مدرس اون لايندخول

امتحانات ورك بوك 2 ثانوى قيمة جدا

1- Respond to each of the following situations:
A friend asks you why you enjoy reading newspapers.
2-A friend asks you a question you would prefer not to answer
You want to know a friend’s opinion of a book you have both read.
4-You want to know which subject your uncle enjoyed most when he was a student
5--A friend of yours asks you why you enjoy reading novels.
6--You want to know your brothers opinion of a film you watched.
7-You want to ask which subject your teacher liked best when he was at school.
8-Someone asks you a question that you don't want to answer.
9-Respond to each of the following situations:
10-You want to know a friend’s opinion of a tennis match you both went to.
11- Someone asks for your advice. They want to know what you would do to keep fit.
12- A friend asks you what you know about Omar Samara.
13- Someone asks your opinion about what makes a successful swimmer.
14-You are sitting on a bus and the person next to you starts to smoke.
15- Someone asks your opinion about what makes a good team player.
16- You have just been introduced to Mrs Brown, a person you have not met before.
17- You’ve just met a friend who you haven’t seen for a year. You want to know about
18- your friend’s activities since you last met.
19-Your friend asks you how a team wins at football.
20- You suggest reading the story of the spiders.
21- A tourist asks you the way to the museum.

22- Your friend asks you about your favourite book.
23-A friend of yours wants to do a sport, what you suggest.
24- You want to borrow your friend's racket.
25- Your friend asks you what language people speak in Australia .
26-Your teacher asks you, " How far is it from Cairo t London ? " you guess it.
2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are
1 A) For homework, please do Exercises A and B on page 20.
B) Could you repeat that, please ?
A) Certainly. Do exercises A and B on page 20

2-A- How would you like to pay for it, sir?
B By credit card, please.
A That’s fine, sir. Shall I put it in a bag for you?
B No, thank you. It’s starting to rain, so I think
I’ll wear it now.

3- A) Helwan, please.
B) Certainly, sir. But it will take a long time
A) Yes, I understand.
B ) (after an hour) Here we are, sir.
That will be twenty pounds.
A) Thank you. Here you are.

4- A) Welcome to this famous Egyptian site.
It was built by Salah El Din Al Ayyoubi
B) When was it built?
A) It was built in 1176. It was built to protect Cairo from enemies.
B) It’s amazing!

5 - A : we must win this match.
B : Ok , sir we will do our best.

6- A : How can I help you, sir?
B : I want to buy gloves.
A : What colour ?
B : black or grey .
7 – A : How can I help you ?
B : I want a cup of coffee , please.
A : How do you like it?
B : Black.

8 – A : Can I meet the manager?
B : Please, have a seat till he finishes.
A: Ok. Thanks.

9- A ) How long have you been feeling unwell
B ) Since Thursday.
A) I see. Well, you need to go to bed, keep warm
and rest for a few days. Take one of these
tablets three times a day.

3-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 - ­My father has just bought a camera---------------- .
a ) by internet b) by website c ) online d ) on computer
2-I’d ---------------- be a doctor than a dentist.
a) rather b ) prefer c ) want d ) like
3-I have a very important decision to ---------------- next week.
a -make b- have c- come d- do
4-In the evenings, I like ---------------- the internet.
a- surfing b- travelling c- going d- running
5-Scientists are doing ---------------- into new kinds of energy.
a- study b- research c- work d- experiment
6- ---------------- people live with their families before they are married .
a- Single b- Individual c- Alone d- Professional
7- Application forms often ask people about their ---------------- status.
a- married b- waiting c- marital d- famous
8- My father works very hard, and he ----------working even when he doesn’t feel well.
a- gets on b- goes back c- gets up d- goes on
9-Surgeons ---------------- operations to help people get better.
a- do b- make c- take d - bring
10-Professor Magdi Yacoub is a famous heart ---------------- surgeon.
a- change b- move c- transport d- transplant
11-Mother Teresa really ---------------- a difference in people’s lives.
a- making b- made c- did d- does
12-It’s OK to --------------mistakes when we are learning something for the first time.
a- do b- have c- take d- make
13-My father is a ---------------- . He works in politics.
a- diplomat b- politician c - surgeon d- pilot
14- -Can you give me an ---------------- for being late to class today
a- example b- imagination c- explanation d- invitation

