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امتحان انجليزي الصف الثالث الاعدادي ترم أول 2022 محافظة الوادي الجديد وشمال سيناء

The New Valley Governorate                                                  - First Term 2021/2022
Directorate of Education                                                         3rd Year Prep Exam
English Language                                                                     Time: 2 hours
‏امتحان الفصل الدراسى الأول للصف الثالث الإعدادى العام واللغات‎
‏ لاحظ أن أسئلة هذه المادة فى أربع ورقات  والإجابة بنفس الأوراق ‎
‏الورقة الأولى‎
A. Language Function:
1. Finish the following dialogue :-
" Mariam is talking to Nada who has bought a new smart TV ."
Mariam : What a nice TV ! When did you buy it?
Nada     : ……………………………..1…………………………………………………
Mariam : How much is it?
Nada     :………………………………2…………………………………………………
Mariam : ……………………..……….3………………………………………………..?
Nada     : I bought it from Cairo Mall.
Mariam : ……………………..……….4………………………………………………..?
Nada: Yes, it has a 30% discount.
Mariam : Can you come with me to get one.
Nada     :………………………………5…………………………………………………

B. Reading Comprehension
2. Read and complete the text with words from the following list

) interested - at - attractive - exhibitions - of – outdoors)
My name is Arwa . I live in Elkharga . It's a big , beautiful and peaceful city . It's in
the southwest of Egypt . there are lots of ............. (1) ............. parks , museums ,
buildings and some .......... (2) ......... . My favourite place is Hibis Temple . I prefer to
go there .......... (3)….. the weekend . I prefer being ......... (4) ........... to being at home.

‎3. Read the following text, then answer the questions:
   You probably have a fridge in your house to keep your food cool , but have you
ever thought about what people did in the past ? people have used ice to keep food
cool for thousands of years . In the north of Europe in winter , people were able to ,
use snow or ice which they kept underground for many months . In 1842 , an
American doctor called john Gorrie invented a machine to make ice . He used it to.
keep people cool when they got an illness called " yellow fever” . By 1900 , places
that sold meat in the USA started to have fridges and today , nearly all homes in the
USA have a fridge in their kitchen. |
      We continue to use the same technology for fridges that we have used for a century the problem is that a room with a fridge in it is a lot nosier and hotter than other rooms | Now people are designing modern fridges that are neither hot nor noisy. These are going to use less energy , too , so they will be more efficient .

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1. Modern fridges are going to …………………………….….
(a) be more funny                                                      (b) be cheaper
(c) use less energy                                                    (d) make more noise
2. John Gorrie invented a machine that …………………………
)a) made people ill                                                    (b) kept food cool
)c) made ice cream                                                   (d) made ice
3. The word " efficient " means……………………………………‎
)a) quick and calm                                                    (b) cool
)c) hot and noisy                                                       (d) expensive
B) Answer the following questions :
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. Do you think fridges are important invention ? Why ? Why not?
3. Summrize the first paragraph in one sentence from your own?

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. A…………is something that people build to remember an important person or event .
)a) mountain                    (b) minute                (c) monument            (d) aquarium‎
‎2- The synonym of the word " usual "is ...................................
)a) strange                       (b) normal                (c) unusual                 (d) straight
3. The antonym of the word "' free "is ......................................
)a) expensive                   (b) open                   (c) unpaid                   (d ) paid
4. We can add the prefix .................... to" formal " to give the opposite .
(a) in_                               (b) un _                     (c)re_                          (d) dis_
5.  We add the suffix .................... To " create " to form the adjective .
(a)_ful                               (b)_able                    (c)_ing                         (d)_ive
5. I've repaired the chair that was broken . the underlined word means ……………
(a) minded                       (b) fixed                     (c) broke                     (d) put

5- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word (s) in brackets :
1. Mr Rami has been at this school .............. (for ) 2020.
2. The book is really .................. (bore ) and I didn't even finish reading it .
3. Last year my brother Ahmed ................ (read ) lots of books about space science .
4. Neither Omnia nor Nora ever .................. (shop) on line .
5. I have never ................ (drove ) a car.
6- Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:
"A review about a visit to 30 June park "

