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المراجعة النهائية ساينس الترم الثانى للصف الثانى ابتدائى لغات

المراجعة النهائية ساينس الترم الثانى 2 ابتدائى
1) Put (√) or (x):-
Sand is soluble in water. ( )
Rain comes from clouds. ( )
Salt water helps the plants to grow. ( )
Water vapour moves up to form the seas. ( )
We get salt water from seas and oceans. ( )
We drink salt water. ( )
We can swim in fresh or salt water. ( )
Spoons float on water. ( )
Springs contain fresh water. ( )
Metals sink in water. ( )
Pure water has many colours. ( )
Water pollution causes diseases. ( )
We should spray water in the street. ( )
Throwing wastes in water pollutes it. ( )
We get salt from fresh water. ( )
We make our food by using fresh water. ( )
Plants can grow without fresh water. ( )
The sea produces clouds. ( )
Water pollution leads to good health. ( )
Water falls from clouds as a rain. ( )
The sky heats water in the sea. ( )
Sugar is in soluble in water. ( )
Ships float on water. ( )
We should leave the tap opened. ( )
Balloons sink in water. ( )
Pure water has a colour, taste and odour. ( )
Water cycle isn't repeated again. ( )
Pure water has a bad smell. ( )
II) Label the water cycle using the captions under neath:-

* Water vapour moves up to form clouds.
* The sun heats water in the sea.
* Water falls from clouds as rain.
* The sea produces water vapour.
1- ……………………………………………………………….
2- ……………………………………………………………….
3- ……………………………………………………………….
4- ……………………………………………………………….

III) Choose the correct answer:-
[Oceans – Springs] contain fresh water.
We get [salt – sugar] from salt water.
Metals [float on – sink in] water.
Pure water has [one – many – no]. colour
Water pollution causes [diseases – good health].
[Sand – Sugar] is insoluble in water.
The [sun – sky – cloud] heats water in the sea.
Water falls from [clouds – sun – sea] as rain.
[Balloons – keys] float on water.
We bath and cook by [saltwater – freshwater].
Fresh water helps plants to [grow – die].
Water vapour moves up to form [clouds – sea – land].
Salt is [soluble – insoluble] in water.
We drink [fresh – salt] water.
[ Rocks – Papers] sink in water.
Pure water has [bad – no] smell (odour).
Water is polluted because of throwing [harmful – useful] substances in water.
[Water – Toys] is important in our life.
We get saltwater from [seas – rives].
Man, animals and plants need water to [live – die].
III- Write below each picture [sink or float]:

............... ................. .................

............... ................. .................

............... ................. .................
IV- Write the following words in the right box :-
Rubber – incisor – balloons – hammer – paper – ball – wood – paper – pencil – coins – rocks – metals – spoons – keys.

Things that float Things that sink

V- Write Good or Bad:-

................. ................. .................


1) Put (√) or (x):-
Sand is soluble in water. (x)
Rain comes from clouds. (Ö)
Salt water helps the plants to grow. (x)
Water vapour moves up to form the seas. (x)
We get salt water from seas and oceans. (Ö)
We drink salt water. (x)
We can swim in fresh or salt water. (Ö)
Spoons float on water. (x)
Springs contain fresh water. (Ö)
Metals sink in water. (Ö)
Pure water has many colours. (x)
Water pollution causes diseases. (Ö)
We should spray water in the street. (x)
Throwing wastes in water pollutes it. (Ö)
We get salt from fresh water. (x)
We make our food by using fresh water. (Ö)
Plants can grow without fresh water. (x)
The sea produces clouds. (x)
Water pollution leads to good health. (x)
Water falls from clouds as a rain. (Ö)
The sky heats water in the sea. (x)
Sugar is in soluble in water. (x)
Ships float on water. (x)
We should leave the tap opened. (x)
Balloons sink in water. (x)
Pure water has a colour, taste and odour. (x)
Water cycle isn't repeated again. (x)
Pure water has a bad smell. (x)
II) Label the water cycle using the captions under neath:-

* Water vapour moves up to form clouds.
* The sun heats water in the sea.
* Water falls from clouds as rain.
* The sea produces water vapour.
1- The sun heats water in the sea.
2- The sea produces water vapour.
3- Water vapour moves up to form clouds.
4- Water falls from clouds as rain.

III) Choose the correct answer:-
[Oceans – Springs] contain fresh water.
We get [salt – sugar] from salt water.
Metals [float on – sink in] water.
Pure water has [one – many – no]. colour
Water pollution causes [diseases – good health].
[Sand – Sugar] is insoluble in water.
The [sun – sky – cloud] heats water in the sea.
Water falls from [clouds – sun – sea] as rain.
[Balloons – keys] float on water.
We bath and cook by [saltwater – freshwater].
Fresh water helps plants to [grow – die].
Water vapour moves up to form [clouds – sea – land].
Salt is [soluble – insoluble] in water.
We drink [fresh – salt] water.
[ Rocks – Papers] sink in water.
Pure water has [bad – no] smell (odour).
Water is polluted because of throwing [harmful – useful] substances in water.
[Water – Toys] is important in our life.
We get saltwater from [seas – rives].
Man, animals and plants need water to [live – die].
III- Write below each picture [sink or float]:

Sink Sink Float

Float Float Float

Float Sink Sink
IV- Write the following words in the right box :-
Rubber – incisor – balloons – hammer – paper – ball – wood – paper – pencil – coins – rocks – metals – spoons – keys.

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