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أسئلـــــــــة القواعد للثانـويــة العامـــة من 2009حتى1970

Do as shown between brackets Science Section 1970:-
1 – “ Please don’t forget to bring me your note- book tomorrow ,” said my friend . ( Change into reported speech )
2 – They fought a big battle here two hundred years ago. ( Change into passive voice )
3 – a) They do not know …… your house is . b) They do not know ……. House is yours . ( Fill in each space with a suitable word )
4 – Were she to travel abroad ………. ( Complete the sentences )
5 – Neither the mother nor her daughter were present . ( Correct the sentence )
Do as shown between brackets Arts Section 1970:-
1 – I must work hard ……. history because I’m not good ………. it .
( Fill in each space with a suitable preposition )
2 – “ What are you doing now ? “ he said . ( Change into reported speech )
3 – You have been invited to lunch today . ( Change into active voice )
4 – The tree fell on a group of boys . All of them were hurt .
( Combine the two sentences by means of a relative pronoun )
5 – Had he come earlier …………….. ( Complete the sentence )
6 – Not only I saw him but also my friend did ( Correct the sentence )
7 – a) He does not know …… to open it with. B) He does not know …. to open it . ( Fill in each space with a suitable word )
Do as shown between brackets Science Section 1971:-
1 – Since the first men (go) up in spacecraft, our hopes of space travel ( increase )
2 – The headmaster Enquirer why so many boys were absent that day
( Change into direct )
3 – By means of an experiment .
( Write a question to which this phrase is the answer )
4 – He would not have bought the house if …… ( Complete )
5 – The student found physics most ….
( Fill in the space with the right word from : interest , interested ,interesting )

Do as shown between brackets Arts Section 1971 :-

1 – He told me that he just ( return) from Paris where he ( spend ) a year ( study) French ( Put the verbs in the right from )
2 – Did the man drive the bus quickly, ? ( Change into Passive)
3 – She has already … the table for her guests . ( Fill in the space with the right word from : lain, laid, lay )
4 – I feel proud .. my country . He will retire . his profession . ( Fill in using prepositions)
5 – Jules was too surprised to inquire how I come to be on board his yacht .
( Rewrite using “so .. that “ )
Do as shown between brackets Science Section 1972
1 – Since the atom ( split ) , much progress ( be made ) .
( Put in the correct tense )
2 – “ I cannot answer your question now as these symptoms are most unusual said the Decatur . (Change into indirect )
3 – May has always been using his intelligence against the forces of nature .
( Ask a question to which the black typed words are the answer )
4 – Ice can be melted by being warmed . ( Change into active )
5 – ( Final ) he came to the ( conclude ) that invar does not change its dimensions . ( Put the words between brackets in the right form )
Do as shown between brackets Arts Section 1972
1 – If he ( return ) home earlier last night, he ( see ) his neighbour ( attack) by two ( thief )
( Put the words in the right from )
2 – I asked her how she know that the hotel regulations were so strict if she only had come
into its possession the night before . ( Change into direct )
3 – a) He had forged his employer’s name on the cheque. ( Make passive )
b) Was any investigation made by the police about the murderer ? ( Make active )
4 – a) …. People like to go to the theatre ….. of what they see is taken from real life .
( Fill in using “ Much “ – “ Many “ )
b) The American girl has always been …… the habit …. Having her own way .
( Fill in using prepositions )
5 – a) He had such an adventurous spirit …… ( Complete )
b) Sometimes we have to put up with bad neighbours because ….. (Complete )
Do as shown between brackets Science Section 1973
1 – Pasteur ( do ) a great service to ( human ) . ( Put the words in their correct form )
2 – I did not understand the problem . He explained it . ( Join )
3 – They have already sent him a telegram . ( Begin with : He ….. )
4 – He met my mother from whom he got …… of my success . ( Fill in the space with
ONE of these words : information , knowledge, news )
5 – mine – just – book – at – have – now – been – the you – is looking . ( Rearrange to form a correct sentence )
Do as shown between brackets Arts Section 1973
1 – The doctor let him go to the party ….. he was well enough to leave hospital
( Fill in the space with one of these words : until – as soon as – just )
2 – “ Don’t waste your time, “ sad the father to his son . ( Begin with : The father told…...)
3 – He would not have waited if ……….. ( Complete )
4 – I ( learn ) English for the last three years but now I ( study ) German .
