
اسئلة مراجعة للقصة"the summer parade" منهج jumpaboardللصف الرابع الابتدائى لغات

1-the headmaster said that matt………………………..

2- Natalie and Jake were fighting because……………………

3- Jason and Rob are interested in…………………………

4- The award ceremony began on………………………….

5- Jason and Rob were …………..at the school auditorium.

6- From this story we learn not to………………………..

7- Matt looked on the internet to………………………

8- The first picture Matt took were…………………..

9- Dylan is………………………………………

10-at first, Matt didn't like…………………..

11-in the parade, Matt………….

12- Twins are children ……………………

13- In the parade, people were drinking ……………and….........

14- Veronica was…………………….in the parade.

15- Jennifer was wearing ……………….while practicing her

flamenco dance.

1-why was matt sad at first?

2- who's veronica?

3- What was Jennifer wearing in the school auditorium?

4- How could Matt take part in the parade?

5- Where does the parade begin?

6- What were people eat in the parade?

7- What do you learn from the story?

8- How did veronica take part in the parade?

9- When did the award ceremony begin?

10- Why was Matt surprised?

11- What are Dylan's favourite hobbies?

12-what was Rob doing in the class?

13- What are Natalie and Jake?

14- What was Jason doing in the class?

15- What was Jennifer interested in?

16-why were Natalie and Jake fighting?

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