محافظة شمال سيناء
‎ ‏ مديرية التربية والتعليم
‏امتحان الفصل الدراسى الأول للصف الثالث الإعدادى العام واللغات‎
Directorate of Education                                                         3rd Year Prep Exam
English Language                                                                     Time: 2 hours
A. Language Function:
1. Finish the following dialogue :-
" ‎Ali and Samir are talking about the favourite sport."
‎Ali         : What's your favourite sport, Samir?‏
Samir    : ……………………………..1…………………………………………………
Ali         : ……………………………..2………………………………………………..?
‎Samir   : Because I like playing football.‏
Ali         : ……………………..……….3………………………………………………..?
‎Samir   : Mohammed Salah is my favourite footballer.‏
‎Ali        : Do you watch his matches?‏
Samir   : ………………………………4………………………………………………….
‎Ali        : Why are you proud of him?‏
Samir   :………………………………5…………………………………………………

2. Read and complete the text with words from the following list

amazed — tram — countryside — monuments - Museum - amazing ‏
‎A lot of tourists prefer spending their holidays in Egypt as it has a lot of‏……..1…..
‎They also like to go to the Egyptian……….2……. to see our ‎old treasures . Some of them prefer going to the ……….3……….to enjoy the ‎fresh air and the clean environment. Finally, they are ……….4…….to see such these wonderful places.

‎3. Read the following text, then answer the questions:
     ‎Heba is a very good girl. She is always energetic. She is not tall. Ten years ago Heba,  who was seven years old then, went into her father’s library and asked‏
‎him if she could borrow some hooks. This made him very happy. Heba's father thought that his daughter was interested in reading. He asked her to take any book. She did what her father told her. She chose many big books ‎and took them to the garden outside the house and put them under an orange tree. Heba's father and mother followed her to see what she would do‏ with ‎the books. They tried not to let her see them. They were surprised when they‏ ‎saw their daughter standing on the big books and picking some oranges. ‎Her father helped her to pick some oranges and told her not to stand on the‏ ‎books again.‏
a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1. Heba is………………………… years old now
(a) fifteen                     (b) five                      (c) seven                 (d) seventeen
2. ‎Heba's father and mother were ………to see their daughter standing on‎the books.‏
)a) usual                      (b) amazed                )c) ill                       (d) tired
3. ……........... ‎Heba's father followed her to the………….
‎(a) library                    (b) kitchen                 (c) garden               (d) school‏
B) Answer the following questions :
1. Why did Heba put big books under an orange tree?
2. What does the underlined word " them" refer to?
3. How many people are there in Heba's family?

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. ……………. Is a learning disability which affects reading and writing.
(a) Experience             (b) Leaflet              (c)‎ Dyslexia                   (d) Delivery
2. The antonym of the word " noisy" is…………………..
(a) boring                     (b) slow                  (c) difficult                     (d) peaceful
3. The synonym of the word "elderly" is…………………..
(a) old                           (b) safe                   (c) dangerous                (d) young
4. We use the prefix …………. to change the word "credible" to its opposite.
(a) un                            (b) dis                      (c) im                              (d) in
5. To change the word "kind" from an adjective to a noun, we put …………..
at the end of the word.
(a) less                        (b) ness                   (c) ity                                (d) able
6- Samar travelled to the USA to receive an award. The word " award" here
(a) profit                      (b) prize                    (c) souvenir                     (d) loss

5- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word (s) in brackets :
1- The train to Port Said …………………. ( leave ) this station at 3.15.
2- Tamer is the ……………………………… ( tall ) student in the class.
3- He…………………………………… (haven't) met her for a long time.
4- I ……………………………………………… (see) him two weeks ago.
5- Tarek ……………..(have to) go to the dentist yesterday because his teeth hurt.

6- Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:
"A review about your city "

تحميل امتحان لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادي
ترم أول 2022
محافظة الوادي الجديد وشمال سيناء

بصيغة Word و Pdf  من هنا و هنا
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Mr Gamal
إجابة امتحان انجليزي الصف الثالث الاعدادي ترم أول 2022 محافظة الوادي الجديد وشمال سيناء

امتحان انجليزي الصف الثالث الاعدادي ترم أول 2022 محافظة الوادي الجديد وشمال سيناء Yoo_aa29
امتحان انجليزي الصف الثالث الاعدادي ترم أول 2022 محافظة الوادي الجديد وشمال سيناء Yoo_aa28
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