15----------------- I studied as hard as I could, I only scored 70% on my exam.
a- Although b- If c- Because d- However
16-It’s ---------------- to think that horses can fly
a- famous b- ridiculous c- available d - traditional
17-The company sent a ---------------- to speak for it at the meeting.
a-delegation b- ambassador b- governor d-head teacher
18-The children of our children are our ----------------.
a-sons b- children c- grandparents d - grandchildren
19-Modern buildings are equipped with air ----------------.
a- balloons b- bags c- conditioners d - crafts
20-Some people wear ---------------- while they are working.
a-carpets b- uniforms c- unicorn d- frames
21- I’m not very keen ---------------- having such a fat meal.
a- on b - of c- at d- about
22- We are busy ---------------- our broken chair.
a- repair b– to repair c - repaired d- have repaired
23-While I ---------------- TV , I fell asleep.
a-watching b - was watching c- am watching d- watch
24- My manager ---------------- an important meeting last week.
a-made b - had c- took d- devised
25- At the moment , We ---------------- a project on our town.
a- do b- are doing c - did d- have done
26- It ---------------- rains in Egypt.
a- hardly b - hard c- hardship d- rare
27- What have you ---------------- Since you left school?
a- been done b - do c- did d- been doing
28- When ---------------- to learn English?
a- have you started b – do you start c- did you start d-are you starting
29-The first one ---------------- me with a copy of the workbook was Mr. Ali Hamed.
a- to provide b- providing c– provides d- has provided
30- He ---------------- to study medicine and pharmacology.
a-Thought b- regretted c- decided d - invented
31- Scientists ---------------- research to prove an idea.
a- make b-have c- do d- give
32- To get the job, you should have all the ---------------- needed for the it.
a- qualities b – qualifications c– queries d– quits
33-When I finished reading the story , I wrote a ----------------
a- Commentary b-commemorate c – committing d – commerce
34- ---------------- represent countries in international talks.
a- police b- politicians c- forgers d– artists
35-Books ---------------- nowadays are expensive to buy.
a- published b– furnished c- read d– punished
36- ---------------- having big meals makes me fatter , I can not stop it.
a- Despite b- Although c- Because d- As
37- Unless you listen to my advice , you ---------------- able to pass the test .
a- will be b – won’t be c- can be d -would be

38- Not only ---------------- but he also gave me money to start a business.
a- he advised b – did he advise c- he has advised d– he gave me advice
39-I fell off my bike ---------------- I was going to the shops.
a- while b - during c - if d- so
40- A ---------------- is a long journey on a ship.
a- trip b- trip c- hike d- voyage
41- Don’t laugh ---------------- People because this makes them angry.
a- on b- of c- off d- at
42-The Titanic ---------------- on its first voyage after it hit an iceberg.
a- floated b- sank c - sink d- flew
43-People avoid carrying a lot of money by using ----------------
a-wallets b- debit cards c - ID cards d- flash cards
44- I prefer ---------------- to The Quran to talking to other people.
a- listen b- listening c- talking d- talk
45- You can ---------------- shopping using the internet.
a-make b- have c - do d- give
46- I want to ---------------- With a friend in another country.
a-Communicate b- e- mail c- write d- phone
47- Basketball is a / an ---------------- sport .
a- individual b- dangerous c - team d- single
48- I haven’t seen her ---------------- the last month.
a - since b- for c - in d- when
49-It’s months ---------------- I joined Thanwya website.
a-for b- since c - when d- ago
50- When my father came, I ---------------- my homework.
a-had finished b - finishing c -have finished d– am finishing
51- I ‘ve ---------------- visited America. I may visit it next year for the first time.
a- ever b - never c - just d– already
52-Scientists are still---------------- into making cars safer,
a) doing b) researching c) retiring d) trying
53-My uncle does not enjoy---------------- in big cities.
a) drive b) to drive c) driven d) driving
54-All my sisters are married, but my brother is still----------------.
a) one b) single c) alone d) free
55-It is not kind to ---------------- fun of people because of the way they speak.
a) make b) do c) have d) laugh
56-You have to study for a long time---------------- you want to train to be a doctor.
a) while b) but c) although d) if
57-Have you ever ---------------- a famous person?
a) meet b) met c) meeting d) meets
58- The people of Lilliput---------------- Gulliver to the ground so that he couldn't escape.
a) put b) fell c) tied d) made
59-Football and hockey are---------------- sports.
a)team b) group c) individual d) pack

