مدرس اون لايندخول

A new Exam on unit 1-6 / Chapter 1-4 خطيـــــر

Arab Republic of Egypt
Ministry of Education
General Secondary Education Certificate Examination, 20
( First Stage – First Session )
First Foreign Language: English (1) Time: 3 hours
اللغة الأجنبية الأولى (1) الانجليزية ... ( الأسئلة في أربع صفحات )
Language Functions
 Respond to each of the following situations:
Someone asks your opinion about a book you have read.
One of your friends is getting too fat. He's asking for your advice.
Your uncle Hesham suggests going to the Nubian Museum and you agree.
A friend asks you to go with her to the club but you are busy.
‚ Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
A : May I help you?
B : Yes, please. I'd like two notebooks and a blue pen.
A : Here you are. They are two pounds.
A: Have you enjoyed your stay with us, sir?
B: Yes, especially the meals are wonderful.
A: What about the room service?
B: Wonderful.
Vocabulary and Structure
ƒ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Football and hockey are ………… sports.
a) team b) group c) individual d) pack
I promise I ………………… you a nice present.
a) have bought b) will buy c) am going to buy d) must buy
…………… is one of the drawbacks of computer games
a) violent b) violence c) violate d) violently
No sooner ………………… finished cooking than we ate.
a) mum had b) has mum c) had mum d) did mum
Old people like to watch ………… films and plays.
a) history b) historian c) historic d) historical
( بقية الأسئلة في الصفحة الثانية )
111 ث.ع / أول ( تابع ) -2-
Blind ……………. he was, he could know his way.
a) however b) although c) as d) whatever
I enjoy listening to the sports ………… on the radio.
a) view b) commentary c) speech d) commercial
I didn't watch TV until I ………… my home work.
a) do b) did c) have done d) had done
A/An …………… is someone who decides what should be in the magazine.
a) Editor b) Writer c) Playwright d) Illustrator
While I ………… home, I saw some of my friends.
a) am walking b) was walking c) had walked d) walk
…………… you open the door for me, please?
a) Shall b) Will c) Are d) Do
I don't know much about French …………………… .
a) literate b) illiterate c) literature d) litter
Two million years ago, very heavy rain ………… in the Western Desert.
a) fall b) fell c) fallen d) falling
…………… life in the countryside is very pleasant.
a) Quiet b) Quite c) Quit d) Quick
I want to become ……… doctor when I finish university.
a) an b) a c) no article d) the
The manager employed a new ………… to keep the financial records.
a) composer b) accountant c) architect d) artist

„ Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1. What is your marry status?
2. The police found the robbed car.
3. Thank you on your valuable present.
4. All children are interesting in cartoons.
5. This is better novel I have ever read.
6. However the weather was hot, we played the match.

( بقية الأسئلة في الصفحة الثالثة )

111 ث.ع / أول ( تابع ) -3-
… Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
In Egypt, the tourism industry has lately come to hold a position of great importance. It could help increase the national income. Egypt has many tourists villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village near the Pyramids or in the New Valley for horse-riding. And What about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would help them get better.
Tourists in our world today are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hard working employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.
a ) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Why has tourism lately become very important?
2. How can we attract tourists to visit Egypt?
3. What do tourists need today?
b ) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Tourists who have health problems can go to ……………………… .
a) the Pyramids b) the Red Sea c) the New Valley d) Aswan
5. The word "seldom" means …………………… .
a) nearly b) extremely c) rarely d) fairly
† Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Many people today believe that getting a well-paid job is essential while finishing school or university is not. I strongly disagree with this view for many reasons.
First of all, education is the key to development. Doctors, scientists and teachers use their education to advance society. Without them, there would be no cures for diseases and no progress in technology. What is more, a good education can help to achieve economic success.
Businesses would not be successful without educated people to run them.
Success and financial reward go hand in hand. As a result, highly trained people are often also better paid people.
Of course, there are people who argue that an education is not necessary in order to make lots of money. It is true that some highly paid jobs do not require a high level of education, but they are rare.
I believe that although money is important in life, it should not be given more emphasis than education.

111 ث.ع / أول ( تابع ) -4-
a ) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Why is education important in the field of medicine?
2. What does a person need to get a well paid job?
3. According to the writer, which is more important: money or education. Why?
b ) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Education is …………………. to development.
a) necessary b) unnecessary c) easy d) unimportant
5. According to the text, business needs ………… people to be successful.
a) illiterate b) educated c) ignorant d) lazy
‡ The Reader (The Spiders)
a ) Answer the following questions:
Where do spiders like to live?
Where and when did Ayman see the spider?
b ) Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"Spiders are our friends."
1- Who said this opinion? To whom?
2- Why are spiders our friends?
c ) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
Although the robbers cars had local number plates, ……………. .
The people decided to burn the town down so that ……………… .

ˆ Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
"The value of sports"

‰ a ) Translate into Arabic:
Childhood is the most important stage in man's life. So, due care should be directed to it. Scientific researchers have proved that early experiences of childhood from the essentials of man's character along life.
b ) Translate into English:
إنني أتطلع شوقاً لرؤيتكم في الصيف القادم .
شاهدت التليفزيون بعد أن انتهيت من عمل الواجب المدرسي .

===== انتهت الأســــئلة =====

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