مدرس اون لايندخول

اختبارات الوحدات 1و2و3 انجليزي للثالث الثانوى

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
1-Respond to each of the following situations:
1- Your friend tells you that her modern mobile costs only 200 pounds. You are surprised.
2- You oppose the idea of space exploration, showing reasons.
3- You find a mobile in the class. Ask your classmates about its owner.

Place: ………….…
Speaker A: ………
Speaker B: .........
Function: ………..
Place: …………….
Speaker A: ………
Speaker B: ………
Function: ………..
2- Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1-A: I want to get the medicine prescribed here, please.
B: I'm afraid; this medicine isn't available at the moment.
2-A: Have you typed the report yet?
B: Yes, I have also arranged tomorrow's meetings.
A: And what about the trade delegation from China?
B: They will arrive at 10 am.
3-Choose the correct answer:
1- They celebrated the (millennium – anniversary – manually – annually) of their marriage in the Opera House.
2- Five pounds (are – cost – pay – is) a lot for a cup of coffee.
3- He was (leaked – locked – closed – looked) outside the house since he had lost his keys.
4- Hany: Would you like to go to the cinema at 7 pm tomorrow?
Ali: I'm so sorry. I (will have studied – studied – will be studying – have studied) for the test.
5- The new drug has become the subject of heated (war – riot – debate – duty) among doctors.
6- Gas (liquefy – liquefies – is liquefying – liquefied) if it is compressed.
7- They set great (coronations – expeditions – explorations – expectations) on their son to be
a renowned scientist.
8- The promotion exam (will start – starts – is going to start – will being starting) next June.
9- Wind turbines (generate – reuse – recycle – distribute) electricity for the local villages.
10- The room is almost empty. It doesn't contain (much – little – many – few) furniture.
11- (Lakes – Gravity – Escapes – Leaks) of the gas often cause great explosions.
12- Colds (transmit – are transmitted – are transmitting – transmitter) easily in cold weathers.
4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, and then write it correctly:
1- Atomic energy is created by spilling atoms.
2- I need to get high marks, so I've made a decision. I study day and night.
3- Scientifically, gymnastics refresh our bodies more than playing tennis.
4- There were too many people rowing to get tickets for the match.
5- A lot of precautions take every day to face any counter revolutions.
6- In space, we feel heavy because there is no gravity.
The Reader
5-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Show how is Samira interested so much in her work.
2- What did Leila take with her on her trip to Peru? Why?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- It would be wonderful to find a royal tomb so as to………………………………………………. .
2- The biggest adventure in Leila's life was………………………………………….…………………. .
c) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"It is amazing what they did."
1- Who said this statement? To whom?
2- What amazing thing was the speaker talking about?
6-A) Translate into Arabic:
It is said that the nurse is the angel of mercy. Nurses can serve the country in the name of patriotism in peace and war-times. This career requires a strong commitment, stamina, and broad knowledge in critical care.
B) Translate into English:
1- يحتاج المجتمع المصري الي شخصيات قيادية تستطيع التأثير الفعال في مسيرته الاصلاحية.
2- تعهدت القوات المسلحة باجراء انتخابات شفافة تعبر بصدق عن اراء و اتجاهات المجتمع المصري بشتي طوائفه.
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