60-I want to become---------------- doctor when I finish university.
a) an b) a c) the d) any
61-I'm hoping to study French----------------at university.
a) literature b) books c) novel d) writers
62 -My brother is quite a/an ------person. He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
a) pessimistic b) unhappy c) optimistic d) cruel
63-Next Saturday, I'm going----------------my aunt.
a) for visit b) visit c) to visit d) visiting
64-People who---------------- from shops should be punished.
a) find b) borrow c) capture d) steal
7-The north of Egypt is on ----------------Mediterranean Sea.
a) a b) an c) the d) its
65-There's a history programme on TV tonight. I think you---------------- it.
a) are enjoying b) enjoy c) will enjoy d) are going to enjoy
66-Azza is the ---------------- student in our class.
a) intelligent b) more intelligent c) less intelligent d) most intelligent
67-I think it's absolutely ---------------- that people climb mountains without oxygen.
a) surprising b) tiring c) unusual d) amazing
68-Ahmed is at the station---------------- he's meeting his grandfather.
a) who b) which c) where d) when
69-The first person ---------------- spoke English to me was my uncle.
a) which b) that c) he d) to
70 ----------------- you been watching the football on television this week?
a) Had b) Has c) Are d) Have
71-I've just----------------to my brother on the phone.
a) spoken b) spoke c) speak d) speaking
72-When he was five years old, my brother---------------- watch all the children's TV programmes.
a) use b) uses c) used d) used to
73-Where did you use to play when you were a/an----------------?
a) toddler b) adult c) parent d) leader
74-Some countries have----------------with each other for thousands of years.
a) sold b) bought c) traded d) business
75-International corporations ----------------workers in many different countries.
a) buy b) employ c) distribute d) take
76-My cousin hopes to take ----------------in the next Olympic Games.
a) place b) care c) off d) part
77- International sport can---------------- individuals and their countries.
a) afford b) admire c) benefit d) distribute
78-It isn’t very polite to make ---------------- of people.
a) laugh b) joke c) funny d) fun
79-Squash is ---------------- sport.
a) team b) a single c ) an individual d ) a personal
80-Lisa, ----------------in my class at school, is very good at English.
a) who b) who's c) whose d) that

81-Rice is the main ---------------- of tonight's dish.
a) food b) crops c) fruit d) ingredient
82- Ahmed had a very busy morning. By the time he stopped lunch, he ----------------
17 phone calls.
a) had made b) made c) has made d) had been making
83-That's the person ---------------- phone I borrowed when I lost mine.
a) whose b) who's c) which d) who
84-We all went ---------------- when our ship came to port.
a) aboard b) abroad c) ashore d) ahead
85-Children sometimes hurt when they are playing----------------
a) them b) themselves c) himself d) ourselves
86-They're building hundreds of new houses on the---------------- of the city.
a) outskirts b) centre c) roads d) blocks
87- My friend lives in a flat which---------------- the market. It's always very noisy.
a) sees b) watches c) overlooks d) looks
88-William Shakespeare is more famous ---------------- his plays than his poems.
a) for b) by c) from d) of
89-Nobody knows the real reason---------------- the film's popularity.
a) with b) to c) for d) of
90-Ali loves English, but he's not very good---------------- math.
a) for b) at c) by d) with
91-My father works ---------------- an international oil company.
a) from b) to c) to d) for
92-That little black car belongs----------------my uncle
a) to b) for c) with d) by
93-I play lots of sports, but I'm not very keen watching sport on TV.
a) to b) on c) for d) at
94-When I finish university, I'm going to apply----------------a job abroad.
a) to b) with c) at d) for
95-In 1918, millions of people all over the world died---------------- Spanish flu.
a) of b) for c) at d) with
96-You weren't at school yesterday, so how did you find out--------- the homework?
a) with b) about c) from d) of
97 Azza is very interested--------------- medicine.
a) in b) to c) of d) for
98-We ---------------- to inform passengers that Flight 659 will be an hour late.
a) sorry b) regret c) disappointed d ) apologize
99-My ---------------- is to become a children's doctor.
a) want b) announcement c) ambition d) purpose
100-He was naughty as a child, but now his---------------- is much better.
a) behave b) behaviour c) behaving d) behaved
101-While waiting for the train to leave, the passengers----------------to each other.
a) said b) told c) chatted d) conversation
102-He writes great poems. He's my favourite----------------
a) poet b) sound. c )stress. d) singer.

