مدرس اون لايندخول

امتحانات انجليزى للثانوية العامة

Test units 1&2
1- Respond to the following situations:
1-Someone asks you about your marital status
2- A friend asks you a question you would prefer not to answer.
3- Your teacher asks you why you enjoy learning English.
4- You tell your friend your opinion of the new DVD,

Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:
A:: The statue over there belongs to Nefertiti.
B: How old is it?
A: It's about 3,500 years old.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Graduates who apply (on – about – for – with) the job must be fuent in English.
2- In British schools, teachers often call students by their (surname - middle name - number- title) and not by their first name.
3-- Amal is at the office. She (is working – works – had worked – working) on some important accounts
4-There's a factory in our town which ( do - does - make –makes ) parts for cars and buses.
5- While ( doing – did – was doing – do )the shopping, I met one of my teachers
6-The boy needs (a doctor -a charity - a transplant -a hospital ) because his heart is not working properly and without a new heart he will die.
7- I like reading novels,(although – so – when – but) I don't have time.
8- I'll ( give – make - take – do ) you a ring, when I've finished the book.
9- He didn't stop smoking ( in spite of – although- however – because of ) the doctor's advice.
10- Mr. Nguib has (spread – published - looked – searched ) several articles on that subject.
11-My father is a (diplomat - politician - political - pilot ) . He works in politics.
12- Something that contains new and interesting ideas is (traditional – imaginary – imaginative – imagine)
Find the mistakes and correct them:
1-The cause I like this job is that I meet all kinds of people.
2-What difference has Dr Magdi done to people's life.?
3- It was very cold yesterday because we went for a swim.
4-Jonathan Swift is the inventor of "Gulliver Travels"
The Spiders
1- Why did the robbers' plan to steal the gold fail?
2-The four robbers switched the car lights off because …………………............................................................................
3-The engineer saved the pilot's life when………………………...
B)Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"If there are more rooms here, this machine will find them in minutes."
1-Who said these words to whom?
2-Why did the speaker want to find more rooms?

) Translate into Arabic:
In some poor countries, over twenty percent of the children die in their first year of life. The reason for this is the lack of medical care and medicine. Another cause is food and water shortage.
Translate into English:
1- تقوم الدولة بإنشاء العديد من المستشفيات لتوفير الرعاية الطبية لكافة المواطنين

remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
Exam Based On Chapters ( 1: 4 )
1-Why did the robbers fail to steal the gold ,although they used modern technology/
2-Why wasn’t the old man worried about the spiders bites
3-Why did the helicopter fly over that place
4-What equpipment they took with them/
5-"We must find what we want and get out before morning "
a-who said these words to whom b-what is the place they are talking about
c-Why did they want to get out before morning
6-As a result of the great heat , the spiders …………………………………………………..
7- pilot escaped from death when …………………………………………………………….
8-Why was Ayman surprised when he saw the spider
9-How did the internet play an important role in the story
10-Where do spiders usually live
11-What was Ayman's main hobby and how did he make use of it
12-Whar are the differences between the liberary and the world wide web
13he spider didn’t attack nagat as ……………………………………………………………..
14-How did Dr.Shreen account on the village disappearance
15-What did the ancient Egyptians make about the spiders
16-What was the ancient text about the spider saying according to the translation
17-the spider had chosen the empty house carefully to ………………………………………..
18-When and where did Ayman first see the spider
19-the most suitable place for a spider …………………………………………………………
20-What is the part played by Dr.Shreen in fighting the spider
21-Show that Professor Jones was greatly interested in his work
22-the Greman Egyptologist said ……………………………………………………………...
23-What was Dr.Shreen advice to Ayman and what was his reaction
24-What did Dr.Shreen feel when she saw the spider on her computer screen and why
25-According to Prof.Jones ,the deadly spiders came to our world again as…………………..
26-How are spiders useful to humanity
27-If there weren’t any spiders ,……………………………………………………………….
28-What is the opinion of Ayman's family about the story of the spider
29What were the consequences of the spider's story on Hamadaya
30-Ayman didn’t have enough time to read the email so ……………………………………...
31-It was too late for Ayman to respond to his advice , illustrate .
32-Why didn’t colonel Mikhael get an expert from Cairo
33-Why are unknown spiders dangerous
34-What were the precautions of the police against the spiders
35-Uncle Walid was ……………………………………………………………………………
36-prf. Jones said the spider may be female as…………………………………………………
37- Explain the danger that world would face if the spiders are unknown species
38-" Spiders ! Men don’t die from spider bites ! How ….."
a-Who said these word to whom b- when and where are these words said
c-What do you conclude from such words

