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اهم واخطر اسئلة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة 2012

1- What did the robbers do in order not to be seen ?
2-What did the robbers find in the underground rooms ?
3-How did the robbers meet their end ?
4-Where were the men in the helicopter going ?
5-Why did they have to leave the site ?
6-Why didn't the archaeologists use GPR ?
7-What high technology did they use in the robbery ?Why..? How was GPR help them?
8-Why was the second room empty ? What did the robbers find in the first room?
9-What did the old man say about the spider ?Why……..?
10-What did the small man think about the spiders ?
11-Why did they switch off their engines and lights ?
12-Why was Ayman surprised when he saw the spider ?
13-Where and When did Ayman see the spider ?
14- How was the internet of great value to Ayman?
15-What was Dr Shereen and where did she work ?
16-Why didn't the spider live in Ayman's house ?
17- Where did the female spider live ? Why…….?
18-Why did the spider need to find a home ?
19-How did the old town disappear :
1-According to Dr Shereen's opinion
2-According to the story on the internet / Why did they fail to kill the spiders ?
20-What do you know about Professor Jones ? what did he warn of ?
21-Why was he interested in the spider Ayman had seen ?
22-Why couldn't hospitals treat the spiders' bites ?
23-Why was the female spider more dangerous than males ?
24-Why was the professor against destroying the spiders ?
25-Why does the number of the known spiders always go up ?
26-What did Ayman's family think about Ayman's story ?
27-Why were they shocked when they read Dr Shereen's e-mail ?
28-Why didn't Ayman want to tell the police at first ?
29-Why did Uncle Waleed advise Ayman not to tell the police ?
30-How did the story of spiders affect the businesses in the town ?
31-What made Ayman's family believe the story of the spiders ?
32-Why did the Colonel hope the spiders to be known species ?
33-How were the Egyptian archaeologist and the German Egyptologist helpful ?
34-Why did Dr Shereen feel a cold shiver when she saw the picture ?
35-How did the old Egyptians treat the spiders' bites ? What do you know about this plant ?
36-Why did the men kill the spiders in the site ?
37-Why did the men use protective clothes ?
38-Why did the spiders bite Ayman ?
39-What problems did the team face in Sinai ?
40-How was Wafaa brave ?
41-How was Ayman brave and intelligent ?
42-How did the professor express his admiration for Ayman ?
43-Why was Ayman worried about the job at first but now wasn't ?
44-What made Ayman the most popular man in Egypt ?
45-Why did Ayman feel like anew person ?
46-How did Ayman catch the female spider ?
47-Why did the captain want to destroy the spiders ?
48-Why was it impossible to destroy all the spiders ?
49-How were the spiders useful ?
50-What would happen if there weren't any spiders ?
51-Why didn't any one see these spiders before ?
52-Why did the spiders come to our world again ?
53-Why didn't Ayman die from the spider 's bite ?
54-What would happen if Ayman didn't tell the police ?
55-Why did the men die from spiders' bites ?
56-What did the officers and the professor use to kill the spiders ?
57-Why was everyone surprised that Ayman didn't die ?
58-What was the role of the internet in the story of the spiders ?
59-Why did the professor think the spider was a female ?
60-How did the engineer save the pilot ?
61-How is an antivenom made ? Why does it take a long time ?
62-What did the pilot think about the robbers' death ?
63-How did the female spider use its fangs against itself ? Why………?
64-How did Dr Shereen participate in the discovery of the spiders ?
65-How did Ayman sacrifice himself to save others ?
66-What equipment did the police take to the site ?
67-Show that the professor has a great sense of duty ?
68-Why did the police go to the site ?
69-What did Ayman do to get information about the spiders?
70-Who were bitten from spiders in the story ?
71-How did they know that the spider didn't bite the young officer ?
72-Why had the professor been to South America before ?
73-How do spiders multiply quickly ?
74-How did the professor examine the spiders ?
75-Why were the plants delayed in Sinai ? Why couldn’t the helicopter go there ?
76-What was the effect of the spiders’ bites on the robbers ?
