تراجم متوقعة مهمة
1-Water recyclingاعادة استخدام الماء and desalination تحلية المياه have become of great importance for countries suffering from يعانى من fresh water scarcityندرة المياه العذبة
2-Droughtsالجفاف affects water supply in many countries which increasinglyبطريقة متزايدة are turning towards sea water desalination to meet its water needsاحتياجات
3-Some non-profit organizationsمنظمات غير ربحية encourage promoting الارتقاء education التعليم to a website to make all legal documents public online.
4-African countries have to face تواجه two major environmental problemsمشكلات بيئية أساسية , drought and desertification.التصحر
5-Due toبسبب some climatic changesتغيرات مناخية , rainfall سقوط المطر variesيتنوع greatly from year to year and patterns of انماط alternate flooding and drought الجفاف والفيضان المتبادل(المتعاقب) are common.
6-The World Youth forumمنتدى الشباب العالمى is a serious trial محاولة جادةto discuss social phenomenaالظواهر الاجتماعية like cultural conflict and terrorism.الصراع الثقافي والارهاب
7-Illteracyالامية is a serious social problem and we have to exert great effortsيبذل جهودا عظيمة to eliminateيقضي على it.
8-Illegal migrantsالمهاجرين الغير شرعيين may lose their lives, whereas very few of them reach their destinationsمقاصدهم .
9-The desert reclamationاستصلاح is a vital stepخطوة حيوية to overcome يتغلب علىthe obstaclesمعوقات facing the future of agriculture in Egypt.
10-All divine religionsكل الاديان السماوية call forتدعو الى toleranceالتسامح, peace, affectionالمحبة as well as moral valuesالقيم الاخلاقية .
11-Those who spread يبث/ينشرterror الرعبin the name of religion are anti-religious values.ضد القيم الدينية
12-Egypt is one of the earliest cradlesمهد of human civilizationالحضارة , dated backيعود الى to more than five thousand years ago.
13-Atomic power الطاقة الذرية is a mixed blessingنعمة ونقمة , so it should be used only in peaceful purposes.اغراض سلمية
14-We should rationalizeيرشد our consumption استهلاك of water or we will faceنواجه serious problemsمشكلات خطيرة in the near future.
15-Many people like to collect appreciated thingsاشياء ذو قيمة like stamps and matchless antiquesقطع أثرية لا مثيل لها .
16-Modern educational systems give due care to تولى اهتمام كبيرلdeveloping the student’s scientific and cultural abilities قدراتto be creativeمبدع .
17-Reconstruction اعادة تعميرof Sinai will bring تجلب about mineral resources prosperityرفاهية الموارد المعدنية if it’s fully exploitedاستغلت تماما .
18-If we don’t look after our heritageتراث , it could easily disappear like most of the wondersعجائب of the ancient world.
19-It is hoped that Egypt will restoreتسترد economic stabilityاستقرار اقتصادي and issue laws تصدر القوانينto facilitateيسهل the economic reformsاصلاحات .
20-The government is trying to solve traffic problems by constructing new roads and flyoversكباري علوية .
21-Egypt aims atيهدف الى attractingجذب Arab and foreign capitalرأس المال for investmentالاستثمار.
22-Sooner or laterأجلا او عاجلا, youth will face huge responsibilitiesمسئوليات so they should be armed withيتسلح ب determinationتصميم and a strong willارادة
23-It’s our national dutyواجب وطني to try to advanceنتقدم in all fields by all meansبكل الوسائل to be a developed countryدولة متقدمة .
24-Good mannersأخلاق جيدة build civilizations whereas bad mannersأخلاق سيئة destroy the beautyجمال of nature.
25-Nothing in this world comes easily and success in life needs days of hard work and patienceالصبر.
26-Teachers are great sources of knowledge from which students can benefit for their whole life.
تراجم عن فيروس كورونا
1-Governments around the world are starting to take action to containيمنع coronavirus.
2- The coronavirus is a respiratory virus, which means it can affect people's breathing and lungs.
3- The World Health Organisation (WHO) is working closely with global experts and governments to find out more about the coronavirus and try to stop it spreading further.
4- Some countries have banned travel to and from China to try to contain the coronavirus.
5-The Egyptian Ministry of Health has taken a lot of precautionary measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
6-The coronavirus caused the death of thousands of people in some countries, especially in China and Italy.
7-The only way to avoid infection with coronavirus is to stay away from people who are infected.
8-Scientists and researchers are making (exerting) great efforts to produce a vaccine to stop the outbreak of the deadlyمميت coronavirus.
9-Coronavirus is a virus that started in China. It spread to many countries in Europe and all around the world.
10-There are a few simple things you can do to not get the Coronavirus disease. For example: wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds at least.
11-This disease can spread from person to person through dropletsقطرات from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or sneezes.
12-You can reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some simple precautions. احتياطات
13-Maintain حافظ علىat least 1 metre distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
14-The new coronavirus causes respiratory infections, ranging from mild symptoms to severe disease and, in rare cases, death.
15-Coronaviruses are common in animals of all kinds and they sometimes can mutateيتحول into forms that are resistant مقاوم to drugs.
16-The new coronavirus does not appear to spread through the air.
17-Scientists and researchers are working hard to develop a vaccine that can protect people from the virus.
18-One of the best ways to slow the spread of coronavirus is by staying away from other people, which is also called social distancing.
