
انجلش 3 ثانوي.. اقوي مراجعة لتمارين كتاب التدريبات WB+كلمات ترجمة (احداث جارية)+موضوعات هامة مستر هاني فاضل

ترجمة - انجلش 3 ثانوي.. اقوي مراجعة لتمارين كتاب التدريبات WB+كلمات ترجمة (احداث جارية)+موضوعات هامة مستر هاني فاضل 02222
لطلاب الثانوية العامة، اقوي مراجعة لتمارين كتاب التدريبات WB+كلمات ترجمة (احداث جارية)+موضوعات هامة
مستر هاني فاضل عبد الغني (ابو مازن)
جزء من المراجعة
اقتباس :
B Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Dear Ali,
How are you?
I had wanted to email you before I started my new job, but I did not have time! I've now worked here for two weeks. I'm working in an old building in the middle of the city at the moment and I travel to work by bus. By the end of next year, they will have finished building a new office in a different part of the city. So after that, I'll be travelling to work every day on the metro!
Before I started this job, I hadn't known very much about new technology. Now I use it every day. I often talk to people in other countries, using the internet. The work is different every day. Yesterday I was interviewing a businesswoman from Japan.
Today I'm visiting a new hotel in Cairo and tomorrow I'm going to a meeting in Damietta. I think I'll have to get up very early because the train leaves at 5a.m.!
The job is very tiring and I don't have a routine yet, but I'm enjoying it. I have already written a lot of articles. You can read them online. I've met some famous people, too. There is a photo of me interviewing a politician in the attachment to this email. He works for the Ministry of Antiquities, so he knows all about ancient Egypt. I haven't met any sports people yet, but there is an important tennis competition next month. There are some famous tennis players going there and I'm sure I'll interview one. Write soon.
Best wishes, Munir
1- For how long has Munir done this job?
a for a year b for two weeks c since he moved offices d since last May
2- Why does he have to get up early tomorrow?
a He's interviewing a businessman. b He's visiting a new hotel.
c He is going to a meeting. d He's interviewing a politician.
3- Why did someone take a photo of Munir?
a He is famous. b He was meeting a famous person.
c He wanted a photo to send to his friend. d Because his article is online.
4- What is the main idea of the email?
a Munir's new job is boring. b Munir doesn't like his new job.
c Munir's new job is busy but exciting. d Munir wants his job to pay him more money.
5- What does the underlined word one refer to?
a tennis competitions c a famous tennis player
b business people d a politician
6- What does the word antiquities means?
a very old things       b farming       c medicine       d education
7- Find a suitable subject for this email.
8- How does Munir usually communicate with people in the countries?
9- What job do you think Munir does?
10- Why didn't Munir email his friend before he got the job?
2 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
1-b for two weeks                                           2-c He is going to a meeting.                          
3- b He was meeting a famous person.           4-c Munir's new job is busy but exciting. .
5-c a famous tennis player                              6-a very old things          
7-I think technology will help him to travel to other countries  quickly and cheaply in the future.
8-He uses the internet to communicate.         9- He is a journalist.         10- He did not have time.
The Novel
Choose the correct answer:
1- What special event is going to take place in Ruritania?
a There will be a war.                                    b There will be a new King.
c There will be a new Duke of Strelsau.        d Colonel Sapt is going to become ruler.
2- Who is the Duke of Strelsau?
a He is the true King of Ruritania .             b He is the King 's father.
c He is the King's half brother.                     d He is Rudolf Rassendyll's brother.
3- Why does Fritz von Tarlenheim say that he understands Rudolf Rassendyll well?
a They are both officers for a King or Queen.     b They both want to be King.
c They both look like the King .                        d They both want to meet the Duke.
4- As well as how he looks, in what way is Rudolf Rassendyll like the King?
a They are not kind men.                            b They both have an easy life.
c They both like fighting.                            d They are both English.
b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:
5- What kind of a person do you ما شخصيةthink that Rudolf Rassendyll is?
6- Rassendyll's position in society gave him opportunities. Do you agree? Why?
7- Do you think there might be a problem with the fact that Rudolf looks very much like the King?
3 aChoose the correct answer:
1-b There will be a new King.                                      2-c He is the King's half brother.
3-a They are both officers for a King or Queen.          4-b They both have an easy life.
b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:
1-He comes from a rich and important family and is happy to have an easy life. However, he likes adventureالمغامرة  and he is happy to travel to Ruritania alone, without telling anyone.
2-I agree because he went to a good school (1)and learnt many languages(2), as well asبالاضافة الي  learning to ride a horse(3) and to use a gun and a sword(4).
3-Yes, There might be a problem because many people will think he is King of  Ruritania.
