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احمد كومار
بارك الله فيكم
احمد كومار
الاخوه امشرفين الافاضل احيطكم علما بان الرابط لايعمل
بارك الله فيك
محمود محمد محرم
[strike]الفففففففففففففففففففف شكر
mohamed abdalaty
شكرا جزيلا
سعيد ربيع
عبدالحميد محروس
جزاكم الله خيراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا
thank you very much for your effort
great efforts
eman shahin
جزاك الله خيرا على هذا المجهود الرائع
راجي عفو الخلاق
شكرا علي المجهود الرائع
جزاكم الله كل خير علي هذا الجهد
abouyahya كتب:
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thank you
جزاك اللة خيرا
العلم والايمان
العلم والايمان


1- What did the robbers do in order
not to be seen ?

2-What did
the robbers find in the underground rooms

3-How did
the robbers meet their end ?

4-Where were
the men in the helicopter going ?

5-Why did
they have to leave the site ? 6-Why didn't the archaeologists use GPR ?

7-What high
technology did they use in the robbery ?Why…..?

8-Why was
the second room empty ?

9-What did
the old man say about the spider ?Why……..?

10-What did
the small man think about the spiders ?

11-Why did
they switch off their engines and lights ?

12-Why was
Ayman surprised when he saw the spider ?

13-Where and
When did Ayman see the spider ?

14- How was
the internet of great value to Ayman ?

15-What was
Dr Shereen and where did she work ?

didn't the spider live in Ayman's house

17- Where
did the female spider live ? Why…….?

18-Why did
the spider need to find a home ?

19-How did
the old town disappear :

1-According to Dr Shereen's opinion

2-According to the story on the
internet / Why did they fail to kill the spiders ?

20-What do
you know about Professor Jones ? what
did he worn of ?

21-Why was
he interested in the spider Ayman had seen ?

couldn't hospitals treat the spiders' bites ?

23-Why was
the female spider more dangerous than males ?

24-Why was
the professor against destroying the spiders ?

25-Why does
the number of the known spiders always go up ?

26-What did
Ayman's family think about Ayman's story ?

27-Why were
they shocked when they read Dr Shereen's e-mail ?

didn't Ayman want to tell the police at first ?

29-Why did
Uncle Waleed advise Ayman not to tell the police ?

30-How did
the story of spiders affect the businesses in the town ?

31-What made
Ayman's family believe the story of the spiders ?

32-Why did
the Colonel hope the spiders to be known species ?

33-How were the Egyptian
archaeologist and the German Egyptologist
helpful ?

34-Why did
Dr Shereen feel a cold shiver when she saw the picture ?

35-How did the old Egyptians
treat the spiders' bites ?What do you know about this plant ?

36-Why did
the men kill the spiders in the site ?

37-Why did
the men use protective clothes ? 38-Why did the spiders bite Ayman ?

problems did the team face in Sinai ?
40-How was Wafaa brave ?

41-How was
Ayman brave and intelligent ?

42-How did
the professor reward Ayman ?

43-Why was
Ayman worried about the job at first but now wasn't ?
العلم والايمان

44-What made Ayman the most popular man in Egypt

45-Why did
Ayman feel like anew person ?

46-How did
Ayman catch the female spider ?

47-Why did
the captain want to destroy the spiders ?

48-Why was it impossible to
destroy all the spiders ? 49-How were
the spiders useful ?

would happen if there weren't any spiders ?

مقاجأة لطلبة المرحلة الأولى 93 صفحة أسئلة على قصة العناكب Clip_image00251-Why didn't any one see these
spiders before ?

52-Why did
the spiders come to our world again ?

didn't Ayman die from the spider 's bite ?

would happen if Ayman didn't tell the police ?

55-Why did
the men die from spiders' bites ?

56-What did
the officers and the professor use to kill the spiders ?

57-Why was
everyone surprised that Ayman didn't die ?

58-What was the role of the internet in the story of the spiders ?

59-Why did
the professor think the spider was a female ?

60-How did
the engineer save the pilot ?

61-How is an
antivenom made ? Why does it take
along time ?

62-What did
the pilot think about the robbers'death ?

63-How did the female spider use its
fangs against itself ? Why………?

64-How did
Dr Shereen participate in the discovery of the spiders ?

65-How did
Ayman sacrifice himself to save others ?

equipment did the police take to the site ?

67-Show that
the professor has a great sense of duty

68-Why did
the police go to the site ?

69-What did
Ayman do to get information about the spiders?

70-Who were
bitten from spiders in the story ?

71-How did
they know that the spider didn't bite the young officer ?

72-Why had
the professor been to South America before ?

73-How do
spiders multiply quickly ? 74-How did the professor examine the spiders ?

75-Why were
the plants delayed in Sinai ? Why couldn’t the helicopter go there ?

76-What was the effect of the
spiders’bites on the robbers ?

77- How did
the minister describe Ayman ?


1-They used
two cars with local number plates,they switched off the engines and the lights

2-They found
old Egyptian mummies ,gold and a lot of treasures .

3-They died of
the spiders' bites . 4-They were going to
fix a transmitter in the desert .

5-Because the
spiders bit them all. 6-Because it was
very expensive .

7-GPR - To
see what behind the wall . 8-The
archaeologists sent the treasures to a museum in Cairo.
9-He thought the
spiders were not deadly .Because there were no deadly spiders in Egypt
. 10-He thought the spiders might be
unknown and deadly as the fish in south America .
العلم والايمان
العلم والايمان
قصة The Spiders كاملة شرح وتدريب س ، ج

زادك الله من فضله و بارك فيك و فى أهلك

العلم والايمان
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جزاك الله كل خير على هذا المجهود العظيم.
العلم والايمان
بارك الله فيك وجزاك خيرا على المجهود الرائع
العلم والايمان
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thank you
thank you
جزاك اللة خيرا
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