( Put the verbs in their correct tenses )
5 – Our newspaper aims …. having a million readers ….. the end of next year .
( Fill in with correct prepositions )
6 – Civilized – is – law – societies – often – complicated – in very .
( Rearrange to form a correct sentences )
7 – I can hear ( they – come ) downstairs( Put each of the words in brackets in its correct form )
8 – The film was most interesting . I saw it yesterday .
( Join without using “ and “ )
9 – They will send the murderer to prison .
( Begin with : The murderer …… )
10 – There was a loud explosion . My old car stopped . ( Join )

Do as shown between brackets Science Section (1974)

1 – a) I have been learning English for …….. b) I have been learning English since ……..
( Fill in with one or more suitable words )
2 – They cannot expect me to comment on it . ( Change into passive )
3 – It (be ) very hot today . I wish it ( be ) cooler .
( Rewrite putting the verbs in their correct tenses )
4 – You can rely me to stand …. you when in trouble . ( Fill in with suitable prepositions )
5 – He is a very energetic man. He never seems to get tried . (use : such … that)
Do as shown between brackets Science Section (1974)
1 – I can’t get Touch with her as she is not the phone . ( Fill in with suitable prepositions )
2 – a) I started learning English ……. Ago b) I started learning English in …….
( Fill in with one or more suitable words )
3 – He had to catch a plane . The conference ended . He did not have time to write a report .
( Join the three sentences without using “and “ or “but “ )
4 – I ( stand ) here for half an hour, but the bus ( not come ) yet .
( Put the verbs in brackets in their correct tenses )
5 – waited – would – better – been – if – it – you – had . ( Rearrange to form a correct sentence)
6 – The factory … he works is at the end of this road. ( Fill in with a suitable word)
7 – He insured his car because …… an accident . (Complete the sentence )
8 – A good film is being shown at the Palace this week. ( in, over, on – Use one of theses
prepositions in place of the black typed words to give the same meaning )
Do as shown between brackets Science Section (1975)
1 – I must send …. The doctor ; he will soon find out that is wrong …… him .
( Fill in with suitable prepositions )
2 – The rain stopped . The road was muddy. It was dangerous to drive on .
( Join to make one sentence without using “ and “ or “ but “ )
3 – Provide questions for the following answers :
a) Fifty metres high . b) Early in the morning
4 – He was chosen to represent his school . ( Change into the active )
5 – He ( sit) in the garden when the storm ( break ) .
( Rewrite putting the verbs in the correct tenses )
Do as shown between brackets Arts Section ( 1975 )
1 – Why don’t you turn ….. the light, or do you prefer to sit …. The dark ?
( Fill in with suitable prepositions )
2 – If you ( raise-rise) that picture a few inches higher , it will look ( good – better ) .
( Rewrite choosing the correct word )
3 – He already ( write ) a lot of letters, but his sister ( write ) hers tomorrow .
( Correct the verbs n brackets )
4 – I opened the door quietly . Nobody noticed my going in . ( Join using “so .. that “ )
5 – Someone has locked the front door and we cannot open it . ( Change into passive )
6 – summer – planing – what – the – for – holiday – are – you ?
( Rearrange to form a correct question )
7 – He said to his friend, “ Do not hesitate to tell the truth . You will be thanked for it “
( Change into reported speech )
8 - …. They would have won the game . ( Complete )
9 – Provide questions for the following answers : a) No, I have never seen him . b) By bus
Do as shown between brackets Arts Section ( 1976 )
1 – I stayed …… the house all day yesterday waiting …. My friend to come .
( Fill in with suitable preposition )
2 – Our teacher is clever . He can tell you the answer ( Join without using “ and “ or but “)
3 – I ( learn ) English for the last two years , but now I ( study ) French too . ( Correct the verbs )
4 – Do you think it will rain ? ( Begin with : He asked me … )
5 – a year’s time – finish – bridge – in – will – this – they . ( Rearrange to make a complete sentence)
Do as shown between brackets Arts Section ( 1976 )
1 – When he enters the room everybody ( raises – rises ) and keeps ( quite – quite ) . ( Rewrite choosing the correct word )
2 – road – the – you – red – mustn’t – against – light – cross – the .