103-If the train ---------------- down, I wouldn't have been late.
a )didn't break b) doesn't break c) hadn't broken d) won't break
104-If you had put the water in the freezer, it---------------- to ice.
a) turned b) turns c) would turn d) would have turned
105- The company my father works for has a---------------- 250 people,
a) group b)staff c) crew d) population
106-That man should stop---------------- . It has nothing to do with him.
a) disagreeing b) saying c) interfering d) discussing
107-We would all be healthier if cars were----------------from city centres.
a) stopped b) banned c) driven d) refused
108-We could---------------- global warming if we used more energy from the sun.
a) save b)reduce c) help d) make
109-If they want to book a flight to London, they---------------- to do it soon. Flights to London are very busy.
a) must b) could c) need d) could
110-It's difficult to get into a good university. You---------------- work really hard,
a) need b) should c) can d) must
111-The information you are looking for can----------------on the internet.
a) find b) be found c) be find d) found
112-At school, we are---------------- how to revise for our exams.
a) being taught b) teaching c) been taught d) been teaching
113- I wonder if I---------------- your camera this afternoon?
a) borrows b) borrow c) could borrow d) would borrow
114-Go and see that film. I’m sure you ---------------- it.
a- will enjoy b- enjoy c- are going to enjoy d- are enjoying
115-We went to Italy by sea. Our ---------------- took two days.
a- flight b - drive c- crew d- voyage
116 -It’s quite safe to swim here. The water’s not very ---------------
a- deep b- high c- tall d- long
117-The ---------------- of that mountain is always covered in snow.
a- head b- bottom c- summit d- height
118-My father’s company ---------------- people from many different countries.
a- plays b- works c- keeps d - employs
119-I’m afraid we can’t ---------------- a holiday this year.
a- buy b- pay c - afford d - earn
120-There are many ---------------- pictures in the museum. Some are 1,000 years old.
a- valuable b- cheap c- rich d- high
121-I’d love to take ---------------- in the Olympic Games, but I’ll never be good enough
a - place b- care c- turn d- part
122-The ------------- of the year for my family was my sister’s wedding.
a- height b- highlight c - benefit d - worst
123-Have you ever---------a dangerous spider
a- see b- saw c- seen d - seeing
124-I was so tired that I fell asleep ---------------- I was doing my homework.
a- while b- because c- if d- but

125-That was one of ---------------- books I’ve ever read.
a- best b- the best c- better d- good
126-I expect it ---------------- sunny and warm tomorrow.
a - will be b- is being c- is d- is going to be
127-A supermarket is a large shop ------------ you can buy many different things.
a- who b- what c- which d- where
128-In the past, many people ---------------- to pay for things in cash.
a- use b- uses c- using d- used
129-The first person ---------------- I spoke to this morning was my sister.
a- which b- that c- what d - when
130-Where---------------- your brother use to live .
a -does b - do c -did d - doing
131-Ahmad is at the station----------- he is meeting his grandfather.
a – who b – which c – where d – when
132 – I have just---------------to my brother on the phone.
a – spoken b – spoke c – speak d – speaking
133 – When he was five, my brother ------------watch all programmes.
a – use b – uses c – used d – used to
134 – Where did you use to play when you were a / an -----------------?
a – toddler b – adult c – parent d – leader
135 – Some countries have ------------with each other for thousands of years.
a – sold b – bought c – traded d – business
136 – International sport can -----------individuals and their countries.
a – afford b – admire c – benefit d – distribute
137 – There are ---------------------circles in the Olympic Games sign.
a – four b – three c – two d – five
138 – Each circle represents a -----------------------
a – country b – world c – continent d – city
139 – The Arab only take part in the ---------------------
a – Olympics b – Champions league c – Pan Arab Games d – African Cup
140 – In 2008 , Egyptians were proud -----------------M. Abo Treka
a – with b – of c – by d – at
141 – The letter ' e ' in “ e-mail “ refers to ------------------mail.
a – electric b – electrical c – electronic d – electrician
142 – Two years ago, I ---------------a TV programme about China.
a – watch b – have watched c – watched d – watching
143 – The adjective of " intelligence " is ----------------------------------
a – intelligent b – elegant c – equal d – free
144 – We trust Ayman as he is -----------------------------------------
a – honest b – honey c – honesty d – conceited
145 - Hassan is very ----------------------------he always tells the truth.
a – ugly b – funny c – honest d – spy
146 – We use our ---------------------------------to express good and bad things in life.
a – eyes b – tongues c – ears d – noses
147 – In the past people used to ------------most of their things themselves.
a – eat b – export c – produce d – present

