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حصريا اقوى اسئلة القطعة لمراجعة منهج اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة (2ثانوى2012)

Comperhenstion text
Read the following passage, then answer the question:
طريقة الإجابة علي هذا السؤال :
1- قراءة الأسئلة وترجمة ما تعرفه من كلمات وتخمين الكلمات الأخرى ولذلك لمعرفة الفكرة العامة التي تدور حولها القطعة.
2- قراءة القطعة كاملة أول مرة وترجم ما نعرفه من كلمات وخمن الأخرى.
3- يعاد قراءة القطعة مرة أخرى ولكن هذه المرة عليك تقسيم القطعة إلى مجموعة قطع صغيرة كل قطعة أربعة أو ثلاث اسطر .
4- إقراء الثلاث اسطر بعناية واستنتج معاني بعض الكلمات التي تفيدك في الإجابة على الأسئلة .
5- بعد قراءة الفقرة الأولى مثلا لابد أن ترجع إلى الأسئلة فمن المؤكد أن تجد إجابة احد الأسئلة في هذه الفقرة.
6- اتبع نفس الطريقة في باقي الفقرات " تقرا الفقرة ثم تعود إلى الأسئلة لإيجاد حل هذه الأسئلة "

السؤال الخامس والسادس في الامتحان ( القطعة )
عبارة عن نص القراة والفهم ويتكون من 120 – 150 كلمة ويتناول هذا النص موضوعا يتعلق بحقائق معينة علمية او تاريخية
يوجد في هذا السؤال 3 أسئلة مقال مطلوب منك الإجابة عنها إجابة مختصرة ( وضح المطلوب فقط ) وكذلك سؤال الاختيارات ومخصص لهذا السؤال 5 درجات لكل سؤال درجة ويحتاج هذا السؤال قراة متأنية وتخمين معنى الكلمات الصعبة من سياق المعنى
Work book passages
1-Read the following passage, then answer the questions.
Today, most people put their cash into a bank account. Thousands of years ago, people did not use money at all. If they wanted to have something, they gave the owner something that belonged to them. Later, many different things were used as money in different parts of the world, including sharks' teeth.
In time, people decided to use gold as money because everybody accepted it and it looked beautiful. The first gold coins were made in Lydia (now western Turkey). But gold was very heavy. The Chinese were the first people to make and use paper money. When the Italian explorer Marco Polo went to China in the thirteenth century, he was surprised to see people using paper money. Later, in Europe, people started to leave their gold in banks and paid for things with notes from their bank.
Today, people still use coins and bank notes, but there are many other ways of paying, including cheques, credit cards and online payments.
1 - Where do most people keep money these days?
a in their pockets b under their bed c in a bank account d in a box
2- What was the problem with gold?
a There wasn't enough for everyone, b It was very heavy.
c Some people didn't think it was real money, d People preferred bank notes.
3- Where did Marco Polo come from?
a China b Turkey c Lydia d Europe
4-Thousands of years ago, what did people do if they wanted something?
5-Why did people choose gold as a kind of money?
6 Why do you think the Chinese used paper money?
7 Why do you think Marco Polo was surprised to see paper money?
2-Read the following passage, then answer the questions.
As international trade increased, people from different countries met for the first time. As well as trading goods, they traded ideas and taught each other many things.
The wheel was invented in 4000 BC in Sumeria, now part of Iraq. With the wheel, people could travel further and carry goods more easily.Paper was invented in China in the second century. Arabs learned how to make paper from wood and cotton in the eighth century. The Europeans then learned this from the Arabs.Bicycles were invented in the 19th century by the Germans. The first bicycles had a big wheel at the front and a small wheel at the back. There are now many kinds of bicycles. A type of camera was invented by the Iraqi Ibn al-Haytham in around 1020. The first camera that was small enough to be carried from place to place was designed by the German scientist Johann Zahn in 1685. However, his design was not used to take photographs until 150 years later.
1-Where was the wheel invented?
2-Which inventions do you read about in the passage?
3-How were the first bicycles different from the bicycles we use today?
4 How big was the first camera?
5 Why did the invention of the wheel change the world?
a Because it was invented in Iraq. b Because people could travel to Iraq more easily
c Because people could carry goods longer distances, d Because it was invented in 4000 BC.