( Rewrite choosing the correct sentence)
3 – He plays well . He can be a member of the team . ( Join without using “and” or “but”)
4 – Teachers should make lessons more interesting for children . ( Change into passive )
5 – She ( play ) the piano when our guests ( arrive ) last night . ( Correct the tenses )
6 – Some animals sleep …. Day and wake ….. night . ( Fill in with suitable proposition )
7 – Have you got all your things ready ? ( Begin with : He asked me …. )
8 – Provide questions for the following answers : a ) It’s mine . b ) Next week
A - Do as shown between brackets Science Section ( 1977 )
1 – Sami ( suffer ) from a bad cold for some days now . He ( oblige ) to stay at home over the coming weekend . ( Put the verbs in the right form )
2 – Mr. Amin said to my brother,“Did you visit Spain while you were studying in Europe ?”
( Begin with : Mr. Amin asked my brother … )
3 – The doctor operated ….. the injured man . He was saved …… certain death . ( Fill in with the correct prepositions )
A - Do as shown between brackets Science Section ( 1977 )
1 – When the fishermen ( return ) home yesterday, they ( catch ) nothing .
( Put the verbs in the right form )
2 – I said to the teacher , “ Do you think we have time to finish this exercise before the end
of the lesson ? “ ( Begin with : I asked the teacher … )
3 – She had spent such along time on one question … ( Complete the sentence )
4 – He started his new job . nine o’clock . Monday morning .(Fill in with the right prepositions )
5 – Unless he had read the newspaper … ( Complete the sentence )
6 – The man is very rich . I am going to work in his office ( Join into one sentence )
Do as shown between brackets : Arts Section ( 1977 )
1 – The atmosphere contains a large quantity of oxygen .
( Ask q questions about the black typed part )
2 – The wind was so strong that the captain could not control the ship .
( Rewrite using “ too “ instead of “so” )
3 – Unless there were valves between the ventricles and the auricles of the heart, … ( Complete the sentence )
4 – He said to his son : “Do not forget you are having your examination next month .” ( Begin with : He advised his son … )
5 – Everybody knows him for his cleverness at mathematics . ( Begin with : He is …. )
Do as shown between brackets :- Science Section ( 1979 )
1 – It is so cold that nobody can walk out in the night . ( Begin with : It is too cold … )
2 – When I met him yesterday he already ( know ) the news of his friend’s ( arrive ) . ( Put the words in brackets in the correct form )
3 – He was disturbed by the news that war broke out in his country .
( Begin with : The news )
4 – He said to his brother ., “ Invite our friend Zaki to the party we will give tomorrow .” ( Begin with : He asked his brother)
5 – hardly – this year – able – be – her education – to complete – she will .
( Arrange these parts so as to make a sentence )
Do as shown between brackets :-1980
1 – John ( suffer ) from a bad cold for several days now . He ( oblige ) to stay in bed over the coming weekend . ( Correct the verbs in brackets )
2 – by boat – hours – there – to – he – several – went – the – island – and – stayed – for .
( Rearrange the words so as to make a meaningful sentence )
3 – He could not have managed to do it unless ….. ( Complete the sentence )
4 – I asked how much the television was . The shop assistant showed me the television . I
found it very expensive . I couldn’t buy it . ( Join into one sentence )
5 – He said to his friend, “ Would you like to go to the club with me? “
( Change into indirect speech )
Do as shown between brackets :-1981
1 – The children ( interest ) in the tricks ( play ) during yesterday’s performance at the circus . ( Put the words in brackets in the right form )
2 – took – the – gave – a meal – as soon as – off – the plane – air hostesses – the passengers ( Rearrange the words into a meaningful sentence )
3 – Unless we had seen it with our own eyes . ( Complete the sentence )
4 – “ Why didn’t you watch last night’s film on television ? “ I said to him .
( Begin with : I asked him )
5 – The flat was small . We could not live comfortably in it. We had to take it . there was no other one . ( Join into one sentence beginning with “ Although “
Do as shown between brackets :-1982
1 – People have seen him behaving in a very strange manner . ( Begin with : He … )
2 – I have been living here for six months . ( Ask a question beginning with: How long...)
3 – Last night while I was going home after I ( be ) to the cinema I ( see ) an ( Correct the verbs between brackets)
4 – In spite of his old age my grandfather still works on the farm . ( Begin with : Although )
5 – You must be here on time . You will not be allowed to enter .
( Join into one sentence beginning with: Unless … )
6 – “ If you run quickly you will catch the train “ his brother said .
( Begin with : His brother told him … )
7 – “ Would you mind if I shut the window ? “ ( Choose the best response from the following : - No, not at all . – No, it is not shut. It is open - No, don’t .)
