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ثلاث براجرافات عن Jan 25 revolution National Unity Water Shortage

25 Jan revolutionثورة 25 يناير

For over 30 years. Egypt has suffered from tyranny and oppression. Corruption has prevailed politics, media and all fields of Life. About 50% of the Egyptian people are under poverty. So, On January 25, the Egyptian people have made a revolution to remove that rotten regime that destroyed our country. The Egyptian revolution has called for freedom, social justice, equality and democracy. Hundreds of youth have lost their lives for that change. They have paved the way to a free democratic society where all citizens have the same rights and duties. Now, it is time for us to work hard to build our country and follow the footsteps of our martyrs.

tyranny الطغيان oppression القمع
Corruption الفساد Prevail يسود
regime النظام Call for يطالب بـ
freedom الحرية social justice العدالة الاجتماعية
equality المساواة democracy الديموقراطية
Citizen مواطن Duties الواجبات
Footsteps خطى أقدام martyrs شهداء


National Unityالوحدة الوطنية

The Egyptian society is made of Muslims and Christians. For thousands of years, they have lived together peacefully. Both are free to practise their religious acts of worship. They were always one hand against their enemies. However in recent years, those enemies have tried to excite a sectarian sedition between Muslims and Christians. Their aim was to destroy our national unity and stability. Yet, those attempts have already failed. The 25t Jan. revolution has proved that we are united and that sectarian sedition has no room in our life. We all work for the sake of Egypt's prosperity and welfare.

peacefully في سلام excite يثير
acts of worship عبادات sectarian sedition الفتنة الطائفية
stability الاستقرار attempts محاولات
Prove يثبت united موحدة
no room لا مكان For the sake of من أجل خاطر
prosperity الرخاء welfare الرفاهية

Water Shortageنقص المياه

In the next few decades, a lot of countries are expected to face water shortage. This problem often results from over-population and the abuse of irrigation water. Egypt is among those countries that will suffer from lack of water. Some of the Nile Basin countries are building dams over the Nile to generate electricity that will probably reduce the third of Egypt's share of water. Yet, we've got several solutions to overcome this serious crisis. First, we must rationalize our water consumption. Second, modern ways of irrigation have to be used to preserve water. Third, we can depend on the underground water to satisfy our needs. Moreover, birth rate has to be cut down. In this way, water wasted aimlessly can be saved for the coming generation.

decades عقود result from ينتج عن
over-population عدد السكان abuse سوء الاستخدام
Irrigation الري Nile Basin حوض النيل
dams سدود generate يولد
reduce/ cut down تقلل share نصيب
overcome يتغلب crisis أزمة
rationalize يرشد consumption الاستهلاك
preserve يحافظ satisfy يفي / يرضي
birth rate معدل المواليد needs احتياجات
aimlessly بلا هدف generation جيل

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ثلاث براجرافات عن Jan 25 revolution National Unity Water Shortage 3879735026
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