77- How did the minister describe Ayman ?
78-How did science and nature help to save Ayman’s life?
79-How did Ayman save his sister ?
80-How did the internet play an important part in the fight against the spiders?
81-Why was Professor Jones speaking angrily on the phone?
82-What did Professor Malcolm Jones think of the spiders? Why?
83-What’s the part played by Dr Shereen Fakhry in fighting spiders?
84-What did Ayman hope not to do ?
85-Ayman was sociable and ideal student . Discuss
1-They used two cars with local number plates, they switched off the engines and the lights .
2-They found old Egyptian mummies ,gold and a lot of treasures .
3-They died of the spiders' bites .
4-They were going to fix a transmitter in the desert .
5-Because the spiders bit them all. 6-Because it was very expensive .
7-GPR - To see what behind the wall . It showed them what behind the wall.
8-BecauseThe archaeologists sent the treasures to a museum in Cairo. They found five old Egyptian mummies .
9-He thought the spiders were not deadly .Because there were no deadly spiders in Egypt . 10-He thought the spiders might be unknown and deadly as the fish in south America .
11-Because they didn't want anyone to see or hear them . 12-Because the spider was very big , It was black with two yellow lines on its back , It had 8 legs , 8 eyes and 2 fangs .
13-In the garden , When he was going to the shops . 14-He used it for his studies and for making friends in other countries and to get information about the spiders. 15-She was an Egyptologist at Oxford University .
16-Because it was noisy and full of light .
17-In the empty house next to Ayman's .Because it was quiet ,cool and dark . 18-To lay eggs .
19-A-Because the climate became drier. B-They burnt the town to kill all the spiders but they failed .As the spiders escaped under ground .
20-He was a famous arachnologist and wrote many books on spiders .He was the head of zoology department at Oxford university. He warned of the spread of the deadly spiders in the world . 21-Because it was unknown and deadly and it wasn't on the database . 22-Because they were unknown and there was no antivenom for them . 23-It could produce a lot of young spiders and its bite was stronger.
24-Because they didn't know all places of spiders .
It was a great scientific discovery .The site might be damaged .
25-Because scientists always discover new species of spiders .
26-They thought half of the story was true and the other half was Ayman's imagination .
27-Because Ayman told other people about the spiders .
28-Because he thought that every one would laugh at him .
29- Because he didn't want to worry people unnecessary.
30-Businesses in the town would lose a lot of money .People wouldn't stay in hotels or eat at restaurants and wouldn't buy our food products .
31-The e-mail of Dr Shereen and the death of the archaeologists by spiders' bites.
32-To find an antivenom for their bites .
33-The Egyptian archeologist sent Dr Shereen the old picture of the spider that was found in a tomb .The German Egyptologist sent her some information about the medicine for spiders' bites made from the roots of the Echinacea Negra plant .
34-Because the spider in the picture was like the spider Ayman had seen .
35-They made medicine from the roots of Echinacea Negra Plant to treat the spiders' bites .It was used to treat spiders' bites and was almost extinct and grew only in Sinai . 36-To send them to the lab and make antivenom. 37-To protect themselves from spiders and the insecticide .
38-Because his suit was torn when he fell down in the room of the empty house . 39-The road was narrow and steep and crossing the three wadis before the water became too high . 40-She could get the plants and drove fast alone during the bad weather to save Ayman's life .
41-When he hit the spider down into the box although he knew it was deadly.He was intelligent when he didn't tell Lamia that the spider was behind her to save her life .
42-He gave him a camera and said he could study at Oxford University . 43- Because it was hard to find a good job but now he was popular and the best employers would offer him a good job .
44- Because he caught the female spider and saved the world from it .
45- Because the professor said he could study at Oxford University and the best employers would offer him a good job. 46-When he saw the spider behind Lamia ,he asked her not to move and hit the spider into the box of the camera and shut it quickly but the spider bit him .
47- Because he didn’t want more people to be killed from the spiders’bites.
48- Because they didn't know all places of spiders .
