مدرس اون لايندخول
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عشت الله يحفظك

3- What did Nabawiya Musa
do in 1908 ?

She wrote a book about girls’ education.

4- What did Nabawiya Musa
work after writing a book ?

She became the headmistress of Al-Mohammadia school for girls’.

5- What is the job of Dr
Zahi Hawass ?

He is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world.

6- Where does he speak
and write ?

He often speaks on radio and TV. He sometimes writes in a magazine called

“ Egypt Today”.

7- What does he want?

He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt
from museums outside Egypt.

Because Egyptian people don’t see these
things if they are in other countries.

8- What would Dr Hawass
like to be in Egypt?

The Rosetta Stone.

9- What is the difference
between the rain now and two million years ago ?

Now it only rains every 20 – 50 years in the Western Desert.
Two million years

ago very heavy rain fell and a huge
quantity of water collected under the desert


10- Why should we thank
Dr Farouk El-Baz ?

Because he found the underground water.

What does Dr El-Baz do ?

He is a space scientist and a geologist.

12- Where and when was Dr
El-Baz born and educated ?

He was born in Zagazig, in Egypt
in 1938. He was educated at Ain Shams


13-What is the job of Dr El-Baz ?

He is the director of Remote Sensing at Boston
University in the USA.

14- What is he expert in

He is the world’s greatest expert in remote sensing.

15- What is remote sensing

It is the use of Satellites find water under the desert.

16 - How was the
underground water found in Sinai ?

By photographs which Dr El-Baz took from satellites.

17 - How long did Dr
El-Baz work on the American Apollo Space Project ?

From 1967 to 1973.

18 - How did Dr El-Baz
advise astronauts who landed on the moon

He gave them advice on where to land and how to collect rocks and soil on the


19 - What do you think of
Dr El-Baz ?

He is loyal to his homeland, Egypt.
Although he works in America,
he never

forgets Egypt.

20 - How did Dr El-Baz
help Egypt

His photographs which he tool from satellites helped us to find a huge quantity
of underground in the Western Desert.


المضارع البسيط

من مصدر الفعل بإضافة
s مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب أو الضمائر (he,
she, it

E He works in a big firm.

مـلا حـظات:

çيضاف للفعل es إذا كان الفعل ينتهي بالحروف ( ss – sh – ch – x – o )

E He watches TV. She crosses the road.

ç يضاف للفعل ies إذا كان ينتهي بحرف y يسبقه حرف ساكن .

E She studies medicine E he carries his bag.

ç يضاف s فقط للأفعال التي تنتهي بحرف y يسبقه حرف متحرك.

E He plays the piano. E She obeys her


1- يعبر عن عاده
متكررة ويستخدم مع الكلمات

– usually – some times – often – ever – never – hardly – seldom- rarely-


وتوضع كالتالي

1- بين الفاعل والفعل الاصلي

He usually helps his neighbours.

2 -بعد am , is ,

He is always late.

الدالة علي الزمن
adverbs of time تأتي
إما في بداية الجملة أو نهايتها مثل

every day /week/year
- / at night / in the

·We watch TV every night. ·Every night we watch

2- يعبر عن حقيقة ثابتة أو شبه ثابتة.

E The moon moves around the earth.

E I prefer reading to watching TV.

3- لا حظ استخدام المضارع البسيط مع المستقبل البسيط او الجمله
الامريه عند استخدام الروابط الزمنية

When /after/before/as soon as
/till/until/the moment

1-When he comes, I
will tell him the truth.

2-We will have a meal
after the plane takes off.

3- phone me when he

4- لا حظ استخدام المضارع البسيط مع المستقبل البسيط عند استخدام if /unless :

1-He will give us a ride if we meet him at the party.

2-If she arrives
early ,she will attend the lecture.

5- يستخدم
للتعبير عن جدول مواعيد القطارات والطائرات ومواعيد الامتحانات .


Ûنستخدم don't أمام
الفعل إذا لم ينتهي ب
ies, es, s.

E I don't work in a hospital.

Û نستخدم doesn't إذا
كان الفعل ينتهي
ب ies, es, s

E He doesn't eat meat.

من الممكن
ان نستخدم never او hardly في النفي
كالتالي : -

فاعل مفرد + never \
hardly + s , es , ies
مصدر به

He never comes
late = he doesn't come late.

فاعل جمع + never \ hardly + s , es , ies مصدر بدون

They don't go to
school on Friday = they never go to school on Friday.


المضارع البسيط في الاستفهام من

أداة الاستفـهام + do \ does + الفاعـل + الفعل( المصـدر) ?

E Where do you work?

E When does he come?

Û تستخدم does مع الفاعل المفرد.

Û تستخدم do مع الفاعل الجمع.

المبني للمجهول :-

المفعول + Am /
is / are + PP

·Somebody cleans this room every day.

This room is cleaned every day.

مذكرة لغة انجليزية2011 ترم اول مستر / هشام ابو كرم  Clip_image001

Choose the correct
answer from a, b, c or d
مذكرة لغة انجليزية2011 ترم اول مستر / هشام ابو كرم  Clip_image002

Naguib Mahfouz is one of the most.......... Arab writers.

a) young b) famous c) junior d) remote

2- The government gives great
care to girls' .................

a) education b) songs c) fashion d) jewellery

3- What are you going to
........... a quiz on?

a) make b)take c)do d)play
very goooooooooooooood
الله عليك يا مستر
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