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نموزج امتحان لغة انجليزية ثانى إعدادى ترم اول 2012

امتحان نصف التيرم الاول الصف:الثاني الاعدادي
2011 /2012 الورقة الاولي المادة: لغة انجليزية
الزمن: ساعتان
[A] Language Functions
1-Finish the following dialogue . Aymen is asking Ashraf about his uncle’s farm (2 M)
Ahmed : What tools do you...........1............in your work?
Carpenter : I use nails, hammers, saws and drills.
Ahmed : What do you use a ......................2......for?
Carpenter : I use it to put nails into wood.
Ahmed : What's a ........................ 3.......used for?
Carpenter : It's used to cut wood.
Ahmed : What's a drill used for?
Carpenter : It's used for making………4………… in wood.
2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini – dialogues: (1 M)
A- Samia is asking Noha about evaporation .
Samia : What’s evaporation?
Noha :…………………………………………………………..
B- Eslam and Nadia are talking about hobbies.
Eslam : …………………………………………………………. ?
Nadia : I like reading and watching tv

3 – Read and match : [B] Reading Comprehension (2.5 M)

A- a model.
B – which is near my house.
C- study English.
D- diving in the sea.
E- a snake moving on the ground.
F- is a small amount of liquid.
1-Soha enjoys
2-a drop
3-There is
4-He 's making
5-I went to a clinic

4- Read the passage , then answer the questions: (2.5 M)
It was five o'clock in the evening in April. Helen turned to Diana and said, "If it's five o'clock, why is the sky getting darker? And why do I feel hotter?" Diana said, "I can smell something." The girls looked behind them at a factory where some men were making tables and chairs. At first they did not see anything, then Helen pointed to some smoke which was coming out of the top floor. "The factory's on fire!" Helen shouted. "I must tell the people inside."
"Yes, and I must telephone for help," Diana replied.

1- What was happening to the sky?................................................................................
2- What were the men doing?..........................................................................................
3-How was Diana feeling?.................................................................................................
a-hotter b-happier c-cooler d- darker
4- What did Helen point to?
a the sky b the smoke c- the people d the floor
5-What must Diana do?
a -tell the people b -smell the smoke c put out the fire d-call for help

الورقة الثانية [C] Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (4 M)
1-She hurts …………...
a- himself b- themselves c- herself d- self
2- A knife is made ……. . metal.
a) from b) by c) of d) in
3-He hasn’t been to Aswan…………
a- still b-yet c- never d- ever
4-It’s raining ……. I’m not going out.
a- but b- so c- and d- can
5- Seif doesn’t like ……. . his tools.
a) lend b) lent c) lending d) land
6-Hend had a bad dream and she was…………….
a- frightened b- happy c- fight d- sleep
7- While they ………..football, they saw an accident.
a- play b- are playing c- playing d- were playing
8- Have you got ………sisters or brothers ?
a- any b-some c- one d- ever

6-Write questions using the words in the brackets: (1,5 M)
1- karim gets up at six O’clock. ( When)
2-He stayed three weeks at Luxor. (How long)
3-Marwa is studying English at the moment. (What)

7- Correct the underlined words: (2 M)
1-Is Hossam listen to music at the moment?
2-Scissors is used for cutting cloth.
3-He used to eating much food.
4-“enormous” means very small.

8- Write a paragraph of four sentences about “ Your favourite hobby” use the words below: (4 M)


9- Punctuate: (.5 M)
hisham visited london madrid and Amsterdam


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English Language Boktaris Prep School for Girls
Second Year Prep 1st Term Exam
Time: 2 hours January 2011
1 )Finish the following dialogue between the doctor and Omar : (6m)
Omar: Did you watch the football match on TV last Friday?
Maher: No, I…………………..busy.
Omar: ………….didn't you watch it ?
Maher: Because I wasn't ……………home.
Omar: …………….were you doing?
Maher: I was visiting my uncle in hospital.
2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: ( 4 M )-
Omar asks the carpenter about the tools which he uses.
1- Omar : What is a saw used for ?
Ahmed asks Tamer about learning English
2- Ahmed :………………………………………………….?
Tamer : I have been learning English for 8 years.
3- Read and match : ( 5 M )

