
أسئلة متنوعة علي منهج Bright Star 3 ترم ثاني أسئلة علي الوحدة 11

Unit 11

School in ancient times

Underline the
correct words in brackets:

1. At (physical education - Geography — History)
classes we play many games.

2. We study the countries, their rivers and
mountains in (history — geography — maths) lessons.

3. (History — season - papyrus) is my favourite

4. He comes from (Spain
— India — Greece), he's
(French - Greek — Bulgarian).

5. They're Bulgarian, they come from (Britain — Bulgaria
— France).

6. Esraa is (Turkish — Indian — Egyptian), she
comes from Egypt.

7. Paris is the
capital of (Egypt- Bulgaria — France).

8. London is the
capital of (France — Britain - Greece).

9. Li comes from (Britain
- China - India), he's

10.They come from (Turkey
— India — Italy), they're Italian.

11.My favourite (country — subject- sport) is

I2.Arabic is the first
(language — subject - study) in Egypt.

is a large (Town — city - country) in Asia. j

14.1 use a (board — Keyboard — scales) to write on
a computer.

15.Tennis is my favourite (gym — state - sport).

16.I showed my friend (study -— an example — a
season) of the exercise.

is an Arab (town — city - country) in Africa.

is one of the European (towns — states — countries).

19.I go to practice body building at the (position
— gym — study) three times a week.

20.The headmaster gave a long (speak - speech -
state) on the first day of school.

21.1 like reading Ahmed Shawky's (poet- poetry -

22.I have got (a state — an idea — a size). Why don't
we have a picnic?

23.My brother finished his (study - length — size)
two years ago.

24.A (water clock — shadow clock - calculator) is a
small machine that you use to add and subtract.

25. Our seats were in a good (season — position —
weight) to the football match.

26.Mona's dress is not the right (length - idea —
speech). It's too long.

27.What (size — wed — flag) are your shoes? 43.

28.We live on the planet (season — earth — mars).

29. What's the exact (instrument — astronomy —
measurement) of the room?

30.(Hieratic — Chinese — Arabic) is a type of ancient Egyptian
writing easier than hieroglyph.

31. Arabic (poetry - script- study) is the first
thing that children learn at school.

32(Hieratic — Hieroglyph — Arabic) is a system of
writing that uses pictures instead of words.

33. Your (weigh — weight — wait) is about 35 kilos.

34.The shopkeeper weighs the fruit on a pair of
(socks — scales — boards).

35. A (water clock — shadow clock — clock) was a clock that used water to measure
the time in the past. A

36.(Papyrus — Scales — Script) was a kind of paper
used by the ancient Egyptian for writing.

37.He talks on the (keyboard - phone — scales).

38. Papyrus (script — boards — rolls) were used by
the ancient Egyptian for writing.

39.The computer is a modern (invent- invention —

40.She listens to the (papyrus — radio —

41.They watch (radio — television - web).

42.Ali is my (brother - partner — classmate) at

43.In the (future - past — lengthy), children used
wooden boards to write on.

44My (web — email — idea) is Islamway4ever@yahoo.com.

45.A (web — hieratic - roll) is a system that
connects computers around the world to get information on the internet.

Underline the
correct word in brackets:

1. The break is after the 4th lesson in
the school (book - timetable — notebook).

2. What is the (timetable — population — people) of

3. We (measure — use — study) art at school.

1. Can you (study — calculate — measure) the cost
of these clothes?

5. A (water clock — shadow clock - watch) was a clock that used the light of
the sun to measure the time in the past.

6. There're four (months - seasons — weeks) in the

7. (Gymnasium — Astronomy — Geography) is the
scientific study of stars and planets.

8. (Sparta - China — Britain)
was a state in ancient Greece.

9. Strange things (invented — happened — used) to
me last night.

10.Who (stayed - visited — invented) the telephone?
It was Graham Bell.

11. I have a book which (contains — visits — stays)
all the information I need.

12.Did you (use — work — study) out how much the
books were?

13.The factory (works — invents — produces) 500
cars a week.

14.This room (works — contains - measures) four
metres by five metres.

15.She (stayed — visited — used) at home because
she was ill.

16. I (visit- stay — use) my grandma once a week.

17.School in (separate - ancient- modern) times were different from school

18. We sleep in (ancient- separate - foreign)
rooms. Each one has his own.

19.The Greek invented the (astronomical — modern —
usual) calculator.

20.This is a (wooden - astronomical — hungry)

21.She wears (wooden — modern - separate) cloths.

22. It's useful to learn a (foreign - boring —
wooden) language.

23.They come from France; they're (Chinese — Indian -

24. The sum of thirty and seven is (ten — twenty —
thirty seven).

25. Twenty times fifty is (hundred — thousand -

Underline the
correct word(s) in brackets.

1. Students(learn — teach — education) many
subjects at school.

2. We learn (of- about — on) computer in computer

3. ln (which
- whose — where) subject does she study hard?