6 Who first invented paper?
a Arabs b the Chinese c the Egyptians d the Europeans
7 When did the Arabs learn how to make paper from wood?
a in 4000 BC b in250BC c in the 8th century d in the 19th century
3-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
A goal is something you want to achieve. First, decide what your goal is. For example, do you want to pass a test? Do you want to be a doctor? When you have decided on your goal, write it down on paper and look at it every day. Then decide what you must do to succeed.
Some people never reach their goal because they think it is impossible. But you must always believe that your goals are possible. Don’t think, “This test is difficult. I’ll probably fail”. Instead, think, “This test is difficult, but I’ve worked hard and I will pass it”.
Most people are successful at things they enjoy. So always try to enjoy your work. Keep looking at the goal you wrote on paper and think how happy you will be when you succeed. Think about that happiness while you are working and you will enjoy your work.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 What is this passage about?
2 What should you do when you have written your goal on paper?
3 Why do some people not reach their goal?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 What is the opposite of pass?a succeed b fail c lose d miss
5 What kind of things are most people successful at?
a Things that are easy. b Things that are difficult.
c Things that they enjoy doing. d Things they work hard at.
4-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
One day, I was waiting for a friend in town when I saw two men. One was sitting on the pavement wearing old clothes. He had a hat in front of him. As people passed, he said, “Can you give me money, please?” Some people threw coins into his hat, but most walked past. The other man, who was wearing a suit, stopped people and asked them politely to lend him money to buy petrol for his car. Most people happily gave him coins or notes. During the ten minutes I was watching him, he collected a lot of money. He put it all in his pocket, but did not go to buy petrol I soon realised that both men just wanted money. The one in the old clothes needed money more than the one in the suit, but the one in the suit got more money. Isn’t that strange?
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 How did the two men look different?
2 What did the writer think about what he had seen?
3 What does the word most refer to in but most walked past?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 Why was the man’s hat in front of him?
a It had fallen off his head. b It was there on the pavement before he sat down.
c He put t there for people to throw money into. d He had taken it off because it was a hot day.
5 Why didn’t the man in the suit go to buy petrol?
a There was already petrol in his car. b He was going to buy petrol later.
c He didn’t have a car. d He had lied about why he needed money.
5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Hockey is a very old team sport which is popular all over the world. Hockey is normally played on grass, but there is also ice hockey.Men and women can play hockey, and in some countries they play together in mixed teams. Like football, there are eleven players in a hockey team. Players carry sticks which they use to control the ball — either to pass it to other players on their team, or to hit it into a net and score goals. The goalkeeper is the only player who can kick the ball.Hockey can be a dangerous game. The ball, which is small and very hard, can break bones if it hits a player, and players can hurt each other with their sticks. One of the important rules of the sport is that players cannot lift their sticks above their shoulders.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 On what surfaces is hockey played?
2 What do hockey players use to hit the ball?
3 What can goalkeepers do that ordinary players cannot do?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 How do players score goals in hockey?
a They kick the ball into the net. b They hit the ball into the net with a stick.
c They throw the ball into the net. d They carry the ball into the net.
5 How is a hockey ball different from a football?
a It is softer. b It is larger. c It is smaller. d It is not round.
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Two of my friends went on a three-week climbing holiday in Switzerland last year. They had climbing lessons for six months before they left and took ropes and other important equipment.On the first day of their holiday, they started climbing one of the easy mountains. It was a bright, sunny day and they did not find climbing difficult. When it was nearly dark, they stopped and ate some of the food they had brought with them, then they made beds for themselves on a large piece of rock. The mountain side provided shelter from the wind.
During the night, it became very cold and started to snow. Unfortunately, when my friends woke up in the morning, the snow was still falling and they decided to come down the mountain. But there was too much snow and they had to wait for five hours to be rescued.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 What did the writer’s friends do before they went climbing?
2 What was the weather like when they started climbing?
3 How did the story end?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 How long was the writer’s friends’ holiday?
a six weeks b six months c three weeks d a year
5 When did the two people decide to stop climbing?
a on the second morning b on the first evening c during the first night d on the first morning
7-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
When Guy de Maupassant arrived in the French capital during the early 1870s, Paris was one of the most czciting cities in the modem world. Many of its narrow streets, with their old houses in the poorer parts of the .:ctty, had been knocked down in the 1 840s and replaced by wide streets with beautiful new buildings. These were :much healthier for people to live in. New railway lines brought thousands of people into the city every day to work in the growing industries.