هذه الاسئله هى اسئله امتحانات ثانويه سابقه

hello! second year secondray (test units 1-9)
time allowed (3 hours) لاحظ ان الامتحان فى اربع صفحات
1- Respond to each of the following situation: (4 MARKS)
a- You want to know a friend's opinion of a book you have both read.
d- You want to know which subject your uncle enjoyed most when he was a student.
c- You are sitting on a bus the person next to you starts to smoke.
d- A friend asks you what you think makes a successful sportman.
2- Say where these mini-dialogues takes place and who the speakers are: (4 MARKS)
a- b- A) How long have you been feeling unwell?
B) since Thursday
A) I see, Well, you need to go to bed ,keep warm and
Rest for a few days. Take one of theses tablets three
times a day
b- A) How would you like to pay for it ,sir?
B) By credit card.
A) Well, shall I put it in a bag for you, sir?
B) Yes, please.
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (8 MARKS)
1- In the evening, I like………….the internet.
a-surfing b traveling c going d running
2- Application forms often ask people about their ……status.
a- married b waiting c marital d famous
3-My brother's ………….ambition is to climb Mount Everest.
a- lifelong b life c long d wrong
4-while I was doing the shopping, I……….one of my friends.
a- was meeting b met c have met d am meeting
5-……….author of Lord Of Flies is William Golding.
a- An b No article c The d A
6- Europe is not as large ………..Asia.
a- than b to c as d so
7-My father is a …….. He works in politics.
a- diplomat b politician c surgeon d pilot
8-Go and see that film. I'm sure you………………..it.
a- will enjoy b enjoy c are going to enjoy d are enjoying
9- ....I studied as hard as I could, I only scored 70% on my exam.
a- Although b If c Because d However
10- I'm hoping to study French ……….at university.
a- books c literature c novel d writers
11- Where did you …………..live when you were young?
a- used to b using to c use d use to
12- My brother went to university………he studied economics.
a- what b where c which d that
12- I …….my brother's car all morning and he says it's still dirty.
a- have cleaned b clean c am cleaning d have been cleaning
13- I'm afraid I can't ………….a holiday this year.
a- buy c afford c pay d earn
14- Basketball and hockey are…………..sports.
a- team b group c individual d pack
15-The ship started to rock and the captain told us to keep our……
a- call b feet c cool d cold
16- It was a very……match. Some of the players hit each other.
4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly: (6 MARKS)
1- Ali is the faster runner in our school.
2- Have you ever meet a famous person?
3- How long are you been learning English?
4- The head of the mountain is always covered in snow
5- My father is a sailor in the army.
6- We went to Italy by sea .Our flight took two days.
5- Read the following passage then answer the questions; (5 MARKS)
Education is a process by which people acquire knowledge, skills, habits and values. It helps people become useful members of the society.
The most common way to get an education is to attend school. But most education also takes place outside classrooms.
Education involves both learning and teaching. Sometimes people learn by teaching themselves. But they also learn with the help of other people, such as parents or teachers.
Parents are a child first and perhaps most important teachers . They teach their children habits and values that help shape characters and remain with them throughout their life. Teachers and schools have the chief responsibility for education.
Radio, television and the internet are especially effectives means of education .Egyptian television stations give millions of children valuable learning experiences.
Answer the following questions:
What is the usual way to get education?
Do you think that radio, TV and internet are good for children? Why? Why not?
What provides people with knowledge and skills?
Choose the correct answer:
The underlined word them refer to……..
a- children b teachers c programmes d schools
5-………are the most important teachers.
a- programmes b teachers c fathers and mother d people
5- Read the following passage then answer the questions:(5 marks)
A goal is something that you want to achieve. First decide what your goal is . For example, do you want to pass a test? Do you want to be a doctor? When you have decided on your goal, write it down on a paper and look at it every day then decide what you must do to succeed.
Some people never reach their goals because they think it is impossible. But you must always believe that your goals are possible. don't think" this test is difficult .I'll probably fail " instead think," This test is difficult but I've worked hard and I'll pass it"
Most people are successful at things they enjoy. So always try to enjoy your work. Keep looking at the goal you wrote on your paper and think how happy you will be when you succeed. Then think about this happiness while you are working and you will enjoy your work.

