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251 سؤال لمراجعة السؤال الثالث لامتحان انجلش 2 ثانوى

السؤال الثالث في الامتحان
يتكون هذا السؤال من 16 جملة 8 لاختيار المفردات و8 لاختيار قواعد اللغة الواردة فى كتاب الطالب والورك بوك ومخصص لهذا السؤال 8 درجات لكل جملة نصف درجة ومطلوب منك في هذا السؤال تحديد إجابة واحدة في كل جملة بعد تفكير وإمعان
3-Choose the correct answer .
1-Surgeons ( do –make-give -work)operations on people m-hospitals.
2-My brother has a very difficult decision to ( make-play -give -do) next week.
3-My sister, who works for a charitable organization, believes her work
( does-makes –gives-scores) a difference to people's lives,
4-Everyone ( gives -plays –does-makes) mistakes when they're learning something new.
5-It's been more than 20 years since surgeons (did-made-gave-had)the first heart
transplant operation in Britain
6-There's a factory in our town which(does –scores-makes -gives) parts for cars and buses.
7-1 need to learn English, (but–after-because) I want to work for an international company.
8-.(If -But –Although-While) my brother works very hard, he doesn't earn much money.
9- I've been trying to contact her (if –although-but -while)she isn't answering her phone.
10 -.(Although-While-It -But)you need to remember a date, write it in your diary.
11-The phone rang(because-while-if-but)I was having a shower.
12-In the past, people (thought -were thinking - are thinking -think)the earth was flat.
13-By the time my father was 18, he(has been-had been -is -will be)at work for two years.
14-What(were you -have you been - you have been - you were)doing when I called? ,
15-1 didn't sec my friend. When I arrived at her house, she (gone -had gone-goes) out.
16-My sister's really happy.She (wins-has just won-just won) the school maths prize.
17-1(have never visited-never visiting-have ever visited-never visits)Europe.
18-1 find it very difficult to (do-get-make-come)decisions quickly.
19-Scientists are still (doing –researching-retiring -trying)into making cars safer.
20-(Because –While-If-Though)I was out shopping, I saw three of my friends from school.
21- My uncle does not enjoy(drive-to drive –driven-driving)in big cities.
22-All my sisters are married, but my brother is still (one-single-alone -free)
23-It is not kind to (make-do -have -laugh)fun of people because of the way they speak.
24-You have to study for a long time(while-but-although-if)you want to train to be a doctor.
25-Have you ever (meet-met-meeting-meets) a famous person?
26-While I(am walking-was walking-had walked-walk)home,I saw some of my friends.
27-The people of Lilliput(put-fell-tied-made)Gulliver to the ground that he couldn't escape.
28-When the boys arrived on the island, they (gave-did-put-made) a fire.?
29-Later, the boys (chose-did -scored -decided)Ralph as their leader.
30-Some boys (built-did-gave-had)shelters while others looked for food
31-They tried to think of ways of(flying-getting –escaping-disappearing)from the island,
32-Jack(made-set -brought -desigend)fire to the island to stop Ralp from escaping.
33-Football and hockey are (team –group-individual -pack)sports.
34-I want to become (an -a -the -any) doctor when I finish university.
35-I'm hoping to study French (literature - books –novel-writers) at university.
36-He is quite a/an (pessimistic- optimistic-cruel)person. He always thinks the worstis going
37-Next Saturday, I'm going (for visit-visit -to visit-visiting)my aunt.
38-People who (find –borrow-capture-steal)from shops should be punished.
39-The north of Egypt is on (a -an -the -its)Mediterranean Sea.
40-There's a history programme on TV tonight. I think you(are enjoying-enjoy-will enjoy-are going to enjoy)it.
41-Azza is the(intelligent-more intelligent-less intelligent-most intelligent)student in our class.
42-1 think it's absolutely(surprising-tiring–amazing)that people climb mountains without oxygen,
43-This morning, I received an invitation (for -to -from -of)a meeting at my college.
44-I'm going to borrow a dictionary (from -to –of-at) one of my friends.
45-Her grandparents had to work hard (of–for-from-to)years before they couldafford their own car.
46-The shirt I am wearing is made ( in –to-of-from)cotton.