The Eiffel Tower opened in 1889 and brought thousands of tourists into.Paris, which was already an important centre for artists and writers. The first line of the Paris Metro opened in 1890, attracting even more visitors.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 When did Maupassant move to Paris?
2 What does the word These mean in These were much healthier...?
3 Why did people come into Paris by railway?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 When were parts of Paris rebuilt?
a in the 1840s b in the 1870s c in the 1880s d in the 1890s
5 What does the word Metro mean?
a private transport b a meeting place c a bus route d an underground railway
8-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
A man was going from Greece into Turkey on his bicycle when a guard stopped him. The guard asked, “What’s in the bag on your back?” “Sand,” said the man. “Take it off. I want to have a look,” said the guard. The man took the bag off and opened it to prove he was only carrying sand. Then he closed the bag, put it on his back and continued into Turkey. The next week, the same thing happened. Again, the guard wanted to see inside the bag, but again there was only sand. This continued for six months, but then one week the man did not come. Some years later, the guard saw the man in the town and said, “You can tell me the truth now. I knew you were bringing something into our country, but I didn’t know what.”
“It was bicycles,” said the, man, smiling.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Where was the man on the bicycle travelling to?
2 What did the guard expect to find in the bag?
3 What does This mean in This continued for six months?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 How many journeys did the man make?
a betweenoneandten b between 11 and 20 c between 21 and 30 d between 31 and 40.
5 Where did the guard find out the truth?
a in a Turkish town b in a Greek town c between Greece and Turkey d We don’t know.
9-Read the following passage, then answer the questions.
Today, most people who live in cities live in tower blocks. These are tall buildings which contain many flats. The first tower blocks that we know about were built in the ancient city of Shibham in Yemen in the sixteenth century. All the city’s houses are made from mud bricks, and this includes 500 tower blocks. Some of these are over 30 metres high and have 11 storeys. Each storey is a flat for a single family to live in. The blocks were built in this way to protect people from attack by enemies.
Although Shibham has been a city for more than 2,000 years, most of its houses were built around 500 years ago. For this reason, people sometimes refer to Shibham as “the oldest
skyscraper city in the world”. It is definitely the earliest example we know of a town where the architects built into the sky instead of only along the ground. Shibham’s towers are the tallest mud brick buildings in the world and the first tower blocks in the Middle East.
1 What is a tower block?
2 When were the earliest tower blocks built?
3 What are these tower blocks made of?
4 How many storeys do the tallest of these tower blocks have?
5 How many tower blocks are there in Shibham?
a five b five hundred c thirty d eleven
6 How many families lived in tower blocks with eleven storeys?
a one b eleven C twenty-two d five
7 Why were the Shibham tower blocks built in this way?
a The architects were doing an experiment .b There was not much room in the city.
c People preferred living high up. d To protect the people who lived in them.
10-Read the following passage, then answer the questions.
Diamonds are the world’s hardest, most valuable stones. They were formed, over millions of years, deep under the earth’s surface by great heat and by the weight of the rocks above. Now scientists can also make diamonds in their laboratories.The first diamonds were found thousands of years ago in India. Since then, they have been found in more than 35 countries, including Brazil, Russia and South Africa. Today, most of the world’s supply of diamonds comes from South Africa. Most diamonds are from “open” mines where large amounts of rock have to be removed so that people can get to the stones. This process can damage landscapes and be bad for the environment.Although most people think of diamonds as jewellery, only 20% of diamonds are worn as jewellery. The other 80% are used forindustrial purposes, including cutting or polishing metals.
1 When were diamonds found in India?
a thirty-five years ago b hundreds of years ago c thousands of years ago d millions of years ago
2 What other word is used in the passage to mean diamond?
a rock b stone c jewellery d mine
3 “Open” mines can the landscape. a help b damage c supply d polish
4 Where were diamonds formed?
5 In which country were the first diamonds found?
6 Where do most diamonds come from now?
7 What are most diamonds used for today?
11-Read the following article, then answer the questions.