a- give short answers to the following questions:
1- What is this passage about?
2- What should you do when you have written your goal on a paper?
3- Why do some people not reach their goal?
b- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- What is the opposite of pass?
a- succeed b fail c lose d miss
5- most people successful at things that are……
a- easy. b difficult c they enjoy doing d they work hard at.
8- The Novel(The Spiders) (6 marks)
a Answer the following questions
1- What did the Ancient Egyptians use as a medicine for the black and yellow spiders?
2 –what would happen to local business if people heard and believed Ayman's story about the spiders? Two results.
b Complete the following to make a meaningful sentences:
1- The robbers moved without lights and silent engines so that…
2- In order to kill the black and yellow spiders, the townspeople……
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"I've been studying arachnids for25 years, but I'm still excited about finding unknown species"
1- Why was the speaker angry?
2- What did the speaker think of spiders?
9- Writing (6 marks)
Write a paragraph of about 100 words about the job that you choose to do in the future.
10- Translation (4 marks)
A) Translate into Arabic :(2m)
From a social point of view, sport plays a positive role in uniting people from different social backgrounds in support of their favourite team. However, just as sport unites people so it can divide them, as is often demonstrated by crowd violence at football matches.
-كثير من الناس يفضلون التسوق عبر الانترنت عن الذهاب الى المحال التجارية.
- علينا ان نتعاون ونكون متسامحين لنعيش حياة افضل .

Test 25 Unit 1à8 ch.3

1- Respond to each of the following situations :

You want to ask a friend how he spends his free time.
A friend wants to know the make of your father’s new car.
Your friend Adel wants to know why you are so happy.
Your younger brother is having an exam tomorrow. He wants your advice.

2- Say where each of the following two mini- dialogues take place and who the speakers are

1. A: Good morning. Can I help you?
B: Yes, I’d like a single room with a bath,
A: For how many nights?
B: Just for tonight.

2. A: So you want to borrow LE 100.000.
What do you want the money for?
B: I want to buy some more land so I can
expand my business.
A: Well, we can certainly lend you the money, but
we’ll need to see a business plan. You need to show that
you can pay the money back within the next five years.

3- Choose the correct answer :

A century is a period of……….…years.
a- ten b- twenty c- one thousand d- one hundred
…….your grandma use to go to school when she was young?
a- Was b- Had c- Could d- Did
My eldest sister spends her free time………short poems.
a- write b- writing c- writes d- written
Maher’s father………….for Egypt in the 1973 war.
a- joined b- saved c- fought d- travelled
Naguib Mahfouz’s novels…………….millions of copies when they were published.
a- bought b- sold c- wrote d- sent
My uncle…….spend the summer holiday in Suez in the past.
a- got used b- is used to c- used d- used to
Today’s world is described as a………….economy.
a- local b- national c- global d- social
You can get some really good………on the internet.
a- customers b- dealings c- cargoes d- bargains
Mona………on the phone. Don’t interrupt her.
a- talks b- is being talking
c- is talking d- was talking
We built…………to protect ourselves from the wind and rain.
a- refugee b- shelter c- hostage d- flat
The ………..you go, the less heat there is in the air.
a- highest b- higher c- lower d- lowest
When I leave school, I want to continue my studies at…………
a- factory b- nursery c- literature d- university
………. I’ve seen that film twice already, I’d love to see it again.
a- But b- After c- Although d- When
What were you doing when I ………you last night?
a- phoned b- phone c- phoning d- have phoned
The teacher asked us to……….up new words in the dictionary.
a- search b- find c- make d- look
………….ostrich نعامة is a big African bird.
a- No article b- The c- A d- Some

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:

Children usually feel ashamed in front of strangers.
Nada used to slept much when she was young.
They honoured the writer who works are international.
He was mistake to think badly of his friend.
I went to the pyramids by the taxi.
Diving is a person sport.