47-Before he retired, my uncle worked (like-as-such as-for example)a hospital doctor.
48-Ahmed is at the station (who –which-where -when) he's meeting his grandfather.
49-The first person (which -that -he -what) spoke English to me was my uncle.
50-My cousin,(who-who's-which-whose) father is my mother's brother, is three years younger than me.
51-When he was five years old, my brother (use-used-used to) watch all the children's TV pro
52-Where did you use to play when you were a/an (toddler-adult-parent -leader)?
53-Some countries have (sold-bought-traded -business)with each other for thousands of years.
54-International corporations (buy -employ –distribute-take)workers in many different countries.
55-My cousin hopes to take (place-care-off -part) in the next Olympic Games.
56-International sport can (afford-admire-benefit-distribute) individuals and their countries.
57-My father has just bought a camera(by internet -by website-online -on computer)
58-I'd (rather-prefer -want -like) be a doctor than a dentist.
59-1 have a very important decision to (make-have -come -do)next week.
60-In the evenings, I like (surfing-travelling-going-running) the internet.
61-Scientists are doing (study -research –work-experiment) into new kinds of energy.
62-(Single –Individual-Alone-Professional)people live with their families before they are married.
63-Application forms often ask people about their (married –waiting-marital -famous) status.
64-He works hard, and he(gets on-goes back -gets up -goes on)working when he doesn't feel well.
65-Surgeons (do -make –take-bring) operations to help people get better.
66-Professor Magdi Yacoub is a famous heart(change-move-transport-transplant) surgeon.
67-Mother Teresa really (making -made -did -does) a difference in people's lives.
68-It's OK to (do-have -make)mistakes when we are learning something for thefirst time.
69-My father is a (diplomat-politician –surgeon-pilot)He works in politics.
70-Can you give me an a) example -imagination -explanation - invitation)for being late for class today?
71-(Although-If–Because-However)I studied as hard as I could, I only scored 70% on my exam.
72-It's (famous -ridiculous -available -traditiona)l to think that horses can fly!
73-It isn't very polite to make(laugh –joke-funny -fun)of people.
74-If you are policeman, you have to wear a special (shirt –dress-uniform -trousers)
75-In most shops, you can pay by(cash-money-debit -coin)cheque or credit card.
76-Squash is(a team-a single-an individual - a personal)sport.
77-To be successful,the members of a sports team must(cooperate-leave–pass-prove) with each other.
78-They have just (done –made-found-brought)a good decision.
79-He's very (sensible-happy –pessimistic-intelligent)He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
80-Shakespeare and Dickens are two of the most famous names in English(music-writers-literature)
81-My brother's (lifelong –life-long -wrong)ambition is to climb Mount Everest.
82-While I was doing the shopping,I(was meeting-met-have met) one of my teachers.
83-1 could sleep anywhere (while -although –because-however) I was extremely tired.
84-As soon as I got to the station, I realized that I (had missed–missed-have missed miss) my train.
85-(An -A –The-No article)author of Lord of the Flies is William Golding.
86-Europe is not as large (as-than -to -so) Asia.
87-Next Monday, I(meet-met-will meet-am meeting)him for lunch. We've already booked the restaurant.
88-Go and see that film. I'm sure you (will enjoy-enjoy- are going to enjoy -are enjoying) it.
89-We went to Italy by sea. Our (flight-drive –crew-voyage)took two days.
90-It's quite safe to swim here. The water's not very (deep -high –tall-long)
91-The (head –bottom-summit -height)of that mountain is always covered in snow.
92-My father's company(plays-works-keeps-employs)people from many different countries.
93-I'm afraid we can't (buy -pay -afford –earn)a holiday this year.
94-There are many(valuable–cheap- high)pictures in the museum.Some are 1000years old.
95-I'd love to take(place–care- part)in the Olympic Games,but I'll never be good enough.
96-The (height-highlight-benefit-worst)of the year for my family was my sister's wedding.
97-Have you ever(see-saw-seen -seeing)a dangerous spider?
98-1 was so tired that 1 fell asleep(while-because-if -but)I was doing my homework.
99-That was one of(best -the best -better-good)books I've ever read.
