
تراجم من السنوات السابقة انجليزى الثانوية العامة

1-A) Translate into Arabic:1985
Our deserts are one of the chief sources of wealth .If we give them due care ,We can increase our national income and solve many of our problems by increasing the cultivated land and constructing new economic development
تسعى الحكومة إلى توفير احتياجات الشعب بكل السبل وهذا يستلزم زيادة الإنتاج وتحديد النسل .
2-A) Translate into Arabic:1986
The high dam is one of the greatest projects made by man it serves both industry and agriculture in Egypt .It has paved the way to the construction of new factories and the establishment of new industries .An artificial lake has been formed to provide fish and store water for times of need .
يجب ان نتحد ونقف كرجل واحد خلف الرئيس الذي يعمل في صمت من اجل رخاء مصر .
3-A) Translate into Arabic:1987
The government tries to increase production in all fields. In agriculture for instance, it has prepared a plan for land reclamation and cultivation .it has also obtained loans in order to be able to use machines in agriculture projects .
إن السد العالي يعنى لكل المصرين مياها تروى الأرض وتحمى الشعب من الجفاف وكهرباء تدير مصانعه .
4-A) Translate into Arabic:1988
Some of the most important aims of education are to build the Egyptians citizen who is able to face the future and to create a productive society .Education also aims at preparing a generation of scientists able to stand up the monopoly of science and technology by some countries .
جرت العادة آن تحتفل كل آسرة في مصر بعيد الأم يوم 21 مارس من كل عام

