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امتحان لغة انجليزية اول ثانوي نوفمبر 2016

Abutig Educational Directorate
Deweina seconadary school         Year One    November Test 2016
Name:………………………………………….          Class:…………….
1- Write what you would say in the following situations:  {2 M}
a- Your friend thinks life in the country is difficult. You disagree.
b- You visit a sick friend in hospital.
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:                {5 M}  
1- Ahmed Shawky is a famous……………..
   a) poem           b) poetry         c) poet       d) pool
2- I haven't seen my niece ………… the last two weeks.  
   a) ago     b) since         c) already d) for
3- I felt like a ……….out of water when we moved to a new city.
   a) fishing    b) fisherman      c) fish           d) shark
4- A ……………. is a piece of land for growing things on.
  a) profit           b) plot              c) polite           d) plough
5- My father promised……………….me his mobile phone.
  a) lending     b) lend       c) lends           d) to lend
6- Some people like living in…..areas, although they can be noisy.
  a) urban           b)  ruler           c) rural              d) rules
7- Would Ahmed be angry if I ………… his bike without asking?
   a) take            b) takes            c) took             d) will take
8-He has stomach problems, so he can't…………..….food well.  
   a) guess     b) taste      c) digest         d) guest  
9- Plants die if they…………….……….. enough water.
   a) wouldn't get     b) get     c) didn't get       d) don't get
10- Some countries….……. out a national census every ten years.
  a) do                     b) make         c) carry               d) perform                      
3- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets: {3 M}
1- Mostafa can do difficult sums without a calculator.        ( capable)
2- She is still doing her homework.                                        ( yet )
3- The thief said that he didn't steal the wallet.                     ( denied )

4- Answer the following questions:                             {3 M}
  1- Mention two functions of the brain.
  2- What is a census?
  3- What is the most common reason for street children problem?
The reader   a)Answer the following questions:          {2 M}   5-
1- Mrs Sowerberry was unfair woman. Explain.
2- What game did Fagin and the boys teach Oliver?
b) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:  {3 M}
 " It wasn't that boy, it was two other boys, he was with them, but he didn't take anything."
1- Who said this? To whom?....................................................................
 2- Who were the other boys?...................................................................
 3- How were these words a lifeboat to Oliver?
    6) Find and correct the  mistakes in the following sentences :  {4 M}
1- A " Song " is a moving seat children play on.
2- I like the sound of Amr Diab.
3-Yesterday, I made very badly in the last English test.
4- It is the role of the government to prove schools in our country.

7- Translation      { 3 M}  
A) Translate into Arabic :
     1- Thanks to modern inventions our life has become more comfortable.
B) Translate into English  :  
2- يعانى الناس فى المدن الكبرى من تلوث الماء و الهواء.
امتحان لغة انجليزية اول ثانوي نوفمبر 2016 4513
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