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مراجعة تحفة لقصة اللغة الانجليزية Gulliver's travels في 19 ورقة للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثانى

مراجعة تحفة لقصة اللغة الانجليزية Gulliver's travels في 19 ورقة للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثانى 0411
مراجعة تحفة لقصة اللغة الانجليزية Gulliver's travels في 19 ورقة للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثانى
مذكرة Gulliver's travels للصف الثانى الثانوى الفصل الدراسى الثانى
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Questions with model answers
1- Where did Gulliver find himself?
Gulliver was in a room full of giants.
2-How high from the ground did the baby giant drop Gulliver?
The baby giant dropped him some ten metres from the ground.
3- What would that fall affect Gulliver's life?
The fall would surely had broken his neck
4- Gulliver was lucky when the baby dropped him. Explain
Gulliver  was lucky as he didn't hit the hard floor but landed on a soft blanket which the
mother held around the baby. The children laughed loudly again.
5-Why did the farmer pick up Gulliver after being dropped on the blanket ?
The farmer realised that Gulliver could have been killed so he picked Gulliver up and
looked at him closely to see if he was hurt.
6- To what extent was the farmer's face so strange to Gulliver?
When the farmer smiled , Gulliver could see great big lines in his skin and his hairs
looked like the branches of small trees
7- What was the question that Gulliver asked himself ?
 Gulliver asked himself if he looked like this to the little people of Lilliput.
8-How was the farmer's wife kind to Gulliver?
The farmer's wife carefully picked Gulliver up and carried him to  bed putting
a handkerchief over his legs. Gulliver was so tired that he slept .
9-Why was Gulliver feel sad when he woke up?
Gulliver was very sad when he woke up because he dreamt about his family.
10- How was the bed another problem facing Gulliver ?
Because the bed was perhaps eight metres high so he couldn't reach the floor and Gulliver thought that his voice would be too quiet for anyone to hear.
11- How did Gulliver manage to defend himself against the two rats?
The rats ( the size of large dogs) began to attack Gulliver , one succeeded in holding onto
his sleeve with its teeth which were the size of swords  so Gulliver used his knife
to defend himself and succeeded in hurting one of the rats which ran away.
12-Why was the farmer's wife surprised when she entered the room?
Because she saw Gulliver sitting on the bed with a knife.
13-Who was Glumdalclitch?
Glumdalclitch was the farmer's daughter. She was nine year old

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14- How did the wife and her daughter make Gulliver safe from rats?
They prepared a tiny bed for Gulliver and put it on a low shelf inside a cupboard
15- How far was Glumdalclitch useful to Gulliver?
Glumdalclitch made clothes for Gulliver ( seven shirts and four pair of trousers )
and dressed him like a doll . She also taught him her language by pointing to things and telling him what they were called . She called him Grildrig "puppet"
16- Why did the neighbour admire Gulliver?
As Gulliver was a tiny human and he could speak and walk and do what he was asked
17- What did the farmer ask Gulliver to do for his friend?
The farmer put Gulliver on his kitchen table and asked Gulliver to do things for him
so Gulliver walked up and down and named  يسمي the objects he pointed to in their
18-Why did Gulliver laugh at the farmer's friend ?
When the old man put on his glasses ,Gulliver thought his eyes looked  like two giant
moons seen through two enormous windows. The old man looked angry
19-What did the farmer's friend advise the farmer to do with Gulliver?
He advised the farmer to make Gulliver work so that he could earn money from him
The farmer could take Gulliver to the market and people would pay to see him.
20- Why was Glumdalclitch worried when she heard about her father's plan?
1- Glumdalclitch was worried that people in the market would be cruel to Gulliver.
2- They would pick him and play with him and they might break his arms or drop him
4- She asked her father to be Gulliver guard to check that people didn't hurt him.
21-How did they carry Gulliver to the market?
They put Gulliver in a small wooden box for the half- hour ride to the market in the town
The box had three small holes to help Gulliver breathe and look out.
Glumdalclitch had put some of her doll's soft blankets on the floor of the box
22-Why did Gulliver feel he was in a ship in a storm on his journey to the market?
The horse went about fourteen metres with each step and the box moved so much.
23-What did the farmer's friend at the inn advertise?
Inside the box, a tiny human who could say things and perform for the public
24-Why was Gulliver put on a table?
Gulliver was put on a table in the largest room in the inn so that people saw him
25- Why did Glumdalclitch sit on a low stool next to him?
To look after him and to tell him what to do.
26- What was Gulliver's show in the market?
1-To welcome people when they came into the room.                   2-To walk up and down
3-To answer Glumdalclitch's questions about his name , how high he could jump.
4- To name things  and to say goodbye when the people left the room
27- When was Gulliver nearly killed in the market?
When a school boy threw a nut at Gulliver .It was the size of a large rock and it nearly hit
his head .It would surely have killed him .Gulliver was pleased when the boy was sent out
28-Why was Gulliver exhausted during his time in the room ?
As he was shown to twelve different groups of people and did the same things for
each group .When his work was finally finished , he was exhausted
29- Why couldn't Gulliver rest completely at the farmer's house?
Because all the farmer's neighbours had heard of him and they came and paid the
farmer to see Gulliver in his room .there were at least thirty people at any time.