49-They eat flies and insects .
50-There would be more flies and insects in our world .
51- Because they lived underground in a remote place in the desert .
52- Because people disturbed them .
53- Because his body made antivenom from the first bite .
54-The spiders would spread and many people would be bitten.
55-They were deadly and no antivenom for them . 56-A poisonous insecticide.
57- Because there was no medicine for the female spider’s bite .
58-Ayman used it to get information about the spider ,Dr Shereen exchanged e-mails with the scientists and was told about the old plant used for treating spiders' bites . 59- Because it was very big . 60-He called to him so he moved fast and the spider was about to attack him but he was saved in time .
61-Scientists put small amount of venom into animals and the animals make antibodies to fight the venom,scientists could extract the antibodies to make antivenom . Because it is a very hard process .
62-He thought that they died of thirst \ Because they had run out of all their water
.63-When the tank landed on its leg , it used its fangs to cut its leg in order to escape . 64-She advised Ayman to tell the police about the spider , She and Susan met the professor to tell him about the spider Ayman had seen , She exchanged e- mails with the scientists and told Ayman about the Echinacea Negra plant that used to make medicine for spiders' bites .
65-He went to the empty house with the officers and the small spiders bit him –He caught the spider and it bit him so he could be killed .
66-They took protective clothes , tanks of insecticide ,weapons , tools and big lights .
67-He decided to come to Egypt to identify the spider Ayman had seen . He went to the site and to the empty house with the officers to help them . 68-To stop anyone going near the site and to kill the spiders there .
69-He used the Web to get information about the spider and exchanged e-mails with Dr Shereen . 70-The four robbers and the six archaeologists and Ayman twice .( in the empty house / the hospital )
71-There was no blood on his face and the professor thought that he breathed in some insecticide . 72- To identify new species of spiders .
73- The female spider lays about 2000 eggs at one time and the eggs become young spiders in a few days
74- By using a magnifying glass .
75- Because there was a bad storm and heavy rain in Sinai , they had to come back by cars 76- They felt pain all over their bodies , they sweated heavily and drank all their water then they died .
77- He discribed him as a brave and intelligent man .
78-Nature helped him by the Echinacea Negra plant that Wafaa brought from Sinai
Science helped him by making medicine from the plant that saved his life.
79-When he saw the spider behind Lamia ,he asked her to keep still and hit the spider into the camera box then he shut it quickly.
80- It helped Ayman to communicate with Dr Shereen who helped him to identify the female spider. It also helped him get information about the medical plant “echinacea negra” that saved Ayman’s life.
81- Because he had to cancel his trip to South America.
82- He thought that spiders are very useful animals because they eat insects. If there were not any spiders, there would be more flies, mosquitoes and other pests. They are our friends.
83- - She advised Ayman to tell the police about the spiders.
-She translated an old text about a town in ancient Egypt, which suffered a lot from black and yellow spiders.
- She told Ayman about the old medicine for treating spiders’ bites.
84-He hoped he hadn’t told other people about the spider.
85-He had a chat with his friends from other countries every day .He used the internet for his studies .
1-The spiders didn't leave their places underground as ………………………
2-Ayman proved to be ……… { brave and intelligent .}
3-GPR had a large camera that………………………
{ it could transmit radio waves through the wall .}
4-GPR had a small computer that ………………………….
{ it could change radio waves into a picture .}
5-The small spiders died as …{ the sun was very hot
6-It could be many years before ……
{ a safe antivenom can be produced in large quantities
7- When the spider laid its eggs , it ……{ It enclosed them in four sacs of silk and began its long wait .}
8-None of the six spiders on the database were ..............