8 – They have contributed towards the gift . They will sign their names in a large album . It
will be sent to the headmaster’s home ( Join into one sentence beginning with : All those)
9 – People tend to be sorry ….. him because he is crippled , but he is interested ….. so many things . (Supply the missing prepositions )
10 – drinks / winter / have / we / in / to / warm / usually / hot / keep .
( Rearrange to make a complete sentence )
Do as shown between brackets :-1983
1 – I bought a book . I bought it yesterday . It is very interesting .
( Join into one sentence beginning with : The book … )
2 – whistle / match / the / end / his / the / declare / blew / the / to / of / referee .
( Rearrange to make a complete sentence )
3 – The more books you read …. ( Complete the sentence )
4 – When we ( arrive ) at the theatre last night , the play already ( start ) .
( Put the verbs in the right form )
5 – His mother said to him, “ Have you eaten all your food ?”( Begin with : His mother asked him )
6 - …… he would have pleased his father ( Complete the sentence )
7 – After he had written several letters, he went to bed. ( Begin with : Having ……………)
8 – Everybody admires him for his intelligence . ( Begin with : He …. )
9 – All the family were pleased when he succeeded . ( Begin with : His success …………)
10 – Last winter was very cold and wet, ( Add a question tag .)

** سلسلــــــــة Yara وللتمــــــــــيز عشاقـــــــــــه **

Do as shown between brackets :-1984
1 – The inspector asked him if he always caught such an early train .
( Begin with : The inspector said to him .. )
2 – They ( find ) one of the cars yesterday , but they ( not find ) the other one yet . ( Correct the verbs in brackets )
3 – He goes to the cinema once a week . ( Ask a question )
4 – He is very clever . He can answer any question. ( Join the two sentences )
5 – On getting up next morning, he discovered that the boat had left. (Begin with: When )
6 –Unless you drive carefully …… ( Complete )
7 – Although he was clever …… mathematics, he did not succeed ….. answering the question . (Put in the right prepositions )
8 – The government is spending a lot of money on this project .
( Begin with : A lot of money … )
9 – The last time I ( see ) him ( be ) Sunday ( Correct the verbs )
10 – He was not at home and he was not his office. ( Choose the right word )

Do as shown between brackets :-1985

1 – He was very strong , he could easily beat his enemy . ( Join by using ”so …… that “ )
2 – They played well and so did we. ( Begin with : They didn’t …. )
3 – They have already sent him a telegram . ( Begin with : He … )
4 – Since he ( join ) the army , he ( receive ) two medals. ( Correct the verbs in brackets )
5 – He will start his new job . nine o’clock Monday morning. ( Put in the right prepositions)
6 – She said to her friend , “ Make haste . Do not forget your bag”.
( Begin with : she asked her friend )
7 – Arab – sooner – between – the – Egypt – relations – normal – to – the – return – or –
will – countries – later – and . ( Rearrange to form a meaningful sentence)
8 – Unless you help us, ….. (Complete the sentence )
9 – Immediately on receiving the telegram, I travelled to Alexandria . ( Begin with: as soon as )
10 – This box weighs three kilograms . ( Ask a question)
Do as shown between brackets :-1986
1 – The opera House in Cairo ( burn ) several years ago , but a new one ( build ) now .
( Correct the verbs in brackets )
2 – He said to me, “ I can’t do it now, but I’ll finish it tomorrow. “ ( Begin with :He told me …)
3 – Egypt – new – will – in – relieve – on – built – cities – to – pressure – be – Cairo .
4 – Samy has left for the Sudan, …….? ( Complete using a questions tag )
5 – The climbers reached the top of the mountain . They spent the night there .
( Join using : Not only …..)
6 – As soon as Samy found the money, he took it to the police station .
( Begin with : No sooner )
7 – The nearest village was two miles away . (Ask a question )
8 – She returned to the shop on … following morning dressed in …. Orange dress . ( Put in :a / an or the )
9 – It is obvious ……. Us that he is not responsible ….. this mistake .
( Put in the right prepositions )
10 – They can afford to buy some books and records from the book fair .
( Begin with : They can’t … )
Do as shown between brackets :-1987
1 – Don’t forget ( lock ) the door before ( go ) to bed . ( Correct the verbs )
2 – He asked, “ Would you like to work with me ? “ ( Begin with : He asked if … )
3 – I really shouldn’t have been so late for work yesterday . ( Begin with : I wish ……….)