5-A) Translate into Arabic:1989
This year the book fair has hosted famous thinkers ,writers and critic from different countries to participate in the debates held every evening at the fair ground .More than fifteen million books by 1800 publishers were also displayed .
إن تزايد السكان فى الدول النامية يعوقها عن التقدم السريع .
6-A) Translate into Arabic:1990
On February 16, 1989 the leader of Jordan ,Egypt ,North yeman and Iraq in Baghdad to form a new Arab economic grouping with the aim of establishing an Arab common market ,Any Arab state can join this group ,named the Arab cooperation council ,at any time it sees fit .
ستكون جنوب سيناء في المستقبل القريب مركزاً سياحياً هاماً .
7-A) Translate into Arabic:1991
Education is not an end ,but means to an end .In other words ,we do not educate children for the purpose of education .Our purpose is to fit them for life .The wisest person is the one who makes full use of what life offers him without sorrowfully looking back at what he has lost .
لقد وهب الله مصر كثيراً من المصادر الطبيعية لو أحسن استغلالها لأصبحنا من أغنى الدول .
8-A) Translate into Arabic:1992
Childhood is play hood ,Yet what do we do about it ?We ignore the fact because play , to us ,is a waste of time .So we build school with many rooms and expensive apparatus for teaching but we ignore sports .
من الضروري إعادة النظر في الخريطة السكانية مصر والاتجاه لاستصلاح الصحراء بدلا من التكدس على ضفتي النيل .
9-A) Translate into Arabic:1994
Some people prefer the simple and healthy life of the country .There they avoid the smoke of factories, the speed of city life and the crowded means of transport .They also enjoy the fresh country air and the beauty of nature .
مسئولية كل مصري تجاه الأشجار والزهور كبيرة فهي تقلل من نسبة التلوث البيئي .
10-A) Translate into Arabic:1995
One of the environmental problems is the slight rise in the temperature of earth .As the world becomes hotter ,there could be serious change in weather and widespread flooding as water level in seas and oceans rises .The heavy rains in various parts of the world this winter may be considered a warning to man to stop polluting the atmosphere .
تشجع الحكومة رجال الأعمال المصريين على إنشاء المصانع واستصلاح الاراضى خاصة في سيناء والمناطق الصحراوية .
11-A) Translate into Arabic:1996
A computer has the power to calculate at superhuman speed and so it can quickly solve problems that would take any human mathematician years of work ,it has a memory that is far more reliable than a human memory .
كان لزاما على مصر أن تدعوا لمؤتمر عالمي يهدف إلى الاستمرار في علمية السلام ومكافحة الإرهاب .
12-A) Translate into Arabic:1996
Many tourists visit Egypt every year .This number is growing year after year .They are attracted by our ancient monuments ,beautiful beaches and fine weather .
يستطيع المصريون تحويل الصحراء إلى ارض خضراء لإنتاج المزيد من الغذاء .
13-A) Translate into Arabic:1997
Many people say that they are too busy to go swimming or to play football .But they do not have to do especial exercise to fit .In case walking or even cleaning the house is just as good for them as practice games .
يستخدم المصريون أجهزة الكمبيوتر في مدارسهم و سيكون لذلك أثره العظيم في تقدم مصر .
14-A) Translate into Arabic:1997
Egypt has always been called the birth place of civilization because of its long and rich history .In recent years the Egyptians are keen on restoring their glories to keep peace with progress in the developing countries .
لاختراعات الحديثة الكثير من المزايا كما أن لها بعض العيوب .
15-A) Translate into Arabic:1998
Choosing the right job is important for you because you need to enjoy your work .However you must know that employers will also choose you .They usually prefer clever and reliable persons to careless or ignorant ones
لقد فاز الفريق المصري لكرة القدم بكأس أفريقيا وأسعد كل المصرين .
16-A) Translate into Arabic:1998
Our need for water in Egypt is expected to increase much in the near future .This is because there will be more people who will need water for drinking ,washing and irrigation purposes .Therefore ,if we do not economize on water ,we shall face serious problems .
إن زراعة الصحراء وبناء المدن الجديدة ينمى الاقتصاد القومي و يحل الكثير من المشاكل الاجتماعية
17-A) Translate into Arabic:1999
It is said that television has destroyed the art of conversation and make people unhappy by forcing them to want things they don not need .On the other hand , it helps update people knowledge of world affairs , as they can see current events in different parts of the world the moment they occur .
كل عام يسلم رئيس الجمهورية الكتاب والعلماء جوائز قيمة في احتفال كبير
18-A) Translate into Arabic:1999
Learning foreign language need never stop .One should not learn a foreign language merely to achieve an immediate professional or academic aim and then give it up .He should carry on learning as it a valuable experience that enriches his life .
على كل فرد في مجتمعنا أن يشارك في تحمل المسئولية للتغلب على مشاكلنا الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبيئية .
19-A) Translate into Arabic:2000
Celebrating the new millennium at the foot of the pyramids of Giza was marvelous .That was the best place from which we could pass to the new century .The celebration aimed at combining the ancient and the modern and reviewing the history of human civilization .
تبذل الحكومة أقصى جهدها لإيجاد فرص عمل للشباب وبناء مساكن لهم .
20-A) Translate into Arabic:2000
Some scientists have found that people are more likely to catch cold when they are unhappy or under stress .This is because the immune system is less efficient when we are worried .Doctors have also found out that people with mild cold get better if doctor is kind .
يقاس تقدم الأمم بمدى اهتمامها بقضايا البيئة على مختلف أنواعها .

21- a)Translate into Arabic (3M):2002
Egypt has a strong cultural history. Some of the greatest Arab writers, musicians and craftsmen are Egyptians. In the last century, Taha Hussein, Tawfic Al Hakim and Naguib Mahfouz were probably the best known writers in Arabic.
إن الخيال العلمي عادة ما يكون محاولة جادة للكتابة عن شكل الحياة في المستقبل أو في عالم
22- Translate into Arabic (3M): ( 3ث 2002 دور أول )
Many people like to collect things like stamps, for example. Some stamps collections are very valuable. Usually the fewer the number of people who have a stamp in their collections, the more valuable that stamp is.
23)Translate into Arabic (3M): ( 3ث 2003 دور أول )
The government is trying to solve traffic problems by constructing new roads and flyovers . The numbers of vehicles is increasing every day . Roads are becoming too crowded for drivers to use .

24-a)Translate into Arabic (3M):2003
Exercise is a good way to get rid of the stress and frustration of the workplace. Consequently, people who exercise regularly feel better and do not get sick so often. This would benefit the company as a whole.
أحب الذهاب إلى الأوبرا للإستمتاع بالموسيقى الراقية.