148 – They grew crops and hunted-------------------food.
a – for b – by c – to d – in
148 – My friend trades ----------------cotton and linen.
a – in b – with c – for d – to
149 – People used to travel on camels in groups known as ----------------
a – caravans b – styles c – camps d – teams
150 – Where did you-----------to play?
a – using b – used c – use d – uses
152 – He decided ------------------he wanted to take part in it.
a – to b – for c – that d – than
153 – As well as -----------------football, he watched the film.
a – play b – playing c – played d – to play
154 – In addition to trading goods , merchants traded ------------
a – ideas b – homes c – films d – mobiles
155 – Who ------------------the wheel? – by the Sumerians.
a – discovered b – invented c – bought d – mended
156 – Now , there are many kinds ---------------bicycles.
a – of b – in c – from d – by
157- -To be successful, the members of a sports team must ------------- with each other .
a- cooperate b- leave c- pass d- prove
158-He’s very ---------------- He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
a- sensible b- happy c- pessimistic d- intelligent
159-Shakespeare and Dickens are two of the most famous names in English------
a- music b- books c- writers d- literature
160 -My brother’s -----------------ambition is to climb Mount Everest
a- lifelong b- life c- long d- wrong
161-While I was doing the shopping, I ------------ one of my teachers .
a- was meeting b- met c- have met d- am meeting
162-I could sleep anywhere ---------------- I was extremely tired .
a- while b- although c- because d- however
163 -As soon as I got to the station, I realised that I---------------- my train.
a- had missed b- missed c - have missed d- miss
164- -------------- author of Lord of the Flies is William Golding.
a- An b- A c- The d- No article
165-Europe is not as large ---------------- Asia.
a- as b- than c- to d- so
4 – Find the mistake and write the sentence correctly:
1 – We use tin to making bronze.
2 – Ayman is old than Najat.
3 – He came first and won the silver medal.
4 – The radio was discovered by Marconi.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------.
5 – The opposite of advantages is benefits.
6 – In the past traders used to travel in planes.
7-The children in “Lord of the Flies” were kind to each other.
8 – An old man caught a fish . a fish told him something.
9 – The fish said , " I am not as big than the other fish."
10 – My friend is elder than me .
11 – Salt can float in water.
12 – I should read a Holy Quran every day.
13 – The weather is hot at the top of mountains.
14-This car factory does parts for cars and buses.
15-Have you ever meet a famous person2
16-When you pay with money, you pay in credit.
17- I don’t like meat. I prefers to eat fish.
18-Something that contains new and interesting ideas is traditional.
19-The children of our children are called our grandparents6.
20- Ali is the faster runner in our school.
21- I’d like to be the doctor when I’m older.
22- Mona jogs the internet for long hours every day.
23-Egypt, Greece and Italy are all on a Mediterranean Sea.
24- How long are you been learning English
25-What is the more enjoyable thing about learning English

26- In the past, Egyptian children didn’t used to learn English until they were 12.
27-People describe today’s world as a local economy.
28-Diamond necklaces are cheap pieces of jewellery.
29- People who come third in a race win a gold medal.
30-My father was a sailor in the army.
A) Translate into Arabic:
1-Egyptians are proud of Professor Magdi Yacoub. Thanks to his high qualifications, he has become the pioneer of heart transplant operations. Though he is in his 70s, he is still making great efforts for the sake of children with heart problem.

2- Pasteur was a world-famous scientist, who was born in 1822 into an ordinary French family. When he first went to school, he was a very lazy student , but his life changed when a new and imaginative chemistry teacher arrived. From that time, he became very excited about the subject and he left school with good qualifications .

3- All living creatures need to cooperate in order to achieve their goals . Teamwork, which means the ability of a group to work well together, is something we can't do without. teamwork, together with tolerance, is essential for the success of ant project.

4-In the past , trade-the buying and selling of large quantities of goods – was on a small scale. Today trade has greatly developed and increased. Goods are now transported quickly and safely by air , sea and railway.

B)Translate into English:
1- أقوم الآن بعمل بحث عن التكنولوجيا الحديثة
2- لم يسبق لي بزيارة اى بلد اجنبى في أوربا أو أمريكا من قبل
3- متى ستصل الطائرة إلى مطار روما: صباحا أم مساء ؟
4- علينا جميعا أن نتعاون سويا وان نكون متسامحين من اجل أن نعيش حياة أفضل
5- هل تعتقد أن المحيط الهادي اكبر حجما من المحيط الهندي ؟
6- سافرنا إلى السودان وقضينا أسبوعين مع آخى الذي يعمل بالسفارة المصرية هناك
7-– هل تذهب دائماُ للسباحة مع أصدقائك أثناء العطلة الصيفية ؟
8 – عندما استيقظت با لأمس ، كان أبي قد غادر إلى مكتبة.
9- سنذهب غدا للمستشفي حيث ستجري لجدتي عملية زرع قلب
10 – هل من السهل أن يتسلق المرء جبل إفرست بسهولة هذة الأيام ؟
11 – تصدر مصر الكثير من المنتجات الجيدة للخارج كل عام .

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