4 – As he ate his lunch , he read a book . As he had eaten his lunch , he read a book . ( Explain the difference )
5 – He is building a new house . ( Re-write using : have )
6 – You have finished you work , …… ? ( Complete using a question tag )
7 - ….. big car drew up outside the front door of ….. house . ( Put in “ a “ or “ the “ )
8 – I have been driving for two hours and so I am tired . ( Ask a question with : Why …..)
9 – The swimmer was encouraged by his success . He entered a competition .
( Re-write beginning with : Encouraged )
10 – If you fail .. this attempt don’t count .. me for help . ( Put in the right prepositions )
Do as shown between brackets :- 1987
1 – People say he is a genius (Being with: He….)
2 – We’d prefer you to come back tomorrow. (Rewrite using: rather)
3 – He hates to be kept waiting . (Begin with : “ He hates people …. )
4 – He got the best marks in our class. (Begin with: No body …. )
5 – I said I was sorry that I had not warned him, (Begin with: I apologized)

Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 88

1 – The aim of the exhibition is to raise money for cancer research. (Begin with: The exhibition)
2 – Many buildings were destroyed as a result of the earthquake . ( Rewrite using: ”the cause of “)
3 – Your parents were very wise and the / sent you to have training in computer. (Rewrite beginning with, it was ……)
4 – He may be trusted. (Begin with: We …)
5 – I said something to you : Did you understand . ( Join using: “what”)
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 89
1 – These envelopes are so small that the letters have to be folded several times before they
can be put inside . (Ask a question)
2 – This house was uncertainly built before 18000 . ( Rewrite using: may …..)
3 – I really shouldn’t have been so late for work yesterday . ( Begin with: I wish……)
4 – I’m going to buy this skirt even if it is too short. ( Use: if )
5 – The swimmer was encouraged by his success . He entered a competition .
( Rewrite beginning with: Encouraged )
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 90
1 – The refereed cancelled the match because of the heavy rain . ( Begin with: if it …….)
2 – “I have started reading a new novel and I’ll finish it in two days “ .
( Begin with: my brother told me….)
3 – First, he finished his homework . Then, he slept. (Join using; until )
4 – I lost the book . I bought it last week. (Begin with: “The book I …….. “
5 – He promised to visit us next week. (Use: “that” )
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 91
1 – I went to the Barrages last week. (Ask a question beginning with: what ….)
2 – Read the instructions before you switch on the machine “ ( Begin with : He told the customer )
3 – Many people were out of work . The factory had closed down . ( Begin with: Hadn’t )
4 – No letters were received . ( Begin with: I )
5 – She was very tired . She couldn’t walk, ( Join using : enough )
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 92
1 – I wasn’t able to buy the books I wanted because I didn’t have enough money . (use if)
2 – The play was so successful that all the tickets were sold . ( Rewrite beginning with: It was)
3 – I really regret ever starting to smoke . ( Rewrite beginning with: I wish )
4 – There’s a chance they ‘II arrest him if he tries to leave the country . ( B-W He may )
5 – I didn’t think the party would be so expensive. ( Begin with: the party ……)
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 93
1 – I last saw him when we were in London . ( Rewrite the sentence beginning with : I haven’t )
2 – “ I’ll buy you a coke if you type this letter for me . ( Rewrite beginning with : He promised )
3 – It ‘II take us four hour and a half to fly to London( use the noun from fly)
4 – I went to show in Alex last Friday. It was marvelous .
(Make one sentence beginning with : The show)
5 – Without the rescuers efforts many people would have died . ( Begin with : If it ………)
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 94
1 – Hatim is such a fast swimmer that he could win the race, Hatim swims ..
( Finish the second sentence without changing the meaning )
2 – He wanted to know the price of my father’s new car.(Give the speaker’s actual words )
3 – Dr . Moustapha spoke at the conference last night, He is a politician .
( Make one sentence it using a relative pronoun )
4 – Magde lost her tennis match because she didn’t have enough practice , ( Begin with, If )
5 – She finds it strange to stay at home all day . ( Rewrite using noun used to )
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان 95
1 – Hassan makes the same mistakes again and again . He is careless . ( Begin with : It is )
2 – We all like our teacher of English because of his friendly treatment .