C Writing
4 Finish the following dialogue:
Amir is discussing his homework with Nasser.
Amir I need to research information about Rudyard Kipling(شاعر بريطاني) روديارد كبلينغ for an essay, but I don't know which website to use.
Nasser 1)..................................................................................................................?
Amir I tried typing his name into a search engine but I got hundreds of results.One website said that he wrote only one poemكتب قصيدة واحدة .
Nasser 2).................................................wrote lots of poems. Where did you find that information?
Amir It's a website called All about poems. Do you think that the information is wrong?
Nasser Yes. 3).............................................. I think that's incorrect. What's the title of the essay?
ما عنوان المقالة؟(التي سيكتبها)
Amir 4 ).....................................................................................................................
Nasser OK. Type the essay title Rudyard Kipling's most popular poems in the search engine.  You will get fewer results now.
Amir Yes, look: Kipling's ten most popular poems!
Nasser 5)..................................................................................................................?
Amir Yes, I think it is very useful.
Nasser It's important to write down your sources of information. 6 ).............................................?
Amir That's a good idea. I'll w rite it at the bottom of my work.
Finish the following dialogue:
1- Why don't you type his name into a search engine?لماذا لا تكتب اسمه في محرك البحث؟  
2-that's not  true  هذا ليس صحيحا                    3-I can't believe that.لا اصدق ذلك  
4-The title is Rudyard Kipling's most popular poems.العنوان هو "افضل قصائد روديارد كبلنغ"  
5-Do you think it is useful?  هل تعتقد ان ذلك مفيد؟
6-Why don't you write the sources of information at the bottom of your work?
لماذا لا تكتب مصادر المعلومات في اسفل (نهاية) عملك؟
A Translate into Arabic:
1-We all appreciate the profession of teaching because a good teacher builds a good citizen.
نحن جميعا نقدر مهنة التدريس لان المدرس الجيد يبني وطنا جيدا
2-We should honour great writers and thinkers, especially those who have published distinguished works.
يجب ان نحترم كبار الكتاب والمفكرين وخاصة اولئك الذين قاموا بنشر اعمال متميزة.
B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:
1-لقد كتب الروائي عبد التواب يوسف العديد من قصص الأطفال المثيرة.
Novelist Abdel-Tawab Youssef wrote many exciting children stories.
2-بمجرد أني رأيت الحادث , اتصلت بالشرطة و حضروا علي الفور.
As soon as I saw the accident, I called the police and they came immediately.
5 Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) words on ONE (1) of the following:
a a summary of a book that you have enjoyed.
1- A review of a poem you have enjoyed. مقال نقدي عن قصيدة استمتعت بها
One of the poems I have enjoyed reading is “ If I can stop ” It was written by the great American poet Emily Dickinsonايملي ديكنسون . The poem is quite short and has just one verse. Most of the lines rhyme and I found it easy to read. As for the paraphrase of the poemبالنسبة لتلخيص القصيدة , the poet says that if one can stop another person from being sad, one's life will be successful. The poet even wants to help small birds in their nests. In fact, she advises us to relieveنخفف  the pains of others to have a meaningful lifeحياة لها معني . I like the message of the poem. The message is that: one’s life has a meaning if he helps othersحياة الانسان لها معني لو ساعد الاخرين  .The writer wants to help people who are  less happy اقل سعادةthan she is. The message of the poem reminds me of a quoteقول مأثور  by the great English novelist Charles Dickens who says: “ NO one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. ” In the poem we
learn that Emily Dickenson has a kind and helpful personality. In short, “ If I can stop” is a lovely and interesting short poem.
2- A review of a book you have enjoyed. مقال نقدي عن كتاب استمتعت به
2. A summary of a book that you have enjoyed.ملخص لكتاب استمتعت به
One of the books I have enjoyed reading is “ The Pearl  ”, a novel by John Steinbeck. It’s written in a very good style. It tells us the story of Kino, a poor Mexican pearl diver, and his wife Juana who live a happy life with their son Coyotito. Kino goes diving and finds an enormous pearl, which will make him wealthy. When other people hear about the pearl, they plan to steal it. Kino goes into town to sell it. Juana wishes Kino would throw the pearl awayيتخلص من اللؤلؤة  because she believes it is evil and will destroy the family. On their way to the town, the family are followed by thieves who want the pearl. Juana and Coyotito hide in a mountain cave, but Coyotito cries out. When the thieves hear this noise, they fire their guns at him and kill him. Kino and Juana wish they had never found the pearl. They return to their home town and throw the evil pearl into the sea. The book has an important moral which is: Greed doesn't payالطمع لا يفيد  • In my opinion, it’s a great and exciting story (book) to read.
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