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مذكرة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية

مذكرة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية 002211
مذكرة لغة انجليزية الصف الثاني الثانوي الترم الثاني صدقه جاريه على روح أبى وامى واختى واموات المسلمين جميعا
ربنا يجعل قبورهم روضه من رياض الجنه
انه ارحم من ان يعذبهم
مذكره الصف الثانى الثانوى
بالاشتراك مع مستر هشام ابو بكر
مستر السباعي عطية

نحميل مذكرة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثاني 2024 مستر السباعي عطية
مذكرة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الأول 2024 مستر السباعي عطية

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الحمد لله رب العالمين

1-¨arrive ( at ) يصل إلي مكان صغير                         ¨He arrives at Cairo Airport
¨ arrive ( in ) يصل إلي مكان كبير                              ¨He arrived in Cairo before sunset.
¨ arrive                                      يصل ( فعل لازم ) ¨At last my relatives arrived  .

¨reach يصل إلي ( افقي – راسي – معنوي )
¨ They reached Cairo before sunset .          ¨ Can you reach the top of this mountain?
¨ I work hard in order to reach my goal .
¨ get to يصل إلي                                                      ¨  We will get to the bank soon .
¨ get there يصل هناك     ¨ get home     يصل للبيت   ( there أو   home مع   get بعد    to لانستخدم  )
2- ¨alternative / replacement  بديل    ¨ Solar energy is a suitable alternative ( replacement ) .
¨ alternative   ( تتبع بأسم دائماً) صفة       ¨ We should find alternative sources for oil  

3- ¨ argue يقنع   يجادل /¨argue with يجادل مع  ¨ argue about / overيجادل علي    ¨ argue intoيقنع  
¨ argument ( about – over –  with ) خلاف مع         ¨ argument ( for / against ) حجة – دليل ضد  
4- ¨ expand      يتمدد                      ¨ Metals expand by heating and contractتنكمش    by cooling .  
¨ expand            يتوسع                    ¨My uncle' s business is going to expand

عدل سابقا من قبل الاستاذ في الأحد 10 سبتمبر 2023, 11:21 am عدل 1 مرات
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Mr Gamal
مراجعة انجليزى بالإجابات الصف الثانى الثانوى الترم الثانى 2023 مستر جلال

