
شرح كامل قصة سجين زندا The Prisoner Of Zenda- انجليزى ثالثة ثانوى

سجين زندا The Prisoner Of Zenda- قصة انجليزى ثالثة ثانوى
dining room حجرة الطعام joyous سعيد / مبتهج tough قوي / متين  
sunny مشمس occasion مناسبة ambition طموح  
spoon ملعقة half brother أخ غير شقيق shade ظل        
position موقع / مكانة coronation حفل تتويج     wealth ثروة
countess كونتيسة (لقب) fashion موضة         well-defended محمى جيدا
except ماعدا forest غابة             sword سيف          
member عضو guest ضيف           fashionably على الموضة    
annoy يزعج / يضايق border حدود الدولة   luggage أمتعة
swordsman مبارز بالسيف guard حارس gentleman نبيل  
responsibilities مسئوليات stare يحملق فى       step back يخطو للخلف
opportunities فرص hill تل               drawbridge جسر متحرك
offer عرض castle قلعة             celebrations احتفالات
ambassador سفير remain يبقى – يظل     servant خادم
embassy سفارة social اجتماعي         inn فندق ريفي
sister-in-law زوجة الأخ indeed حقا               hunting الصيد
moreover علاوة عل ذلك moat خندق مائي     lodge كوخ / مأوي
sound يبدو identical متطابق         care عناية - يهتم
promise يوعد / وعد twins توأم               hunt يصطاد
royal family عائلة ملكية personalities شخصيات       appearance مظهر
paintings صور / لوح amazement دهشة           straight مستقيم
descendants أحفاد skills مهارات         politics علم السياسة
appearance مظهر extraordinary رائع Alps جبال الألب
celebration احتفال medium متوسط mansion قصر
Questions with Model Answers
           1-Where and when did the story open ?
              In the dining room where Rassendyll was having his breakfast .In a sunny morning
           2 – What do you know about Rose ?
            She was Rudolf Rassendyll's sister–in–law. She was  Robert Rassendyll's wife.
3- What did Rose blame تلوم Rudolf for?
         She blamed him for being 29 years old and not doing anything useful. ( idleعاطل  )
4-Why did Rudolf Rassendyll account for برر his being idle عاطل (unemployed)?
       He said that rich families like the Rassendylls didn't need to do things. He said he had
       enough money to do anything he wanted. He had an important position in society .
5-Despite being jobless, عاطل Rudolf boasted تباهى of his position in society. Discuss.
He said that he enjoyed an important position in society as his brother was Lord
Burlesdon and his sister-in-law was a countess.
6-What did Rudolf Rassendyll admit اعترف to Rose ? How did he justify برّر that?
He admitted being lazy. He said the Rassendylls who were rich didn't need to do things
7- Why was Rose annoyed when Rudolf was talking about his family?
Although Rose's family were rich, they were less important than the Rassendylls.
8- Why hadn't Rassendyll been lazy at all times?
a)He had studied hard and learned a lot when he was at a German school and university.
b)He spoke some languages.{ German , English , French , Spanish  and Italian )
c)He was very good at riding horses and good with a gun and a strong swordsman.