19-Currently, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments.
20-A recent study shows the coronavirus can survive on surfaces like door handlesمقابض and cups for hours or perhaps days.
Important words
World Health Organization منظمة الصحة العالمية
breathing difficulties صعوبات تنفس respiratory تنفسي
Coronavirus (CoV) فيروس كورونا epidemic وباء
infection عدوى infectious معدي
zoonotic حيواني المصدر(ينتقل من الحيوان للانسان)
Symptoms اعراض cough يسعل/سعال
quarantine حجر صحي disease مرض
fever حمي sneeze يعطس /عطس
sanitizer مطهر severe قاسي/شديد
Health care رعاية طبية treatment علاج
moderate معتدل outbreak انتشار
confirmed cases حالات مؤكدة Face mask كمامة للوجه
sore throat التهاب فى الحلق Preventive measures اجراءات وقائية
exposed to معرض ل vaccine لقاح/مصل
range from يمتد من /يشتمل strain= kind/type نوع من
investigate يفحص/يتحرى عن investigations فحوصات/تحريات
precautionary measuresاجراءات وقائية
تراجم مهمة
1- إن الاهتمام بالصحة العامة و الشخصية يساعد علي منع انتشار الأمراض و الأوبئة الفتاكة.
Taking care of sanitation and hygiene helps to prevent the spread of fatal diseases and epidemics.
2- إن فيرس كورونا مرض وبائي لذا يجب اتخاذ الاحتياطات اللزمة لمنع انتشاره.
Corona virus is an epidemic disease, so necessary precautions should be taken to prevent its spread.
3- إن من أعراض فيرس كورونا إلتهاب الحلق و ارتفاع درجة الحرارة و الصداع و الدوار و التهاب الجهاز التنفسي العلوي.
One of the symptoms of Corona virus is sore throat, fever, headache, vertigo and upper respiratory tract infections.
4- إن التشخيص المبكر لفيرس كورونا و التمريض الجيد سيؤديان إلي سرعة الشفاء منه.
The early diagnosis of Corona virus and good nursing will lead to a speedy recovery.
5- إن مرض فيرس كورونا ينتقل من الحيوانات إلي الانسان ، لذا يحب وضع الحيوانات المريضة تحت الحجر البيطري.
Corona virus is a communicable disease from animals to humans , so sick animals must be put under veterinary quarantine.
6- إن البقاء في المنزل لفترة طويلة يجعلك آمنا من هذا المرض لتجنب المصافحة بالأيدي و القبلات.
Staying at home for long makes you safe from this disease for avoiding shaking hands and kissing.
7- لقد أحدث فيرس كورونا خسائر فادحة في الأرواح بالإضافة إلي تدمير الاقتصاد العالمي أو الركود الاقتصادي.
Corona virus has caused heavy losses in lives in addition to destroying global economy or (economic depression / recession ).
8- اغسل يديك بالماء و الصابون بإنظام و إستخدم المطهرات و المنظفات الصناعية علي أسطح الأشياء لتجنب عدوي فيرس كورونا.
To avoid Corona virus infection, wash your hands with soap and water regularly and use disinfectants and detergents on the surface of things.
9- يجري العلماء و الباحثين تشخيصاتهم المعملية للحصول علي مصل وقائي ضد فيرس كورونا.
Scientists and researchers are conducting their clinical diagnosis to get a protective vaccine against Corona virus.
10- لقد تأثرت البورصات العالمية تأثيراً كبيراً منذ إندلاع هذا المرض الوبائي.
World stock markets have been greatly affected since the outbreak of this epidemic disease.
مهم جدا لكتابة البراجراف
مقدمات البراجراف
*There is no doubt that this subject is very important and vital in our life, so it’s worth writing about.
*As a matter of fact, this subject has a great importance nowadays and it’s necessary to discuss it.
……………is one of the most (important/ dangerous) things in our life.
*Pollution is one of the most dangerous problems which we face nowadays.
*Computers are one of the most important inventions which we can’t do without.
الموضوع (ضع أفكار للموضوع وابني على كل فكرة بعض الجمل كالاتي)
مزايا الموضوع
………is a mixed blessing (a double edged weapon) سلاح ذو حدين
There are many advantages of………….
One advantage of ……….is that …………………………
Another advantage of……..is that ………………………..
عيوب الموضوع
On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of ……….
One disadvantage of ……….is that……………………
Another disadvantages of ……..is that ………………….
اسباب /نتائج/انواع هذا الامر (اذا كان ضار/سلبي)
There are many reasons for……..(pollution)
(pollution) causes يسبب …………………..
******New ideaفكرة جديدةفي وسط الموضوع
The question which must be asked is: what role can the (government /individuals/ women / the youth) play in (solving this problem/encouraging this project/ society)? To answer such a question we can say that.......
دور الحكومة والمجتمع والجمعيات الخيرية والفرد
The government should look after/care about/put an end to / solve…
Charities have an important role in solving the problem of…………
We should do our best to………………………………..
*From all that has been mentioned, we can conclude that.............
*From what I have mentioned in the above lines, it’s obvious that …….is really (important/ dangerous.)
خاتمة تصلح لكل الموضوعات
*Finally, I'd say that such important subject needs more and more paragraphs to be completely discussed.
*Finally, I think I’ve covered some of the points related to this subject.