( Use the verb creat and make the necessary changes )
3 – She said to her child , “ Don’t play with fire again “. ( Begin with : “ She warned ….’)
4 – I didn’t have an umbrella . Therefore I got wet in the rain . ( Begin with “ If ………” )
5 – Someone has damaged his car in the car park . ( Begin with : “ His car …………….”)
Do as shown between brackets :-مايو امتحان 96
1 – The policeman was very friendly . He gave me directions . ( Combine the two sentences using a relative pronoun )
2 – Osama had no money , so he old his car. A few days later, he won a large sum of money
in a competition . ( Read the situation and make one sentence using “ needn’t “ )
3 – Travelling by car is convenient provided that you have somewhere to bark.
( rewrite using “ park” as a noun )
4 – The doctor said to the patient , “ You will have to give up smoking or you’ll have a heart attack “ . (Change into reported speech )
5 – The lorry driver was so careful that he was able to avoid a terrible collision .
( Rewrite beginning with “ Unless “ )
Do as shown between brackets :-أغسطس 96
1 – Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin more than 50 years ago(Begin with :Penicillin )
2 – The teacher said to us , “ Have you answered all the questions? “
( Begin with : the teacher asked …. )
3 – The weather is very hot today ( Begin with : I wish …..)
4 – Aly helped the old lady cross the crowded street. ( Begin with : It was kind ………….)
5 – Perhaps my uncle has received our letter . ( Begin with : My uncle may …………….)
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان مايو 97
1 – Ahmed is a nice fellow . He lives next door to us ( Join using : who)
2 – This jacket is very tight . I cannot wear it . ( Join using : …… too ….. to ………….)
3 – Eating the right food has a good effect on health . ( rewrite using : affect )
4 – Will you see “ Hard Times “ on the TV this afternoon ? ( Begin with : Hatem asked Mohsen )
5 – Ahmed did not receive his friend at the airport because he was ill . ( Begin with : If ….)
Do as shown between brackets :-امتحان أغسطس 97
1 – The government will reclaim two million feddans in the new Delta .
( Begin with the underlined words )
2 – He bought two books only as he did not have enough money ? ( rewrite using : If )
3 – We do not know the cause of the earthquake . ( Begin with : Nobody … )
4 – What are your plans after passing this exam ? ( Begin with : Ali asked Ahmed ……. )
5 – First she went to many shops . Then she bought her new dress . ( Join using time )
Do as shown between brackets:- مايــو 98
1 – “ Why didn’t Ahmed go to school yesterday ? “
( Rewrite beginning with : the teacher wanted to know …. )
2 – Our teacher can solve this problem in a short time . ( Use capable )
3 – Without my father’s help, I wouldn’t have passed my exams ( B.W unless )
4 – They never tea lies , …………..? ( Add a question – tag )
5 – The government will build one thousand schools next year .
( Begin with : By the end of next year ….. )
Do as shown between brackets:- أغسطس 98
1 – I’m sorry , I didn’t want to disturb you .
( Make one sentence using: apologise )
2 – We needn’t take a taxi . We’ve already missed the train .
( Join beginning with : It’s no use)
3 – You mustn’t park your car here . It’s no- parking area .
( Make one sentence beginning with : parking )
4 – The carpenter will make a new desk for me . ( Begin with : A new desk
5 – Do you remember my friend Ahmed ? I introduced him to you last month .
( Join using a relative pronoun )
Do as shown between brackets:- مـايــــو 99
1 – He was so careless. He didn’t stop when the red light was on. (Join beginning with: It was)
2 – “ Where did you find my watch ? I was looking for it.“ ( Begin with: He wanted to know )
3 – She likes to buy this ring, but she hasn’t got enough money . ( Rewrite beginning with: if only )
4 – Finishing the project at the end of this month, the manger will go abroad .
( Begin with : As soon as …. )
5 – It was necessary for him to find a solution to the problem . ( Rewrite using: had to …. )
Do as shown between brackets:- أغسطس 99
1 – I’d like you to help me lift this heavy box.
( Begin with : “ Do you mind ….. ? “)
2 – A virus has destroyed millions of computers all over the would recently .
( Begin with : Millions of computers ….)
3 – First he arrived at the airport. Then he remembered that he had forgotten his passport . ( Join using : until )
4 – I learnt how to use the computer perfectly four months .
( Begin with : “ Fancy …….”)