Practice test

1) Respond to each of the following situations:
Your brother wants to know your opinion of his new suit.
Your teacher asks you about the reasons for choosing your dream job.
You meet a foreigner who asks you about the way to the Opera House.
You advise your friend not to eat much fat.

2) Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1) A: For homework, please do Exercise
A and B on page 72.
B: Could you repeat that, please?
A: Certainly. Do exercise A and B on page 72.

2) A: So, you want to borrow L.E. 200,000.
What do you want the money for?
B: I want to buy some more land.
A: Well, we can certainly lend you the money,
but we’ll need to see a business plan.
You need to show us that you can pay the money
back within the next 5 years.

Vocabulary & structure
3) Choose the right answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. I advise you to study harder. You --------------------------- study harder.
a. would rather b. shouldn’t c. have to d. had better
2. All the world -------------- the importance of freedom in people’s lives.
a. agreed on b. believed c. decided that d. decided to
3. We waited until we were on ------------------- before repairing the sails.
a. shore b. coast c. beach d. banks
4. -------------------------- people are people who see their lives full of roses.
a. Optimistic b. Pessimistic c. Cruel d. Navy
5. He likes to sail ships. When he grows up he will be a ------------ officer.
a. pessimistic b. optimistic c. cruel d. navy
6. I don’t remember the --------------------- of the biggest pyramid in Giza.
a. high b. length c. height d. tall
7. The train is ------------------------------------------------------------- the plane.
a. faster than b. is not as fast as c. slow then d. as fast as
8. The rich --------------------------------- must help poor people everywhere.
a. people b. men c. businessmen d. no word needed
9. After I -------------------------------------- to America I will forward e- mails to you.
a. travels b. have travelled c. had travelled d. travel
10. ------------ the manager’s tolerance with his employees is, they never liked him.
a. Although b. However c. Whatever d. Despite
11. She came late ---------------------------------------------------- refusing to apologize.
a. in spite b. despite c. in addition to d. beside
12. Ramy Ashour is a great Egyptian --------------------------------------------- player.
a. basketball b. soccer c. squash d. hockey
13. He ---------------------------- his pictures to the CV form he sent to the company.
a. attached b. linked c. chained d. connected
14. I prefer living alone ---------------------------------------- living among bad friends.
a. than b. rather than c. to d. more than
15. Workers in the iron factory complained that wages ------------------------- so low.
a. has b. are c. is d. were
16. Neither Aly nor Mai ---------- English well. They will have to take some courses.
a. speaks b. speak c. don’t speak d. doesn’t speak

4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1. Ibrahim Hassan takes over Hossam Hassan in all features.
2. Such a brave man he was that he hunted two lions alone.
3. Dr Ahmed Zewail invented the femto second.
4. I wish I saw her last night but she left so early.
5. What do you know about Second World War?
6. You are obliged to wear a uniform. You had better wear a uniform.

The Reader (The Spiders)
A) Answer the following questions:
1. How was the medicine for the bite of the spider made?
2. What would happen to local business if people heard and believed Ayman’s story? Mention two results.

B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
3. The six yellow and black spiders on the database weren’t --------------------.
4. The big officer in the police station was called colonel ---------------------------.

C) Read the following quotation & answer the questions below:

“ Let’s hope it is a known species.”

Who was speaking? To whom? --------------------------------------------------------------.

6. Why did the speaker hope so? -----------------------------------------------------------------
Reading comprehension
Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

Unidentified flying object is the popular term for any aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily identified by the observer. The United States Air Force, which invented the expression in 1952, defined UFOs as those objects that remain unidentified after investigations. Though the term UFO is often used more generally to describe any sighting unidentifiable to the reporting observer(s). Most people frequently take the term UFO as a meaning for alien spacecraft. Studies have established that the majority of UFOs are observations of some real but conventional object most commonly aircraft, balloons, or astronomical objects such as meteors or bright planets that have been misidentified by the observer. Only a small percentage of reported sightings can be classified as unidentified flying objects in the right sense.
On January 25, 1878, newspapers wrote that local farmer John Martin had reported seeing a large, dark, circular flying object resembling a balloon flying "at wonderful speed." Martin also said it appeared to be about the size of a saucer, the first known use of the word "saucer" in association with a UFO. The Roswell UFO Incident was the declared accident of a terrestrial alien, including corpses, from an object, which crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, USA, on or about July 8, 1947. Since the late 1970s the Roswell incident has been the subject of intense controversy and the subject of conspiracy theories as to the true nature of the object, which crashed. The incident has turned into a widely known pop culture phenomenon, making the name Roswell synonymous with UFOs. It ranks as one of the most publicized and controversial UFO incidents ever.

