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الوحدة الثانية شرح درس التعبير عن المشاعر Expressing feelings للصف الثالث الإعدادي ترم أول 2020

 الوحدة الثانية شرح درس التعبير عن المشاعر Expressing feelings للصف الثالث الإعدادي ترم أول 2020 01273
لطلاب الشهادة الاعدادية ، ننشر شرح درس التعبير عن المشاعر Expressing feelings منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادي ترم أول 2020
Expressing feelings:
-I feel/felt+(adj)
ex.:I felt worried / quite happy.
by yourself
- Did the story make you feel+(adj)?
ex.: Did the story make you feel frightened/happy?
1. You are asked about your feelings
when you win a prize.
- I feel happy.
-How did you feel when
ex.: How did you feel when you saw a lion ?
2. Express how you feel after
watching an exciting film.
3. You saw a dangerous dog. Express
your feelings.
-ifeel excited
-It made me feel
ex.: It made me feel excited/happy.
-I felt frightened.
How do you feel about
ex.:I feel
-I don't feel
ex.:I don't feel sad.

on Language Functions
1. Finish the following dialogue

Hazet and Munir are tatking obout the film they watched yesterday
Did you watch yesterday's film on TV?
Munir Yes, I did. )
Hazem :Iwatched it, too, How did you feel after watching it 7
Munir : (2)
Hazem: (3)
Munir Because it had a hapry ending
Hazem : What do you think of the hero
Munir :4)
2. Write what you would say in each of the following sltuations:
1. Express how you feel when your class wins the competitian.
2. You saw a snake. Express your feeling
3. You ask your friend about his feeling when he won a prize.
4. Your brother wants to know what the film made you feel.
aira 2028)
5. You express your feelings when your favourite team wins a match.
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