
The princess and the Dressmaker رابعة ابتدائى لغات

The princess and the Dressmaker
Country: a nation with its land and people.
Deep: going down a long way.
Valley: the land lying between two lines of hills or mountains.
Surrounded by: To be or go all around something.
Snow: Soft white pieces of ice that fall from the sky.
Rule: to have power in a country and control it.
Justly: In a fair.
Wisely: Cleverness.
Gentleness: being calm and kind.
Realize: to know and understand something as true.
Selfish: only thinking of oneself and not other people.
Impatient: not being able to wait calmly for something to happen.
Character: what a person or thing is like.
Foreigner: a person who comes from another country.
Messenger: a person who brings a message.
Unusual: strange.
Merchant: a person who buys and sells things.
Fabrics: material made by weaving cloth.
Celebration: a special party that you have as something good happened
Show: to let someone see something.
Dressmaker: A person who makes dresses.
Complain: to say that something isn’t good or you are angry with something.
Properly: In a correct way.
Force: To make people do something they don’t want or like.
Refusal: Saying “No”.
Prison: A place where people are kept locked up as a punishment.
Obey: To do what someone tells you to do. OPP. Disobey.
Believe: To think that something is true.
Remain: to stay.
Hurt: To make someone feel pain or sad.
Solve: To find the answer.
Slavery: Owing people as servants; but they aren’t free to go.
Law: A rule made by the government and we must obey and follow.
Execute: To kill someone as a judgment or punishment.
Innocent: Having done something bad or wrong.
Shocked: Unpleasant surprise.
Innocent: haven’t done anything bad or wrong.
Warn: to tell someone to be careful.
Confused: to have mixed ideas in your mind.
Desperation: not being able to hope.
Tightly: showing control on actions.
Beg: Ask people in the street to give you money as sort of help.
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الثائر الحق

Once upon a time there was a small country in a deep green valley surrounded by high snow-topped mountains. People there lived happily because they had all they needed. They also respected their king and queen because the cared about them and ruled justly and wisely. The king and the queen wished for a child and after many years of hoping and prying the queen gave birth to a daughter. The queen became seriously ill and died. The king gave all his love to his daughter. As the princess grew up she certainly looked like her kind and gentle mother but unlike her mother she was very selfish and impatient. The king worried about how she would rule the country. He realized that he was unwise in loving his daughter too much.
One day the princess heard about a foreigner’s visit to the country. She wanted to know about him so she told her father to send a messenger to find out about him. The messenger returned and reported that the foreigner was from a country they don’t know. His skin was a strange colour and his eyes were an unusual shape. Although his language wasn’t the same as theirs but there were some similar words so they could understand each other a little. The foreigner was a traveling merchant and he had fabrics that more beautiful than any that they had. He was a dressmaker. So the princess wanted a very special dress for the celebration of her birthday.
The dressmaker came to the palace with his beautiful fabrics and dresses. The princess ordered him to make her address, but he refused. The princess hurried to complain to her father. The king told the princess to ask the dressmaker properly and to offer him money. The princess offered ten gold pieces, but he refused. She offered fifteen, then twenty, but he refused to make the dress only for twenty gold pieces.
The princess hurried to complain to her father and told him about the dressmaker refusal, and she asked him to put him in prison. The king put him in prison because he didn’t obey the princess. The princess believed that the dressmaker would have to obey her and make the dress she wanted, but the dressmaker did not obey. The king was very worried and he did not want the foreigner to remain in prison and he did not want to hurt his daughter.
The king could not force the dressmaker to make his daughter a dress because this would be slavery and they did not have slavery in their country. He also could not pay him money because people in prison could not receive money for work. The princess asked her father to execute the dressmaker if he disobeyed her and refused to make the dress. The king was shocked by what she said. Her face was lovely and innocent but her words and thoughts were not. The king warned the princess if he executed him it would be impossible to have a new dress, and if he gave the order to execute him he could not cancel it. The princess was shocked by her father’s words. She was confused and in desperation, she went suddenly to her father and held his hands tightly. She cried and begged him to find a way. The king was surprised because it was the first time to say, “Please father”.
The king told his daughter that the answer to this problem was in her words. He advised her to go and talk to the dressmaker again. And the dressmaker would obey her if she asked him properly. After thinking deeply the princess returned to the dressmaker in prison. She said “please, make me a dress for my birthday.” The dressmaker agreed and he made her the most splendid dress. The king believed himself to be wise again. The king invited the dressmaker to stay, but he was a travelling man. After few months he left the green deep valley but he made the princess several dresses. The princess thanked him and paid him well. The princess truly became more and more like her mother.
1. Where was the story happened?
2. Why did very few strangers go there?
3. Why did the people live happily?
4. Why did the people respect their king and queen?
5. Why weren’t the king and the queen completely content?
6. What happened after so many years of hoping and praying?
7. What unfortunate event did occur?
8. How did the king feel after the queen died?
9. How did the king love his daughter?
10. Describe the princess?
11. Did the princess look like her mother?
12. Why did the princess become selfish and impatient?
13. How was the king not wise?
14. What did the king begin to worry about?
15. What did the people talk about?
16. What did the princess do when she heard about the foreigner?
17. What news did the messenger bring?
18. Describe the foreigner?
19. What was the foreigner?
20. What did he have?
21. What also he can make?
22. How did the princess feel when he heard about the dressmaker? Why?
23. What did she ask her father to do? Why?
24. What did the princess ask the dressmaker for?
25. Did the dressmaker agree?
26. How much money did the princess offer the dressmaker for the dress?
27. Why did the dressmaker refuse the money?
28. What did the princess complain to her father about?
29. What was the king’s advice?
30. What did the princess ask her father to do to make the dressmaker obey her?
31. Why couldn’t the king put him in prison?
32. Why did the king put him after that?
33. Did the dressmaker obey the princess when he was in prison?
34. Why did the king become very worried about the foreigner?
35. Why couldn’t the king force the dressmaker to make the dress?
36. Why couldn’t the king pay the dressmaker?
37. What did the princess ask her father to do with the dressmaker if he disobeyed her?
38. Why was the king shocked by his daughter’s words?
39. What happened if the king executed the dressmaker?
40. What happened if the king give the order to execute the dressmaker?
41. Why was the king surprised when the princess begged him?
42. What was the king’s solution to the problem?
43. Why did the dressmaker agree at the end?
44. Why did the king believe himself to be wise again?
45. Why did the dressmaker refuse the king’s invitation to stay?
46. What did the dressmaker do to the princess before leaving the country?
47. Did you like the story? Why?
48. What do you think about the dressmaker?
49. What was the moral of the story?
50. What do we learn from the story?

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