5 – He will finish the report in a week . ( Rewrite using : By next week )
Do as shown between brackets:- مــايـــو 2000
1 – “ If you get high marks in the exam, I’ll buy you a bicycle .”
( Rewrite beginning with : Sameh’s father promised … )
2 – Someone broke into our house at the weekend ( Begin with : our house
3 – My dearest hope is to join the faculty of Medicine . Begin with : I wish
4 – The little boy found a gold watch . He took it to the police.
( Join beginning with ; No sooner )
5 – Although Ibrahim played well, he failed to score any goals .
( Begin with : ‘ In spite of … “ and make any necessary changes )
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning: 2002
1-She has a very sweet voice, but she does not want to be a singer.(In spite of)
2-He told the policeman that he hadn't heard any voice. (denied)
3-It's not necessary for you to attend the Board meeting. (don't have to)
4-Someone said that he had seen Sami at school, but Sami was in Alexandria. (Sami can't …)
5-In the coming years, we will do most of our shopping on the internet. (be)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2002
1-The boy had fallen off his bicycle and the policeman hurried to help him at once (No sooner …)
2-I am willing to stay till you return. (don't mind)
3-She usually gets up late in the morning. (is used to)
4-She told her employer that she was sorry she had arrived late. (apologized)
5-People admired the man for his courage. (by)

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2003
1-He has seen the man who robbed the bank. (have been)
2-If she had studied hard, she would have passed the exam.(because)
3-My friend Noha was ill. She did not go to school. (can't have)
4-Hala said," I am really happy for your success, Sammer."(Hala told)
5-I had stayed for two hours in the clinic, then the doctor arrived.(after)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2003
1-The man is too weak to go for a walk alone. (so … that)
2-She will have finished her work by eight o'clock. (have been)
3-My mother said to me," Don't interfere in other people's affairs"
(advised me)
4-Ahmad must be sick. That's why he is absent. (the reason)
5-A friendly character helps a person specially at interviews.
(in your favour)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2004
1-Can I borrow your story book, please? (mind)
2-He wanted to know if I had attended the conference the night before.
(He asked me)
3-Adel will be severely punished for his bad manners. (mother)
4-He was too tired to do his homework. (so - that)
5-Without your help. I would have lost my way in the desert. (If)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2004
1-I'm sure he didn't study hard. (couldn't)
2-I arrived very late at the airport. The result was that I missed my plane.
3-the father said to his son that he wouldn't give him any money.(refused)
4-She usually gets up late in the morning. (is used to)
5-"Will you come tomorrow?" (He asked me if)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2005
1-It's midnight you shouldn't be doing your homework now. (supposed)
2-People today still read Doctor Aisha's books. (Doctor Aisha's books)
3-He asked, "Did Hana get treatment?" (He wanted to know)
4-They told her it was wonderful that she had passed the driving test.
5-I like most of my school subjects but not Math. (although)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2005
1-Poverty drove him into a life of distress. (They …)
2-If the team do not improve their game. They are going to lose the match. (unless)
3-You mustn't talk during the test. (supposed to)
4-I am sorry I didn't phone him. (wish)
5-Samir told me that Ali had an accident and I telephoned the hospital at once. (as soon as)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2006
1-She has a very sweet voice, but she does not want to be a singer.(In spite of)
2-He told the policeman that he hadn't heard any voice. (denied)
3-It's not necessary for you to attend the Board meeting. (don't have to)
4-Someone said that he had seen Sami at school, but Sami was in Alexandria. (Sami can't …)
5-In the coming years, we will do most of our shopping on the internet. (be)
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning: 2006
1-He said, "Why don't we stay at home and play chess?" (suggested)
2-Heating makes water boil. (If)
3-You can't be serious! (joking)
4-She was taken to hospital due to her illness. (as)
5-You should have been careful. (supposed
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:2007
1-Nader total me he was sorry that he had lost my pen. (apologized)
2-It's possible that she has been delayed in traffic. (could)
3-He gave me such a fright by knocking very loudly on the door. (frightened)
4-What is your opinion of Al Ahram Weekly? (think)
5-The Eiffel Tower in Paris was designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1885. (Gustave Eiffel)
4-Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same
Because of the bad storm, we couldn't go swimming. (since)
Who are you going to invite to your birthday party? (fee invited)
It's no laughing mailer.(serious)
He told me he was sorry that he had arrived late.(apologized)
There are no students in this class under fifteen but Ahmed.(Apart....)
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