North Sinai attracts ecotourists
El-Arish, a city in North Sinai, has always been one of the most important entrances to Egypt. It was the way into Egypt for the Turkish and Roman armies, who destroyed the traditional Arishi culture. Now North Sinai is being improved, but there will be no new cities or industrial areas. Agriculture, fishing and tourism will be the most important activities.
The North Sinai Bedouins have not been travellers for many years. Today, many own farms on land which used to be desert. Others are fishermen on Lake Bardawil. The lives of Bedouin women have also changed. They used to look after their families, but now some are businesswomen, producing traditional carpets and other goods for tourists.
Although there are no historic sites in North Sinai, it is a pollution-free environment. This attracts ecotourists, and ecotourism will help the area and protect its culture.
1 What did the Turkish and Roman armies do when they came to North Sinai?
2 What do some Bedouin women do now?
3 What attracts tourists to North Sinai now?
4 What is special about El-Arish?
a It is an important industrial centre. b It is a door into Egypt.
c It has many historic sites. d It is a Bedouin centre.
5 How have the lives of the North Sinai Bedouins changed in the last few years?
a They now mostly live in one place. b They work in local industries.
c They do not have ordinary jobs. d They live in ordinary houses.
12-Read the following passage, then. answer the questions:
The people who live in the far north of Canada used to build their homes out of large blocks of ice. Because these were hard and thick, their houses were well insulated and so the people were warm and comfortable. In the hotter climate of North Africa, the Bedouin made their homes from animal skins. This made it easy for them to move their home when looking for food. These are two examples of people who adapt their homes to fit their lives.
Birds do this, too. Some types of birds, which spend their lives in the air looking for food, do not make new nests every year, but return to the same nest again and again. And one particular type of bird does not build a nest at all, but lays its eggs in the nest of another bird and leaves these birds to look after its young.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Why do homes which are made of ice stay warm?
2 What does the word these refer to in Because these were hard and thick?
3 What kind of bird goes to the same nest every year?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 Why does the writer tell us about the Bedouin people?
a He admires their way of life. b He says they are the same as the people in Canada.
c He uses them as an example. d They are travelling people.
5 Why did the Bedouin make their homes from animal skins?
a They wanted to scare their enemies away. b They needed to move often.
c They had plenty of animal skins. d They needed to keep warm.
13-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
I never did cooking at school. I learned everything I know from my mother. She decided to teach me because when she and my father got married, she did not know how to cook even the simplest meals. This was because her mother (my grandmother) had refused to let her in the kitchen while she was cooking. This meant that she had to begin cooking lessons at the age of 23.So, when I was only five years old, my mother started teac,hing me. We began with simple things like eggs and soup, then we moved on to chicken, meat and fish and finally bread and cakes. I particularly loved making bread:
when a new loaf comes out of the oven, it has a fantastic smell. I am really glad my mother taught me to cook. If I have a child, I will do the same for him or her.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Why didn’t the writer’s mother know how to cook?
2 When did the writer’s mother realise how important it was to know how to cook?
3 What is the writer’s plan for the future?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 How old was the writer when she started learning to cook?
a five b seven c twenty-three d We do not know.
5 What were the last kinds of food the writer learned how to cook?
a meat and fish b cakes and bread c eggs and chicken d soup
14-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Everyone knows that Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest and busiest modern cities in the world. But for travellers to Japan, there are many interesting places which are not too full of tourists. Here are two which are off the beaten track.
Takayama is a beautiful old town in the mountains. It still has an ancient street market as well as a farmers’ market along the river. Some of the buildings in Takayama are more than four hundred years old. A few of the oldest houses are now museums where visitors can see what life in Japan was like in the past. Near to Takayama is an old village where you can still see traditional carpenters at work.
Yamadera is a collection of temple buildings on the side of a mountain. It is difficult to climb up to the temple, but the view is beautiful.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Where can visitors see two markets?
2 What does “off the beaten track” mean?
3 What does the word two refer to in Here are two which...
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 Where can tourists see a collection of temples?
a in Takayama b on a mountain c in Tokyo d in a village
5 Yamadera is a collection of
a educational buildings b tourist hotels c religious buildings d mountains

15- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
A wise man, who was travelling in the mountains, found a valuable stone in a river where he had stopped to catch fish to eat. The next day, the man met another traveller who was poor and hungry, so he opened his bag to share his food. The hungry traveller saw the valuable stone and asked for it. The man happily gave it to him.