100-T expect it(will be-is being-is-is going to be)sunny and warm tomorrow.
101-A supermarket is a large shop (what-which-where) you can buy many different things.
102- In the past, many people (use –uses-using-used)to pay things in cash.
103-The first person (which-that-what-when) spoke to this morning was my sister.
104-Where (does-do -did -doing)your brother use to live?
105-We couldn't live without food and water, (can we -can't we-could we-couldn't we)?
106-It's very important that we cat healthy food, (do we-isn't it-don't we-is it)?
107-Some pesticides are more dangerous than others(aren't they -isn't it-don't they)?
108-We should wash vegetables before we cat them, (shall we-should we-shouldn't we)?
109-Food grown with chemicals costs less than organic food(don't they-doesn't it-do they)?
110-Some children don't like vegetables, (don't they-does he -doesn't he-do they)?
111-Make (up –sure-do -like)you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
112-Lisa(who-who's –whose-that)in my class at school, is very good at English.
113-Rice is the main (food-crop-fruit-ingredient)of tonight's dish.
114-Ahmed had a very busy morning . By the time he stopped for lunch, he
(had made -made- has made-had been making) 17 phone calls.
115.That's the person (whose -who's-which -who)mobile phone 1 borrowed when I lost mine.
116-How long (had you been waiting- have you been waiting -have you waited) before your train arrived?
117-We all went(aboard-abroad-ashore -ahead) when our ship came to port.
118-Children sometimes hurt(them -themselves -himself -ourselves) when they are playing.
119-They're building hundreds of new houses on the (outskirts-centres- blocks)of the city.
120-He lives in a flat which (watches-overlooks-looks)the market. It's always very noisy.
121-Ilove the (silent-slice-silencer-silence)of the desert.
122-She is very (ambitous-ambitiously-ambitiousness)and wants to be a newsreader on TV.
123- It's a traditional song, but its message is very modern. Its words arestill(means-meaningful-meaning -meaningless)
124-He's quite a good player, but his(inclusion-includes-included)in the national team is a surprise.
125-William Shakespeare is more famous( for-by -from -of)his plays than his poems.
126-Nobody knows the real reason for the film's popularity(with-to –for-of)viewers.
127-Huda loves English, but she's not very good (for -at –by-with) maths.
128-When did you find (from-out –of-about) that you had won the prize?
129-That tittle car belongs (to-for –with-by). my uncle.
130-1 play lots of sports, but I'm not very keen (to -on -for -at) watching sport on TV.
131-When I finish university, I'm going to apply (to-with-at-for)a job abroad.
132-In 1918, millions of people all over the world died (of-for-at -with)Spanish flu.
133-You weren't at school yesterday,so how did you find out(with-about–from-of) the homework?
134-Azza is very interested (in -to -of -for)medicine.
135-We(regret-disappointed-apologise)to inform passengers that Flight 659 will be an hour late.
136-My (want -announcement - ambition -beauty)is to become a children's doctor.
137-He was naughty as a child , but now his (behave-behaviour -behaving -behaved) is much better.
138-While waiting for the train to leave, the passengers(said-told–chatted-conversation)to each other.
139-He writes great poems. He's my favourite (poet-musician -pilot -singer)
140-If the train (didn't break -hadn't broken) down,I wouldn't have been late.
141-The stones they used to build Stonehenge (were -was -is -are)brought from Wales.
142-If you had put the water m the freezer, it(turned –turns- would turn -would have turned) to ice.
143-It is believed that the Temple of Edfu was (start-starts –starting-started) in the year 237 BC.
144-The(paramedics -engineers-patients-directors)took the injured man into the emergency room.
145-Most school children in Britain (need -have to-ought-don't need to) wear a school uniform.
146-You (don't have to- ought to-mustn't)spend too much money. You'll want some for your holiday.
147-You (mustn't-don't need to-should-shouldn't)take the book back to the library yet. You can keep it for another week.
148-You(don't have -can't -need to-have to)pass your exams to go to university.
149-1 really (don't need to -have to-don't need to)phone Mazen. 1 promised I'd phone him
150-You (don't have to-mustn't-have to-must) take this train.There's another one in ten minutes.