25-a)Translate into Arabic (3M):2004
Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials. But, like any other living being, he needs an atmosphere of warmth to give him a feeling of inner security to express himself.
يجب أن نستخدم التكنولوجيا الحديثة في جميع مجالات الحياة و خاصة الإنتاج.
26-. a)Translate into Arabic:2004
The 20th century will be remembered for its scientific revolution. Our age is the age of the atom, space and revolutionary medical achievements. Therefore, conferences are organized to apply and make use of these achievements.
إن الجهود التي تبذل من أجل تحسين الصحة لا يمكن أن تتم بنجاح إلا بتعاون الأفراد مع الحكومة.
27-a)Translate into Arabic:2005
Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas. But these will not last for ever, and burning them is slowly harming the environment. So, we need to look for other ways of supplying energy.
لقد أصبح متاحا لكل طالب اقتناء حاسب آلي.

28)Translate into Arabic: ( 3ث 2005 دور أول )
The terrorist bomb near Al-Azhar was a catastrophe. Killing and wounding innocent people solve no problems. The terrorists wanted to harm the Egyptian tourist industry, but Egypt remains the land of peace forever.

29-a)Translate into Arabic:2006
In her speech, entitled, "Culture: The Most Effective Language of Peace," Mrs. Mubarak assured that definitions of peace vary. For many, it means absence of war and violence, while others see that it represents the quest for inner peace and security. But for many more peace is a prerequisite for development and democracy.
حصلت مصر على كأس الأمم الأفريقية هذا العام‘ محققة بذلك إنجازا عظيما.

30) a)Translate into Arabic: ( 3ث 2006 دور ثان )
Water will have become one of our most serious problems. Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050, and there could be serious shortages. Water could be the cause of war if we do not act now
31-a)Translate into Arabic:2007
A wise educational policy directs education towards fulfilling the needs of society. It also deals with its current and future problems. This leads to the welfare of both the individual and the society.

من حقك أن تعبر عن رأيك بحرية و لكن يجب أن تحترم الآخرين.
32-A) Translate into Arabic:2004
The three-day conference took place at the Bibliotheca (library) Alexandria. It was attended by 170 Arab businessmen and thinkers. Journalists were not allowed to enter so that ideas could be exchanged freely.
الحضارة تزدهر أفضل في أوقات السلام.

33- A) Translate into Arabic:2005
Protecting our heritage is up to us. It is not the responsibility of the government alone but of individuals as well. If we don't look after our heritage, it could easily disappear like most of the wonders of the ancient world.
يجب أن يعرف العالم بأسره أن مصر بلد محب للسلام و ضد الإرهاب.

34-A) Translate into Arabic:2007
Nobody is going to hand you success on a silver plate. If you want to make it, you'll have to make it on your own. In order to be successful, you should have courage, ambition, self-confidence and self-dependence.
تحذر الدولة الشباب دائما من الهجرة غير الشرعية لتجنب التعرض للمخاطر
35 A) Translate into Arabic:2006
There are many things to be said in favour of technological advancement. It undoubtedly makes people's lives easier. Without the benefits that technology brings, the world would be a much harder place to live in.

تدعو الديانات السماوية كلها إلى الحب و السلام و التسامح و نبذ العنف.

36-A) Translate into Arabic:2006
Do you know how dangerous stress can be? It affects us both physically and mentally. So, reducing stress is something that we should all try to do through some form of exercise.
لقد وهب الله مصر الكثير من الأماكن السياحية الجذابة و الطقس الرائع

37-A) Translate into Arabic:2005
Great efforts have been made towards equality between men and women. Women are offered the same jobs and get equal pay for equal work. Although women have gained many of many of their rights, they still have some demands to reach complete equality.
لقد تقدمت جراحة زرع القلب في مصر تقدما ملحوظا.