The traveller left knowing that the stone was so valuable that he would be rich for the rest of his life. But a few days later, he returned and gave the stone back to the wise man. “I’ve been thinking,” he said. “I know how valuable this stone is, but I’m giving it back in the hope that you can give me something even more valuable. Can you give me what you have that made it possible for you to give me the stone?”
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Why did the wise man stop?
2 Why did the traveller want the valuable stone?
3 What does it mean in I’m giving it back...
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 Why did the wise man open his bag?
a To put the valuable stone in. b To take the valuable stone out.
c To take food out for the other traveler d So that the traveller could see the stone.
5 Why did the traveller give the stone back?
a He realised that the stone was not really valuable.
b He realised that generosity was more valuable than the stone.
c He realised that the wise man needed the stone more than he did.
d He didn’t want to be rich.
16-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The fantastic Selous Wildlife Park in the south of Tanzania is the largest wildlife area in the world and a great place to see lions, elephants, giraffes, crocodiles and other wild animals. We stay p comfortable accommodation by the Rufiji River. From there we can drive into the park to look at the wildlife and take boat trips along the river. When it is dark, we can watch the animals come down to the river to drink.Then we fly to the island of Zanzibar. Here we can wander through the narrow streets of the old town with its beautiful mosques and busy markets. We spend our last few days relaxing on Jambiani Beach, where we can go swimming and diving.This 14-day holiday costs from only £1,500 per person. Flights, all other travel and meals are included in the price.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Who is this text written for?
2 What is special about the Selous Wildlife Park?
3 When do the animals come down to the river to drink?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 How do visitors travel to Zanzibar from Tanzania?
a by road b by sea c by air d on foot
5 What does its refer to in with its beautiful mosques?
a Zanzibar’s b the narrow streets’ c the island’s d the town’s

17-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
I always used to drive to work alone. The journey never took more than 30 minutes, even when it was busy. One morning last month, I couldn’t start my car and I had to use public transport. I waited at the bus stop. I couldn’t get on the first bus because it was full, so I started walking. Ali, a friend from work, saw me from his car and stopped. “What’s happened to your car?” he asked. “It wouldn’t start,” I said. “I’ll take you,” Ali said. “Thanks. That’s very kind,” I said. Ali drove me to work and back every day that week. I wanted to pay him for petrol, but Ali refused to take my money. “You can drive me to work next week,” he said.
Now Ali and I always travel together. We take turns to drive. It costs less and I enjoy travelling with a friend.
a Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Why didn’t the writer travel to work by bus?
2 Who is Ali?
3 Why didn’t Ali take the money the writer offered him?
b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 How long did it take the writer to drive to work in his car?
a more than 30 minutes b 30 minutes exactly c 30 minutes or less d less than 30 minutes
5 How does the writer travel to work now?
a Ali takes him in his car. b He drives his own car and takes Ali.
c He goes by bus. d Sometimes All takes him and sometimes he takes All.
18-Read the following passage and then answer the question :
It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things, the alphabet, machines, rockets and so many. But scientists and archeologists now agree that woman invented one very important thing, which has changed history. They went out every day. Same times they killed animals, sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out every day, too. They collected roots fruit and grass. Then one day, more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped same grass seeds. She dropped them near her home. They grew and the first wheat was born. The idea grew, too women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after their children and their animals. Archeologists think that women kept the first domestic animals. Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built villages and cities. Civilization began. Men began civilization after women had invented agriculture.
A) Answer the following questions:
How do we know that women invented agriculture?
How did the early man get his food?
What were the early women's duties?
B) Choose the correct from a, b, c, or d:
5- Domestic animals are that we ………….
a-keep at home b- don't keep at home c- hunt from forests d- use for hunting
19-Read the following passage and then answer the question
What will man be like in the future? We can only make a guess but we can be sure that he will be different, as man is slowly changing all the time. He will have to use his brain more and more-eventually, he will need a large one! This is likely to bring about a physical change too; the head, in particular the forehead, will grow large.
Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time, it's likely that man's eyes will grow stronger. But what about hair? This will probably disappear because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bold. Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- In what way will the future man be similar to us?
2- How will the future man be different from us?
