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3 نماذج اختبارات لغة انجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي 2021 .. بنظام بابل شيت 
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 1

البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 2

البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 3

البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 4

البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 5

البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 6

التحميل من هنا
امتحان شامل على اول 6 وحدات فى اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوى 2021
مراجعة على كلمات وقواعد اول 6 وحدات من منهج انجليزي تالتة ثانوى
امتحان انجليزي "أسئلة عميقة" للصف الثالث الثانوي 2022 بنظام بابل شيت بالاجابه

5 امتحانات لغة انجليزية بنظام البابل شيت مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للصف الثالث الثانوى 2022

Mr Gamal
بالاجابات تدريب على unit4 انجليزي ثالثة ثانوي "منهج جديد"
New Hello for Secondary 3, Exercises on Unit 4

البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_410
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_412
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_411البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_413
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_414
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_415البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_418
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_417
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 Unit_416
العلم والايمان
Sometimes, people may be punished for things they didn’t do. Do you think that we should stop doing good things in case we feel danger or we should continue doing it? On the night of April 14, 1865 President Abra-ham Lincoln was attending the theater in Washington. In the middle of the performance, an actor named John Wilkes Booth, seeking to avenge the defeat of the South, slipped into the presidential box and shot the president. Booth escaped the theater, but broke his leg when he leaped from the president’s box seat to the stage.
      Five hours later, Booth and his companion arrived at the home of a doctor called Samuel Mudd. He knew nothing about the assassination of the president. He set the leg and persuaded the two travelers to stay in his house for the rest of the night. The next morning, Booth and his friend, using false names, paid the bill and departed, but Dr. Mudd was arrested, taken to Washington, and tried on the charge that he was a friend of Booth s and therefore helped plan the assassination. He insisted that he new nothing of the plot, but the court sentenced the unfortunate doctor to life  imprisonment.
He was imprisoned at Port Jefferson. The warm, humid climate at The fort was a perfect  breeding ground for mosquitoes. Again and again, These pests spread yellow fever germs to prisoners and guards alike. Dr mudd volunteered his services, because he was the only doctor  on the island. He had to fight the disease, even after he was infected him In spite of the fact that the guards and other inmates called him "that Lincoln murderer,” and treated him very badly, he worked hard to fight the disease. Meanwhile, his wife was working heroically back in Washington for her husband’s cause. After a four-year struggle, she secured a pardon for him for a crime he never committed.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- The best title for this passage is ……………
a) The reasons for Lincoln’s Assassination b) A fair trial for an unfair man
c) Lincoln’s efforts to free the Americans d) An unfair trial for a fair man
2- What was the unfair cause of Dr Mudd’s conviction ?
a) He helped Booth get away. b) He didn’t like the President.
c) He helped Booth assassinate Lincoln. d) He lied to Booth and his fellow.
3- According to the passage. Booth killed Lincoln because ……………
a) He was one of Lincoln’s supporters b) Lincoln defeated the north a lot
c) He supported the defeated south d) Lincoln helped the south a lot
4- The last paragraph represents
a) the crime of the husband b) the life of the prisoners
c) the suffering of the prisoners d) the end of the diseases
5- Why do you think Dr Mudd fought the yellow fever outbreak at Fort Jefferson ?
a) Because the prisoners and the guards were his friends.
b) There was no one else to treat the sick prisoners.
c) He thought it would help get him a pardon.
d) He didn’t want to get sick himself.
6- After reading the story of Dr Mudd, we can see that he was a …………… person.
a) reliable and kind b) selfish and greedy
c) dependent and careless d) violent and intelligent
7- Which of the following sentences is correct ?
a) Prisons in poor areas are full of diseases
b) Prisons in the developed areas have no care.
c) prisoners don’t suffer in their cells.
d) Prisoners lead a healthy life in their cells.
8- The main reason for the spread of fever is ……………
a) The large number of people at the fort ……
b) The bad food and water at the fort
c) The warm and humid climate there
d) The wildlife around the fort

العلم والايمان
أهداء من فريق العمالقة 6 نماذج اختبارات مع نموذج الاجابة لللصف الثالث الثانوي 2023 في ملف PDF