38-a) Translate into Arabic: (3.M)20020
Mrs Suzanne Mubarak admired the Cairo International Children’s Book Fair. It is one of the main channels of our cultural work The past few years have witnessed a great shift in the cultural development of the Egyptian child.
إن المعرفة و الابتكار هما قاعدتا التقدم في المستقبل

39-A) Translate into Arabic:
It should be borne in mind that increasing production means prosperity. Therefore all developed countries try hard to widen the scope of products for the welfare of their peoples.
Translate into English:
يفضل أصحاب العمل هذه الأيام العقود قصيرة الأجل عند تعيين موظفين جدد.

remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
العلم والايمان
40-A) Translate into Arabic:
People travel to foreign countries because they believe they would be different from home in their architecture, food and national dress. However, one large city is very much like another. Perhaps a nation’s greatest attraction is its people.
يجب أن يلتحق الطالب بالكلية التي تناسب مواهبه و قدراته.
41-A) Translate into Arabic – Teaching a language is an interesting and exciting profession. Language teachers do their best to help their students. Learning a language ,however ,requires great efforts on the part of the learners who have to co-operate with their teachers
42-A) Translate into Arabic
Population in Egypt grows at the rate of two and a half percent. This means that the population of Egypt is going to do double by the end of this century. Unless we do something to slow down the rate of increase .we are going to face a severe shortage of food and less opportunities for work.
لقد كان للعلم والثقافة اثر بارز في حياة الإنسان وتطوره على مدى العصور .
43-A) Translate into Arabic
Our present cities are growing every year. they are like magnets, attracting people to them from villages by their greater opportunities for work and pleasure. The growth will certainly continue, and the cities of the future will be much bigger and their problems of traffic and housing will be far more complicated than these of today.
تتلاحق مباريات المنتخبات الوطنية هذه الأيام وتطاردنا أحداثها المثيرة للجدل بعضها يغمرنا بالفرحة والبعض الأخر يقض مضاجعنا .
44-A) Translate into Arabic:
Television now plays such an important part in so many people’s lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse . Televisions not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a cheap one. The danger of television lies in the fact that we get so used to looking at it that it begins to control our lives.
لقد قطعت مصر شوطا كبيراً في حماية الطفل المصري وتنميته ورعايته .
45-A) Translate into Arabic:
We can learn a lot by traveling . at school we learn geography from books, but geography becomes a living thing if we travel to other places. When we visit a foreign country we can also see a different kind of life and listen to new ideas. Travel may make our pockets empty but it certainly fills our minds with knowledge.
ان زيادة الانتاج اصبح واجب وطنى حتلا يمكننا مواجهة مشكلة تزايد السكان والبطالة فى مصر .
46-Translate into Arabic :-
42- The world has recently greatly changed. many inventions and discoveries have enabled man to develop his abilities. However armament and the state of unrest threaten humanity at large .
يجب إن نشجع السياحة بكافه أنواعها حيث أنها تشكل مصدرا رئيسيا للدخل القومي

47--) Both motorists and pedestrians should observe the traffic rules and regulations . this will help in decreasing greatly street accidents . it is also a civilized behaviour to be adopted .

لا نستطيع إن نزيد صادراتنا ما لم نستطيع منافسه السلع ألا جنبيه

48-- Selfishness is a very bad quality . A selfish person lives only for himself and this makes others avoid and neglected him . this bad quality may lead to bad social results .
نتطلع جميعا إلى حل مشاكلنا الاقتصادية وتحقيق حياه أفضل للأجيال القادمة

49- The leaves of tress are considered the food factory for the whole tree . during photosynthesis plants take carbon dioxide and release oxygen . كان الجو ملبد بالغيوم مما أدى إلى تأخر وصول الطائرة حوالي ساعتين

50- Tourist attraction factors in Egypt surpass those else where . tourists are welcomed with friendly atmosphere and broad smile . the monumental sites are everywhere in Egypt representing different periods of Egyptian civilization
تسعد الأمم بنتاج شبابها وقدرتهم على مواجهه أية مشكله

51- Transport is one of the aids to trade . by moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places , transport adds to their value. Trade will be on small scale if means of transport and communication are not efficient
إن تنميه مواهب الطفل وتنشئته التنشئة السليمة تساعد على بناء جيل قوى

52-- We are looking forward to hearing good news about plans intended to solve youth problems . Unemployment among graduates is increasing year by year . It is high time we created labour opportunities for our jobless youth.