1- We keep cows and goats
2- We taste our food
3- Greedy people
4- Mona is a hotel manager.
5- You might cut yourself
a) want more than they need.
b) She works in a famous hotel.
c) if you play with knives.
d) we haven't got any sugar.
e) to get meat and milk.
f) with our tongue.
4- Read the following, then answer the questions: ( 10 M )
A famous scientist lived with his his wife, his two sons and a daughter. He often forgot about his food when he was studying. His wife used to put some food for him to eat. One night he felt very hungry. He looked around the room. He saw some eggs in a small basket. At once he decided to cook them. So he went to the kitchen. As he was thinking of his work and not of his food, he put his watch in the frying pan and took the eggs in his hands. When he came to eat, he found that the eggs are still in his hand.
Answer the following questions:
1- What did the scientist often forget about ?
2- What does the underlined word "them" refer to ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b , c or d
3- The scientist went to the kitchen to ……………..the eggs.
a) sell b) buy c) cook d) put
4- The scientist saw the eggs in a small……………..
a) nest b) basket c) hand d) pan
5- The scientist put the watch in the pan because he was thinking of his ..........
a) family b) work c)food d)wife

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d: (8 M )

1- This is the shop…..…………..my mother buys our clothes.
a) where b) who c)which d) what
2- She bought a kilo of…………….to make some bread.
a)flower b)floor c)food d)flour
3- He went to his work……………….he was ill.
a) because b)as c) although d) since
4- There is a lorry ………………….the lion to the zoo.
a) took b) taking c) take d) takes
5- Yesterday a car accident ………………..in the srteet.
a) see b) saw c) is seen d) was seen
6- ……………….cross the road when the light is red.
a) Never b) Always c) Sometimes d) Often
7- She would prefer………………….letters to her pen friend Ann.
a) sending b) to send c)sent d) sends
8- If you …………….….careful, you might cut yourself.
a) aren't b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t
6- Write questions using the word(s) in brackets: ( 6 M )
1-Farmers keep sheep to get wool and meat. (Why)
2-A knife is used for cutting meat. (What)
3-Salma has been reading a story. (Who)

7- Read and correct the underlined words: ( 4 M )
1- Hesham enjoys eat lunch at home .
2- Mona hasn't wash all the dishes yet.
3- He is looking forward to passed the exam.
4- She 's never played the piano, isn't she ? .

8- look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences on
"Why I like my computer" ( The words in the box may help you ). ( 5 M )
( Useful - information - send e-mails- games )
I like my computer ……….............................

9) Punctuate the following sentence: (2 M )
1- rasha is travelling to aswan next monday
2- we don t go to school on friday

Model Answer for Second Year Prep Exam
First Term 2010/2011 Boktaris Prep School for Girls
1- 1- was 2- Why 3- at 4- What ( 6M )
2- 1- It's used for cutting wood. 2- How long have you been learning English? ( 4 M )
3- 1- e 2- f 3- a 4- b 5- c ( 5M )
4- 1- his food . 2- the eggs 3- c) cook ( 10 M )
4- b)basket 5- b) work
5- 1- a)where 2- d)flour 3- c) although 4- b)taking ( 8M)
5- d)was seen 6- a)Never 7- b)to send 8- a)aren't
6- 1-Why do farmers keep sheep? (6M)
2-What is a knife used for?
3-Who has been reading a story?
7- 1- eating 2- washed 3- passing 4- has ( 4M )
8- Writing a paragraph ( Accept all reasonable answers ) (5 M )
9- 1- Rasha is travelling to Aswan next Monday. (2M)
2- We don' t go to school on Friday.
(Total: 50marks for each term)

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