  • نموذج اختبار علي نصف المنهج من 1 الي 6 مع الاجابات
  • نموذج اختبار علي نصف المنهج من 7 الي 12 مع الاجابات
  • 2 نموذج اختبار شامل مع الاجابات
  • 2 نموذج اختبار ثانوية عامة مع الاجابات
  • الاجابات اخر الملف

البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 1223
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 1317
البابل شيت - 3 نماذج امتحان لغة انجليزية بنظام بابل شيت للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 1416
تحميل 6 نماذج اختبارات انجليزي مع نموذج الاجابة للصف الثالث الثانوي 2023
رابط التحميل
- Choose the correct answer :
1- Our instructor........................... to know why the students were all late.
a. wandered            b. demanded             c. forced               d. told
2- He couldn't attend the official ceremony………his injury.
a. since             b. inspite         c. due to           d. owing
3- Many animals couldn't survive the extreme heat of global warming.The
word "extreme" is a synonym of "………….".
a. mild                b. severe                    c. regular                d. low
4- ……..is a newspaper which has small pages and easy to explain.
a. broadsheet                b. tabloid               c. media              d. comic
5- Moo salah became a global………who is admired by all people.
a. celebrated              b. celebrity             c. creative       d. innovater
6- I ……..a great interest in literature when I was a student.
a. used to taking              b. would take         c. took           d. had taken
7- Maha and Mona are friends.They ……each other for decades.
a. knew                b. know              c. have known            d. have been knowing
8- Having………….. , he was able to receive his luggage.
a. checked              b. had checked           c. been checked       d. checking
9.Do you know where ……………………………..the previous day.
a. Ali went           b. did Ali go              c. Ali had gone            d. had Ali gone
10. The bride ………………..her happiness in her marriage. After all, she married a cook.
a) ignored                     b) exploded                     c) cried                         d) exaggerated
11-A………is the person who studies the planets ang stars.
a. astrologer              b. astronaut           c. astronomer           d. astronomy
12-Will you recognize him the moment you …..him?
a. see               b. are seeing                  c. will see                  d. saw
13-The ministry has….. a new plan for reforming process.
a. precised            b. implemented              c. implanted         d. inspected
14- Our boss ……us Firmly because we couldn't meet the dead line.
a. thanked               b. praised                c. respected               d. scolded
15- I regret………..that he has not een selected.
a. say b. to say c. saying d. being said
16. I don’t like people ...................... never stop talking.
a) who b) which c) whom d) whose
17- Choose the correct answer :{ Writing Skills }
1. I wish I had taken my father‟s advice not to buy that old car. This means……
a) I regret taking my father‟s advice not to buy that old car.
b) I regret not taking my father‟s advice to not buy that old car.
c) I hope I will take my father‟s advice not to buy that old car.
d) I hope my father does not advise me to buy that old car.
18. Which of the following sentences is structurally INCORRECT?
a) I got her to tidy my room. b) I made my sister tidy my room.
c) She was made tidy my room. d) She was supposed to tidy my room.
19. Which of the following sentences can be used to introduce a piece of
information that adds to, or supports the previous statement?
a) To sum up, distance learning is suitable most for those who can‟t attend
lessons or lecturesface to face.
b) It is taken for granted that distance learning is a type of learning that is
mostly used during apandemic.
c) However, some students can‟t interact effectively in that type of learning
d) Moreover, distance learning saves time and effort, which is most useful to
those who work while they are learning or stay in far places.
20. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
a) Wael did you understand why I had travelled to luxor alone?
b) Wael, did you understand why I had travelled to Luxor alone
c) Wael, did you understand why I had travelled to Luxor alone?
d) Wael, did you understand Why I had travelled to Luxor alone?

Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
The sea is full of treasures. Some are from pirate’s ships that sank a long time ago, and  some are natural. Of the natural kinds is the pearl. The pearl is a small round white object  that forms inside an oyster and is a very valuable jewel. Writers have always written about  sea treasures. One of these stories is The Pearl, by John Steinbeck; a story about greed. The  story is about Kino, a Mexican pearl diver, and his wife Juana who live a happy life until, one  morning, their son Tito is stung by a scorpion. They escort him to the local doctor, but he will  not treat the boy because the family is too poor. Juana treats the boy herself. The same day,  Kino goes diving and finds an enormous pearl, which means he is now a wealthy man.  However, when other people hear about the pearl, they plan to steal it. When the doctor  hears about Kino’s pearl, he offers to treat Tito, even though Juana’s treatment has already  cured him. That night, someone tries to steal the pearl, so the next day Kino goes into town  to sell it. The merchants say the pearl is not very valuable because it is too big. Kino knows  this is a trick and so he decides to go to another town to sell the pearl. Juana wishes Kino  would throw it away because she believes it is evil and fears that it will destroy the family,  but Kino refuses. He wants to pay for his son’s education. On their way to the other town,  the family are followed by thieves who want the pearl. Juana and Tito hide in a mountain  cave, but Tito cries out. When the thieves hear this noise, they fire their guns at what they  think is a wild animal. Kino attacks the thieves, but by now it is too late – Tito is dead. Kino  and Juana wish they had never found the pearl. Deciding it’s evil, they return to their home  town and throw it into the sea.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
21.The story is about greed which means ………..
a) a strong desire to dive in the sea.
b) a strong desire for more money.
c) wanting something that is expensive.
d) being satisfied with what you’ve got
22.Tito was very sick because ………………
a) he had a fever due to the hot sun.
b) a poisonous insect stung him.
c) a wild animal attacked him in the cave.
d) the local doctor refused to treat him
23.The local doctor refused to treat Tito because ………..
a) Tito was stung badly by a scorpion.  
b) Tito was about to die.
c) the doctor did not have the right medicine.
d) Tito’s family wouldn’t be able to pay him
24.They escort him to the local doctor. The verb ESCORT means …………
a) take b) carry c) treat d) go
25.On hearing the news about the pearl, the doctor …………….
a) offers to treat Tito.                       b) refuses to treat Tito.
c) tries to steal it.                               d) treats Tito and cures him.
26.The merchants in the town ……………
a) try to deceive Kino and steal the pearl.
b) try to trick Kino to buy the pearl at a low price.
c) buy the pearl at a cheap price.
d) buy the pearl at a high price.
27.Because she thinks the pearl brings bad luck, Juana ……………
a) threw the pearl away.                                                  
b) gave the pearl to the thieves  
c) tries to convince her husband to get rid of the pearl.
d) hid the pearl in the cave.
28.At the end of the story …………………..
a) the family sell the pearl and are rich.
b) Tito is okay and goes to school.
c) the pearl is stolen by a gang.
d) Tito is killed by the thieves at the cave.
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is  dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. The first Labor  Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York City in accordance  with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The idea for this day is attributed to a man named  McGuire, but there is some argument about which man named McGuire.
This celebration  was repeated the following  year, then in 1884, the first Monday in September was selected and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the  example of New York and celebrate a “workingmen’s holiday” on that date. The idea spread  with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many  industrial centers of the country. Throughout the years the nation gave increasing emphasis to Labor Day.
The first government recognition came through municipal ordinances passed  during 1885 and 1886, leading to a movement to secure State legislation. The first bill was  introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon  in 1887. During that year four more States also legislated for Labor Day. By 1894, 23 other  States had adopted the holiday, and in June of that year, Congress passed an Act, making  the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia. On  that day, a street parade is to exhibit to the public followed by a festival for the amusement  of workers and their families. By resolution of the American Federation of Labor Convention  in 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday, and dedicated to  the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:    
29.According to the passage, the first State to pass legislation for Labor Day was …………… .  
a) New York b) Colorado
c) Columbia d) Oregon
30.The underlined word “this” refers to ……………… .
a) a man named McGuire,
b) the Labor Day
c) the first day in September
d) economic achievements
31.Which of the following is NOT true?
a) including families was an important part of Labor Day celebrations
b) the first legislative bill was introduced in New York  
c) Labor Day had always been held on the first Monday in September
d) by 1894, twenty eight States had passed legislation for Labor Day
32.The underlined phrase “municipal ordinances” is closest in meaning to ……………… .
a) city laws b) street festivals
c) social work d) labor day
33.Which statement is TRUE?
a) A certain man called McGuire thought of the Labor Day.  
b) The first law was passed by New York legislature in 1887
c) The Labor Day involves only economic achievements in America.
d) The growth of labor unions had helped the idea of the Labor Day to spread.  
34.The word “urged” is closet in meaning to …………….. .
a) speeded b) satisfied
c) devoted d) encouraged
35.The word “secure” is closest in meaning to …………… .
a) guarantee b) pass
c) gain d) implement
36.The best title to the passage is ……………. .
a) Labor Day: Worker’s Feast
b) How was the Labor Day celebrated.
c) Who invented the Labor Day.
d) The Laws and unions of the Labor Day.
-Translate from English into Arabic:
37-Egypt is the first country in the African continent to start manufacturing the
coronavirus vaccine, thanks to national companies that played a vital role in
the manufacture of vaccines.