Answer the following questions:
Do you think UFO’s visit us in our world?
When was the UFO expression first used?
When was the word saucer first used?
Choose the right answer from a, b, c, or d:
The Roswell UFO Incident was ------------------- by the government.
a. declared b. refused c. hidden d. a rumour
The word controversy in the last paragraph means: -------------.
a. public discussions b. opposition c. rumours d. stories

Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

Water pollution is a very serious problem. We have allowed our water system to absorb a lot of harmful industrial and domestic waste, and we need to start regulating immediately the dumping of waste and sewage in our water system. Finding the necessary water resources to expand agricultural land is another big problem. To solve this, we have to reuse drainage water instead of leaving it to run into the Mediterranean.
The other serious problem is the quality of air in big cities, especially in Cairo where pollution rates are so high, that it exceeded permitted levels in some parts. We also need enforcing laws on car emissions.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. Why is the public responsible for water pollution?
2. What does the black typed 'this' in the first paragraph refer to?
3. Give words in the passage that mean:
a) At once: -----------------. b) Allowed: ----------------.
B) Choose the correct answers:
4- A problem that faces our society is ------------------.
Lack of new flats. b. High rate of population increase
c. Pollution in many parts of Egypt d. All of the three problems.
5 - Drainage water is the water used in ----------------.
a) bathrooms b) washing c) agriculture d) sewers

Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:

The Arab world finds it impossible to understand the meaning of teamwork. Discuss & mention ways of pushing the Arabs to use the concept of teamwork.

A. Translate into Arabic:
Many studies have shown that it is better to wear your seat belt when you are driving a car. Seat belt greatly reduces the risk of death or injury in accidents. This fact is widely recognized and many governments have passed laws requiring seat belt use.

B. Translate into English:

يجب استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة في جميع مجالات الإنتاج .
يهدد الإرهاب مصالح الشعوب ولذا يجب محاربته في كل مكان .

Practice test

1) Respond to each of the following situations:
A friend says he or she wants to do an individual sport to keep fit. Give advice.
A friend asks how he or she should choose a new leader for their sports team.
A friend asks you what language they speak in Australia.
Your teacher asks you, "How far is it from Cairo to London?"

2) Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1) A: May I get in, sir?
B: You are late.
A: Sorry, sir. I won’t be late again.

2) A: When did you graduate?
B: In 1955.
A: Do you speak English fluently?
B: Yes, sir. I have worked as a translator in a big
company for two years.

Vocabulary &structure
3) Choose the right answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Football players have to ------------------------------- to score goals.
a. tolerate b. cooperate c. pack d. attach
2. Tennis is a/ an ------------------------------------------------------ sport.
a. team b. individual c. pack d. cooperation
3. Women have to choose the clothes that ------------------------ them.
a. fit b. fitness c. cooperate d. fatten
4. I advise you to sleep early dear. You -------------------- sleep early.
a. have to b. should c. must d. will have to
5. I will tell her the news ----------------------------- I see her at school.
a. unless b. if not c. as soon as d. but for
6. A ------------ person is the one who attacks all people around him.
a. rescuer b. boxing c. violent d. disagreement
7. You don’t see anything good around you. You are very -----------.
a. optimism b. pessimistic c. optimistic d. pessimism
8. People who live on ------------------------------ always like to eat fish.
a. banks b. coast c. beach d. shore
9. You are not allowed to enter with your dog. You ------------- enter.
a. can’t b. should not c. mustn’t d. haven’t to
10. I have always wanted to visit ------------------------ Albs Mountains.
a. the b. an c. a d. no article needed
11. It has always been my ------------ dream to attend that show at the Opera House.
a. lifelong b. life time c. life jacket d. life age
12. There will be an Arab ----------------------------------------- conference next week.
a. sum b. top c. mount d. summit
13. The plane reached the airport 10 minutes late because it -------------------- late.
a. took after b. took away c. took place d. took off
14. The --------- economy means that all the world is connected with one economy.
a. local b. worldly c. national d. global
15. Ahmed ------------------------ wife if French always travels to France every year.
a. who’s b. whom c. whose d. who was
16. My mother is going to clean my room. I ---------------------------- have it cleaned.
a. will b. would c. am going to d. must