151-In the second half, wewore( off- down - on - out) the other team and won the match 3-2.
152-These shoes are going to wear (off- on - down - out) soon. I'll have to buy some more.
153-It was hard work and, as the day(wore on -wore out -wore off)I became more tired.
154-If you take this medicine now, it won't(wear out-wear on -wear down -wear off) until tomorrow.
155-More than 150 million copies of Michael Crichton's books.(have sold -have been sold – sold-selling)
156- John Lange was one of the names which (uses–used-using-was used)by Michael Crichton.
157-Crichton (often included-was often included- including-)scientific subjects in his stories.
158-The Andromeda Strain(wrote -was written - is writing -has written)in 1969.
159-It is a frightening story about ordinary people who (were caught–caught-were catching - catching)diseases from space.
160-The company my father works for has a a) group-staff -crew -population)of 250 people.
161-That man should stop(disagreeing-saying-interfering-discussing)It has nothing to do with him.
162-Crichton (produced –acted-wrote-built)some fantastic books.
163-We would all be healthier if cars were(stopped-banned-driven-refused) from city C.
164-We could(save-reduce-help-make)global warming if we used more energy from the sun.
165" If they want to book a flight to London, they(must-could –need-mustn't)to do it soon.
Flights to London are very busy.
166-It's difficult to get into a good university.You(need-should-can-must)work really hard.
167-The information you are looking for can(find -be found -finds -found)on the internet.
168-At school, we are(being taught-teaching - been teaching)how to revise for our exams.
169-1 wonder if I(borrows-borrow-could borrow -would borrow)you camera this afternoon.
170-People who(borrow -lend -bring -steal)money should go to prison.
171-Most-people are(honest-nice- intelligent)If they find something, they give it back to the owner.
172-John doesn't get paid for playing football. He's (a professional -a player-an amateur-a trainer)
173-I'm really enjoying this dessert.Can you tell me what the (goods-ingredients-crops foods)are?
174- If you need more (sugar –fat-protein-carbohydrate)cat more meat, fish and eggs.
175" In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely (determined – sure-serious-primitive) to catch the white whale.
176-When the boat sank, the (staff –group-crew -employees)were saved by a passing ship.
177-My sister and her husband live on the(top –outskirts-side-outside)of the town.
178-The people (which –who-what)have just moved into the next flat are from Tanta.
179-Where(were-did-had-was)you going when I saw you in town yesterday?
180-The Nile is(longest -long -the longest-longer)river in the world.
181-Those arc the people (who-whose-which-who's)car has been stolen.
182-Ali has had to go to hospital as he hurt(herself-him –his-himself)while playing football,
183-We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film (had started -is starting -starts)
184-In my opinion, it's warmer now (as-so –than-that)it was this morning.
185-My clothes were dirty as 1 (had been repairing-had repaired-repaired)the car all morning,
186-Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have (straight -sloping -flat -long)roofs.
187-If you want to keep fit, go running. It's a very good form of(exercise-practice -food -work)
188- My friend's father is the (politician-diplomat-man -editor)of our local newspaper.
189-This CD was a (cheap –bargain-credit-value for money) .It cost less than two pounds.
190-Our cat has (missed-come-gone missing -abandoned)We haven't seen him for a week.
191-We (suggest -announce –refuse-regret)to inform passengers travelling to Cairo that their train will be 200 minutes late.
192-There is no airport on the island,so boats(sail-supply–give-carry) food and other goods.
193-My(ambition-hero-announcement)is to be a journalist for an international news magazine.
194-As soon as I met him, f knew I(had seen –saw-have seen-see)him somewhere before.
195-1 didn't realize it was late(if-and–because-but)1 was concentrating so harden what I was doing.
196-1(have cleaned –clean- have been cleaning)my brother's car all morning-
197-Many cars (made-are made-is made-make) in Egypt.
198-If it was cold in the evening, you(needed-would need-would have needed)warm clothes.
199-I'm not very good (in -at –with-on) remembering people's names.
200-The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed (from-to -by -at) an earthquake.
201' It(know -known -is known -has known)that people have lived here for centuries.
202-A shop in our city was completely (hurt-injured -destroyed -flooded)by fire last night.