3- What does the underlined word ’’this‘‘refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- Future man will be ………..
a- less attractive b- attractive c- more attractive d- the same as he looks now
6- In future,……….. will be hairless.a- women b- men c- men and women d- the bold
20-Read the following passage and then answer the question:
There are more ants than any other kind of land animal in the word. A million ants can live in a few trees, and there may be a quarter of a million in one colony. The total weight of all the ants in the word is far greater than that of all the human beings. Human beings are externally interested in the study of ants. The more we study them, the more they seem to be like ourselves. Ants live in societies in which they depend on one another. The societies are not all exactly the same. There are differences because there are ants of many kinds. But in general, each kind has ants of three main types: queens, males, and workers. The queen has wings for a time and one day she flies away with a winged male. The male dies soon afterwards, but the queen without her wings, finds a good place for her new rest and begins to lay eggs there. Worker finds a good place for her and protects the eggs, and they will build as big and as safe at home as they can. The ants have a good many enemies. They include birds, bears, and ant-eaters of various kinds. In some cases other ants are their worst enemies, just as man's worst enemy is man. In some parts of the world the red ants march in large armies to attack the homes of black ants.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Prove that ants are social insects.
2- How are ants like human beings?
3- How are ants like bees?
B) Choose the correct from a, b, c, or d:
5- The male ant dies soon after ……….
a- a fight with other ants b- hard work c- it flies with the queen ant d- it fights red ants
6- The worker ants are busy ……….
a- fighting other ants b- building homes and protecting eggs
c- Playing in trees d- eating our food
21-Read the following passage and then answer the question
Among the various forms of the sources of energy, natural gas is a favorite among consumers in different parts of the word. It has a number of outstanding characteristics that add to its popularity. First of all, natural gas is a comparatively clean-burning fuel. Second, natural gas heat can be carefully controlled. This factor makes it the favorite fuel for certain industries in which 'fine-tuned' control of heat is important. In the home, gas is preferred by most people for cooking and heating because of the ease by which it can be put to work. Gas cooking stoves and furnaces can be turned on and shut off quickly and easily by turning a knob or adjusting a dial.Like crude oil, natural gas is a form of petroleum found in porous rock beneath the earth's surface. Upon its removal from the ground, gas is usually moved to market immediately, because it is very expensive to store in tanks. Large diameter pipelines are used to carry the gas from the wells to homes and factories.Natural gas can be made into liquid by a special process and then stored in tanks. This type of gas can then be transported by lorry, railway or pipelines to regions where transport by natural gas pipelines is not economically feasible.
Synthetic gas can be made from coal, however it has only one-half of the heating value of natural gas and it is costly to produce. As a consequence, it is not widely used. However, in recent years, much research has gone into ways of producing gas synthetically from liquid petroleum. This type of synthetic gas can be made with nearly the same value as natural gas.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What do crude oil and natural gas have in common?
2- What makes most people prefer using natural gas in the home?
3- Why is synthetic gas not widely used?
B) Choose the correct from a, b, c, or d:
4- The underlined word ''it'' refers to ……….
a- synthetic gas b- natural gas c- liquid petroleum c- crude oil
5- Natural gas is usually moved to market immediately after its removed from the underground because ………a- it is very expensive to store in tanks
b- it is volatile c- it must be used at once
22- Read the following and then answer the questions:
People may be divided into two types: winners and losers. Because our families and friends have a great influence on us as we grow, we are born helpless and dependent on our environment. Winners are able to change their situation and become independent by being responsible for their own lies. They don’t blame others for their mistakes. They do their own thinking, they listen to others, evaluate what they say, and then they make up their minds. Although they may fail at times, yet they keep self-confidence. Winners overcome their bad experiences. They enjoy work, play, food and the world of nature.They freely enjoy themselves but they can postpone it if duty calls. Losers, on the other hand never learn to take responsibility for their own lives. There are many causes why people can become losers: disease, poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships and bad experiences. These can interfere with the normal progress towards becoming a winner. But whereas winners fight theses situations, losers hang on to them, and use them as excuses. Losers usually feel anxious, unhappy and bored. They are afraid to try new things and often repeat their own mistakes again and again.
Losers spend their lives waiting for something wonderful to happen to save them from their problems with their lives but never try to change.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What determines the life of the winners?
