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امتحان 2 لغة انجليزية ثانى ثانوى

Choose the correct answerL
1-He always wears(smart-dirty-torn-*****ed)clothes to look his best.
2-Our flat was very hot, so we(installed-built-did-made)air conditioning.
3-My cousin is very(efficient-upset fond-proud) in her work and she works 12 hours a day.
4-Last week, our company sent a trade (route-company-delegation-market)to Europe .
5-Every week, I am used to visiting my(enemies-teachers-relatives-friends)like my uncles and cousins.
6-He is my son's son, he is my(cosine-nephew-grandparents-grandchild).
7-A/An(civil engineer-architect-worker-lawyer)designs buildings.
8-To (make-get-do-set)research is to make detailed study of something.
9-(Enjoy-Improve-Learn-Install) means: to become better.
10- He managed to get a good job and work(by-for-from-on)a famous company.
11-The poor always need someone to speak(in-on-for-from)them.
12-After the bus accident ,twenty passengers were (death-die-.dying-dead) and only 3 were a live.
13-All the Egyptians are proud(for-of-with-by)Dr .Zewail who won the Nobel prize.
14-I think that computer is (magic-magically-magician-magicians).
15-We usually (wear-dress-put on-take off)uniform at work.
16- A\An(dentist-oculist-chemist-surgeon)is person who does operations in hospitals.
17-Sir yacoub is a(village-town- world-city)-famous heart surgeon.
18-Heart surgeons always try to find(happy-healthy-bad-weak)hearts for transplants.
19-He set up a(charities-sharing-charitable-charming) organization which helps the poor .
20-He had a damaged kidney, so a surgeon did kidney(plant-transplant-transmission -process) on him.
21-When we move to a new place, we have to adapt(at-with –to-on)that place.
22-Surgeons(perform-carry-work-make)operations on sick people.
23-The officer (searched-searched for-researched-looked)the thief's flat but he didn't find any things.
24-Professor yacoub always helps children(of-for by-with)heart problems all over the world.
25-Thousands of people die(by-in- of- with)heart problems every year.
26-My son is used to(doing-having-making-playing)her bed daily.
(امتحان 2 لغة انجليزية ثانى ثانوى CoolFind the mistake, then write the sentences correctly:
1-I spent all my children in a village in port said.
2-He was borne in Hehia.
3-Dr Zewail is a famous world scientist.
4-While was eating ,the doorbell rang.
5-Having finishing my work,I went to the zoo.
6-Mrs is the headline of a married women.
The spiders
Answer the following questions:
1-How did the robbers disguise themselves?
2-What does GPR stand for? How does it work?
said to whom?.............................................
does ''they'' refer to?...............................................
4-The men all died from………………………………………………………………………………………….
5-Their face muscles began to………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Good Luck……………………………………………………………………Mr.Hatem Attia
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