
500 برجراف للقراءة والترجمة للصف الثالث الثانوي

500 برجراف للقراءة والترجمة للصف الثالث الثانوي 20014
لطلاب الثانوية العامة.. مراجعة اللغة الانجليزية - 500 برجراف للقراءة والترجمة للصف الثالث الثانوي
المجموعة الاولى

1-Summer camps
Summer campsالمعسكرات are heldتقام  in Egypt every year. Young people from all over Egypt participate in these camps. These young people meet and spend their time together for different reasons. Sometimes, they do some projects that are related toمرتبط ب  important issuesقضايا  such as fighting pollution, educating people or planting trees. They also discuss world problems and issues such as peace, co-existenceالتعايش  and exchangingتبادل  information and experience. These camps play a vital role nowadays. They help in promotingتقوية  friendship, co-operation and democracy. They also create a spiritروح of toleranceالتسامح and understandingالتفاهم  that help people to live in love and peace.
2-What life will be like in the future
It is a fact that life in the future will be completely different from life today. we will see various scenarios. Population of the world will have doubledيتضاعف unless something is done to control the population explosion. We will have colonizedيستعمر other planets and we will be living in space. Some of us will be living underground without the natural sunlight or rain. We will also be living in tiny one room apartments in huge skyscrapersناطحات سحاب . Cars will not be the means of transport any more as we will use helicopters in our daily transport. Students will receive their education at home through the internet. Patients with injuries will also be operated at home.
3- A friend indeed is a friend in need
    Man is sociableاجتماعي  by nature. No one can live apart fromبمعزل عن other people. He is in need of others as others are in need of him. It is necessary for everyone to have friends, but not any friends. It is very important for everyone to be wise and selective when he / she chooses a friend. The friends we choose must have good qualities; to be honest, faithful, kind, helpful, cooperative, intelligent, wise, practical, hard-working, polite and educated. The man is usually judged by his friends therefore we have to choose polite and sincere friends as we may need them or their help one day. True friendship is the only thing we are looking for.
4-Smoking and its bad effects
      Smoking has become one of the most serious problems all over the world. All countries call smokers to give up smoking for several reasons. First, smoking is the main cause of cancer السرطان and other serious diseases. Second, people who smoke are really wasting their health and their money. So, the government has issuedأصدرت  a law that doesn’t allow passengers in trains, cars and taxis to smoke. I think smokers should be fined.يغرموا All companies of cigarette production شركات إنتاج السجائر must be closed down.تغلق  All the governments should co-operate with each other to issue strict صارم laws against smokers. Moreover, smokers should have a real desire to give up smoking. In addition to that, the government should make the best use of media to make campaignsحملات  against smoking.
Unemployment is one of the main problems that Egypt faces at the present time. This problem results from different reasons. First, over-population is the root of this problem. Second, there is no integration تكامل between all sectors of work. This problem is of dangerous disadvantages. First, it really hinders progress in our country. Second, it can also lead to the spread of crime in our society. It can create a generation of terroristsالإرهابيين  as long as they are idle.
So, the government should find a radical solution to this problem that is endangering our society and our university graduates in particular. The problem of unemployment can be easily solved. First, the idle graduates should be offered all facilities to set up small projects in Toshka and Sinai. Second, they can be motivatedيحفزوا  to participate in eliminating illiteracy because they have the ability to help illiterate people read and write. Thus, we will help our youth to be good citizens.
6-How the government can help the youth to set up small projects
At the present time, we are badly in need to encourage our youth to set up small projects. There are several reasons for this. First, the population grows up at a high speed. Second, the stateالدولة  needs to find a radicalجذري  solution for unemployment. Third, we want to increase the production to satisfy our needs of food and export to foreign countries, too.
In fact, it is not only the dutyليس فقط واجب  of the government but also businessmen to encourage the youth to set up small projects. As forبالنسبة  the government, it can provide the youth with loansالقروض and machinery to start their projects. It can also offer them all facilities. Businessmen can invest their money in these projects. As a result of that, we will find solutions for our problems. Every citizen will lead a better standard of living. We will overcome the problem of unemployment.
7-The duties of the youth towards their country
  Undoubtedlyمما لا شك فيه the youth are the backbone of our country. They are of great role in making their country great. First of all, they can share in desert reclamation to change the desert into green land. Second, they can set up small projects in Toshka and Sinai instead of waiting for the governmental postsالوظائف الحكومية  . Third, they are able to help illiterate people to learn reading and writing. So, the youth should be encouraged to be of an effective role in their societiesمجتمعات .  It is the role of the government to encourage the youth. It can offer them all facilities to participateيشارك  in the national projects. As a result of that, we will overcomeيتغلب على  most of our problems that are hinderingتعوق  progress in our country, such as, illiteracy, unemployment, over-population and so on. Besides, we will protect our youth from deviationالانحراف  and we will help them to be good citizens.
8-Modern Technology
Nowadays, we are leading a technological revolution in all branches of our life. Modern technology has really made our life easierجعلت الحياة اسهل . Modern technology is being used everywhere. First, in the field of space, satellites are launched every now and thenمن حين لآخر . Satellites help us know the current events all over the world in no timeفي لمح البصر . Second, in the field of telecommunications,الاتصالات mobile phones are being used by the young and the old all over the world. Third, in the field of medicine, X-rays are used in curingعلاج  many fatal diseases. Fourth, computers are also being used in all branches of work. All these aspectsكل هذه المظاهر  of modern technology have a lot of advantages. They have saved man a lot of time and effort. They have made most people enjoy their work.  They have also helped man to achieve progress in various fields. People no longer worry about their leisure time because they can watch television. By means of technology, travel is no longer a problem as people can travel easily.
9-The role of computers in our schools
The Ministry of education looks forward to developing our education to keep pace withيساير developed countriesالدول المتقدمة. So, all schools in Egypt have been supplied with computers. Computers in our schools are to be visual teaching aidsوسائل تعليمية مرئية not adding machines. All teachers can teach their school subjects on these computers. The ministry aims atتهدف إلى helping students to understand their subjects without being bored. Most students find their lessons interesting on the computer at school. Besides, computers at schools are loaded withمحملة ب  self-evaluation tests. We all hope that our education system will find its way to be meaningful.ذات معنى  / هادف  
10-“Reading for All”
Undoubtedly, reading is the diet of mind. Reading is of great benefit. It helps us know more and more about our history. It also provides us with a lot of information about other countries. It makes us familiar withملم ب the current eventsالأحداث الجارية  all over the world. So, the government is giving reading a great care. “Reading for All” is our mottoشعارنا. A lot of libraries have been established in villages and towns. Children and youth are encouraged to go to libraries to spend their spare time reading books. Thus, we can inculcateنغرس the habit of reading in them. We can also build up good citizens who are able to serve their country.
11- Sport is useful and important
  Countries and governments give sport a due care اهتمام بالغ. Sport plays a vital role in everyone’s life. It helps us build up our bodies. It also urges us تحثنا to love competition. Sport creates some sort of good relationships علاقات طيبة between countries. Sport teaches athletes co-operation, self-reliance, self-defence and good valuesقيم طيبة  .So everyone, either young or old, should practise a certain sport. Athletesالرياضيين can enjoy all sports in youth centers مراكز الشباب that are everywhere in Egypt. Parents should advise their children to do Karate, Judo, and so on. They can encourage them to play tennis, football, volley, squash, basketball and other games. They may be international professionals محترفين دوليين in the future.

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