{ Like the spider Ayman had seen.}
9-Perhaps all the other spiders died when ………
{ The climate changed to be very hot and dry along time ago.}
10- The plants were delayed as ………
{there was a bad storm in Sinai and the helicopter couldn't get to the cars.}
11-Although the robbers were not Egyptian , they …………………………
{ Used two cars with local number plates .}
12-The female spider probably came to the hospital in ….{ the car of ambulance . }
13-The most suitable place for a spider to live is … { In a quiet , cool , dark place .}
14-The old Egyptian text was about ……………………
{an old Egyptian medicine for spiders' bites
15-The Ancient Egyptians were so clever ……
{ That they made medicine for spiders' bites.}
16-The female's venom is too strong ….{ To be treated
17- The spiders in the desert only hurt people who…… { disturbed them .}
18-If the spiders were unknown , ………………
{ there was no antivenom for their bites . }
19- The spider didn’t attack Najat because ……………
{ her foot moved away .
20- The old Egyptian medicine was made from ……
{ the roots of Echinacea Negra Plant }
21-When the professor switched on the smoker…………….
{a lot of dead spiders and insects fell down }
22-Captain Osama used the towrope for … { pulling the third car to the land }
23-Professor Jones was ….{ a famous arachnologist and wrote many books on spiders . }
24- The colonel asked the professor to ……{ find one spider and identify it }
25- The police got the protective clothes from ….. { the fire department }
26- Captain Ahmed wanted to know everything about the spiders …{ to be able to fight them }
(2) quotations:
1- "Businesses in the town would lose money. Everyone would be furious. Ayman wished he had never started this."
1 - Why would businesses in town lose money?
2- What was Ayman's feeling when he heard this ?
2-" The story of the spiders may just be a story. Good luck with identifying your spider."
1- What was the "story of the spiders"?
2- Do you think Ayman is pleased or disappointed when he hears that the story may not be true? Give a reason for your answer.
3- "Wafaa climbed onto the third car, opened the door, and carried the plants back to the captain's car. Then she drove off fast."
1-Why did she climb "onto" the car?
2-Where did Wafaa drive fast ? Why ?
4- "Keep very still Lamia, I want to take a photo" "
1 -Why did Ayman ask Lamia to keep very still?
2-When did he see the spider?
5-"I feel like a new person with a new future."
1- Why did Ayman say so ?
2-What did his father tell him?
6-"What about the Echinacea Negra plants?"
1-What was the captain's answer?
2- What is the name of the botanist?
7-"If these spiders are an unknown species scientists will have to develop a new antivenom."
1-Who is speaking to whom ?
2- How is antivenom made?
8-"The ancient Egyptians made this medicine from the roots of a plant called "Echinacea Negra"
1-Who is speaking to whom?
2-Who has studied the plant?
9-"Don't move . We are coming to help you."
1-Who was the speaker? b-To whom?
2- Why did he say so?
10-"He has only hours to live unless the Echinacea Negra can get to him in time, and work.
1- Who is speaking to whom?
2- Who was in danger? And how would he be saved?
11-"I have just seen a large black and yellow spider which I can't identify."
1-By whom and to whom was it said?
2-How did the speaker know about the addressed person?
12-"Many ancient towns and villages died about 2000 years ago".
a-Why did the speaker think that?
b-Does the speaker think the story is true or not? - .
13-" We'll find it on the database." '
1- By whom and to whom was this statement' said?
2- What does the speaker speak about? '
14-'Tve been studying arachnids for 25 years"
1-Why was the professor angry?. ,
2-Why did Dr. Fakhry and Suzan visit him?
15-"Do you think he really saw this spider"?
1- By whom and to whom was this statement said?"
2- What was the answer?
16-"I have discussed the black and yellow spider with professor Malcolm Jones"
1- By whom and to whom was this statement said?
2- Who was Professor Malcolm Jones?
17-"All the archaeologists at the site are dead. They were found early this morning".
1- Why had men dies from spider bites?
2- Who said this sentence?
18-"Stories about dangerous spiders are not good for businesses".
1-Who said these words and to whom?
2-What would happen if Ayman told the people?
19-"Did the plants get through?"
1-Who brought the plants?
2- Was Ayman saved?
20-"This newspaper said that you saved hundreds of lives."
1 - Who said this to whom? And-Where ?
2-What did the paper say about Ayman?
21-"Many thousands of people might have died without the intelligence, and bravery of this young man."