4. We learn about numbers in (science — history —

5. Students learn about the past in (science —
history - Maths)

6. She learns about how things work in (science —
history - Maths)

7. They learn about e — mails and the web in
Qrhysical education — geography - computer studies)


عدل سابقا من قبل RSS في الأربعاء 11 يوليو 2012, 8:54 pm عدل 1 مرات
remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
8. We learn about countries and places in (history — geography — Maths)
9. In which subject does she (do — make — use) sports?
10. She learns to sing and play an instrument in (art — music — physical education)
11. We(draw — do — use) the keyboard in the computer studies.
12. We learn to(happen — count- draw) in Maths.
13. She learns to draw and paint in (music — physical — education — art)
14. We learn to read and write in (science - physical — education - Arabic)
15. What's your favourite (object- subject - language) '? Art.
16. In which subject (do - does — doing) she draw and paint?
Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. He comes (on - from — with) Greece.
2. He speaks Arabic. He is (Greece - British — Egyptian)
3. The French (come — comes — came) from France.
4. There (was - is — are) about 70 million people in Egypt.
5. (When — What- Where)does he come from?
6. The pyramids are in (Egypt — Egyptian — Egyptology)
7. The (flag - sign - chart) of Egypt is red, white and black.
8. Britain is a (country — city — village)
9. (Whose - Which — What) colour is the flag of France'?
10. Egyptians are (people — countries — things)
11. Find your country(in - on — at) the map.
12. The of Egypt is about 70 million people. (population — map — education)
Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. When did he (live - lived - lives) ?
2. Ancient Greece was (big - bigger - the biggest) than Greece today.
3. Ancient Greece (contained -consisted - concluded) a number of separate states.
4. Greek children (taught - educated - studied) in a school called a gym.
5. Gym is (tall — short- young) for gymnasium.
6. Children start school (on - at - in) four years old.
7. Children (teach — educate -— learn) reading and writing at school.
8. Can you (recite — do — calculate) poetry?
9. My brother learns (what — which — how) to sing songs.
10. He can (do — make — play) a good speech.
11. (Geography — Biology — Astronomy) is the study of skies.
12. Greek children were good (to — with — at) astronomy.
13.The Greeks (showed — explored — in vented) the first astronomical calculator
14. The Greeks worked (in - out — on) the length of seasons.
15. Do you know the correct (length — height — size) of the Earth?
16. This factory ( produces — shows - recites) cars.
17. The ancient Egyptians lived (on — at — in) upper and lower Egypt.
18. The ancient Egyptians used wooden boards to write (about- at — on)
19. The ancient Egyptians measured weight with (scales — calculators — clocks)
2D. They measured time with water (scales — calculators — clocks)
21. We still use many of the ancient Egyptian (inventors - inventions - invention)

Underline the correct word in brackets:
1. He (is — was - be) at home an hour ago. •
2. They (were — are — be) happy yesterday.
3. She (wasn’t — isn’t — don’t) sad yesterday.
4. They (aren’t - don’t - weren’t) at home last night.
5. (Were — Are — Be) you happy yesterday?
6. (Is — Was - Be) she sad a week ago?
7. Noha (is — were — was) at school last week.
8. Amr (was - were - is) at the zoo yesterday.
9. My friends and I (was - were — am) at the cinema last night.
10. Ahmed (was — is — were) sad yesterday.
Underline the correct words in brackets:
1. (Do — Does — Did) they have a party last week?
2. Did she (had — has — have) any sweets yesterday?
3. (Do — Did — Does) you arrive early last week?
4. (Do — Does — Did) he get his new books last night?
5. Did you (watch — watched — watches) TV yesterday?
6. (Do — Did — Does) he clean the room yesterday?
7. (Did — Does — Do) she tidy her bed yesterday?
8. (Does — Did — Do) he play chess yesterday?
9. Did you (got- get- gets) high marks last year?
10. Did Ali (have — having - has) his breakfast yesterday?
Underline the correct words in brackets:
1. She (doesn’t — didn't — don’t) get up early last night.
2. They (d0n’t — didn't — doesn’t) play football yesterday.
3. I didn't (play — played — playing) tennis yesterday.
4. He (don’t — doesn’t - didn't) have lunch yesterday.
5. We didn't (had — has — have) tea last night.
6. He didn't (visit — visited — visiting) his uncle yesterday.
7. They (weren't — wasn't - aren't) absent yesterday.
8. Amal (doesn't — don't — didn't) use to have long hair when she was young.
9. Ahmed didn't (cleaned - clean L cleaning) the car.
10. Maher didn't (attend — attended — attends) the party yesterday.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. He is happy today. (yesterday)
2. They are absent this morning. (two days ago)
3. I’m pleased to meet him today. (last week)
4. He travels to Cairo. (One day)
5. I clean my car every day. (yesterday)
6. She studies English everyday. (last week)
7. Mum cooks some food. (yesterday)
8. He visits London every month. (last month)
9. He plays tennis every Friday. (yesterday)
10. They watch TV every night. (yesterday)

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