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9- What do you know about Robert Rassendyll ?
   Robert was Rudolf Rassendyll's brother. He was married to Countess Rose
   Rassendyll was prod that Robert was Lord Burlesdon.
10- According to Rose, how was Rudolf Rassendyll different from Robert ?
Besides Rudolf's red hair She said that Robert realised that his position
in society had responsibilities, but Rudolf only saw opportunities in his position.
11- What was Rassendyll's answer to Rose's accusationاتهام  ?
     He told Rose that to a man like him opportunities were responsibilities .
12 - What good news did Rose have for her brother-in-law? أخو زوجها
She said that Sir Jacob Borrodaile would offer Rudolf a real opportunity to work for him
when he became an ambassador after 6 months. She hoped Rassendyll would take the job.
Sir Jacob Borrodaile wanted Rudolf to work for him in an embassy.
13 – Why did Rassendyll accept to work for Sir Jacob in an embassy?
First, Rose had a way of asking people to do things which was impossible to refuse.
( Rose was persuasive )    Second, he thought the job sounded  quite interesting.
14 – Where would  Sir Jacob Borrodaile be working?
 Sir Jacob didn't know which country it would be but he was sure it would be good.
15 – Show that Rassendyll kind and gentle to his sister-in-law .
Rassendyll promised  her that he would do it even it was a terrible embassy.
16-What did Rudolf Rassendyll decide to do during the six months ?
He decided that he would visit Ruritania, a small country in the middle of Europe.
17- Rudolf Rassendyll's family always have an interest in Ruritania. Illustrate.
In 1733 Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian
royal family, the Elphbergs who had red hair and straight noses.
18-Whose paintings لوحات من did Robert (Lord Burlesdon) have on his walls?
He had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her descendantsأحفاد .
19-How did the marriage of Amelia affect the appearance of Rudolf Rassendyll?
Rudolf Rassendyll  was the latest one to have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal
family. He had red hair and a straight nose.
20-What helped Rassendyll's decision to travel to Ruritania?
He read  in The Times newspaper that Rudolf the 5th  was to become King of Ruritania
in the next three weeks, and that amazing celebrations were planned for that joyousبمهيجة
occasion He decided to see such a fantastic event so he began to prepare for the journey.
21- Why did Rassendyll tell Rose that he was going to the  Alps?
Because he did not like to tell people where he went on his travels
22 -Why did he tell Rose he was going to write a book about social problems?
Because  he did not want her to think he was being lazy.
23- What was Robert and his wife opinion about Rassendyll's future book?
Rose said that it would be such a good thing to do
Robert said that writing a book was the best way to get t into politics.
24 – Why did Rassendyll say that how little we knew about the future ?
As he didn't have a plan to really write a book but he wrote a book about his journey .
25-What was Uncle William's advice that Rassendyll decided to take? يعمل بها
Rassendyll's Uncle William always said that no man should ever pass through Paris
without spending twenty-four hours in the city.
26- Where did Rassendyll stay in Paris ?
He booked a night at the Continental Hotel  

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27-Who did Rassendyll call on يزور in Paris? What did they do? ما وظائفهما
He called on his old two friends, George Featherly, who worked at the embassy,
and Bertram Bertrand, who was a famous journalist in Paris.
28- What did Rassendyll's friends tell him?
About the latest exciting events in Paris and the important people who visited Paris.
29 -What did Bertram Bertrand tell Rassendyll about Antoinette de Mauban?
She was well known for her wealth and ambition and she was leaving Paris that day..
30- Why did Antoinette de Mauban visit Paris ?
Antoinette de Mauban was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau  ( Duke Michael ).
31- What did George Featherly tell Rassendyll about the Duke of Strelsau?
He said that Michael was the half-brother to the King of Ruritania.
He was his father's favourite son.
He wished to be the king of Ruritania not only a Dukeدوق  
32-What was George Featherly and Bertram's opinion of The Duke Michael ?
They said that he was extremely clever .
33- Why didn't Rassendyll tell George that he was going to Ruritania?
He didn't want the newspapers to know ( via Bertram ) about his going to Ruritania.
34-How far was Antoinette de Mauban a beautiful lady?
Antoinette de Mauban was a beautiful, tall and fashionably dressed woman of about thirty.
35 – Where did Rassendyll and Antoinette de Mauban go from Paris ?
They took a train from Paris to Dresden and took another train to Ruritania.
36 – How did Rassendyll describe the journey from Paris To Dresden ?
He said it was a long and a boring journey
37-Why did the guards at the Ruritanian border stare at Rassendyll's passport?
Because Rassendyll looked exactly like the King of Ruritania.
38-What did Rassendyll read in the Ruritanian  newspaper?
The king's coronation was to be in two days' time which was too much earlier than
he thought .The newspaper described the excitement in the country and Strelsau .
39- Why did Rassendyll decide to stop at Zenda instead of going to Strelsau?    
Because the hotels in Strelsau were full with people who wanted to see the coronation.
From Zenda he could take a train to Strelsau to see the coronation.
40- What do you know about Zenda ?
Zenda was a Ruritanian city which was 80 kilometres from the capital ( Strelsau )
and about 10 kilometres from the border .It had hills and a famous castle.
41- Who did Rassendyll see when he got off the train at Zenda ?
 He saw Antoinette De Mauban who remained on the train  to go to Strelsau .
42 Where did Rassendyll stay at Zenda ?
Rassendyll stayed at an inn which was run by an old woman and her two daughters
43-Why wasn't the woman interested in what happened in the capital, Strelsau?
As The old woman loved the Duke of Strelsau who was responsible for the land around
Zenda and its castle. In fact the hotel owner said she wished Michael was the new king .
44- According to the hotel owner, why was Duke Michael popular with محبوب من
many people in Ruritania unlike على عكس his brother?
a) Michael always lived in Ruritania and he cared about the people so people loved him
b)As for the King, he was almost a stranger. He had been abroad for most of his life
and not many people even knew what he looked like.
c) He was staying in a hunting lodge in the forest as he liked hunting and good food.