1- Show that Ayman was brave and intelligent
2-Where were they? '
22-"Spiders use webs to catch flies, but I am going to use the web to find a spider."
1-Who said these words?
2-What did he decide to do?
23-"My men are going to be in danger from these spiders until we get the correct antivenom".
1-Why were the soldiers in danger?
2-How could they-protect themselves?
24-'Tm sending you a very old picture that was found in a tomb in Bawiti last year"
1- By whom and to whom. was. this statement said? •
2-Why did he send this picture?
25-"May be the spiders came from Bawiti to your town."
1-By whom to whom was this statement said? ;
2-What did Ayman think of the spider's picture?
26-"Can you identify the spider now"?
1-When did captain Ahmed say that?
2-What was the professor's answer?
27-Td phone the University and find this Wafaa Sultan. If the spiders are an unknown species, we will send her to Sinai to get some of this Echinacea Negara"
1- Who is speaking to whom?
2- Who was Wafaa Sultan?
28-"I understand your scientific interest but ten people have died already. My Job is to prevent more deaths".
1-Who was speaking to whom ?
2-Why was the captain anxious?
29-" The most urgent task is to find the female spider's nest."
1 -Who said this to whom? 2- Where did a spider like to build its nest?
30-"An empty house!! That's where I saw the spider:
1-Who is speaking to whom ?
2-Where did he see the spider go?
31 -"This medicine is for the bite of the black and yellow spider that kills.
1-By whom and. to whom was this statement said?
2-Where can they find the plaint?
32- "How did you get the information".
1 - What about this information?
2-What was the answer to the question?
33-"lf there are more rooms here, this machine will find them in minutes"
1-About what was he speaking?
2-What did he do after that? '
24-So why don't archaeologists use GPR?"
1- What was the answer to this question?
2-What does the tail man do after that? "
25-I'm sorry. I was looking forward to that trip. I've been studying arachnids for 25 years, but I'm still excited about finding unknown species."
1-Why was he angry?
2- Will he find any unknown species of spiders?
26-"Thera is no antivenom for this spider" "It can take years to develop a safe antivenom."
1- Why is there no antivenom for this spider?
2- How long does it usually take to develop a new antivenom?
27-"May be it's an unknown species of spider."
1-Why did he say so?
2-Was it true or not?
28-"But spiders are very useful animals because they eat insects".
1- By whom and to whom was this statement said?
2- What did the speaker decide to do when he heard about the deadly spider?
29-'Egyp! is the meeting point of three continents .
1- By whom and to whom was this statement Said?
2- Was it possible to stop spiders? Why?
30-'If 1 say, I have seen a big dangerous spider, every one would laugh at me."
1- By whom and to whom was this statement said?
2- Why would people laugh at the speaker ?
31-"If these spiders are an unknown species, scientists will have to develop a new antivenom".
1-Who is speaking to whom?
2-Why was it difficult to develop a new antivenom.
32-"We must find what we want and get out before morning"
1-Why did he say so?
2-What were they searching for?
33-"Their water's ail gone. They probably got lost and died of thirst".
1-By whom and to whom was it said? .
2- Who were "they?"
34-"the ancient Egyptian made this medicine from the roots of a plant called Echinacea Negra "
1-Who was speaking to whom?
2- Where was the plant found?
35- "Don't let anybody come near this site and don't let anything leave here without a careful search."
1-Who is speaking to whom?
2- Which site did he speak about?
36-" Spiders are our friends."
1- Why are spiders our friends?
2- Why was Ayman's spider different?
37-" I don't think you should tell the police about it, you don't want to worry people unnecessarily."
1-Who said these words ? To whom ?
2-Why didn't he want Ayman to tell the police ?
38-" Don't tell anyone outside the family."
a-Did the partner follow this advice ? Why or why not ?-b-What was reason behind this advice ?
39-"Get them off me! He shouted".
1-What does the underlined word "them" mean?
2-Why did he say so?

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الف الف شكر اهم واخطر اسئلة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة 2012 Fidaksl9

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