2- What does the underlined word (these) refer to?
3- Give a suitable title to the passage?
4- When winners fail at times, they ----------------------
a) are afraid to try new things b) never keep their self – confidence
c) spend their time waiting d) never repeat their own mistakes
5- Losers are people who ---------------------------
a) blame others for their mistakes b) overcome their bad experiences
c) Learn to take responsibility d) try to change
Losers' خاسرون influence تأثير blame يلوم
Evaluate يقدر- يقيم self-confidence ثقة بالنفس postpone يؤجل
Nutrition تغذية cruelty قسوة relationships علاقات
23- Read the following and then answer the questions :
Did you think of money ? Is it important to us or not? Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry. This means it must be , “ durable, distinct, divisible and portable ? “. When we think of money today, we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal, which we call coins or as printed paper notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use .They will buy nothing, and a traveller might starve if he had none of the particular local “ money “ to exchange for food .
Among isolated people, who are not often reached by traders from outside commerce usually means barter. This is a direct exchange for pots, baskets, or other manufactured goods. For this kind of trading, money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavour food, shells for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. These things: Salt, shells or metals are still used as money in some primitive parts of the world today.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Which of the four qualities of money, do you think, is the most essential?
2-How would you describe money at present?
3-What does the underlined word (barter) mean?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- In some isolated parts of the world money is --------------------------
a) needed for trading b) not needed for trading
c) needed for buying thing d) wanted as coins or paper notes
5- In some parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use we can -----
a) exchange goods b) use local money only
c) use any other money d) buy nothing
Philosopher فيلسوف durable متين distinct متميز
divisible قابل للقسمة portable قابل للحمل isolated منعزل
grain حبوب(ذرة ) manufactured مصنّع ornaments حلى -
24- Read the following and then answer the questions :
One day, I was standing outside an underground station in London waiting for a friend, when I saw two men . One was sitting on the pavement. His clothes were old and dirty and had a hat in front of him. As people passed by, he said, “ Can you give me some change, please ? “ A few people tossed some coins into the hat but mist people ignored him.
The other man was wearing a suit and holding a plastic petrol can . He stopped people and told them his car had run out of petrol and he had forgotten his wallet. He asked them to lend him some money for petrol. Most people happily gave him money. Some gave him coins, but most gave him notes. I watched him for ten minutes. In that time he collected a lot of money. He put it in his pocket, but he did no go to the petrol station. It became clear to me that both men were beggars. The one in the dirty clothes needed money more than one in the suit. But the one in the suit was much more successful. Isn’t that strange?
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Why was the writer standing outside the station?
2-Which man collected the most money?
3-Did the man in the suit really have a car which had run out of petrol ?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- “Most people ignored him “means people ----------------------------
a) shouted at him b) refused to give any money
c) walked past without looking at him d) moved quickly
5- People ----------------- the second man’s story .
a) didn’t believe b) believed c) doubted d) knew
pavement رصيف toss يقذف change الفكة ignore يتجاهل beggar شحات dirty قذر
25- Read the following and then answer the questions:
The neighbours closest to my house are my favourite people. The man is a retired army officer and his wife still working for the nearby university. They are very hospitable and usually invite their friends to lunch. It is particularly enjoyable to wake up a Friday morning to the sounds of their music playing which are really quite artistic. However, I also love to hear them laughing when they make a mistake in their music playing. Besides music, carpentry is still man’s main interest, and most days he is outside in his work space in the garden, making an artistic piece of furniture.
My neighbours are ideal to live next door, too, because they can very helpful if I need them. I respect them as they never interfere in my private life and I behave with them in the same way . We have helped each other with numerous emergencies such as fire and car accidents. We also co-operate with each other in little ways such as bringing the mail, when one of us is away. We sometimes meet when they invite me over for coffee, with some of their friends who are usually very interesting people: poets, painters, professors and other lively persons whom I enjoy meeting. Sometimes we go to the fireworks display. Apart from this, we simply live next door to each other peacefully, side by side.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Give one reason why the writer likes his neighbours.
2-What hobbies do the writer’s neighbours practice?