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30-Show that the farmer was very happy about Gulliver?
The farmer was very happy as he earned a lot of money so he decided to take
Gulliver to all the cities in the land so he could show him to even more people
31- What happened on 17th August,1703?
Gulliver , the farmer and Glumdalclitch set off for the capital city ( Lorbrulgrud ). It was about three thousand kilometres from the farm where he had stayed to the capital.
32- What was the farmer's plan while travelling to the capital?
To show Gulliver in all of the towns and some of the villages they passed on the way
so they passed eighteen large towns , many small villages and even some private houses.
33-How did Glumdalclitch help Gulliver during his journey to the capital?
She took him out of the box to give him some air .She taught him more of their
language. She showed him where they were travelling.
34- What did Gulliver see on the way to the capital ( Lorbrulgrud ).?
He saw enormous buildings and five or six rivers that were wider than the Nile.
35-How long did they take to arrive in the capital city" Lorbrulgrud"?
After ten weeks , they finally arrived in Lorbrulgrud
36-How did Gulliver know that the capital people amazed and happy to see him?
Thanks to Glumdalclitch's language lessons , he could understand everything .
37-Show that the farmer began to be greedy?
The farmer continued to earn lots of money, but the more he earned, the more he
wanted people to see him .He didn't realise how tiring the work for Gulliver
38-How did that tiring work affect Gulliver's health?
Gulliver lost a lot of weight and felt ill and tired. He looked like a skeleton.
39- How was Gulliver lucky?
When Gulliver thought that he couldn't  work another day , a servant arrived from the
palace and ordered the farmer to show Gulliver to the Queen
40-What did the Queen ask Gulliver ?
She told him that he was clearly an intelligent person despite his size and asked Gulliver
to come and live with the king and her family.
41-What was Gulliver's answer to the Queen's offer?
He told her that he worked for the farmer and he would be happy to live with the
Queen if the farmer allowed it.
42- Why did the farmer accept to sell Gulliver?
The farmer  knew that Gulliver was ill and perhaps would die so he asked for a thousand pieces of gold to sell him to the Queen.
43- What was Gulliver's small request ?
he asked the Queen to make him keep Glumdalclitch as his teacher as she had been very
kind to him and had taught him all he knew about their country .( Brobdingnag )
44- What was the effect of that request on Glumdalclitch and her father?
The farmer agreed and was very happy  as his daughter would have a job at the palace
Glumdalclitch was very excited by that news.
45- What did the farmer tell Gulliver before leaving the palace ?
He told Gulliver that he was a lucky little man and he would be well looked after there.
46- Why didn't Gulliver say goodbye to the farmer?
Gulliver told the Queen that the farmer had made him work hard and he only wanted to
make money from him and his health had suffered because of that .The farmer sold him
as he thought that he would die .Gulliver said he would be better in the palace.

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47-To what extent was The King surprised when he saw Gulliver?
The King was so surprised and asked the Queen why she  brought him a toy
48- How did Gulliver see The King ?
The king had a very good education and knew everything about mathematics and the
history and geography of his land .he couldn't believe that what Gulliver told him was
49- What did The King tell the Queen ?
The King told her that a clever farmer had tricked her into giving him money and the king looked at Gulliver angrily so Gulliver thought that he made an enemy .

تحميل: مراجعة تحفة لقصة اللغة الانجليزية Gulliver's travels في 19 ورقة للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثانى من المرفقات
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