لقد عالج الأطباء العرب اضطرا بات القلب منذ وقت طويل قبل الأوربيين بمئات السنين
53--Evil may succeed for a time but truth conquers in the long run .Beware of greed because riches are a gift of God .Respect your superiors and say what is sweet when they are angry .
لقد قدم العلماء لنا اختراعات عظيمة جعلت حياتنا سهلة ومريحة .
54--In the past coral was thought to be a plant because many varieties of coral look like plants and seem to grow ,like plants with branches .In fact coral consists of microscopic organism called polyps and simple animals which come from the same family as the jelly fish and the sea anemone .
ما كان يستطيع آن يواجه الكارثة لولا إيمانه وصبره

55) Translate into Arabic (3.M): ( 2ث 2001 دور أول )
Sports are useful for character development. In their books, children learn about such values as unselfishness, courage and love of one's country. However, what is learned by experience in sports has a deeper effect on a child's character.

56-) Translate into Arabic: (3.M) ( 2ث 2001 دور ثان )
There are different kinds of gardens. Gardens can be made with every plant carefully placed as a part of a man – made design. Gardens can also be made to look as if every flower has sprung from seeds sown by nature. Public parks are for everyone to enjoy and relax.

57-) Translate into Arabic: (3.M) ( 2ث 2002 دور أول )
The Nile TV Channel is the first international Egyptian channel transmitting 24 hours a day. Its programmes are in English and French. It covers all Arab and European countries, and the United States as well.

58-) Translate into Arabic: (3.M) ( 2ث 2002 دور ثان )
Mrs Suzanne Mubarak admired the Cairo International Children’s Book Fair. It is one of the main channels of our cultural work The past few years have witnessed a great shift in the cultural development of the Egyptian child.

59-) Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2003 دور أول )
A famous German university has awarded Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak a medal of honour. This award was given in recognition of her efforts in Egypt’s social issues. Through her intelligence, she was able to establish for herself and for Egypt an important position in the world.

60-) Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2003 دور ثان )
Great efforts have been made towards equality between men and women. Women demand equal pay for equal work. Although women have gained many of their rights, they still have a long way for complete equality.

61-) Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2004 دور أول )
The three-day conference took place at the Bibliotheca (library) Alexandria. It was attended by 170 Arab businessmen and thinkers. Journalists were not allowed to enter so that ideas could be exchanged freely.

62) Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2004 دور ثان )
People travel to foreign countries because they believe they would be different from home in their architecture, food and national dress. However, one large city is very much like another. Perhaps a nation’s greatest attraction is its people.

63) Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2005 دور أول )
Protecting our heritage is up to us. It is not the responsibility of the government alone but of individuals as well. If we don' look after our heritage, it could easily disappear like most of the wonders of the ancient world.

64) Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2005 دور ثان )
Great efforts have been made towards equality between men and women. Women are offered the same jobs and get equal pay for equal work. Although women have gained many of many of their rights, they still have some demands to reach complete equality.

65) Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2006 دور أول )
There are many things to be said in favour of technological advancement. It undoubtedly makes people's lives easier. Without the benefits that technology brings, the world would be a much harder place to live in.

66 Translate into Arabic: ( 2ث 2006 دور ثان )
Do you know how dangerous stress can be? It affects us both physically and mentally. So, reducing stress is something that we should all try to do through some form of exercise.

1- يقدم العلماء الجديد كل يوم لخدمة البشرية .
2- إن هوايتي المفضلة هي قراءة القصص الخيالية و الاستماع إلى الموسيقى .
3- سيتغير العام القادم شكل و محتوى الكتاب المدرسي .
4- إن المعرفة و الابتكار هما قاعدتا التقدم في المستقبل .
5- تتأثر السياحة تأثرا كبيرا بالأحداث الجارية في العالم .
6- تولي الحكومة اهتماما كبيرا لإقامة المشروعات في توشكى و الوادي الجديد .
7- الحضارة تزدهر أفضل في أوقات السلام .
8- يجب أن يلتحق الطالب بالكلية التي تناسب مواهبه و قدراته .
9- يجب أن يعرف العالم بأسره أن مصر بلد محب للسلام و ضد الإرهاب .
10- لقد تقدمت جراحة زرع القلب في مصر تقدما ملحوظا .
11- تدعو الديانات السماوية كلها إلى الحب و السلام و التسامح و نبذ العنف

vryyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

جزاكم الله كل الخيرا
فين الحل
الثائر الحق
ماشاء الله
بارك الله فيكككككككككككككتراجم من السنوات السابقة انجليزى الثانوية العامة Av4056bb7jp3
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