3-Why does the write respect his neighbours?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- The underlined word “usually “means (always-never -seldom -many times)
5- At the neighbours’ house, the write meets ----------------------
a) interesting people b) uninteresting people
c) soldiers and artists only d) officers and professors only
retired متقاعد hospitable مضياف artistic فنى
carpentry نجارة ideal مثالى private خاص
26- Read the following and then answer the questions:
Amal and Hassan, a newly married couple, were poor. Hassan’s wage enough to rent only a very small flat. But there were two things of which each was proud! Amal had the longest and most beautiful hair and Hassan possessed a magnificent gold pocket-watch, given to him by his father. Amal always noticed sadly, when he looked at this watch fixed to the buttonhole of his coat by a common old leather strap. He really needed a gold chain. Hassan often thought if only he could buy her a jeweled comb to hold her long hair in place.
Now, it was the feast, Hassan and Amal began to think what present they could afford to give each other. Amal had a wonderful idea. She ran down the street to the shop with the notice: “Hair bought “. She entered and an hour later walked out of the shop richer by five hundred dollar but without her hair. She bought a chain to suit Hassan’s watch and wrapped it in a piece of colored paper.
When Hassan saw her hair, he was speechless. Amal cried, “It will grow again very quickly”. I had to sell it buy your present. She produced the parcel from behind her back. Opening it laughed until tears came into his eyes. He had sold his watch to buy a jeweled comb for her hair. Amal smiled and said. “Ours are the best feast presents in the world “.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Show that Hassan and Amal led a hard life?
2-What did Amal’s sacrifice show?
3-Give a title to the passage.
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Amal sold her hair ------------------------ the feast .
a) exactly on b) one day before c) two days d) one day after
5- When Hassan saw Amal without her long hair he felt …………
a) happy b) angry c) shocked d) ashamed
couple زوج possess يمتلك magnificent رائع
Pocket-watch ساعة جيب buttonhole عروة أزرار strap طوق - رباط
chain سلسلة feast عيد wrap يلف comb مشط للشعر parcel لفة presents هدايا
27- Read the following and then answer the questions :
It was the end of the summer holiday and Nadia was worried. She had still not done her homework. Nadia had missed the day of school because she had been ill . She had phoned her friend Azza and asked what homework their teacher had set for the summer holiday. Azza had told her that teacher had asked them to write a composition. Nadia had written down the title. It was “The best things in life are three “
Nadia didn’t know what to write. When she thought about the best things in life, they didn’t seem to be “three “at all. She thought about her parents. There were two of them. Her brothers and sisters, there were four of them. She thought about happiness, love, nature. She couldn’t count these at all. On the first day school, Nadia’s teacher asked her to read her composition to the class. Nadia stood up and began. “I don’t think the best things in life are three at all, “she said. “ I think they are things you can’t count “The other students stated to laugh. “ Nadia “said her teacher gently. “ The title of the composition was: The best things in life are free. “
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Why wasn’t Nadia at school when the teacher set the homework?
2-What does the word “It “in the first paragraph refer to?
3-Do you agree that the best things in life are free? Why?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Nadia communicated with Azza by (phone-letter-e-mail-message)
5- Nadia’s teacher was -------------------- with Nadia .
a) happy b) pleased c) angry d) worried
composition فقرة nature الطبيعة free مجانى
28-Read the following and then answer the questions:
Your goal is something that you want to do. First you should decide what that goal is. Do you want to pass an exam? Do you want to be a doctor ? Do you want to be wealthy? Think about what you want and decide on your goal. You should write your goal on a piece of paper. Put your goal poster on your wall and look at it everyday. Then decide what you have to do to achieve your goal.
Some people never reach their goal because they think it is impossible. You should think positively. Don’t think “the exam is difficult and I will probably fail it, “instead you should think “The exam is difficult, but I have worked hard and will pass it “. People who think negatively seldom reach their goals, so be positive!
We are most successful at things we enjoy. So you should try to enjoy your work. Look at your goal poster. Think how happy you will be when you have reached your goal. Think about that happiness while you are working and you will enjoy your work.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-What is a goal?
2-What does the underlined word (it) refer to?
3-How can you learn to enjoy your work?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- The best title for the passage is -----------------------
a) How to be a doctor b) Three ways to reach your goal
c) The best way to pass an exam d) How to make a goal poster
5- The opposite of positive is -----------------------
a) negative b) responsive c) relative d) possessive
Positively بإيجابية negatively بسلبية seldom نادرا

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