مدرس اون لايندخول

العناكب القصة كلها من الاول للاخر للاستاذ سامى بسام

العناكب القصة كلها من الاول للاخر للاستاذ سامى بسام

المقرر على طلاب المرحلة الاولى

ولاتنسى الدعاء
remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
بارك الله لك
شكرا لمرورك وموفق باذن الله
جزاك الله خيرا
العلم والايمان
جزيت خيرااااااااااااااااااااااااا
الثائر الحق
قصة العناكب الثانى الثانوى فى نقاط

(1) A team of archaeologists in the Egyptian desert.
A team of six archaeologists found gold and other treasures in an underground Room in a remote part of the western desert .

(2) A band of four robbers :
band of four robbers kept track of اقتفوا اثر the archaeologists
expecting to find more gold and treasures in the underground rooms .
They were highly technologically equipped with a machine that could
transmit waves through
the Wall which a computer could change into a
picture . They used this Ground Penetrating radar to find out what was
behind rocks and walls underground .

(3) An army of deadly spiders underground:
robbers were fiercely attacked by enormous spiders’ webs hanging from
the ceiling underground . Spiders covered their faces and bodies. The
spiders bit the intruders الدخلاء of their nests and the destroyers of
peace and tranquility everywhere.

(4) Excitement and greed blinded the robbers :
robbers didn’t care about the spiders and their painful bites . The
sight of gold and treasures blinded them and even made them lose their
consciousness . Their only concern was to get the gold regardless of بغض
النظر عن any other dangers they might face .

(5) The robbers, fatal end :
the robbers were driving fast in the desert, they felt pain all over
their bodies . They began to sweat heavily . Their hands, arms, legs and
face muscles began to make sudden violent movements . They could no
longer drive the land cruisers . There was no more water and they were
terribly thirsty . They couldn’t breathe easily and finally lay dead in
the sand.

(6) A rescue إنقاذ helicopter:
At that time a
helicopter appeared in the sky. It was going to a transmitter in the
desert, which had a technical problem. When the pilot saw the vehicles
of the robbers below, he flew the helicopter round in a circle. As he
flew lower, he saw the four robbers dead in the sand. Then the
helicopter landed. The pilot’s life was saved from the deadly spider as
he left the car and went back to the helicopter to communicate with
police on the radio.

(7) Ayman’s family:
Ayman’s family lived
in a house in Hamddayya town , next to the police station. Ayman’s
family consisted of parents, his younger brother Mohamed who was sixteen
, Lamia who was twelve and Najat who was ten . Ayman’s favourite hobby
was the internet . Sometimes he used the internet for his university
studies and sometimes he used it for making friend in other countries.

(8 )The deadly female spider :
Ayman was having a conversation with his friends on the internet , the
deadly Female spider came out from the police car box crawling across
the garden . It stopped when it came to a corner of the walled garden .
It was a black spider with two yellow lines on its back . Its body was
as big as a small apple . The longest of its eight legs was as long as a
pencil . Ayman could see two long fangs in its mouth.

(9) Searching for information on the internet :
used the world wide web to get information about the spider from
different parts of the world . Dr Shereen Fakhry’s English translation
of a very old Egyptian text about a town in ancient Egypt that was
burned down to kill deadly spiders drew Ayman’s attention.

(10) Dr Shereen’s eagernessشغف to help Ayman :
Shereen was keen on helping Ayman to discover the new species of
spiders and prevent its venomous fatal dangers. Dr Shereen sent a very
old picture of a spider that was near Bawiti to Ayman on the internet.
She got that picture from an archaeologist in Egypt . She passed him
also the information she got from a German Egyptologist about the use of
Echinacea Negra as a medicine for the deadly bite of the black and
yellow spider.

(11) Professor Malcolm Jones:
He was the head
of the department where Susan Bennett was doing here researches at
oxford University . He was a very famous archaeologist . He wrote many
books on spiders and other arachnids. The moment Susan Bennett
introduced him to her friend Shereen Fakhry, he was eager to know
everything about the strange spiders found by Ayman in Egypt . Finding
out that the picture of the spider shown to him by Dr Fakhry was not on
the database , professor Jones decided to go to Egypt to get information
about such a strange unknown spider .

(12) The fatal Danger; no antivenins for the strange Egyptian spider :
Jones started that every venomous animal has a different venom. The
antivenom for one spider won’t work against the venom of a different
spider. Since the spider was unknown, it would take long years to
develop a safe antivenom .

(13) Uncle Walid’s advice:
Walid’s advised his nephew not to tell the police about the strange
enormous spider he had seen because this would worry people
unnecessarily. This would also affect business in the region badly. A
lot of businesses would lose money.

