gas represents of air volume.
a) oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Carbon dioxide
5- Give reason for:
1. Air is a matter.
2. The car has a volume.
3. On putting a mixture of gravels and water in a refinery with minute holes, water passes while gravels remains in the refinery.

4. Cooking pans are made up of Aluminium.
5. Iron and copper are metals.
6. Handls of cooking pans are made up of wood or plastic.
7. Melting chocolate is a physical shange.
8. Producing of yoghurt from milk is chemical change.
9. Paper recycling is a physical change.
10. The sun is a star while the earth is a planet.
11. The stars seem very small in size.
12. The moon is dark body but we see it shining.
13. The sequence of day and night.

14. The sequence of four seasons.
15. The summer day is longer than the winter day.
16. The movement of shadow.
17. Formation of tides.
18. Formation of phases of the moon.
19. The decay of the beaches.
20. It is very important to predict the weather.
21. The shape of a piece of copper has a definite shape when we carry it from a vessel to another one.

1- Write the scientific term:
Measuring ruler
Sensitive balance
Graduated cylinder
Cm3 , m3

Gold or silver
Chemical change
Physical change
Chemical change
Physical change
Physical change
The sun

Sequence of day and night
Sequence of four seasons
Summer season
Winter season
Spring and autumn
Tide and ebb
Tide and ebb
Oxygen gas
Nitrogen gas
Oxygen gas

Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
Mercuric thermometer or digital thermometer
Wind vane
2- Complete the following:
Mass, volume, length
Big masses
Long length
Short length
Solid, liquid, gas

Takes the shape of the new container without change in its volume
Structure producing new substance with new properties
Chemical change
Water vapour
Liquid, gas
Metals, non-metals
Carbon, electricity
Physical, chemical

Physical, chemical

Sun, 8 planets
Venus, mars
Mercury, Neptune
Red planet, blue planet
Spring, autumn
365 ¼ , 354
New moon
Earth, 28
Tide and ebb, shallow water
Carbon dioxide
Ammonia, nitrogenous fertilizers

One cubic meter(1 m3)
28 , 365 ¼
Day and night, four seasons
Metal, non-metal
Barometer , Anemometer
3- Put right or wrong:
(x), mass
(x), volume
(x), 300
(x), different
(x), three
(x), gas

(x), take shape
(x), heating
(x), metals and non-metals
(x), iron and copper
(x), except carbon
(x), metal, non-metal
(x), physical change
(x), chemical change
(x), can return back
(x), sun

(x), mars and Venus
(x), 8 planets
(x), mars is red planet
(x), 24 hours
(x), around its axis
(x), spring and autumn
(x), summer
(x), full moon
(x), tide
(x), 1/5

(x), oxygen
(x), oxygen
(x), nitrogen and oxygen
(x), nitrogen
(x), carbon dioxide gas
(x), water vapour
(x), minimum
4- Choose the correct answer:
1) 20 cm3 2) 20 cm3
3) cm3 4) measuring cylinder
5) 5 cm3 6) decrease in temperature
7) evaporation Cool condensation
9) melting 10) copper
11) aluminum 12) jewels
13) copper 14) physical change
15) dissolving of sugar in water

16) physical change 17) chemical change
18) formation of salty solution
19) Mercury 20) Jupiter
21) radiate light 22) reflect light
23) rotation of earth around its axis
24) spring
25) revolution of the earth around the sun
26) tides and ebb 27) full moon
28) electricity 29) rotation of moon around earth
30) full moon 31) Anemometer
32) Atmospheric pressure 33) oxygen
Give reason for:
1. Because it has mass and volume.
2. Because it takes up space.
3. Because gravels are solid and doesn't take the shape of the holes so they don't pass, while water is liquid and it takes the shape of holes so it passes.
4. Because aluminuim is good conductor of heat.
5. Because they are shiny, good conductors of heat and electricity, are malle able and have high melting points.

6. Because wood is bad conductor of heat.
7. Because it change in appearance not in structure.
8. Because it change in appearance and structure producing new substance with new properties.
9. Because it change in appearance and not in structure.
10. Because the sun is a shiny body and radiate a heat and light, while earth is a dark body revolve around the sun in a fixed orbit.
11. Because they are very far away from us.
12. Because it reflect the sunlight.
13. Because earth revolve around it's axis once every 24 hours.
14. Because the earth revolve around the sun once every 365 hours.
15. Because the earth axis is inclined.
16. Due to rotation of earth around its axis or due to the apperant movement to the sun.
17. Due to attraction between moon around earth.
18. Due to rotation of Moon around the earth once every 28 days.
19. Due to tide and ebb phenomenon.

20. Because we can:
1) If there are strong winds, ships and boats shouldn't sail are advised not to sail.
2) If it's foggy morning, car drivers should slow down.
3) If temperature is low, we should wear heavy clothes..
21. Because it is solid and has definite shape and volume.

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