4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1. She puts on a nice necklace in the parties.
2. They are used to see him every week.
3. The girl was too shy that she could not speak to him.
4. He won a record in long races.
5. Abu Treika didn’t take place in the last matches of Al Ahly team.
6. What about go to club tonight?

Reading comprehension
5) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Samy and Safwat have been chosen to travel to Paris on a business trip to learn to use some new machines. It's rare to let young people in their company travel abroad. Usually older people are chosen. However, their manager has chosen them because of their hard work. They have arranged everything: they’ve booked the tickets and packed their bags. They are going to stay for a fortnight; they will spend twelve days at the company and then they will have two days to tour round the city before they return to Egypt. It will be a busy trip; they will have little free time. They are enthusiastic to see another community that speaks a different language and has different interests. Samy and Safwat are going to stay in a hotel where they will have two meals, breakfast and dinner. Two days ago, they had a long telephone conversation with the French instructor who will teach them how to use the new machines. He recommended them to take light clothes because the climate is hot and humid in summer. He will be waiting for them in the airport. Samy and Safwat think that he is very friendly and they are sure that they will enjoy this experience.
A) Find short answers to the following questions:
Why will Samy and Safwat travel to Paris?
What arrangements have they made for their trip?
How will they have to take light clothes?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4. Samy and Safwat will spend ------------------------ in Paris.
a) two weeks b) twelve days c) two days d) two months
5- The underlined word "He" refers to ---------------------------.
a) Samy b) Safwat c) the French instructor d) the manager
6) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:
Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:
As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air. At that moment, the airhostess appeared. Speaking quickly, but almost in a whisper, she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines, or at least how to drive a car. After a moment’s hesitation, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cabin.
Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport below. The man had to circle the airport several times in order to become familiar with the controls. The terrible moment came when he had to land. Following instructions, the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It shook violently as it touched the ground, but after a long run, it stopped safely. Outside, a crowd of people who had been watching anxiously, rushed forward to congratulate “the pilot” on a perfect landing.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
What made the plane move unsteadily through the air?
Why did the man have to circle the airport several times?
Find words in the passage, which mean:
To become unconscious: ----------------------------.
Told: ------------------------------------------.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4. The terrible moment came when he had to ----------------
a) land b) stop c) drive d) listen
5. The underlined word “it” refers to -----------------
a) the airport b) the plane c) the seat d) the car

7) The Reader
(The Spiders)
A) Answer the following questions:
Why didn’t Ayman want to tell the police about the spider he had seen?
What did Dr Shereen do to get information about the spider?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
Spiders are useful because ------------------------------------------------------------------.
If the spiders were unknown species ------------------------------------------------------.
Read the following quotation & answer the questions below:

“ What a nuisance! I’ve had to cancel my next trip.”
Who was the speaker? To whom was he talking?
Why does he go on trips around the world every year?

Cool Writing

Write a business letter to Samsung Corporation asking them about their latest product in markets. Your name is Hatem & you live in 25, Hesham Labib Street, Nasr City. You e-mail is hatemabs@hotmail.com. Their address is 2A Kop- Win Street, Korea. Their telephone number is +454- 222-333-444.

9) Translation
A. Translate into Arabic:
The government tries to increase production in all fields. In agriculture, for example, it has prepared a plan for land reclamation. It has also obtained loans in order to be able to use machines in agriculture projects.
B. Translate into English:
لقد أصبح الاهتمام بتطوير التعليم من أهم الأهداف التي تسعى مصر لتحقيقها .
أن هواياتي ألمفضله هي قراءة القصص ألخياليه والاستماع إلى الموسيقى.

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