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45 – Why did Rassendyll decide to walk through the forest the next day?
He decided to walk through the forest ,the next day , so that he might see the king.
46- How was the older daughter had a different opinion about the Duke ?
The older daughter didn't like Duke Michael but she admired the king and his red hair
47- How did the daughter know that the king had red hair?
Johann ( the Duke's servant) told her that the king had red hair ( like Rassendyll )
48– According to the old lady why was the king in the Duke's land ( Zenda ) ?
She said the Duke invited him and the Duke was in Strelsau preparing for the coronation
49 – Why did the old woman think the Duke and the king weren't good friends?
Because of their competition about the throne as Duke Michael wanted to be king, too.
50-What did Rassendyll's reaction on hearing that Michael wanted to be the king?
He felt quite sorry for Michael but it was right that the older brother became the king.
51- What was Johann's reaction when he saw Rassendyll ?
Johan stepped back in surprise , as thoughكما لو  he had seen something amazing.
52 – What did the old lady tell Johann about Rassendyll?
She told Johann that Rassendyll came to their country to see the coronation .
53 – What was one of the two daughter's comment on Johann's surprise?
 She said that it was the red hair which surprised Johann because they didn't see it
in the country unless he was part  of the king's family , the Elphbergs.
54 – What was Rassendyll's answer to Johan's question if he had ever seen the king?
He had never seen  the king but he hoped to see him on Wednesday at the coronation.
55-What was Johann's offer for Rassendyll?
He offered that Rassendyll could stay at his sister's house .She was married to a wealthy
trader and she invited him to stay with them for the coronation but he was unable to go.
56- Why was Rassendyll happy to have this opportunity and accepted his offer?
As the hotels in Strelsau were full with people who wanted to see the coronation.
57 – Why did Rassendyll walk for 16 kilometres in the forest ?
He planned to do that to see the forest where the king was staying.
58-How was the Castle of Zenda well-defended?
It was very old but well built, with a moat all around it. Behind it was a large mansion.
The castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion.
59 – What pleased Rassendyll on seeing the castle and the mansion ?
    He was pleased that the Duke had such a defended house though he wasn't the king
60- Why did Rassendyll fall asleep forgetting his train to Strelsau and his luggage?
It was so quiet and peaceful in the forest that he soon fell into a deep sleep .
He was dreaming about living in the castle of Zenda when a voice  awoke him
61- What was the voice that awoke Rassendyll saying ?
The voice said," Why look at him. It's amazing He just looks like the king.
62-Who did Colonel Sapt and Fritz work for?
They worked for the King of Ruritania and they were loyal and faithful to the king .
63-What did Colonel Sapt look like?
Sapt was short but looked very tough with light blue eyes. He knew the Burlesdons
64-What did Fritz look like?
Fritz was younger, thin and of medium height. He looked like a gentleman.
65-To what extent لأي مدى were Rudolf Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania alike?  
They looked so alike except perhaps for a centimetre or two difference in height
Rassendyll was a little thinner than Rudolf Elphberg ( the king )

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66 –Rassendyll and the king didn't have identical personalities. Illustrate
Rudolf Rassendyll was an officer for the queen's a army , he was good with a sword .
Rudolf Elphberg  liked to live well and he preferred eating to action. but he was kind.
67 – What was the other thing Rassendyll and the king were alike?
Rassendyll  said " Perhaps we are alike then because I like to have an easy life , too
68 – What happened when Rassendyll and the king saw each other ?  
Rassendyll gave out a loud cry at the same time the king stood back in amazement.
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