203-1 can really (recommend-build-admire-wish)this book. I couldn't put it down.
204- I hope I(pass-succeed -win -do well)the maths test at school tomorrow.
205-Last year, we visited the (place-view -area-site)of an ancient settlement in the desert.
206-If you pour hot water onto ice, it(runs -melts –floods-freezes)
207-You can't enjoy your holiday if you don't have good (hotel-room-accommodation -stay)
208-My favourite holiday destination is a small fishing village on the(sea-edge–ocean-coast)
209-When I was a child , I remember reading a /an (dangerous –warning-advising
cautionary)tale about alazy student.
210-Banks are places (which-where-that-when)you can keep your money safe.
211- Before the invention of cars, people (used-use -are used -have used)to walk more.
212-She looked at (she–herself-himself)in the mirror to see what the new dress was like.
213-So far today, I (wrote-am writing-have been writing-have written)e-mails to six of my friends to tell them the good news.
214-I've decided that I(am going to apply-applying-am applying -apply)for that job as soon as I can.
215-1 have an idea; we (have to -need -could -would)all go in one car. That would save us money.
216-There arc always children near the school, so you(can –must-mustn't-need)drive very carefully.
217-Survivors of this morning's accident(have been taken -have taken-took) to the city's main hospital.
218-When I was eight, I(was seeing - have seen) a programme about a famous Egyptian doctor on television.
219-Look at this camera. I(have bought - buy-bought-am buying) from my sister yesterday.
220-He (tell -have often told -often telling-has often told)me to look on the internet.
221-I'm sure your sister will love the camera (you are buying-you've bought-are you buying) her.
222-This year, 1 (am going to go -was going- had gone-went)swimming every day.
223-Everest is (as high-the highest -higher than-highly) Kilimanjaro.
224-Challenger Deep is (deeper -deep -the deepest -deeper than)part of all the oceans.
225-What's the main reason (for-with-on-of)the popularity of Rider Haggard's books.
226-He was so good (for -of –on-at)writing exciting stories.
227-Have Rider Haggard's books always been popular (by -with -of -on)readers?
228-There's been an increase (about –on-at-in)sales in recent years.
229-T knew he was famous(for-with-from-at)King Solomon'e Mines, butdidn't know Rider Haggard's otherstories.
230-I'd never heard (of –from-at-in) him at all until last week.
231-They had four children, but one of them died (about-for–of-with) a childhood disease when .
232-1 wouldn't go there alone ifl(had been -were –are-have been)you .
233-If you leave ice in the sun, it(turning –turned-turns-would turn)into water very quickly.
234-If it hadn't been so hot, we (will play -would play-are playing-would have played) tennis.
235-I'll tell Ali you are looking for him if I (see-saw -had seen-have seen) him.
236-If you (doesn't warn -hadn't warned-don't warn) me, I wouldn't have seen the car coming
237-You(won't- might not-couldn't)be able to climb so quickly if you take oxygen with you.
238- We(don't have to-need to-have to-must)get up very early on school days.
239-1(have to –must-don't have to) phone my friend this evening. I promised him I would.
240-In some countries, children (mustn't-don't need to-have to-must)wear school uniform.
241-You (must-don't have to-mustn't-don't)drive fast in the city centre. It's very dangerous.
242-We(must-mustn't-have to-don't have to)give our homework to the teacher until next week,
243-If you want to go to Jordan for a holiday, you(need-mustn't–can-can't)fly or go by boat.
244-We(don't have -couldn't-need -mustn't)to go to school tomorrow. It's a public holiday.
245-You(can -must -don't have to-can't)stay at home on a school day unless you're ill.
246-1 (need –must- mustn't) revise for the English test. It's really important that I pass.
247-Here's an idea:we(could-can-have to-need)all turn down our air conditioning in the summer.
248-You(don't have to- mustn't-can't)use your mobile phone while you're driving. It's against the law.
249-In Britain, you(can - can't-mustn't)take your driving test until you're 17 years old.
250-You(needn't- can't-have to)wear anything special for the party, but you can if yo want.
251- My football team (are getting -get –go-were getting)two new players for next year.

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