1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
(1) Egyptian government is carrying out a major......of the underground systems.  
a) damage                  b) application                       c) expansion                d) pressure  
(2) Oil will dry up in the future so all the world countries look for suitable -----------------
a) alternatives          b) petrol                         c) alteration                 d)  allocation  
(3) The motorway.........in Egypt links all the cities and areas.  
a) line                         b) network                            c) discipline                 d) authority  
(4) The Ministry of Health should try  to increase…………...awareness of the risks of smoking.  
a) public                      b) special                            c) accepted                   d) awful  
(5) - ----------------  who use the metro should take the necessary precautions to avoid infection
a) Cookers             b) Passengers                c) Messages                 d) Messengers
6) Hurry up! You must...........in at least one hour before your flight.  
a) get                         b) look                                  c) apply                           d) check  
7) To help reduce pollution ,we should use ---------------- transport instead of our cars.
a)private                 b)publicity                       c) public                       d) republic
Cool One of the main disadvantages of cars is the..........gases which damage the environment.  
a) valuable              b) polluting                          c) effective                 d) impressive  
9) An ---------------- is the reason that you give to say why something is right or wrong.
a) education                  b) ignorance                   c) argument                    d) armament
10)I check the hotel list to get a........idea of what activities to plan.  
a) general              b) public                                    c) private                  d) careful
11. These books are also available in an..........form.  
a) electricity          b) electric                                c) electrical               d) electronic  
12) The president's..........includes a two-day visit to a foreign country.  
a) column                b) speech                             c) schedule                       d) semina
13.The satellite signals were affected by.........storm and its lightning.  
a) electricity          b) electric                            c) electrical                   d) electronic  
14. There was a notice saying the road had been closed. The word "notice" here means.....  
a) attention            b) review                           c) sign                          d) observation  
15. As he read the reports, the manager........careful notes about them.  
a) ran                     b) gave                               c) made                          d) invented  
16. Global warming is a significant ----------------- which we should discuss .
a) game             b) match                    c) tissue                d) issue
17. He lives in a ----------------- of Cairo not in the city centre.
a) suburb                 b) downtown                 c) village                    d) town
18) The word convenient means the same as the word ---------------
a) suitable                 b)  difficult               c) complex                   d) uncomfortable.
19) All candidates have to.........a test in language and computer skills.  
a) give                      b) make                           c) devise                        d) take  
20) An --------------- is an increase in the size or length of something .
a) expense                    b) expenditure                  c) experiment               d) expansion
21. The evidence was not really.........enough to put the accused man in prison.  
a) persuade            b) persuasion                     c) persuasive                   d) persuaded  
22. Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. The "central"   is similar to ………
a) far                          b)main                              c) partial                           d) heavy  
23. ------------- friendly describes something which is not bad for nature.
a) User                          b) Environmentally           c)Environment               d) Avenue
24. The leisure...........in this hotel include a sauna and a gym.  
a) probabilities          b) facilities                      c) accessibilities               d) availabilities  
25.The machines which the new factory uses are very........which are the latest in the country.
 a) outdated                b) ancient                      c) dated                                d) high-tech  
26. A............of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body.  
a) power                     b) device                          c) network                         d) station  
27) The --------------- are the places , buildings or equipment that are used for an activity.
a. facilities           b. activities                           c) factories                                     d) expansions
28) The new high-tech monorail will ------------- the New Administrative City to Greater Cairo
a) contact              b) communicate                     c) collect                           d) connect
29. The government has the.............to regulate the economy.  
a) irresponsibility       b) authority                    c) validity                           d) expiry  
30. The canal was built to..........the city to  the port.  
a) contact                  b) communicate               c) connect                         d) tie  
31. Hospitals in villages  have........greatly in the last few years. They are better than before.
a) proved                  b) devised                         c) interrupted                     d) improved  
32. The aeroplane was carrying over 500 ...........when it crashed and they were all killed.  
a) engines                b) passengers                     c) pilots                               d) crews  
33. Investment in............infrastructure has increased greatly in the last few years.  
a) transport               b) transfer                        c) transfuse                      d) transplant  
34. The...........cost was far higher than we had expected.  
a) vague                   b) avoidable                       c) available                          d) total  
35.While the spokesman was giving his report, a reporter in the back kept... him every two  
a) noticing                b) interrupting                   c) helping                              d) assisting      
36-A-An -------------- describes something you do or use instead of something else.
a) Alternative                 b) Appreciative                   c) attentive                     d)Communicative
37) The information about the new vaccine is freely…………… on the internet.  
a) avoidable            b) secret                                 c) available              d) affecting  
38.After a brief......................by the manager, the staff meeting began.  
a) speaking           b) introduction                  c) connection                   d) communication  
39.The accident received little..........in the national media.  
a) note                    b) notice                                c) sign                          d) signal  
40- The clothes company is planning a great..........of its outlets in Alexandria to sell more.  
a) deterioration          b) decline                       c) expansion                   d) reduction  
41- ---------------- describes something that uses a lot of new technology.
a) High-tech              b) Tech                                 c) IT                                d) Technical
42) ----------------- means any system that has a lot of  connected parts .
a) Net-ball                 b) Network                           c) High-tech                      d) Nuclear
43- A -------------- thing has an important effect or influence
a) recycled               b) reused                      c) significant               d) signature
44- Means of --------------- involve buses , trains , and other vehicles that we cab use to travel.
a) goods                   b) transfusion              c)transplant                   d) transport
45 Modern..........systems have been a severe threat to the environment causing  a lot of pollution,  
a) security                b) transport                          c) computer                    d) education  
46- Email has largely.............................the traditional business letter.  
a) placed                  b) positioned                       c) replaced                     d) reflected
47. There are twenty-six.........................in Egypt and Cairo is the biggest one.  
a) governors           b) regions                         c) governorates                        d) districts  
48.I'm so...........for all the help and support my family gave me.  
a) helpful                b) useful                          c) reliable                                     d) grateful  
49. The conference discussed a number of important environmental.........such as global warming.  
a) trials                 b) causes                          c) reasons                                     d) issues  
50.The exhibition.........an opportunity for local artists to show their work.  
a) prohibits          b) provides                      c) prevents                                  d) proclaims
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