مصر هي اول دوله في القارة الإفريقية تبدأ في إستخدام لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الوطنية التي قامت بدور
هام في تصنيع اللقاحات.
مصر هي اول دوله في القارة الإفريقية تبدأ في تصنيع لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الوطنية التي قامت بدور
هام في تصنيع اللقاحات.
مصر هي اول دوله في القارة الإفريقية تبدأ في إستخدام لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الدولية التي قامت بدور
هام في تصنيع اللقاحات.
مصر هي اول دوله في القارة الإفريقية تبدأ في إستخدام لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الوطنية التي قامت بدور
محدود في تصنيح اللقاحات.

38-Private schools are a parallel educational path that provides places for
thousands of students. However, many scholars believe that these schools
are not as efficient as governmental ones.

المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي مواز يوفر أماكن لآلاف الطلاب. و مع ذلن, يعتمد الكثير من العلماء أن هذه
المدارس ليست فعالة مثل المدارس الحكومية.
المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي مواز يوفر أماكن لآلاف الطلاب. و مع ذلن, يعتمد المليل من العلماء أن هذه
المدارس ليست فعالة مثل المدارس الحكومية.
المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي متمدم يوفر أماكن لآلاف الطلاب. و مع ذلن, يعتمد الكثير من العلماء أن هذه
المدارس ليست فعالة مثل المدارس اللغات.
المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي مواز يوفر أماكن لآلاف الطلاب. و مع ذلن, يعتمد الكثير من أولياء الأمور أن هذه
المدارس ليست رخيصة مثل المدارس الحكومية

Translate From Arabic into English:

.39يفضل أصحاب العمل الموظفين المؤهلين المهرة الذين يجيدون مهارات الكمبيوتر و الانترنت بالاضافة الي العمل تحت الضغوط المختلفة.

a) Employees prefer qualified, skilled employers who are proficient in
computer and internet skills, and who are able to work under different forms of pressure.
b) Employers prefer qualified, skilled employees who are sufficient in computer and internet skills, and who are able to work without pressure.
c) Employers prefer qualified, skilled employees who are proficient in
computer and internet skills, in addition to being able to work under different forms of pressure.
d) Employers prefer qualified, skilled employees who are proficient in
computer and internet skills, and who are unable to work under different forms of pressure.
.40تسير مصر بخطي ثابتة في مجال الإصلاح الالتصادي جنباً الي جنب مع محاربة الارهاب و حماية الناس من فيروس
a) Egypt is moving at a steady pace in the field of economic reform, side by side with fighting terrorism and infecting people with the Coronavirus.
b) Egypt is moving at a steady pace in the field of economic reform, alongside fighting terrorism and protecting people from the Coronavirus.
c) Egypt is moving at a steady pace in the field of social reform, side by side with fighting tourism and protecting people from the Coronavirus.
d) Egypt is moving at a steady peace in the field of economic return, alongside fighting terrorism and protecting people from the Coronavirus.
Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) What a wonderful surprise. It's nice to see you here, Adel.
b) what a wonderful surprise! It's nice to see you here, Adel.
c) What a wonderful surprise! It's nice to see you here, Adel.
d) What a wonderful surprise! It s nice to see you here. Adel.
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