(14) Fighting the Spiders :
Mikhail asked Ayman and the professor to come to the police station.
The Police took special precautions .اتخذ احتياطات خاصة They were going
to wear protective clothing and special equipment. Tanks of insecticide,
fencing wire, big lights , weapons, and building materials were also
taken in the police vehicles.

(15) Echinacea Negra, a new hope:
Jones said that a safe antivenom against the new species of the spiders
might take years before it could be produced. Then Ayman got an e-mail
from Dr Shereen stating that the ancient Egyptians made a medicine from
the roots of a plant called “Echinacea Negra” for the bites of “the
black and yellow spider that kills.” She told him that a researcher in
the Department of Botanical Science at Cairo University called Wafaa
Sultan had studied that plant.

(16) Wafaa Sultan:
The colonel asked Wafaa Sultan to go Sinai to get some of this Echinacea Negra.

(17) A brutal battle معركة وحشية against the spiders:
professor set up his equipment. He unfolded a large white sheet and
spread it on the floor. He fitted some long, thin metal tubes together
to make four legs and a frame. He fitted the white sheet over the frame.
He started the engine on the thing that looked like a gun. Then he
switched on the smoker. The dead spiders began to fall into the white
sheet. After that a louder and a heavier object fell into the sheet but
it didn’t die. It was the female spider they were searching for. The
professor declared that it was not a known species.

(18) The search for Hamdayya’s female spider:
officers in protective suits carrying large sprays with insecticide
tanks entered the empty house that was next to Ayman’s. As the light
fell on the floor of the room where the spiders were hiding, the floor
moved like the waves on the sea. The spiders faced clouds of poisonous
insecticide. Then the female attacked. It jumped into the face of one
the men in the doorway, but it couldn’t through his strong protective
mask القناع الواقي The captain lifted up his hand and knocked the big
spider to the ground. The spider landed at the feet of another officer
in the passage. The officer lifted his insecticide tank and brought it
down heavily on the spider. The spider tried to release itself and
succeeded in using its sharp fangs to cut through its own leg and get

(19) The female spider attacked Ayman fiercely:
the female spider got released, it jumped with its other seven legs and
landed on Ayman’s face. The surprise knocked him off balance افقدتة
توازنة and he fell to the ground. Ayman’s suit was torn and the captain
pushed him towards the stairs at the end of the passage. But it was too
late. Ayman felt a sharp bite. Young spiders were already inside his
suit. Two officers carried Ayman to one of the waiting ambulances and
then to the nearby hospital.

(20) Ayman, terribly sick, in the hospital
Ayman was lying in the hospital. He had only hours to live unless the Echinacea Negra could get to him in time.

(21) Sinai rescue team: فريق الإنقاذ
rescue team including the botanist Wafaa Sultan, her colleague Farouk,
Captain Osama and two more officers faced very horrible conditions in
Sinai while bringing the Echinacea Negra plants to Cairo. Violent
storms, heavy rain, rocky and twisting roads, lightning and thunders
delayed them a lot. They couldn’t reach their destination with the
Echinacea Negra, the only medicine and hope for Ayman that was lying
between life and death in the hospital. But for the perseverance and
determination of Wafaa Sultan, Ayman’s life would have been lost. They
struggled hard to reach the hospital on time.

(22) Ayman’s life was in danger:
was still in intensive care. His breathing stopped and they were
keeping him alive on a ventilator. When Ayman took some medicine made
from Echinacea Negra plants, he began to breathe normally. A few hours
later he woke up and then he felt well enough to walk around the ward.

(23) A great hero:
media وسائل الإعلام whether newspapers or television glorified Ayman as
he saved hundreds of lives. Professor Malcolm Jones said that he saved
the world from the spiders and that he could go and study at Oxford
University if he wanted to. Professor Jones gave Ayman a very expensive
camera with lots of attachments which were kept in an expensive
aluminium case.

(24) Certain death and strange rescue:
was struck when he saw the black and yellow spider on the wall a few
centimetres from Lamia’s head. He took an immediate wise decision. He
ordered lamia to keep still as he wanted to take a photo. He pressed a
button on the camera. The camera’s. The camera’s flashlight blinded the
spider for a second. Ayman knocked the spider into the aluminium box,
which he then quickly shut.

(25) The second bite:
The deadly
spider bit Ayman again on his hand while he was knocking it into the
aluminium box of his camera. A look of horror was on everyone’s face.
Ayman was already weak. The shock and the horror were too much for him.
His eyes closed and he fell to the floor.

(26) Surviving the second bite:النجاة من العضة الثانية
didn’t die when he was bitten by the spider for the second time. That
is because when the venom enters the body of a person or an animal, the
body begins to make antivenom to fight the venom. This is what happened
when Ayman was bitten the first time. So the bite had little effect on
him. Thus; Ayman Hassan, The most popular young man in Egypt, survived
the second deadly bite
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